Matchmaking is actually fine.
Oddly enough xbox version apparently come with Hag and Doc base game.. so ruin base game
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And again. This circles back to the lack of high rank killers
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Right because streamers being forced to play sweaty meta killers or builds and waiting 2+ hours for a short game isn't punishing. If you think mmr will save dbd, you're actually killing this game.
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Ignore the previously mentioned extreme wait times and the fact more veteran players like myself and most content creators will stop having fun and leave the game.
You're so selfish and it's genuinely frustrating to see people trusting bhvr to add functional mmr. Mmr will kill dbd, it's nothing but a short term solution which will make more problems
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It adds that many console killers have switched to surv or quit playing, expanding the bloated survivor pool even more for even fewer killers.
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MMR will destroy dbd. Facing nurse and spirit playing as sweaty as possible after a 2 hour wait isn't fun nor balanced.
People exaggerate the issues with the game like gen rush and sweat squads or tunnelers to excuse their own failure.
MMR will just suck the fun out of the game and drive away all the content creators.
You seem shortsighted and selfish with nothing of value to add to dbd.
Please go play something else if you're going to ignore any different opinions and insist that killing dbd will save it.
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So you want to intentionally put top players and streamers against much worse players to stroke their egos? Who are you to call anyone shortsighted or selfish? You're just mad because someone disagrees with your opinion. You are literally arguing against matching evenly skilled players with each other.
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Im talking about the pre crossplay days. If what you say is just close to true, console DBD would have never grown that much.
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Ok, no need to respond to me anymore. After such a response, I'm out
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We all know that only games with bad matchmaking have top streamers and fun games. Thats why CS:GO, League, Apex Legends and Dota 2 all have no viewers.
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No, you're being selfish. You don't want to have to go against players of your skill level so you can make the game miserable for the majority of average and casual players instead.
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MMR test was the best matchmaking I've seen when I played killer and survivor. I'm at about 1500 hours I think if that means anything.
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Ok but sweaty teams and killers need to be barred from brown-green ranks survivors and killers.
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90% of the killers i get are red rank
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And mid rank killers are paired with Red rank survivors. I dunno how this is any fair