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I actually got M1'd from the other side of the pallet drop against The Trickster earlier this morning. The killer wasn't even stunned.
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I hope this gets fixed on Tuesday so I can start playing again.
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Just had two games where I wanted to get enduring+spirit fury to work. Spoiler: SF did not activate even once, and overall I was stunned a sole single time, although I tried to eat the stun at every pallet! It's definitely not just with lunging, I did not even swing but still was not stunned even when so near that you usually got stunned before the update. The survs where def. not throwing early either.
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Guess pallets are just messed up in general. Coincidence it happened when they introduced a new pallet stun perk?
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Maybe. When going for smash hit stuns, It usually worked, although I tend to throw after being hit in this situation ^^''.
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That happens to me alot. I think it's because the new animation they put in.
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Just left a game where this happened and came here to see if it was known. Legion straight up M1'd right through the pallet no stun and I took the hit.
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This issue has not been completely resolved after patch 4.6.1
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Can confirm pallets STILL bugged. Getting hit through and no stun or randomly throwing down wrong way
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I'd like to add on too that it's still very bugged for me, on both the survivor and killer side.
Post edited by GoodBoyKaru on0 -
Confirmed, just happened to me.
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Confirmed as well, hit a Yui through a pallet that she'd just thrown. Felt awful about it.
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Happened to me just tonight too. M1'ed through a pallet drop. No stun. And then in another game I watched it happen to someone else right in front of me. Please fix.
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This appears to occur if the pallet is dropped on you during the weapon swinging animation (lunge too?)
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I thought you was the bubbah I went agasint 🤣 smashed a pallet in his face and he just broke it and carried on like nothing happened.
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Plague hit me through the pallet even though it was fully dropped when she swung
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can confirm that it's still broken
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Leave it to BHVR to state they fixed a bug when it's not fixed.
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Not only is it still broken, now you don't even have to be in the middle of a swing, it straight up won't stun you regardless so it's even more broken, the only way to get stunned is if you're already in the few last frames of the animation and you're pretty much inside the pallet and the collision left behind after using spirit fury is still there but not all the time, i guess it has to do with what objects it has around it since it seemed that i've been getting that collision more often on "safe" pallets that had either walls or more clutter around them
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I wanna run Smash Hit but this is making it hard.
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Havn't been able to stun the killer in days weeks now. They all just swing through them because they cant be stunned. its so stupid.
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Broken for all killer.
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Is this still after today's patch? Just wondering, haven't played yet since.
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This has been fixed it seems. That clip is from a week ago.