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How do I counter the new Borrowed Time in the end game?

Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

Is there any way to counter it during the endgame?



  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Unless I'm directly camping them, the unhooked person just takes the hit (unless I'm running an Insta Down killer).

    I messed around with this in PTB (with some potato friends, at that), and it's dummy strong endgame.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    You don't.


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    This kind of ruins the dynamic/exciting aspect (on both sides) of going for that EGC save when the outcome is pretty much guaranteed, particularly against co-ordinated players.

    The change overall seems like it could be ok/sensible, but this just seems like a legit boring scenario.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Pray they don't have it. If they do, go for the unhooker before they can get the unhook.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167


    I agree, it's gonna get real boring when Survivors start toying with killer morale in end game. DS + new bt will neuter killer control in these situations.

  • SavouryRain
    SavouryRain Member Posts: 340

    You play correctly by going for the unhooker

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404

    best case, camp. don’t look for survivors, they’re already there anyway. don’t hook next to doors. try to be out in the open where it’s easier to go around survivors who are trying to body block. I say that because survivors can only really body block you in place in narrow passages, between a pallet, etc. go for the unhooker & try to go around the guy body blocking with bt. easier said than done, but other than that there really isn’t another counter.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442
    edited April 2021

    Then camping has nothing to do with it.. i can already see how disgusting this change would be if it goes live. Just imagine how much free escapes BT will give now in the endgame, like if it wasn't already giving enough as it is and paired with DS.

    As a killer you better go back to the shack and go afk in the basement in EGC if the devs are giving green light to something like this lol

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Don't stand right by the hook, proxy camp & hit anyone that gets close enough, but not too far away where they can use the speed boost to escape while someone gets the unhook.

  • A_Creative_Name
    A_Creative_Name Member Posts: 23

    Bubba chainsaw go brrrrrrr.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229

    I like how even if you wanted to camp them that won't work either because grabs like ever work.

    If you try it will just kick you out of it and you'll have to then M1 someone.

  • Vatekanore
    Vatekanore Member Posts: 15

    You can wait out the timer, it's 3 seconds lesser than before, and also just face camp them, if the unhooker tries anything you get a trade right away

    Or just run NOED, then nobody can save regardless of BT

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Just 4k before the Gates are open. /s

    BT should have a downside during EGC. Otherwise the change to counter Camping stealth Killers is fine.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Alright then, tell us what we should do instead of camping during EGC when nothing else can be done.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    My recommendation was always just have it be, "if killer is within X meters of the hook, BT will proc".

    But this change also helps against basement Hag, which I won't complain about. You can actually do something about it other than flashlights or letting them die.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    it was if the killer is within X meters of the hook, this would be the terror radius. as that is the meter that was used. now it doesn't give a damn if the killer is off in the corner gorging on pustula serum on red forest. you get it though at a reduced time frame of use. but here's the kicker there is NO drawback if it is NEVER used! so this just gives the killer a chance to randomly run into a survivor that was unhooked far enough away the killer didn't go back but circled for another kill and blammo survivor that was unhooked runs right into the killer... oops! no camping, no tunneling what so ever just pure accidental meetings while BT is still active

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    Once they are unhooked I guess the only thing you can do is try and body block them until the 12(?) seconds is up.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827

    I mean who really cares, if you're just camping one person during the egc you've already lost, but the best play is to hit the rescuer as they come in, but if there are two healthy survivors to rescue you're screwed, just like before. I might ask you what has changed from before though because you were screwed in this situation before anyway unless using pig/Ghostface/Insidious hiding behind a wall. If you've lost this badly you shouldn't be rewarded with a dirty kill anyway so what the problem?

  • Callmehandsome
    Callmehandsome Member Posts: 529

    Well ironically the best way to counter BT in late game is to hard camp and hit the savior. If you give survivor too much space to rescue the saved survivor will body block with his BT/ and DS.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    The thing is, just remove the "terror radius" part of it and give it a set distance, like 32 meters from the hook.

    This change was to remove stealth killers being able to camp hooks, it seems. If that was the case, just give it a static number and remove it from being a terror radius. This will help remove stealth killers camping issues and not give it no matter what.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    As you say replace it with killer is within X meters of the hook, why change it then? TR rules it determines who is best. funny thing is it matters not because if the killer is not within the area, BT will expire and no one goes into the dying state or anything and the match moves on. this change is a nonsequiter and inconsequential change that requires some way to keep or use the oblivious status or the killer counterpart undetectable and that requires specific character or specific perks.

    but lets talk about this: so camping hooks is against the rules? lol well it is in the survivor's handbook for killers which has nothing to do with reality. no the reason this was done honestly is people on the side of the survivors crying about camping and stealth killers camping so to shut you all up they placated you. and because of that more killers will leave the game. I personally have not played more than a few matches in over three weeks myself. I completed all prior rifts, but i won't complete this one, why? I don't believe it is a game worth stressing over to play. I'd rather play FF14 and have lots of fun doing lots of things that if i mess up I know it was ME that messed up not because something else happened or someone didn't come save me etc. I have also seen the majority of the nerfs happening to the killer side for one reason or another and it's worse and worse. take DS, it was in a bad state for 2 years people of all walks of life complained about it and finally got "noticed" and altered. how ever 3 months after undying came out even though there were ways to prevent undying to really be effective, it was nerfed big time with a tiny little buff to carry over tokens as that happens. that's 3 months after it's release.. yet DS was in the meta for over 2 years straight and used in unintended ways. here is another aspect, mori's got reduced to side show freak status yet the counter point for it was keys (notice not the COUNTER to KEYS but the counter point) was told that there would be changes happening to keys soon and 5 months from then there is a 20 second reduction in hatch open time ( to 10 seconds open) but a good group would have everyone at the hatch ready to go in right away so that changed nothing yet the mori change was a very heavy handed and perhaps needed change but the survivors got to keep their keys for use as is till now. and even then they are still OP since they let you do many things than just open the hatch.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    If two people are dead then I would argue that you haven't yet lost in this scenario. I would always recommend guarding your hooked survivor if the gates are powered. You either secure your kill or get an opportuntiy to chase another survivor.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Oh, I'm not trying to complain or anything. I don't think this change was needed at all. The only thing I said when I read it was, "wait, why?" BT didn't need changes.

    I'm not trying to be a whiny survivor or anything. It was just my suggestion instead of BT being given no matter what. I personally don't think either was needed, except Freddy's dream world not allowing BT at all. It didn't need to be at all times, even in dream world. There could've been things to stop it in dream world too, but they decided to make it given no matter what, which I disagree with.

    I totally understand the frustrations, trust me. I'm not against you in any way. I'm a Detective's Hunch gamer, so Undying wasn't too bad. It was annoying, sure, but did not need all the changes it got.

    My Hag comment was just meant to be a comic relief joke.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    thing is you brought camping into the discussion and i'm tired of being told i'm wrong, i've played wrong, i've done wrong when i camp and even when I don't i'm accused of it! I honestly think BT was actually in a good spot, it was easy to know when bt would trigger and when it wouldn't. now it still is easy to know as it'll happen every time. I agree i think this was not even an issue and don't know why they changed it, but their change really does nothing to change how it works in the game truly so it's a nonissue for me.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    It blows my mind how a few people are being wilfully ignorant or, worse yet, don't even understand the situation being presented.

    This does not apply to the majority of replies, to be fair.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    or... you can just wait out the 12 seconds and them smack them back down. problem solved

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Which is countered by 99% exit gates that are only opened as everyone runs out.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    the purpose of the BT change was to counter stealth killers who it would not activate against. How hard is that for people to understand???

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Apparently as hard as understanding the topic and scenario that you're replying to, or, worse still, the exact quote you're replying to.

    I'd be much obliged if you could reiterate to me what you think my concern is along with a potential solution for the exact scenario.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    if you wanna counter BT at endgame than wait out the 12 seconds.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    if you are near the hook. hit the rescuer twice.

    if you are away enough where you can't afford to hit the rescuer twice, try to bodyblock the unhooked and count to 12.

    if you are away from the hook and from the gate, why are you away from both during the endgame? this one is on you

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Anyone know how far away from the gate you have to be for "counting to 12" to be effective?

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Hit the person coming for the unhook before they unhook.

    If there's multiple people left alive, then they're probably going to just body block anyway.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    You don't. The BT change is insane to me and shouldn't be made in the normal game. BT already made hooking near exits pointless

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    I'm not saying camping or tunneling is wrong. You bought the game, you play it how YOU want to play it.

    Sure, playing like that can be seen as more unsportsmanlike, but who cares? You bought the game to play how you want to play. The devs have already said camping and tunneling is not reportable.

    Not to mention, camping and tunneling are necessary sometimes, like for end game, for example. What is the killer supposed to do? NOT try to secure the kill and leave the hook?

    For me personally, the ONLY time BT was lacking was against Freddy due to dream world, but with this update, they made it to where you CAN'T go into dream world for 30 seconds after using a clock, no matter what. That fixed the issue. Nothing else was really needed for BT.

  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    12 or even 15 second is a lot longer than people give credit for. You know how much distance that can get you? BT was initially meant as a second chance for camping killers, but now it is a "punishment" no matter what it where you were.

    As a killer, if you're not camping and manage to accidentally run into or find the person unhooked than someone else, you get punished, even if you weren't trying to camp or tunnel.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Lol I honestly thought for a second I posted this. Yeah BT time is too much now.