

Least favourite killer to verse and why (Please let me know why I'd love to know thx) :)



  • Member Posts: 1,288

    I don't like Hag, because of camping. I don't get why people dislike facing deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 66


  • Member Posts: 384

    Ghostface. Having zero terror radius and marking survivors sounds fun until you realize all the players do is pop stealth and then do braindead chasing. You can't do certain gens, he gets baby mindgames, breaking him out of stealth is annoying, its all just one bad experience.

  • Member Posts: 526

    Hag has way too many traps, the hook farming is ridiculous and her ability to be everywhere is just dumb.

    I used to think Doc was OP and a good Doc can be very tough, just a lot of pressure but, idk the games are challenging and kinda fun

    Bubba sucks, Partly because his chainsaw is pretty OP but, more than that, it must be the memes or something. People play Bubba and just turn toxic AF. Yeah, I know someone tea bagged you or something... whatever.

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    Hag even with the upcoming BT change I'll still hate it..

  • Member Posts: 784

    Freddy. Self-explanatory.

  • Member Posts: 31

    Nothing like stepping into an invisible trap placed the middle of tall grass at a loop. No skill to play trapper, absolutely boring gameplay the entire match assuming the killer is competent. 90% of the time god pallet is always trapped and potato teammates always sit on gens without disarming. The overpowered tar bottle addons make the traps massively unfair, coupled with the fact that they are only yellow/green rarity addons (tar bottles should at least be purple rarity). Why is he even a free killer? Make trapper a $50 licensed DLC.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    Doctor. for some reason every doc curbstomps my solo queue team. he also gives me severe headaches and gets me to the brink of dcing. its just not fun having him know your location 24/7.

    i know you only wanted one but ill give you more

    Hag. her traps have no counterplay besides crouching. her addons are even nastier. you step on a trap and suddenly she pops up behind you with no audio queue. got hooked in the basement? expect 10 million traps around it. make your choice is her favorite perk btw.

    Bubba. one of my favorite killers to verse if he doesnt play like a scumbag. but lets be honest, most bubbas just play him to facecamp. like dude, why the hell are you dedicating an entire game to ruin it for other players?

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    Spirit for me with Hag as a close second. I feel like Spirit's counterplay is too limited and inconsistent, boiling down to mostly guessing. And if she's running Stridor and good add-ons, guessing correctly doesn't even matter. As for Hag, I don't think she's OP but just irritating to deal with. If someone ends up in the basement, you're better off just leaving them to die.

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  • Member Posts: 459

    I'd say Freddy but since his snare spamming is finally getting fixed, I will say Legion.

  • Member Posts: 440

    Not the killer's fault, but Twins is exceptionally good at slugging. Being on the ground for some time does annoy me quite a bit.

  • Member Posts: 2,719

    The Trickster, because I'm sick of seeing him every ######### fifth match.

    Beyond that, The Hag. It seems that I only ever face her when she's under the control of expert players who know how to use her VERY well. She's ultra-efficient, running all over the map killing people while leaving her damn portals all over the place at all times. She's pretty much the only killer I feel I don't have a fair chance or any real counterplay against. Trying to do basically anything in a match with a talented Hag user feels like trying to run around an open field loaded with landmines while a sniper is taking shots at me.

    Leatherface has been feeling kind of cheap lately...

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  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Get chased by Victor for 0 points, slugged for 0 points and then camped for 0 points. Just not fun and waste of time.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    My top (bottom?) 5:

    1. Spirit - Its spirit I don't think I have to explain this one.
    2. Freddy - Sleep timer or sleep on hit, not both. The timer is also too short for having to go across the entire map to wake up. If you use a teammate it gets slower every time. There's no "good" option to take against him. Oh and his braindead gameplay that just wins loops.
    3. Hag - CashelP14 explained it well above
    4. Myers - No TR (essentially) one shots from my teammates feeding him is just really unfun. Not to mention the only "counter" to his stalk is essentially hope map RNG liked you. Extended lunge and vault in chase while he can one-shot you is just salt on the wound. Exposing the whole survivor team for 1 hook state worth of time at base is just too long, it brings the game to a crawl if you don't want him to potentially snowball into a quick 3-4k. Some of his add-ons are too much. Here your exposed now last a hook state and a half, or how about forever, for one add-on. How about you can just straight out kill a survivor, also one add-on. Oh it has a downside? Don't worry we have other strong add-ons to counter that.
    5. Hillbilly - Did map RNG give you a good setup, ok you're fine. It gave you a long wall or easy feather setup? Ok get one-shot. Not to mention he's all over the map. You got unhooked? He's there. You're on a gen? He's there now. Overall annoying map presence.
  • Member Posts: 1,327

    I would say Ghostface. Simply because his reveal mechanic is just straight up broken half the time, for both sides. He honestly needs to have his reveal mechanic ironed out because few things are more frustrating for me then when you literally stare into that man’s very soul and yet somehow, fail to break him out of stealth.

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