Blight and the illusion of fun.



  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Eh he just refuses to exploit, and uses off meta (for blight) perks because every big brain blight main seems to run the same 4 perks, add ons and play the same.

    Opinions exist bruh. Jeff or not, i disagree with much of what scott says, i just think he's the best example of a fair blight player.

    Then look at xeno if you want to see the average rank 1 blight.

    Same 4 perks, Rediculous stretched res on super low graphics with constant exploit abuse and insulting vhat\his opponents regularly.

    Many of the blights i play act just like him and live to slug at 4-5 gens. Not saying all do, but i hate blight more than freddy, slinger and spirit for a reason.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Thanks for the video and effort. You got much better rng than i ever do on autohaven forest.

    That Blight was kinda sus though, he didn't seem to know he can hit through any window because his busted hitbox and thankfully you won the 50\50 that he wouldn't exploit.

    I appreciate it though :)

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Ok mastermind.

    Enjoy being life's main character and acting so intelligent. Mr protagonist.

    You've made me hate blight 100x more now :D \s

    In all seriousness though, if you won't stop acting like a know it all even though i probably have more hours than you, please stop commenting on my posts since you've added nothing but toxicity. I'm done acknowledging you. Please try going outside.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Never said you shouldn't dislike blight. I love playing against nurse and hat going against huntress so I'm generally a weird cookie. But you have to acknowledge that there are some ways to counter him. In order to fully understand them unfortunately, you have to play blight a lot. Because there are specific plays you can do around tiles to completely throw them off. Basically "to beat your enemy, you gotta know your enemy". That's exactly what I did with nurse and I enjoy playing against nurses now surprisingly.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    He's pretty fun to me. PLaying as him and against

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Blight isn't fun. It's just the hivemind of this forum has taken to that outlook. He's nowhere near as brainless to use as Freddy or Spirit while not being as busted as Nurse. But good Blights especially on maps that favor him like Shelter Woods is not enjoyable to face. Not saying I want him nerfed, but the forum has recently taken a Golden Child outlook on him lately that I don't quite agree with.

  • GaryFookinKing
    GaryFookinKing Member Posts: 5

    This thread is stupid, blight has one of the most enjoyable counterplay mechanics in the game as it's not just a guessing game. The interaction of trying to put stuff infront of you and him when hes using his power makes for enjoyable gameplay as both sides have an equal chance if one outplays the other.

  • just_teme
    just_teme Member Posts: 195

    Its rare that i see a post i actually relate with here but damn i thought it was just me that thought this?

    Id rather play against nurse for the rest of existance than face more than 1 blight per 100 hours.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,239

    Blight has plenty of counterplay. Step one "drop pallet". I will never understand why survivors greed pallets or play for stuns so hard. Note that comp players insta throw pallets a lot of times against Blight. There's a reason for that.

    Even if the Blight can J flick, there's zero reason to eat multiple J flicks in the same trial. Hug the tile and dodge out when they rush if they've shown they're going for J flicks. If the only way they can hit you is by J flick, then you have the easiest dodge in the world.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    What do you mean except Scott? Scott plays him in the most boring way as everyone else

  • Hoath
    Hoath Member Posts: 15

    I dont see where u mean its no counter? When he uses his super speed ability, you need to mind game it, where the person who can do the best play gets out of that specific situation. Sure its a 50/50 situation, but thats just healthy for the game, thats where each and own needs to learn from experience to conrtol, and thats balanced.

    Always keep an eye open for the next loop or place to take him. His charge dosnt last forever, and when it stoppes, he us just another m1 killer.

    Ether way, i think its only good that it is a killer that can get the some suvs more focued, compared to having killers that are layed back to play against.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Feel like I need to be a part of this convo just to say that stretched res is an exploit and so is DPI manipulation.

    On topic I haven't played as much as many people on here but I get a solid hour or two a day and I have only played against Blight 2 times in the last 2 months. Maybe it's because I only really started playing survivor and I'm only rank 7 right now but I just don't see him at all in lower/middle ranks.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    50/50 mindgames are actually exactly what this game needs. Why should mindgames be in favor of the survivor? Or am I misunderstanding you here?

  • terminus345
    terminus345 Member Posts: 10

    @Dweet_Unfairfield Honestly man, reading this thread and seeing people patronize you and trying to teach you how to "counter blight" when they have no clue what they're talking about is both sad and hilarious. I go up against these blights you described perfectly almost constantly and they all do the exact same #########, 3 gen perks (wow it can be either bbq or bbq as the last perk, how wild!), alchemist ring or 2x rush speed, sometimes compound 21 or turning. There's not a single moment in the chase where I'm having fun because of flicks hitting me around every corner, rush speed tokens showing me very bad hits on my side because of servers, and the fact they constantly do 2-rush combo which recharges instantly even if you miss. It's almost impossible to stop a snowball if the blight knows what he's doing, especially in soloQ where I assume the only time they don't get a 4k is when someone keys or finds hatch (if they don't get slugged for the 4k). There's a clear distinction here between this playstyle being prevalent in red ranks and these blights ALWAYS sweating for the 4k, and the casual blights everyone here on this forum considers fun, and nobody got your point. I don't really comment on forum posts but it made me sad reading this and getting this circlejerk of upvoted comments going "u wot m8 just learn to play against that looooool".

  • Zomboid81
    Zomboid81 Member Posts: 9

    I agree that Blight is hard for solos to go against. However, a good team can generally loop a Blight fairly effectively. This brings up the main problem of DBD balancing killers for survivors as you have a vastly different experience depending on if you play solo or SWF. Complaining that a killer is hard to beat as solos, and you can beat Blight in a solo I've seen it done before, is fair. However, a killer can say the same thing you're saying for solo vs Blight with other killers vs SWF. If you go up against a coordinated SWF with certain killers, you will probably lose 9 out of 10 times. That is a frustrating experience but it's the way the game is currently. Certain killers are better than other killers and certain killers will do far better against solo survivors than other ones. Blight is one of these. Since Blight is one of the killers who can go against SWF if you're good with him, it stands to reason he will beat a disorganized solo team unless all 4 solo players are excellent players. You have also mentioned a lot about how Blight has no counterplay when several people in this forum have offered you ways to counter him. Whether or not you acknowledge this counterplay doesn't change the fact that there is indeed counterplay. As for your insistence that 50/50 guesswork is not counterplay, DBD is a game all about mindgames and trying to trick your opponent. If you see a killer start moonwalking backwards and vanishes around the corner, you could keep going assuming he is going to come back forward to try and get you, or you could turn around assuming he is going to moonwalk all the way around and turn around to hit you. Or you could assume he is going to moonwalk backwards, turn around, moonwalk back towards you and try and get you at the pallet. There is always a little bit of guesswork in DBD and the game thrives thanks to it in my opinion. Of course, that is just my opinion just as much as it is your opinion that the Blight is an overhyped killer. Either one of us could be wrong, but it is very hard generally to invalidate an opinion. What I'm trying to say is this, just because you have the opinion Blight is an overhyped killer does not mean he is an overhyped killer, a lot of people consider the opposite and not every single one of them is a fan of a Blight streamer. I have played both as and against Blight. I'm not that good at him but I can 4k with him because he is indeed a strong killer. I have also escaped from him because me and my team have gone against Blights before and know how to loop him at least a little bit. I will admit it can be frustrating seeing the meta Blight build of Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, BBQ/Pop on Blight, but that is the player's choice. A player should not reflect a killers popularity. Only when the only playstyle the killer really has as an option is bad is when you can say that the killer is bad. Blight is a killer who feels fair to go against and when I go against him I enjoy it because he gets my adrenaline going just like a Nurse, Spirit, or Deathslinger does. This is what I will say about the Blight, I'll let you decide how you feel about what I said.

  • Beefmur
    Beefmur Member Posts: 261

    Blights not even that oppressive. You get cucked on all indoor maps except midwich. He has to break pallets unlike some killers. Circle loops tell him no. picnic tables are his actual weakness. The only thing he has is speed and thats why his ruin tinkerer is so annoying. The fact that you complain about the one thing he has makes me sad.

    On top of this who cares if you j flick i dont see anyone here complaining about stretched res survivors. Thats been in the game forever. The jflick isn't going to be removed its not even possible. Why do i know this? They would've patched it already if they could. GOD FORBID THE KILLER WINS WITHOUT PLAYING NURSE OR SPIRIT. ILLEGAL

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Agreed. I enjoy bringing hot takes to the hive mind and being insulted or called a troll\survivor main. It amuses me because I'm just trying to be objective. Mark my words, Blight's hate is growing quickly especially after Fredophile's defeat.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    You can't tell me what i enjoy? I'd rather vs Nurse or Spirit than cane guy.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    I respect hearing a newer players voice on this.

    And many people just repeat the streamers points of view sadly.

    Blight isn't seen much at lower\mid ranks and is only getting more popular since they raised his pov.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    50\50 mind-games aren't skill, they feel very unfun for the loser of a coin toss.

    I'd rather feel like I'm given a fair shot to demonstrate my skill and knowledge to beat a killer, instead of winning a guess a person with an hour on the game could've made through luck.

    Much like i enjoy mindgaming at pallets or loops instead of chasing someone in a straight line through a deadzone.

    Skill and knowledge will feel fun and rewarding.

    Guesses and 50\50s are unhealthy and boring. They remove skill

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Thank you friend.

    Im afraid most dont get to vs a sweaty blight as most on the forums tend yo be low skill killer mains who want free wins and enjoy complaining.

    Or dumb survivors who want free escapes and to bully bad killers.

    Its quite sad they aren't good enough to care for real balance or simply lie to bias.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    I just love getting bad rng against an exploiter with 3 slowdowns who destroys the solo teams i get, sorry but I can't "get gud" vs that type of Blight on shelter woods with 3 pallets and shack.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    I see complaints for both since they are both exploits used by sweaty cheaters?

    Unlike most on the forums, i want balance for both sides. Not free 4ks or escapes.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    He can repeatedly spam ads without shooting to zone you and close distance, he has a tiny tr but is ranged, and his shot is literally un-reactable unless max distance.

    He has no chase interaction or counter-play beyond "hope he misses"

    He isn't op by any means but simply boring since he removes survivor skill with none needed on his own end. He encourages gen rush because the lack of chase interaction.

    Hopefully that explains his hate.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699
    edited April 2021

    @Dweet_Unfairfield help me understand why you so adamantly believe that 50/50s are strictly coin-tosses?

    Have you ever played a sport before?

    50/50s are the closest thing DBD has to IRL Sports.

    Hockey is the perfect metaphor.

    If a hockey skater is the survivor, then the goalie is the killer. In a shootout, the skater (survivor) makes the initial moves and the goalie (killer) is trained to position themselves for the best chance of success until the moment where they react to the opponent's movements and commit to a specific action.

    In a shootout, no one is guessing what the other is doing. DBD chases are exactly the same way.

    VIDEO OF Survivor's Winning Chases

    VIDEO OF Killer's Winning Chases

    If you think 50/50s are a guessing game, then I'm sorry but you're playing the game all wrong.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Because this isn't a tournament ready game or sports game?

    I enjoy feeling like i used years of experience, knowledge and skill to outplay someone. Not just guess correctly or die? With 50\50s there's no skill or difference between great players and average or sometimes even bad players?

    A football player uses knowledge and physical skill to beat others or sees something coming and reacts to it.

    There is none of that vs a great blight or spirit, especially with bad RnG. Much like how a huntress can feel defeated by getting Lery's or Hawkins.

    When skill is irrelevant due to things out of someones control, they don't have fun.

    Why do you think Spirit and Slinger or Freddy get hate? Not because they are "op" but for the fact 2 of them are braindead and strong with a low skill cap. I feel like great Billy or oni outplay me and respect them, i feel like i guessed in correctly to a mediocre player and lost a coin flip out of my control to the 3 i listed. Slinger is just too oppressive in chase but lacking in 4v1. Bad design.

    50\50s are unhealthy. Im guessing you don't play much survivor so I'll word this for you better.

    When Survivors gets 20+ pallets on a big map with lots of clutter and you spawn in the middle. Do you feel like you were "outplayed" if you guess the wrong gens at the start and lise 1-3 because a bad first chase and spawn.. or do you feel like there was nothing you could do?

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    You need to step back and look at what you are saying. You're contradicting yourself.

    50/50s require knoweldge and technical skill--the virtual translation of physical skill--to beat opponents. As I said, its not guesswork.

    There is a one-to-one comparison between sports and dead by daylight here, regardless of whether or not DBD is "tournament ready."

    It sounds like we agree here, but I think theres some miscommunication going on.

    The game is not perfectly balanced, and for that reason there are a handful of scenarios that feel out of our control. But by and large the 1v1 gameplay is filled with so many opportunities for skilled counterplay--even if it doesn't always feel like it.

    I play survivor more than killer, and the only killer I really think has little to no counterplay is Spirit. The rest of the cast I feel comfortable in chase against; some I wish had more skill requirements (looking at Freddy and Clown), but I never feel as though I was in an unwinnable situation.

    I've seen people on these forums swear that Spirit has counterplay maybe one day I'll figure it out. But as it stands, I don't like running Dead Hard or Iron Will, so facing Spirit is a boring game of "where do you think she'll appear next?!"

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Blight is still not really good. If the survivors run tight around corners / obstacles, you can't possibly get them with your power without thinking in advance. I still never encountered a blight that was really good.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    I rarely win vs them.

    Partially because map rng and teammates.

    But counting exploits and the average blight build. I'd say he's the 3rd best killer. 2nd best if the Lucky break change arrives and kills spirit.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    It's odd, that i rarely see good spirits that appear on point if you are not injured. That killer is much harder to play than people might think. I can't play her.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    I'd argue she kinda like Freddy. Or slinger. Not op.. but easy to succeed with and learn. Making them boring. Which is why the Freddy nerf will solve nothing as it just makes him weaker..not harder to play.

  • Silver9
    Silver9 Member Posts: 31

    Yeah that clears it up and brings up some good point about him.

    He doesn't really fit in because the maps aren't built for you to really interact with him. If he uses the gun and hits you your biggest hope is you can put something between you and him which is just luck at that point. Be cool if perks like that one for struggling affected his gun but it doesn't as far as I know. Or if survivors got a skill check at the start for a chance to escape. Something for more of a interaction.