Oh god it's already happening

Overall I really like the upcoming changes. However my first 3 games have been huntress with iri head trying to use them up before the rightly needed change. It's going to be a painful week I think.
Painful 3 weeks. As expected.
37 -
Kind of reminds me of how killers saw nothing but instaheals every game because BHVR gave survivors a 1 month warning before nerfing them. Same with BNPs and toolboxes overall. As is it now with keys.
I don't think you get to complain about the one time killers get to have some fun.
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No I actually agree with you, I'm rank one killer and survivor. I just wish with things like this they would just nerf it without warning to stop this happening.
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They did that with mori's, while at the same time giving survivors a now...over 5 month warning that they were going to rework keys.
Like I said, killers deserve this one.
A good portion of my 1283 iri heads will be put to use the next while.
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Yeah it's gonna be pretty painful. Even though I've come to like survivor more I think I'll play some killer with non-toxic builds to give survivors a little break in between iri head games.
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Where can i see those changes?
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There's no such thing as non toxic builds. Just because you don't like something doesn't make it toxic.
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Omg, thanks for the reminder. I need to do this after work.
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Oh god I remember the insaheal invasion.
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Builds that facilitate toxic behavior*, sorry, thought it was pretty clear.
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From my experience as soon as the survivors know it's iri head they either DC or kill self on hook. Kinda wasting the huntress time and the survivors time. As a decent huntress I wouldn't bring it anyway, it's looked down upon by good huntresses.
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PTB should start in around 6 hours.
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Oh god I remember that. Facing an insta heal almost every game for a month was pure torture.
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Yeah, I was afraid this was going to happen. Same thing thing happened with Insta-Heals and Moris. Very painful times.
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can confirm, played a few games of survivor earlier, and they were all against Iri head Huntress...
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It didn't happen with mories though because they got a stealth change.
Although I'm 100% sure this isn't happening with keys, so next midchapter is going to be a 4 keys every match.
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There's at least one key every match already.
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Weird. All of my trials have been forever Freddy. It's become completely obnoxious.
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I dread when other survivors bring keys because it's usually a sign to the killer to go no holds barred lol
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Luckily I play on switch with crossplay off so the Iri Head Huntress Apocalypse has not set in yet... however after about a month Freddy disappeared for the most part because people weren't playing him (they freaking all prestiged him like me) and now it's the Freddy Apocalypse.
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My mistake then, but I certainly remember people going nuts with Moris. Maybe it was something else.
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It was likely the tome challenge to "Kill a survivor by your hand while they are exposed using the perk rancor". A lot of people cheesed that with moris and NOED.
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Not only that, on Solo queue people with keys tend to play in a very peculiar way, unless the Killer is getting decimated once there are 3 or 4 gens fixed they usually disappear never to be seen again near a gen, waiting for people to die so the Hatch spawns and they can use it.
Its odd, keys are supposed to increase my chances of escaping yet when I see a Survivor with them (unless a 3 SWF team) I tend to die a lot more.
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The PTB starts today. You can avoid the Huntress stampede, using up their Iri Heads, by going and playing a week in the test phase.
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Not if you’re on console. 😭
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*Sad console noises*
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Remember to rate how much fun you had in the post-trial screen. 5/5 is a good starting point.
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Kinda sucks they don't do more insidious changes. Like how they threw the mori change on suddenly to avoid a mori invasion.
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Good that the rank reset was today, so i don't have to play the 5 games for red rank vs. iri huntressess.
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Toxic behavior = *Trying to win* ; *having fun*
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Don't be sad, you can now move 4.6m/s with Huntress with no hatches if you find and use a red add-on. So smile, BHVR basically says "Huntress becomes M1 killer in high ranks especially against SWFs".
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I see keys nearly every game. Your nightmare will end in a few weeks.
When will mine?
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I know right? We have been waiting months... since the Mori nerf... to see the damn keys get adjusted.
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they aren't changing keys at all. all that changed was the hatch open time from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. a good team will all be right there at the hatch and THEN use the key. nothing really is being changed substantially about keys yet.... so I still say they are not going to change them. sure hatch changes are good but as i said they'll still be right there and poof they are out.
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keys weren't changed one bit. still easy as hell to get in the chests with all the chest perks survivors have now. and though hatch time has changed it doesn't change that they would not jump out till everyone getting out were right there and therefore the time change doesn't really affect keys.
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I know? That is what I said isn't it? I said we have been waiting months... since the Mori nerf to see keys get adjusted. What did you think I said?
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you said you've been waiting months for these key changes and they haven't come yet is my point.
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Yeah... that is my point too. Maybe I need more caffeine.
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And you are assuming this person just happens to waste all their heals and bnps because "urf theyll get nerfed".
If you know they did its fair but still condesending.
Shaming someone for being annoyed at it will only be there to make you feel better.
Yes they get to complain and so do the killers about the key bs. Voicing an opinion shouldnt be a privledge.
Stop pinning the devs decisions on individual players.
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That's because every other game had a morri... content creators on Youtube were struggling to record footage due to bombarding of morris
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The last part of what you said doesn't even make sense. That addon has been in the game for ages so this is not 'the one time killers get to have some fun'. They've been getting to have that fun ever since iri head was added to the game. Only this time you can make yourself feel better about playing on easy mode because 'you have no choice' but to use them now.
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I'll never understand people thinking like this.
Like, instead of using other addons and custom matches to practice to have their throws count and thus be impressive, they throw a tantrum.
Why? (I mean, we all know why)
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Enjoy for now.
The wait time will get even longer once this update is applied.
You won't be able to play as many matches as you do now since there will be less killers.
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Very rarely do I see a survivor bring a key. like 5% of matches if that.
I don't know what BHVR plans on reworking for keys but, I always thought they should only be found in game. Like, the match has gone horribly and your only chance is to try to find a key.
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You're a saint sir. Don't let anyone corrupt you.
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Waiting ten minutes for a survivor cue to face insta-down ranged Iri head, is not fun...
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Certain things should be shadow nerfed to avoid making the game unplayable for a week.
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From the day they announced they were "looking into keys and moris" i havnt played a single killer game without an ebony mori, until the nerf came. And others did as well. On the same note, i have used up nearly all keys i have.
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Guess I'll be using all my keys. If it's an Iri Head Huntress, I'll use the key. If it's not I won't use it even if I'm the last survivor.
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I honestly would rather save them then get the new Iri add on so after 1 hatchet I can loop if I want just for the lols