So they added a totem counter...

To Small Game. Still nothing to try and bridge the gap between SWF and solos, solos are still expected to run perks in order to gain the information that SWF get for free.
I honestly wish that the devs would just stick to their word for once.
As a perk.
Why am I not surprised.
7 -
It’s better this way stop complaining.
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No, no it really, really isn't.
26 -
The Hook counter ought to be on a perk too. Adding UI boosts to Survivors is bad design and just helps encourage everyone spamming the same four meta perks.
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No it isn't, you can completely stomp 4 solos with any killer at the minute. SWF on the other hand are practically unbeatable with many of the killer roster. The only way that this game will ever be balanced is if solos and SWF are of equal strength, therefore meaning that killers can be balanced around a coordinated team, something hard to come across in solo queue.
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Imo it's ok, totems are an optional objective so there is no need for a counter most of the times. Introducing it just to counter one perk feels unnecessary in addition to be sort of a nerf.
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It's not about optional objectives, it's about making the game more balanced for everyone: unless solo gameplay comes closer to SWF and killers are buffed accordingly, this game will never be balanced.
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And yet people are still going complain about noed please grow up
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Yes there was.
Hag/Trapper take minutes to set up an area to control and someone with this perk, which isn't common but possible, was legitimately immune to almost all your traps. As Hag, she's already nutty so its not too bad but for Trapper, it legitimately made him just an M1 killer who wasted 2-3 minutes setting up for no return factor.
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What are you talking about? Where did I ever complain about NOED?
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No you didn't complain about it but people are still going to
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Because it's still a solo-stomper perk that doesn't really affect SWF players that much and until the totem counter is base-kit and solos and SWFs are closer I will continue to ######### about that perk being a solo-stomper.
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Really don't get the radius decreasing for each totem cleansed. Someone is already sacrificing a perk slot purely on bone munching.
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They won't ever buff solos to SWF level in terms of base game. Too much effort.
SWF on comms will always get free perks, and solos and killers are always gonna suffer.
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I think the devs should all this info to the HUD instead of adding it to perks. Do they forget there's only 4 perk slots? I seem to remember them saying the new HUD was to make way for new features, so what they playing at?
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Next you'll be able to know what Hex has cursed you via the icon... Or slippery meat (that sounds wrong, so I probably got the name wrong) will have a chance of making a killers hit do no damage.
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I preferred Small Game being trap-oriented, it was a different option. It could have done with a tweak because of it's application being clunky, but it existed as an option for Survivor's who didn't like traps.
Now that option is gone and in return we have a totem counter, something that everyone has begged to just be added to the UI as standard.
I just don't understand BHVR's logic.
Oh, and Detective's Hunch is now obsolete. Pretty good job so far.
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It's not that difficult. The most information that SWF have can be added as additional gfx elements to survivor avatars: a survivor is being chased, a survivor hears a heartbeat (just add a hear-beating icon). It's not necessary to bring solo to the same level, they just have to make solo much closer to SWF and it doesn't require that much coding effort. No new sounds, no 3d models, no new game logic. They just refuse to for some reason or don't care, that's it.
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Giving totem counter is easy, buffing solos to SWF isn't.
And if they really do this, all killers will be underpowered. That means they need to revisit every killers. I can assure they won't like this.
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I just explained why it is easy. It's a matter of making a decision inside the DEV team. Killers don't have to be buffed individually, there are many ways to buff killers generally, there are also plenty of ways to nerf survivors in a way that will affect both solo and SWF to the same degree.
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... So you tell me that by playing with my friends i get an automatic notification that a totem was cleansed?
Im sincerely amazed how many people get the actual cwf advantage wrong.
HUD, UI, aura reading is spontaneous, automatic spoonfed info you dont have to activatre a braincell for.
Comms let you inquire others about info which they might not even have. Each survivor still needs to actually think about intending to inquire about info and relaying said info.
Yet everyones talking about all that free info. Swf doesnt have free info, they can talk about stuff they need to find out first.
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Yes, I am saying that by playing with friends on comms, you get an advantage, how is that not obvious to you?
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You probably should read my post again. Your answer is missing the point.
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It makes the perk BETTER as you cleanse, not worse, as it lets you more precisely find totems once there are fewer of them and thus your less likely to stumble onto them.
There absolutely was. Trapper's power had a lot of nonsense 'tech counters' baked into stopping it at launch back when BHVR thought it would be a good idea to have lots of interaction with powers (lightburn is another good example).
The issue is Trapper is making massive sacrifices to use traps. For one, it is his only power, so he gives up say... an on demand instadown like Bubba, and for another it takes him a LOT of time to set up. There were way too many effects in the game with strong interaction with his traps (old sabo, small game, OoO), as well as items (toolboxes, maps) that effectively made him worse than a regular M1 killer if he wanted to play around his power.
A single perk or item shouldn't hard counter trapper. Survivor perks actually need to be minor gameplay alterations that allow them to hone their strategy, rather than completely dumpstering a killer.
Put another way, imagine if say... Hex (Third Seal) not only blinded you, but broke you, disabled your perks, and made it so you couldn't vault, to get how absolutely crippling it was to have your traps revealed as Trapper. He is forced to just M1 around because the second he lays a trap (which takes him multiple seconds even ignoring having to carry it there) a survivor comes along and resets it in less time than his setting time.
2 -
The fak?
"We buffed a perk for everyone"
Because it's a completely different ######### thing? I mean I didn't ask why say, the Demogorgon changes, or the new map were not solo queue buffs lol.
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Because people have asked for a totem counter for ages? But instead they decide to tie it to a perk. This is a perfect example of where the devs had the opportunity to buff solo without buffing SWF, but they just decided not to take it.
SWF can ask their team how many totems have been cleansed, solo cannot. Adding a totem counter would have given this information to solo players without providing SWF any extra benefits.
Not only that but the change wasn't objectively a buff, they traded the ability to detect traps for the totem counter, which again, should have been made base kit anyway.
5 -
They added a totem counter. That's pretty clearly sticking to their word. Same thing with DS and object changes.
I get it's trendy and cool to hate on BHVR, but there's a limit at which you stop even addressing the issue at hand and start going directly for personal attacks.
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This isn't even going for a personal attack, this is that adding a totem counter to the HUD to bring solos up to scratch with SWF, as well as various other solo buffs that don't impact SWF, is the only way they'll ever be able to actually balance the damn game, but instead of doing that they are plainly ignoring that.
4 -
Apparently attacking BHVR's integrity isn't personal. Nice that we're learning new revelations every day that aren't even true.
I agree that a totem counter should be integral to the HUD. Probably more nuanced than just a counter saying "x totems left," just so it doesn't look too cluttered. But it's not the end of the world. If it ever gets to the point where NOED is running rampant throughout the meta game, then people can start equipping small game, considering that DS is just ... not great.
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To the best of my knowledge, saying that a company as a whole are doing something isn't a personal attack, singling out a singular person (say, not_Queen or Almo) and blaming them as the sole reason for something would be a personal attack.
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Let's not be pedantic, it is clear she was attacking the repute and ethos of BHVR as the entity, not any fault of their actions or choices.
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No I wasn't? I'm just disappointed that BHVR have yet again, failed to follow through with their promises. If I wanted to attack anyone I'd be insulting and name-calling specific members of BHVR, but I don't. I simply want to bring the fact that the devs have seemingly made an empty promise to people's attention.
3 -
"I honestly wish that the devs would just stick to their word for once."
Going straight for BHVR's integrity is quite patently an attack against the character. If you want to highlight a broken promise (and this isn't even a broken promise, they said they'd give a totem counter and here it is, just in a very unsatisfactory way), then you attack the promise. Not the entity.
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You do realise that BHVR have made seemingly empty promises before right? It's been over a year since they promised to incorporate LGBT representation into this game and guess what? Nothing has happened in that year.
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So the solution is attack those promises. Not BHVR.
Plus, they have 4 chances for adding new characters every year, and each release is planned extensively beforehand. Who they release this year were probably conceptualized last year.
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The issue with adding a permanent counter for everyone is that seeing a reminder to do totems will turn every hex perk useless
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Yeah no, people are allowed to complain about this type of stuff. It's definitely a nice change, but it still requires solo players to use a perk slot for information that swf have for free. This does not help with the imbalance of swf and solo survivors.
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Sure, they could and SHOULD have made it basekit, but its still better than before. Of course we still have a reason to complain tho.
It really should be basekit.
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This counter should be base just like teammates auras when someone is on hook
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You're right, I can never take Kindred out of my build because solo queue is damn near unplayable without it. You either bring Kindred or have a decent chance of being left on the hook until struggle phase... I just wish they would stop adding the most basic stuff to perks. I only have so many perk slots.
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So you're saying double the survivor perk slots!
I hope everyone knows I'm kidding please to berate me!
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PErsonally i am happy there is no totem counter. It would make the game far less enjoyable and easy. This way at least there is some "pressure" on it.
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I'm calling it now. Even with a totem counter. They still won't do bonez
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Yeah, making those effects base for solo survivors would allow them to redesign the perks and make cool stuff with them.
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You’re clutching at straws a bit there. Of course SWF get a ton of free info, it’s very disingenuous to deny it. There are so many perks you get for free, opening up slots for other goodies. I get that people want to play with friends and that’s fine, but let’s not pretend SWF aren’t at a huge advantage when it comes to information. The game was designed around working with limited info, alleviated to a degree by a few choice perks and SWF cheese their way around this design.
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i don't think the game will ever balance swfs or solos because it is near impossible i would like to hear your opinions how the game would do it
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Is your argument seriously that SWF doesn't have an advantage because SWF still has to go through the effort of opening their mouths and relaying information? Because that's like, the worst argument I have ever read.
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I get your point.. but why does it really have to be a totem counter in the first place? Why survivors have to get things for free when killers don't even have the hook counts like survivors do?
And i don't think giving solo players the power of a swf is a good idea at all. Facing SWF teams is horrible as a killer as it completely breaks the game balance.
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" to gain the information that SWF get for free."
Yeah using external and unfair advantage. In a perfect world that shouldn't be possible.
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So we buff killers to compensate? Is it really so difficult to follow my train of thought?