PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
edited November 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

So imagine this. You're terrified out of your mind and you're trying to fix a freaking diesel generator. You probably don't know how to fix things to begin with. And then you get somebody else who runs up and starts trying to fix the generator. They might redo a wire that you did correctly the first time, or they're using your tools, or they get in your way!

When multiple survivors work on a generator together there should be a penalty!!!! NOT a bonus!!!!!!!!

This idea goes with my underlying idea's theme that survivors are using party chat, or Skype, obviously.

You need to penalize them for it.

NEEEEEED to, please 🙏

So anything that they would do together you need to penalize them for it, to combat the widespread use of chat usage.


  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    edited November 2018

    No I know exactly what I'm wishing for. Survivors already do GEN Rush all the time, the good players especially, and they're using chat. What needs to happen is they need to be separated so they can't always save each other and body block, and team up to repair gens super fast.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    ...Just slow the gens down and buff gen regression where it will be double it's old speed and every kick will remove 5% of its total progression. It would fix gen rushing and gen tapping.
  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    No. That's not the point. People are using Party Chat and it needs to be combated in some way and this is one of the only ways you could do it there needs to be penalties for multiple people on a generator and for multiple people healing

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Well... that is very poorly explained in the Wiki, which makes it sound like it gives a bonus, using less CPS the more people you have

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Yeahhhhhh, no, I see it now.

    The current setup just uses up charges more, but does not slow down repair speed.

    I'm saying more than one SURV on a GEN should slow it down, period

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    edited November 2018

    Maybe to balance my proposal, let skill checks be done by all other players on the GEN while the original actually does the repairing

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited November 2018

    @PubStar87 said:
    Yeahhhhhh, no, I see it now.

    The current setup just uses up charges more, but does not slow down repair speed.

    I'm saying more than one SURV on a GEN should slow it down, period

    Then why would they work together?

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    Do you mean in response to my proposal?

    Or do you mean to ask why would they work together at all at that point if Devs were to implement repair speed penalties?

    All I know is parties are ruining the console experience

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583
    I would like to publicly thank @Peanits for his kind and accurate explanation. Your game is better than it appears!

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    Some dbd players need to revisit their fourth grade math textbooks.
  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179


    1+1 = 2

    A ranked game + cheating = bad vibes

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250

    @Peanits said:
    Couple things to keep in mind about making generators actually slower with multiple people:

    • Nobody would work on them together. If you see another survivor, you'd just leave an go to a different one.
    • New players would not understand this, it's counter intuitive. Veteran players would get mad that some new player came along and slowed down their generator, maybe even think they're griefing.
    • With everyone working on different generators, they're working at maximum efficiency.
    • With everyone working on different generators, you cannot apply pressure. If you disrupt a generator with three survivors on it, you stopped three people from progressing. If you stop a generator with one person on it, there's still three people working on generators (at max efficiency).

    which is why this idea is ridiculous, just slowing the gens down by roughly 7 seconds at minimum would help in the long run.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    I can see yall are PC players, who aren't plagued by obvious abusers of loopholes when it comes to party chat
  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    While I understand your frustration with Gen Rushing I don't believe this would solve anything and in fact would, as others have said, cause Survivors to simply rush Generators independently, something which they already do quite well might I add. Gen Rushing, while annoying and inane, is a very valid and effective strategy due to how the game is currently set up. Giving an even larger penalty to Survivors who rush the same Gen will only have them spread out and do separate gens that you can't possibly keep on top of. The only times when I can effectively keep on top of Gens are when there are only one or two left to be done (So three or four on the map) and even then it'll heavily depend on the group. There are simply too many reasons as to why Gen Rushing exists, to adequately solve the issue you'd need to solve the underlying issues that encourage it to happen.

    While seemingly unrelated, my post on Totems and how to use them as Additional Objectives would actually play into preventing Gen Rushing quite a bit, give it a read and see if you agree;

    Additionally if SWF peeps are your issue I have another thread on that;

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    The basic premise I'm staying here as that survivors gang up on the same generator and get it done very quickly before you have a chance to even get over there and then they communicate and hide and heal each other immediately and go do another generator and unhook people immediately and it's just a never-ending cycle of cheaters communicating behind your back and cry braiding in a game in which there should not be any chat corroboration
  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    It would also make it easier for Killers to isolate and slow down the game
  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    As I mentioned in one of my threads, there's no way to "fix" outside voice comms between friends. It simply isn't possible, and while I 100% agree that it makes the game quite a bit broken there's no way you can force players to not use Discord to voice with one another. In my SWF thread I go over how to adapt the game for SWF groups, but wanting to eliminate voice chat would be a fruitless endeavour.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179

    But it's genuinely possible with consoles!!

    Easy peezy. Just disable ability to be in any party while playing DBD. That's it.

    Of course people will just skype with their phones but at least it will ruin their incoming video/audio!!

    Give us honest killers a fighting chance against all pro loopholers

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Nope. Not a good idea to punish people for teamwork. Just add secondary objectives.
  • CubeyBlueDice
    CubeyBlueDice Member Posts: 61

    There is a penalty: Your working with some one.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,413

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @Peanits said:
    Couple things to keep in mind about making generators actually slower with multiple people:

    • Nobody would work on them together. If you see another survivor, you'd just leave an go to a different one.
    • New players would not understand this, it's counter intuitive. Veteran players would get mad that some new player came along and slowed down their generator, maybe even think they're griefing.
    • With everyone working on different generators, they're working at maximum efficiency.
    • With everyone working on different generators, you cannot apply pressure. If you disrupt a generator with three survivors on it, you stopped three people from progressing. If you stop a generator with one person on it, there's still three people working on generators (at max efficiency).

    Think there'll be a rework of the killer offering, "Shroud of Separation"? Cause it like literally gives the survs a bonus in efficiency, lol.

    The upside is secretly making the survivors play super carefully because they think you have a mori.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Peanits said:

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @Peanits said:
    Couple things to keep in mind about making generators actually slower with multiple people:

    • Nobody would work on them together. If you see another survivor, you'd just leave an go to a different one.
    • New players would not understand this, it's counter intuitive. Veteran players would get mad that some new player came along and slowed down their generator, maybe even think they're griefing.
    • With everyone working on different generators, they're working at maximum efficiency.
    • With everyone working on different generators, you cannot apply pressure. If you disrupt a generator with three survivors on it, you stopped three people from progressing. If you stop a generator with one person on it, there's still three people working on generators (at max efficiency).

    Think there'll be a rework of the killer offering, "Shroud of Separation"? Cause it like literally gives the survs a bonus in efficiency, lol.

    The upside is secretly making the survivors play super carefully because they think you have a mori.

    yeah about that...
    didnt the devs say they wanted to add more secret offerings into the game like a year ago?
    i feel like any offering that isnot a bonus BP offering should be hidden, so no oone besides the one who used the offering knows how the game will be affected by the offerings until they see the end screen...

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @Peanits said:

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @Peanits said:
    Couple things to keep in mind about making generators actually slower with multiple people:

    • Nobody would work on them together. If you see another survivor, you'd just leave an go to a different one.
    • New players would not understand this, it's counter intuitive. Veteran players would get mad that some new player came along and slowed down their generator, maybe even think they're griefing.
    • With everyone working on different generators, they're working at maximum efficiency.
    • With everyone working on different generators, you cannot apply pressure. If you disrupt a generator with three survivors on it, you stopped three people from progressing. If you stop a generator with one person on it, there's still three people working on generators (at max efficiency).

    Think there'll be a rework of the killer offering, "Shroud of Separation"? Cause it like literally gives the survs a bonus in efficiency, lol.

    The upside is secretly making the survivors play super carefully because they think you have a mori.

    How does the survs playing safer make it easier on the killer?

    Easy, they're more likely to not be running around looking for totems, and not going for great skill checks. Some will also stay still or try and find a super dark place to hide while trying to see who and where the killer is.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @powerbats said:

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @Peanits said:

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    @Peanits said:
    Couple things to keep in mind about making generators actually slower with multiple people:

    • Nobody would work on them together. If you see another survivor, you'd just leave an go to a different one.
    • New players would not understand this, it's counter intuitive. Veteran players would get mad that some new player came along and slowed down their generator, maybe even think they're griefing.
    • With everyone working on different generators, they're working at maximum efficiency.
    • With everyone working on different generators, you cannot apply pressure. If you disrupt a generator with three survivors on it, you stopped three people from progressing. If you stop a generator with one person on it, there's still three people working on generators (at max efficiency).

    Think there'll be a rework of the killer offering, "Shroud of Separation"? Cause it like literally gives the survs a bonus in efficiency, lol.

    The upside is secretly making the survivors play super carefully because they think you have a mori.

    How does the survs playing safer make it easier on the killer?

    Easy, they're more likely to not be running around looking for totems, and not going for great skill checks. Some will also stay still or try and find a super dark place to hide while trying to see who and where the killer is.

    Why would you as a surv run around and hunt totems anyway? Only reason I'll ever do that is if they have Hex: Ruin.

    1. In case they've got NOED
    2. See number 1
    3. It's 600 objective points per totem, also see number 1
    4. You might run across another Hex totem say DH or TOTH the former needs to die asap, the latter protects the former and also at end game protects number 1.
    5. All of the above
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Wouldn’t it be better to have built in unnerving presence that effects only generator repair speed when within the killer’s TR?...
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Wouldn’t it be better to have built in unnerving presence that effects only generator repair speed when within the killer’s TR?...

    That's an interesting idea, but how would that work if they were running it anyways or are you saying that perk should get removed? Since if it's built in killers won't need to run it anymore and instead get a free 5th perk well half of one anyways.

    Would you tweak it some since it's a baseline kit mechanic to while affecting gens only doesn't have the same base effect and also not stack ?

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    It's actually slower in the long run to co-op the Gens.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Not if all 4 (or 3 once one is being chased) have leader and toolboxes, but I suppose the travel time has to be done by everyone so maybe? I'm unsure.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    True, but do you run around at the start of the match looking for the totems? Or do you do whatever is in front of you? Until you feel the effects of the totems.

    Most of the time I run around looking for totems as a matter of course, while the few time I spawn in front of a gen I might start working on it depending on the map and where it's spawned at.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SurpriseSurprise said:

    And in the case of something like the shroud of separatio (all 4 survs start in a different location), the likely-hood of that occurring increases, while also increasing the overall efficiency of the gen-repairs. IE: the offering itself is generally useless. Apart from the moderators suggestion that it makes survs think you've got a mori.

    The shroud if it's used properly is pretty good but generally it's only use is to make people think it's a Mori. But oftentimes even when it's used some survivors still start close together. It's actually more efficient for survivors to work solo on a generator than together.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,690

    Okay, first of all this is never going to happen. It makes no sense. There is an entire category of bloodpoints survivors gain by working together on objectives. If survivors were penalized more than they already are for working together then they simply wouldn't. But more than anything, this is one of those things that if they actually implemented it would hurt the killers the most. Be careful what you wish for. Survivors spread out working on different objectives are far more dangerous to the killer then survivors clumping together.

  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    I still (seriously) humbly beg to disagree.

    Pro teams use confusion, teamwork, flashlights, and VERY fast generator fixing to win.

    They can't do any of those if they're separated.

    Like you suggested, Shroud O Separation (SOS) could be done away with. It's useless against those who use party chat anyway. Instead the survivors should be separated every match. This would make perks to see your teammates and keys useful again. It would also make it way harder for Killers to predict SURV spawns as well! And it would make that Offering that spawns all SURV's together THAT much more valuable.

    Know how I got to rank 1 during this last Blight? I used ONLY things that chatters couldn't take advantage of.

    So what if survivors are scored on teamwork? Like that can't be tweaked? Lots of stuff falls under that umbrella already, just boost their BP values.

    Teamwork already is highly HIGHLY encouraged in this game for obvious reasons. Giving items, healing, unhooking, blinding, etc.... 

    They've re-worked the game mechanics so many times nobody could keep count. It's a game. It's JUST coding, not magic. 
    Any change takes work, planning, and re-integration with the rest of the game elements.

    As I've said before, this is likely the ONLY way to combat those who use chat....which as everyone knows was NOT intended to be in this game. That's why survivors only use hand gestures.

    So, how about we all shift our focus a tiny bit.

    Instead of shitting on my idea, offer up a better one, or admit this easily manipulated aspect of the game is utter nonsense that needs some real attention.

    Any takers?
  • PubStar87
    PubStar87 Member Posts: 179
    But what do I know? I was only KIL and SURV rank 1 last season.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @PubStar87 said:
    But what do I know? I was only KIL and SURV rank 1 last season.

    So was I but that doesn't make my comments anymore valid than the next persons and the same can be said for quite a few on both sides here.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Anymore valid than the next person's...

    Clears throat

    Wraith is viable at rank 1.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Aerys said:
    Anymore valid than the next person's...

    Clears throat

    Wraith is viable at rank 1.

    As I said in another thread that Wraith is pretty common at rank 1 the same for other stealthy type killers. Well played Wraiths will terrorize at rank 1 pretty regularly.