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Im tired of red ranks killer

Venzhas Member Posts: 684
edited April 2021 in General Discussions

Theres no fun facing red ranks killers tryhards anymore to me. Its just tunneling , tunneling, camping, facecamping. Dont say "its a strategy" no, its just a selfish behaviour that have no interest except yours. I cant stand it, games after games, always the same, or worst.

I just made a second account to be resetted at ranks 20, and it was already more fun even if playing with potatoes

Dont complain players are leaving the game when you make everything to push them out



  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    An actual good red rank killer won't tunnel/camp unless they are given a good reason, but no matter the ranks you will find people who tunnel and camp

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    See this is the part I do not understand. All killer mains say this game is heavily sided for survivors but how is that when I WAS a red rank solo survivor (before the rank reset) and can play pretty well yet I win maybe one game a night now as a solo survivor in a four hour game play. I am certainly not the best and have my potato moments but almost every game I play there is some form of tunneling and face camping. Yes, it is a tactic (albeit I think lazy because it works and it requires little to no effort) but when almost every game killers are doing it and winning, it leaves little to no chance for survivors to win so again I ask how is it this game is survivor sided? I am genuinely asking.

    Not talking about the SWF teams who have a better chance, but for the large majority of us who dont run a team I do not see how because I am so badly losing every match and I know it is not because of my skill. I will give you there is a large percentage of baby survivor players who suicide on the hook or DC which has affected my games but still when that doesn't happen here comes the tunneling or camping killer. It is my contention this game is heavily killer sided because you do not have to rely on the game play others as a killer. A bad team mate or two can make all this difference in whether you win or lose badly. Also, you have one objective with no worries because solo survivors cant hurt you or kill a killer. I have played a killer before, I find it way easier than solo survivor, and I have no idea what I am doing as a killer. Literally I just run around aimlessly killing but yet I win.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    It Is a good strategy indeed, almost the only way to secure a kill and stop genrush by removing a survivor and good for the next. It is not fun for both side and it is a design problem that devs siano find a solution I think, even after 5 Years. Killef take a risk of eat DS, and must face BT and other second chance. But because of gens good to fast you cant even have the time to have funny chase and tryng nice shots with your power/ mind games at tiles, because if you try to play gens flys. I think add another object to do can help killers have the security of have more time to play and so not be in urgence of camp tunnel. But some survivor mains will be very angry. We Will see what devs will do, for now you have perks and they are buffing it.

  • Beelzeboop
    Beelzeboop Member Posts: 1,306

    I mean, 99ing the gates and bodyblocking are strats too.

    They annoy the killer as much as slugging, camping and tunneling annoy the survivors.

    I feel survivors should have a second pre-game chat to talk with killer so that they can agree not to be "scumbags" to each other. It would be even better if you could see the ranks of all the players in the lobby too.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    <laughs> That's funny since Potatoes Camp and Tunnel by default. I see very little of it in the Red Ranks.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    It is a problem. A good rank killer can't be beaten at all unless you are in the sweatiest of SWFs. No matter how good the four survivors play, a killer can end chases too quickly and with all the usual slowgen and aura perks there is no way out. And killers have the gall to want keys nerfed. I say they should spawn in every match. If there is no "hope" in winning, there is no point in even playing.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I think the same thing about red rank 4 man SWFs.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I just see red rank killers cleaning up and in all the vast array of games I play each week they all cant be over ranked green survivors,,, this game has to be somewhat killer-sided?? Not talking about those who run SWF,,, merely solo survivors. By its very nature, survivors have to worry about killers who are either, stealthy, invisible, can launch one-hit downs (which to me should never be allowed), can phase/vape, run super fast, throw bottles of lethal concoctions, launch great distances to strike,,,and this doesnt even take into account their perks. As well, not even talking about killers like the Doctor who can simply run around charging everywhere to see where you are and strike.

    What can survivors do,,,gens and totems thats it. Survivors are def no where near as fast as killers,,,even the slowest ones. If you cant loop than you are toast (which I know "git guud" at looping then). You are toast if do not time things exact with killers who can phase/vape, if you are against a Wraith might as well hang it up because even though he gives you a notification when he de-cloaks he is still within striking range. Demogorrgen maybe,,, but he is the one who can launch great distances to strike and if timing and location are not exact then you are toast. I am not even getting into hit boxes which are so absurdly off in this game its not funny. It has always amazed me at how you are vaulting through a window and you look back and the killer is a distance away yet somehow gets the hit??? To me it all comes down to how good you are at looping and how much of the killers time you can waste with it. If you are not good at looping you might as well find a different game and that is sad.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    I think you are right. I played as a killer a few nights ago for the first time, I am rank 20 killer obviously, and had some of the worst games against some survivors. So it is on both sides. SWF teams get killers good and primed to be mad or dismayed at how they play so when they hit solo survivors like me it all looks the same. Also, I failed to mention before survivors who DC or suicide on the hook are way worse than any killer could ever be and that has been happening a lot in games recently.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You always have to assume the worst until proven otherwise.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Once you've played killer at rank 1 against the SWF teams you understand that unless you try hard you lose. Sucks for solos, but they can't assume it's solos and go easy because if they're wrong they've just put themselves at a massive disadvantage.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,096

    They play that way because the game forces them to.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,174

    I mean its not just the quality of killer mains. I'd say its hardly that. Yea sure, there are great killers out there in red ranks. But I think a match can be swayed more by the quality of teammates you get (particularly talking about solo que since SWF is a joke to me). A lot of red rank survivors do not deserve their ranks, and when you see them dive bombing, running killer around a hooked teammate, refusing to do gens, it only makes you think they're green/purple at best and grey at worst.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Meh ranks are stupidly inconsistent between people getting carried/boosted and people purposefully de-pipping. I just play the game and honestly don't care if I am going against/with red/purple ranks. I'll be glad when SBM hits and everyone resets to 20 every month - people use rank as a true measuring tool and we all know it's about as accurate as an expired Equate pregnancy test.

  • jarjargist21
    jarjargist21 Member Posts: 444

    Maybe I don't know play a different game? Camping and tunnelling are tactics to make the game easier for killer. It is a 4 v 1 after all.

    Sometimes when they go up against a sweat team slugging, camping, and tunnelling seems necessary. True it's not fun for the survivor, sometimes you got to have empathy because being gen rushed, camping pallets, or repenting the killer from hooking someone is as annoying as slugging, camping and tunnelling.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Sorry that I don't play for your fun. Pay me if you want to change that.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Hit the nail on the head. The game simply isn’t manageable as killer against 4 opponents. It’s why I slug A LOT and make haste to find my next chase, because a slug makes the game temporarily 2v1 periodically throughout the match because of the time involved for a teammate to assist the slug.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    If you're lucky you'll go against me, who plays like a drunk raccoon smacking the keyboard and mouse and runs stuff like insidious on wraith but who is almost always in killer red ranks for some cursed reason

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah ._. I went for a nice holiday in purple ranks thanks to pre-bugfix trickster but then I went back to playing other killers.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    There's nothing more to be said about tunnelling and camping than don't get caught, Don't be greedy, run the anti tunnel perk(s) and do the ******* generators.

  • Solun
    Solun Member Posts: 2

    Well I don't agree, there is no excuse for leaving the game prematurely. It is possible to play against camping killers in most situations altough it can be really difficult to do so when you're not playing with friends which is what I do most of the time. However I don't thik I ever left the game no matter what. And maybe I'm lucky but I don't really encounter camping killers that much. What is way more annoying are survivor potatoes who leave you rot on the hook since the second you're there and you just die because no one takes you down. A few minutes I had a game when I did most of the work (as usual) but then another survivor just circled around me and din't take me down so I died. Such behavior is too common unlike camping killers against whom it's still possible to play because they're usually also potatoes (good players don't have a need to camp anyway).

  • Bartlaus
    Bartlaus Member Posts: 1,026

    Killers wont stop tunneilng or camping if it is the best way to win a match. I dont say it is fun, but it is part of the game. As long the devs wont change it u should accept it or quit the game. Getting gen rushed by average survivors, who dont know how to run in circles, cuz u are playing too "fair", is also no fun for an experienced killer :/

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Tunneling is unsporting at times but its a legit and effective strategy.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Maybe it's because good survs and can do their objectives way faster then the killers. Oh wait, can't be...

  • Aknoton
    Aknoton Member Posts: 30

    Theres no fun facing red ranks survivors tryhards anymore to me. Its just sfw , genrush, red keys, palletloop. Dont say "its a strategy" no, its just a selfish behaviour that have no interest except yours. I cant stand it, games after games, always the same, or worst.

    Classic. When 3 generators start up in the first minute - it is normal from survivor point of view, when key allows you to escape through the hatch - it is ok. But if killer tries to do something to win - this is toxic behavior, he MUST let you escape.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    The problem has always been SWF. Every day the issue gets worse. There are MORE SWF and the existing ones get more practice and more coordinated. I don't disagree with a thing you said; I was saying these things four months ago when you were more on the other side of the fence. Until they balance SWF in their OWN Que or using additional objectives, or unlock additional Perks for the Killer when facing a SWF, the issue is just going to get worse and worse as time goes on and the Solo Que is strangled.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Of course its more fun to play against potatoes they don't understand the game as well as high ranks. If you can't counter tunneling, camping or maybe you are just bad at looping it just sounds like its you. But hey there's no problem bullying oh i mean having "fun" against rank 20 killers right?

  • Gladonos
    Gladonos Member Posts: 392

    DS is useless. It never triggers because you are not getting tunneled most of the time.

    You may say, "well if you are not getting tunneled what is the issue?"

    Well, you know how killers like to bring up how it's a 1v4 game? Yea, that goes BOTH ways. 75% of the time YOU are not the one getting tunneled but someone else is. On top of that not every game involves the killer tunneling. Some do not so it only works 20% of the time except oh wait no it doesn't because you also have to be very bad at the game because otherwise the timer will run out and that assumes you don't just get slugged completely negating it which most good killers will do. You understand why this perk is garbage right? Seriously, in all the time I have played killer since the patch I have not been stabbed once and I tunnel the ######### out of people because it is simply the best play sadly even if I feel bad about it.

  • selflessnea
    selflessnea Member Posts: 565

    I'll say it again. Sounds Like they should run DS. If they get tunneled and out run the 60s or get slugged then it is the exact same as old DS. You understand this perk is how it is meant to be right? DS is not useless. It just got changed so it couldn't be abused as bad as it was in previous iterations.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939


    The DBD forums are incredibly Killer-biased. I mean to the point of lunacy. I took a month and played nothing but Killer, and I can see why people get defensive. In my experience, most of the issues when it comes to being Killer are directly related to SWF. When it came to just a regular solo queue, as Killer, I found things pretty balanced. With SWF? It was a shite-show. So I get that.

    HOWEVER, in the last 2-3 weeks, the amount of camping. face-camping and unabashed tunneling I've experienced as a solo survivor in red ranks has been borderline intolerable. It's just constant. When I first started this game, everyone on the forums told me that the camping, and scummy tactics were due to being in low ranks. Lo and behold, now that I'm in red ranks, it's become far worse. It's hell to play Solo survivor. I've found I have to equip every anti-camp/tunneling perk available. Even then, I might be escaping 10% of the time in games.

    It's absolute bullshit and I find myself questioning if this is the game for me. The Devs seem to think their players feeling this way is peak success.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I don't mind most red rank killers, in a lot of cases I can tell that they got where they are by being really good. Some are ruthlessly efficient to the point of amazement.

    I've only been playing the game for a month though, so I just don't like being put in matches against them at level 15.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    Just wait until you spend time in the trenches, grinding your way up, hoping for decent matches, only to find those Killers face-camping in yellow ranks were rewarded and continuing the same method at Rank 2.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    Lol looking forward to it.

    I've only got about 400, maybe 500 hours into the game (probably closer to 300 when you take away queues, loading, bloodweb, etc). I'm an okay player but I'm still relatively inexperienced. It took me a minute to learn that face-camping can be countered by players focusing on generators instead of running straight for the save, but I still hate it when I'm the one who's camped. It's really not the most fun "playing" a game by just sitting there on a hook, doing absolutely nothing, slowly and helplessly losing the game through no real fault of your own. There have been times where I just put the controller down or went to the kitchen to look for something to drink. I have better things to do with my life than watch myself not playing a game.

    So yeah, the red rank killers I get who play that way ARE a pain in the ass, but I just kind of grumble and shrug and hope for the better in the next match. When I face a red rank who is CLEARLY just an expert at the game, great timing and intuition, perfect combination of perks, etc., it's still not that fun but I at least get to sort of play for couple of minutes.

    Either way I wish that there was a better matchmaking system. For all you skilled killers out there, trust me: I don't like being a "potato" (or a slightly more capable version of such) and making your game boring any more than I like being thrown against those of you who have been playing this game twenty times longer than I have.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited April 2021

    The ONLY reason a facecamping Killer would pip is if Survivors didn't do gens and instead farmed each other off of hooks.

    Camping is only viable if Survivors make it viable.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Just for the record though, Insidious is actually a fun and decent perk on Wraith simply because survivors will never expect it.

    Kick a gen, wait hidden with Insidious, listen for them to return to the gen (don’t look in the direction in case of Spine Chill). Because survivors will be expecting to hear the wailing bell before you’d normally get a hit in, they’ll never see you coming.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    At Rank 15 (I think that's what you said you were) you absolutely should not be paired with a red rank Killer. That's just ridiculous.

    You will always hear people on forums saying "Camping? Just do gennzzzzzz" as the ultimate answer for this chronic problem, but anyone who plays Solo survivor knows it's a bunch of BS. For one thing, in solo queue, you literally cannot communicate or coordinate to the other 3 players to abandon the hooked one being camped. You can't control what they do.

    Also, I think most solo survivors have empathy for the person being face-camped. We all know how miserable it is to work all day, come home to play a game for fun, only to spend it with a Wraith, most likely played by a spoiled, basement dwelling teenager, sitting in your face, beating you on the hook for 2 minutes. According to DBD devs/mods/forumers, abandoning all humanity, shrugging off the suffering of the survivor stuck on the hook makes you a great person and a highly skilled gamer. Alas, some of us just get pissed off at these small-d energy scumbags and try to save the person anyways. Even just so they know we get how much it sucks.

    If it only happened once in a blue moon, that would be one thing. The fact that it's constant? It starts to get on one's nerves.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    I will ask you as a great defender of the practice, the same thing I ask ALL defenders of face-camping; in SOLO survivor queue, how do you control or coordinate with 3 strangers to "juzt do genzzz"?

    Carrier pigeon? Do I hire a psychic to channel me? How does that work? Cuz if you tell me the secret, I'll do it tonight!

  • VanitasRyuzaki
    VanitasRyuzaki Member Posts: 110

    I understand you completely. I've had a rough time on this game also and miss the good times when I played with others who weren't toxic and Team killing. All of nerfs have happened for both, but I think some survivor perks have gotten to worse nerfs.

    Red rank killers can be both toxic and not. I've had killers at red ranks mop the floor with survivors and still run no-ed, which I think is odd because why would you need that perk if you're good with the killer.

    As for nerfs, I think borrowed time and d strike have gotten very bad nerfs. Borrowed time used to be a good perk that let survivors work together to keep each other going, activity when within rang of the killers terror radius: I think it activated only on injured survivors. Now it only works when u hooking a survivor while in the terror radius.

    D strike, remained active even while healing or fixing a gen. Now deactivates when you self heal or do a gen which I think is ridiculous. The nerf also on empathy was unnecessary in my opinion.

    I don't usually play killer because I'm adapted as a survivor, but I can agree that the level of toxicity has reached great peaks.

    I had a match against the Doctor and had an Ash troll everyone in the trial. After it was a bullied and attempted force farming. I don't usually DC from trials, but I had enough of the bullying especially when he tunneled the other survivors when the closest person was the Ash survivor.