Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I'm starting to hate this game.



  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    That's my experience as well. If I'm not actively disrupting survivors at all times, then gens are gonna pop left and right.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    you dont have to continue your match ya know, just end it and move on, its not worth your time

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 145

    So as long as YOU have fun it is okay? You understand that the game has 5 players not just you?

    So bc YOU want to have fun, you gonna ruin the game for everyone else?

    And how exactly is tunneling and camping fun? You do jack sh%t and just sit and watch ppl die...

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    It is not an exploit as the devs have never, to my knowledge, called it an exploit.

    Insidious has been in the game since day 1, the gen timers have been set up in such a way that if you leave somebody to rot on the hook because of a camper, the killer will lose most of his gens.

    The reason camping is an issue is because player refuse to make the right play and do the gens.

    People have this misguided sense that "everybody must survive". While it's true this is a team game, sometimes you have to cut your losses and do something that goes against your sense of duty for the betterment of the team. And sacrificing one so that more can get out due to a camper is absolutely the right call - so start making it instead of feeding these guys.

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    This is when I get tempted to suicide on the hook. I don't mind being the goat if the other players do gens and leave. But I always play with randoms who don't know any better and refuse to yield the 1k and snowball it into 4. 1k is not a great killer game and they will eventually reevaluate their strategy if the survivors stop feeding them.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,175

    Well to be fair, if you know its a camping Bubba in basement, you're not supposed to go for the save, as bad as that're dooming your entire team if you do get caught (and you most likely will).

    Had this happen to me a few days ago, and instead of going for the hooked teammate in the basement, the 3 of us hopped on gens and cranked them out and the guy on hook thankfully bought us as much time as possible.

    Bubba got a 5.5k score at the end, lol. Punish them for that strat, don't play into it.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    No offense but survivors don't care about killers fun either. That's a two way street that got demolished a long time ago. Now as to OP i actually had to look and see if it was my game last night. I was struggling to do the basement hook challenge with my normal rotation of killers so I brought my Bubba out of retirement through iron grasp on and decided to see what the hype was about. If was fun for those two games (challenge done btw) but don't see how this could be a playstyle.

  • HuDawg
    HuDawg Member Posts: 312

    You know you can always uninstall the game if you're not having fun🙂

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    Oh, camping is way more intentional than you think. If you watch the devs play killer, you'll see why they think its a great strategy: they use it. Every match.

    Also, if those are what are considered "exploits," because they were never intended to be in the game, looping is also an exploit. That's right, the main form of gameplay was actually an exploit originally.

    Wow, reading that back... I'm mostly just speechless.

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 145

    That is not camping tho :) Unless you stood in their faces and never let anyone to unhook or had insidious and was in corner waiting for ppl to rescue and never left the basement/killershack.

    Iron grasp is fine. And I understand sometimes it is a valid strategy, do not get me wrong. BUT if your first hook is camping then it is not strategy, you just want to see ppl die on hook, compensating something... You won't even pip... So it is not valid strategy...

    And yea, I do not deny survivors are toxic too.

  • Danoobiel
    Danoobiel Member Posts: 132

    Look, "The one that shall not be named" said on stream "Insidious Bubba is quite cool. It's a dangerous strategy, but it's pretty neat."

    I know there are people over there, that have quite the different opinion, but he is still thier is the main balance guy.

    Camping sucks. I know. I get quite the share of it myself.

    But you know what also sucks?

    Chasing in this game. On every map are like 26+ pallets. Everyone runs dead hard. Bait perks like Adrenalin and items like styptic agent.

    I can 100% understand if people getting sick of this. I'm sick of it myself.

    Also there is nothing for killers to deal with this. PWYF is bugged, it's hard to justify the perk slot for Bamboozle.

    Also I think the problem doesn't lie with Insidious (Insidious plays can be funny and creative outside of the basement), but with Bubba having an too easy time downing people.

    Maybe his chainsaw just shouldn't work in the basement.

    But if the PTB changes to BT stick it won't be tied to the terror radius anymore, anyway and it will trigger Insidious or not.

    Which is good.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    As if survivors care about the killer's fun

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Um outside of when I was a noob and thought insidious made me invisible I have never used it. yes I am not joking before I was rank 1, forums, wiki, had every perk/killer that is what I thought it did. Never tried it again. To elaborate no I did not facecamp but my goal was to get as many hooks down there so I wasn't to far away but anytime I take the time to haul someone to the basement I try to make the team pay for going down near it or at killer shack.

  • Erak
    Erak Member Posts: 97

    When the killer camps, do gens and leave him with his 1K.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Honestly I think the best thing they can do for camping is give all survivors hit and grab immunity if the killer is within hook range for too long. The effect can wear off within say 15-20 seconds after the camped survivor is unhooked. This would literally stop most camping because there would be no reason to do it at that point. Camping needs to be an extremely punishable (by mechanics) action since its not a reportable offense.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    God forbid the killer actually fulfills the role of being a killer. I don't know if you've ever seen the texas chainsaw massacre, but bubba hiding in the basement is pretty much on point thematically.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    You can completely dominate in a trial, and not camp anyone. Just play well, and you won't pip as killer. Happened to me all the time, well, when i was actually playing the game.

    As a side note: in my 2+ years playing this game, I would say that playing killer as the game is now, feels a lot like it feels being face camped as survivor, even when winning. That pressure you feel when you're being face camped? How you know you're not going to escape? Every match feels like that with the way gen speeds are. What's worse? The devs aren't even acknowledging it (they actually keep making those speeds faster), and you have people on here complaining about occasionally being face camped.

  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Because SWF didn't think about my fun when they were tbagging me at gates when I was a noob with 500 hours, because the hate mail that I received for playing certain killer or certain addons was not justified and the last one, because I play for me, for having a funny time, not for your Entertainment or fun, I am a killer, not your babysitter.

    Hell no, I dont care about your fun as survivor, that is your task

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    And that wouldn't be totally abused by survivors....

    Camping isn't a fun or particularly effective strategy, but it is a valid one. Why should the game mechanics severely punish the killer, when competent survivors can already do so?

    Camping isn't an offence of any kind, reportable or not.

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378

    Camping is an exploit. Source: Myself :'D

    Do you also think being behind a box in CoD is also exploiting?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    But the point is it should be and I'm quite sure I'm not the only person that feels that way. Camping ruins the game for me and if I had to guess probably a lot of other people too. Also my suggestion wouldn't be abused by survivors. If you're thinking survivors will just run to a camped hook just to get the immunity buff I proposed keep in mind it would all be conditional. The buff would only activate if the killer stays too close to the hook for a certain amount of time. The buff could go away shortly after the camped survivor is unhooked or when they die. If they die because survivors camped the hook also then make that a reportable offense to discourage the survivors from doing it. How else could it be abused?

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Yea what a goofy Bubba. he should be in the corner where the chest can usually spawn. Those are them rules... This guy is not a man of culture.

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256

    Again, just because you personally don't like an aspect of the game, which is not always directly the fault of the killer, doesn't mean that is should be banned. That is reserved for unintended mechanics and exploits.

    Here is one scenario which shows how easily abusable it is:

    Survivors have a gen almost completed. The killer downs one and hooks him near the gen. Your proposed idea would then prevent the killer from defending the gen, as the other survivors wouldnt be able to be hit or grabbed while repairing it. This would force the killer to have to hook further away from then gen, basically giving up a gen for free and opening themselves up for easy sabo /bodyblock plays.

    Not to mention that you propose that the immunity effect on all survivors remains for a period of time after the hooked survivor is rescued. That is basically an op version of old BT, which was already op, hence the need.

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    Ohh such an edgy reply, oof can you at least hold my coffee while i go cry in the corner? Because let's face it, after that reply i'm just psychologically devastated -.-

  • EliskaMM
    EliskaMM Member Posts: 145

    So bc someone was d%ck to you, you become dic%k to everyone else? Make sense..

    Still didn't answer my question, how is camping fun, but whatever I feel sorry for you...

  • BSVben
    BSVben Member Posts: 256
  • Swampoffering
    Swampoffering Member Posts: 384

    Nope, I was a tunneler at that moment, but not an efficient tunneler.

    I was doing that because It was my win condition, even with the first DS, dropping and picking Up the survivors every 3 secs.

    Now I tunnel because is omegafun for me, because the average survivors level is pathetic and I can do what I want with them on 90% of my games.

    Its so funny for me watch survivors disconect when they eat mindgames o when I just Tbag them with Ghostface at the Hook.

    Am I toxic? Yes, I am. But for every killer like me there are 4 SWF doing the same, Is karma returning for me :)

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    3 hypotesys.


    2 like doing that abd will do It forever. Impossible to fix, need to counter with borrowed.

    3 feel not sure for his skill, so loss for loss play like That. So genrush him (killers fear), make the survivor die and move on.