Can we change sole survivor now that it doesn’t synergize with OoO?

Sole Survivor:
As more of your friends fall to the killer, you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's aura reading abilities towards you are disrupted.
Your aura cannot be read by the killer within a max range of 24 meters for each killed or sacrificed survivor.
Sole Survivor:
Sometimes, you need to rely on yourself to get things done. Others only brings a greater chance for mistakes and that’s something you can’t afford.
After escaping the killer’s grasp, you leave no scratch marks or pools of blood, your grunts of pain are silenced (100%; trumps all effects), and your aura is suppressed for 6/7/8 seconds.
While being carried by the killer and with no other survivors within a 16 meter radius, your wiggling speed is increased by 10/10/15%.
All survivors within a 16 meter radius, while you are being carried, is notified that you have Sole Survivor.
Increases your chances of becoming the obsession.
All of Laurie’s perks seem to be meant for a more selfish and extreme survivor play style. As such, the new version of Sole Survivor is meant to reinforce that idea by making the user want to be alone when being carried to a hook or, if coordinated enough, have their team preemptively sabotage hooks to preserve the effect.
The additional stealth aspect of Sole Survivor is meant to shift its original synergy with OoO and instead place it with DS. As while DS punishes Tunnelers, it does not prevent tunneling itself. After being stunned, the killer can still find and continue tunneling the survivor if they really want to. Defeating its assumed purpose as an Anti-tunneling perk.
It also adds more weight to perks like whispers and spies in the shadows since only those perks will be able to track someone with Sole Survivor once they escape your grasp.
Solo Survivor 100000% needs a rework but this sounds way too OP.
You know that people suggested this to Boil Over (faster wiggle speed) and it didn't passed. Also, Iron Grasp would have a joke numbers compare to this perk.
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A boost to wiggle speed I feel would be unnecessary as I feel in areas like the basement of the preschool it could be completely impossible for the killer to make it to a hook
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you really need to increase the radius of this perk's wiggle speed buff to balance it
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Honestly, at first I thought the minimum range should be about as much as breakout’s range. However, after reading other comments, I guess the secondary effect is too much or at without enough draw backs. Either 12 or 14 meters would probably work best. The primary effect is to escape the killer’s grasp without being found.
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I can see why, however without the wiggle speed increase, there almost no situations where the reworked Sole Survivor could be used besides mega bully squads (several broken hooks and breakout) where the effect of Sole Survivor is not needed or the killer is tunneling (with DS). Despite that though, would a good compromise is to increase the detection range and decrease the wiggle speed increase?
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I feel that the wiggle boost gives more consistent value to Sole Survivor, allowing it to work even without the standard wiggling build of Flip Flop, Breakout, Boiled Over, and Unbreakable. However, in cases where there are hook dead zones. The perk can still exist by simply removing those hook dead zones.
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I like the idea. It increase the range and give an icon that this person has sould survivor tita it
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Not gonna lie, I had to read this a few times to get, but yeah; letting other survivors know that you have sole survivor would be a good QoL changes. I’m also assuming that extending the range means from 12 meters to 16 or 14, right?
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Sole Survivor should just work similarly to Fast Track where you get stacks when other Survivors are hooked, but each stack is permanent and reduces the range where the Killer can see your aura. Still synergizes with Object, but is still usable without it. I also think Sole Survivor should work like Spine Chill and alert you when the Killer sees your aura.
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Sole survivor prevents your aura from being shown which directly prevents OoO from activating. Since it only works if the killer can see the OoO user’s aura. Also, OoO already notifies the user if the killer can see their aura since it will light up and reveal the killer’s aura. So in reality, Sole survivor would both redundant and counter productive to OoO and by itself.
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Yeah 16 or 18
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I feel 18 meters is a stretch but 16 sounds good.
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Sole Survivor still works fine with OoO.
There's already a wiggle perk, Flip-Flop.
You are making a single perk way too powerful.
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Very true, very true. So maybe not that. Kind of a shame because I'd really appreciate more perks like Distortion or Off the Record in the game.
As for your rework, I like that it synergizes with Decisive Strike. To make it a little stronger and more true to its original design, I'd increase the wiggle speed only for each killed or sacrificed Survivor (or neither, and make it hooked Survivors instead to counter snowball) and also increase the stealth time from 6/7/8 to 6/8/10 because that's the norm for similar perks like Poised and Self-Preservation. The Breakout safety net is also unnecessary. It's a rare perk already, and if we have the above conditions then it shouldn't be a problem (and it'll reward losing teams for altruism).
Sorry for the ramble. I just think conceptualizing perks is pretty fun.
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I disagree. Sole Survivor both promotes the death of your teammates and now inherently weakens OoO. If your aura is not revealed to the killer, you cannot see the aura of the killer. That’s the fundamental use of OoO besides figuring out the aura reading perks of the killer, which at that stage of the game, most should already know.
Also, Flip Flop requires the killer to slug for quite a while without another survivor picking you up or talking you to any nearby hook since it’s a maximum of 50% wiggle progress (assuming they get there).
Even then, there are multiple aura reading perks, scratch mark hiding perks, exhaustion perks, deception perks (deception, quick and quiet, red herring, etc.), and more. So why does there only need to be 1 wiggle speed increase perk?
The only part of your argument that I can see as possibly plausible is giving the perk too much. But even then, I can see that it is still inconsistent due to the possibility to not even get the wiggle speed effect from the position of teammates and the pathing of the killer towards a hook.
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I believe that inherently anti-snowball perks are not healthy for the current state of the game as it punishes the killer for quick downs and fast hooks, thus I’m more apprehensive about going that direction. Also, the current time of stealth is to better suit DS and was purposely made shorter than Poised and Self-Preservation due to its powerful effect.
Also the break out safety net was to prevent bully squads from using both to unfairly deny killer hooks. Since a 35% increase to wiggle speed is way too much, in my opinion. Especially for the dedication of only two perks.
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only if SWF gets nerfed
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I also like aura suppressing perks as well. Wish there were more of them.
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Lol if only.
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You can't nerf SWF.
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Might as well never run Breakout anymore if Sole Survivor does that.
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I mean go ahead, just hope your teammates stay out of your way. I very sure most won’t since they may be doing something like a generator/totem, wanting to get a flashlight/pallet/head on save, are slugged/hooked, or simply just don’t care.
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i would say sole survivor needs a complete rework but not the one you just mentioned:
each time a survivor gets sacrificed or killed, gain a token
tokens are used to instantly complete 25% of any action
you need to press the active ability button to use a token.
if you are the last survivor alive, vaulting speed is increased by 15%
if this is too op, you can make it so it doesnt work on generators.
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It still promotes the death of your teammates and for what it give probably doesn’t have much value unless you’re planning to gen rush you way to freedom, which is a strategy I guess. Also the ability to complete 25% progression is only worthwhile for generators since they are really the only thing that matter. I dislike the way this perk is but it is a valid way to change Sole Survivor which resembles the original reiteration more.
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I would change it like this
Sole survivor
you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's aura reading abilities are disrupted as your friends reach closer to death.
Each time your allies reaches a hook state you gain a token.
For each token you gain your aura will not be read by the killer within a max range of 4/6/8 meters.
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It still weakens the strength of OoO and it still promotes the death of your teammates. I guess incentivizing allowing your teammates to die is an intended result of Sole Survivor. At least this Sole Survivor will give actual value even if a teammate doesn’t die.
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the tokens can be used as like a better left behind. the killer closes hatch, and then if you have a token or two you actually stand a chance of getting out (by opening the exit gate with the tokens). the perk should live up to its name or they should just scrap it and give laurie a new teachable
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Left behind is an insurance perk. If you survive to the end, it increases your chance of escape. However, Sole Survivor rewards you each time a teammate dies. Thus, I was trying to shift it from that towards something more productive and trying still maintain a solo/alone play style.
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the thing with your rework is that you have to rely on your teammates not being morons. solo q survivors would probably kill this perk just like we'll make it cuz most of them run to the corner of the map to self care for 5 minutes. but it synergizes well with ds, ill give it that
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Yeah that’s kinda the point. It’s plays on the fact that you are alone and if others try to help you, or even are just nearby, they’re actively sabotaging you. Plus, if they run to the corner of the map, that helps you since they won’t be around to deactivate the wiggle speed bonus.