Can we change sole survivor now that it doesn’t synergize with OoO?

Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494
edited May 2021 in General Discussions


Sole Survivor:

As more of your friends fall to the killer, you become shrouded in isolation and the Killer's aura reading abilities towards you are disrupted.

Your aura cannot be read by the killer within a max range of 24 meters for each killed or sacrificed survivor.


Sole Survivor:

Sometimes, you need to rely on yourself to get things done. Others only brings a greater chance for mistakes and that’s something you can’t afford.

After escaping the killer’s grasp, you leave no scratch marks or pools of blood, your grunts of pain are silenced (100%; trumps all effects), and your aura is suppressed for 6/7/8 seconds.

While being carried by the killer and with no other survivors within a 16 meter radius, your wiggling speed is increased by 10/10/15%.

All survivors within a 16 meter radius, while you are being carried, is notified that you have Sole Survivor.

Increases your chances of becoming the obsession.


All of Laurie’s perks seem to be meant for a more selfish and extreme survivor play style. As such, the new version of Sole Survivor is meant to reinforce that idea by making the user want to be alone when being carried to a hook or, if coordinated enough, have their team preemptively sabotage hooks to preserve the effect.

The additional stealth aspect of Sole Survivor is meant to shift its original synergy with OoO and instead place it with DS. As while DS punishes Tunnelers, it does not prevent tunneling itself. After being stunned, the killer can still find and continue tunneling the survivor if they really want to. Defeating its assumed purpose as an Anti-tunneling perk.

It also adds more weight to perks like whispers and spies in the shadows since only those perks will be able to track someone with Sole Survivor once they escape your grasp.

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