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Now who do you expect to be in from resident evil?



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  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Killer will most likEly be Nemesis. His perk will make him break walls 10% faster.

  • Member Posts: 212

    Leon and Mr X hopefully. We don't need more female survivors and Nemesis is overdone. But maybe they'll put a spin and they'll do that Lady Dimitresku from RE8 and Ethan, considering how much people thirst over her and the DBD Twitter guy loves takling about simps.

    A shame though, RE:Resistance was literally Dead by Daylight. Now Resistance is gonna be even more dead.

  • Member Posts: 6,278
    edited April 2021

    For survivor(s), I reckon we’ll get like a stranger Things. I.e. I think we’ll get both Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine.

    Killer: it’s highly likely it’s either Tyrant, Nemesis, Jack Baker, or this new tall lady in the upcoming RE game (we don’t yet have a vampire in DBD, so this could be very probable).

    Although I wouldn’t rule out William Birken either.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I'm hoping we get Nemesis or Birkin, but it honestly be anyone.

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    I expect double survivor chapter, Jill and Chris with Leon and Claire as legendarys (I kinda think they are more fitting for the crowd that would purchase skins somehow... don’t ask me why)

    For Killer a Tyrant, Mr. X or Nemesis with the other as legendary skin.

    is there something that could work as legendary for another killer, like the Rabbits from Silent Hill for Legion?

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    The entity does nerf the killers though case in point freddy.

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  • Member Posts: 1,297

    I wish Ada Wong, my favorite character of Resident Evil. I hope to see her, even in a legendary skin.

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I wish they were 2 killers and 2 survivors, Nemesis and Mr. X along with Leon Kennedy and Jill Valentine.

  • Member Posts: 648


    The TYRANT


    Kevin Ryman

    Cindy Lennox

    Mark Wilkins

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Hoping for Chris or leon

    Even more hopeful we actually get a killer; licker, nemesis, wesker

    Maybe a zombie horde (6+) with twins mechanics, but still would prefer a main enemy

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Mr X would be the easiest to integrate power wise.

    Od prefer Claire out of re2 since she gets overlooked the most

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Leon and Ada together ahhh or even maybe Claire + Chris?

    As for killer, Mr X seems more likely even though I'm hoping for Nemisis :O

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2021

    If there's going to be 2 survivors it's leon and CLAIRE.

    Jill only if it's a legendary skin.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Y'know, there might be 2 Survivors again.

    Stranger Things chapter started it, maybe they have 2 candidates from the RE universe who are both so fitting to put in that they won't decide and take both.

  • Member Posts: 520

    Maybe same as Silent Hill

    Map from RE1, Killer from RE2, Survivor from RE3.

  • Member Posts: 1,297
  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Mr.X, Nemesis, or Dimitrescu as killer.

    Probably Leon or Claire as survivor. Or both. Jill is also a possibility.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    For the love of God don't make Simmons or Alice the characters or anything close to either

  • Member Posts: 2,270

    I really want Nemesis. Mr. X looks really stupid to me with that trench coat and fedora. As for Survivor Jill or Leon seem the most likely.

  • Member Posts: 458

    I'm still crossing my fingers for Albert Wesker.... 🤞🤞🤞🤞

  • Member Posts: 426

    It's going to be Jack and Jill.

    (And the map will be a big hill).

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    I saw this on my youtube feed like 2 weeks ago and i was like, "that can't be real" and... well I think its safe to say that its probably going to be MR X and Chris though I imagine that graphics will be much more polished and it will be its own BVHR touch.

  • Member Posts: 300

    I would very much enjoy the survivor being Ethan Winters, and I would like Jack Baker

  • Member Posts: 715

    This is probably Leon and Claire and Mr.X/Tyrant that has a One Shot down power. Oh Chris, Jill, Ada and Rebecca would probably be Legendary Skins.

  • Member Posts: 827

    I always assumed when/If they did a straight up zombie killer they could do a walking dead chapter.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    New killer is a zombie.

    90% movement speed, no terror radius. When they down a survivor that survivor also becomes zombie and switches to the killer side

  • Member Posts: 43

    I’m hoping that we’ll get two maps an indoor one being the P.D and the streets of racoon city. I think that would be sick

  • Member Posts: 689

    Better be a double survivor chapter

  • Member Posts: 689

    I hope it’s Leon and Claire

  • Member Posts: 71
    edited April 2021

    Really hoping for them to release 2 survivors and a new map.

  • Member Posts: 426
    edited April 2021

    As far as killer:

    We don't know much about Lady D yet, so that's possible for sure (or at least I went into blackout mode after the first trailer dropped since I don't want any surprises taken away), though it feels a bit like doing Salazar from RE4 or Alexia from CV, it's something cool as ice around the release time, but unlikely for legendary potential.

    Jack would be a decent fit, but we'd really be pushing it with chainsaw killers.

    Lucas is genuinely a serial killer, but they didn't even set him up as real antagonist. Just a hard tease with oh well, DLC.

    Nemesis is.... actually... the more I think about it... Nemesis is honestly the best fit for a killer mold since his whole jam is actually ######### with his targets. Compared to Mr. X's smash smash direct to the path, what sets Nemesis apart is personality, and that personal flair where he's gonna ######### with his prey before he slams the fist down.

    He's crafty and vicious. He's far more like what they want the killers to be like than some of their own killers based on their lore. It'll be weird not having his iconic weaponry since they're not gonna add a gatling gun, but he's also got his tentacles (including his palm injector one) for an easy attack system.

    It's almost certainly gonna be Nemy. He fits the profile/powers/customization compared to the other mutant monsters, but they can still have their escape cake and eat it here.... he's body-type similar enough they can just sell a cosmetic to switch him out for Mr X (based on trends, $50 cosmetic) or even OG Typrent (Legendary one set, so naturally a $250 cosmetic) or hell maybe down the road even a second mutation Birkin (cosmetic prices at ETA: your first born male heir).

    As far as survivors:

    Ethan is honestly one of the most realistic choices, though hardly iconic and its like we don't even see his face in his games most of the time.

    Rebecca too, but seriously who gives a ######### about Rebecca. Sherry would kinda work, but--silly as it sounds--she's a bit too close to Cheryl in some ways to bother adding her to the game. Its weird, but its just true. I'd love Barry, but he's Rebecca category to most people. Honestly so is Shery tough. They've got to go with an iconic somehow.

    To be honest, Chris would feel insanely out of place in this game ever since he started taking steroids after running into Wesker in RE:CV (impotence) and we got HARDCORE CHRISS whose whole deal is literally punching ######### boulders in half at the heart of a volcano.

    Now that I think about it... most all of the legacy characters would be really out-of-place in DBD. They're such hardcore mother ######### after 15+ resident evil games that its all "oh this again"?". Any of the OG OCs would just blast a red barrel next to The Entity after injecting it with anti-entity virus and activating the self-destruct in its foggy lab where this game is secretly all taking place. Then they'd jet-pack out, zooming past the falling debris while looking back solemnly and being all "the horror... the horror...." like a total badass.

    Still, I guess they could get away with a time-plucked Jill from RE1 or Leon/Claire out of RE2. Truth is it doesn't really matter since they'll just sell the cosmetics anyway with different models.

    There are a lot of good options, but the most important thing? KILLER GOTTA BE STRONG YO!

    Do not do represent my main jam with some limp ass #########. I wanna see "RE KILLER OP!!!" ######### flooding this forum from mother ######### day 0. This outta be the next easy-play/uber-powerful equivalent that all the former Freddy mains jump over to using instead.

    Gimmie some "RE:K worse than spirit + nurse combined!!!" level outrage. I don't care what's good for the game. Do not undermine RE-Reputation. You gotta RE-Represent.

    I'm already gonna be busy playing REVIII until I know every nook and cranny before this thing comes around, so if this is gonna crush me harder than Nemesis crushed Brad, I'm back trying to speed run it for awhile longer instead.

    Post edited by Ecstasy on
  • Member Posts: 4

    I hope it's Ada Wong tbh Leon would be cool to but both would be fantastic

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    I don't really know anything about RE, but I hope it's Chris, purely for the mancandy.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Clearly by the trailer it's a guy on the hook I don't recognise the scream either to the current roster we have..

    So I'm guessing Leon

    As for killer


    I think they may do possible legendary skins for survivors to change them into res evil characters or just the clothing collection something along those lines.


  • Member Posts: 7,976
    edited April 2021

    Kinda weird i don't see much love for william birkin

    Imagine starting out in his base form and as the game progresses he mutates into further phases untill he becomes that 6 legged monstrocity

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    im kinda expecting 1 iconic character and 1 not so iconic character, so probably leon and ashley or chris and sheva (just hoping its not ethan). for killer i don't think it'll be a tyrant/mr x/nemesis so they have more room for legendary cosmetics

    also, a bit off topic but i think we might also get a new map since it seems like a missed opportunity to not get a map for a licensed chapter- and also since theyre almost done reworking maps

  • Posts: 5,229

    I dunno, but the one on the hook in the trailer looks and sounds like Ethan Winters.

  • Posts: 5,229

    Probably safer guess in hindsight cause of the upper body....I dunno....they are going to intentionally be vague with the teaser, we could get anything really.

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