When will stretched resolution be finally fixed? People are cheating.

Inb4 "stretched res doesnt give an advantage what you on about?"
First ones slight stretch Middle ones normal and third one THATS HOW FAR YOU CAN STRETCH IT. Makes some loops completely useless. Also some nurses use it to make shadowborne basekit basically.(Btw made this thread because other people keep including stretched in the j-flick discussion).
” it just looks better bro”
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It do though tbh but ######### that excuse lol.
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I'm gonna be real with you, I firmly advocate for the use of stretched res until the FoV slider for Killers is a setting and not a Perk.
Will Survivors be able to use it for cheating? Yes. But do I want to be able to play Legion and 110 Killers without needing a Perk to mitigate motion sickness? Also yes.
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and my motion sickness
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So wait... "because the devs don't let us do it without a perk i endorse cheating to make it base myself"? Is that what your saying?
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There is a reason the fov is restricted. If you can't see why then please uninstall the game and move on with your life.
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I play comp on native res both sides and do just fine. Pretty much all my opponents are on stretched res while I'm on native. Stop blaming the resolution difference. Note that the native res in the middle is still perfectly functional at that tile with the correct camera positioning.
Killers aren't failing mindgames because of stretched res. Those tiles shouldn't be mindgame-able in the first place. It only works because survivors make mistakes.
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Still gives a advantage even if slight at some areas other games like fornite have banned stretched res because it allows you to see more then intentended which is the definition of a exploit.
"In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers." Stretched has been confirmed not intended.
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It is for balance reasons.
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Really stupid, unjustified balance reasons that literally causes more headaches than it prevents.
The logic of "FoV slider bad because it lets you find people easier" can be applied to literally ANY PvP game. Yet many of those aforementioned PvP games not only have FoV sliders, some of them also have a default FoV that's higher than that of Killers.
It really doesn't provide some massive advantage. If it did, Shadowborn would be considered a much higher-tier Perk in terms of viability. But it's not. In terms of viability and strength, Shadowborn is really, really bad. It's a QoL Perk. As someone who frequently runs Shadowborn because Killer fatigues and 110 Killers cause me actual disorientation when I play without it, it really doesn't help that much in terms of finding Survivors.
An FoV slider would have almost zero effect on balance.
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Not to mention, if an FoV slider is bad because it gives Killers an advantage, then when are we getting rid of Killers' ability to run the game on Low? It gives them an advantage because it gets rid of a lot of shadows and makes the game brighter overall; CLEARLY it's unfair. That's still been in the game since its inception. Why not an FoV slider?
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Fascinating. Is this an option in the game or is it something that's hard baked into most computer's display settings?
If the latter, there may be nothing that can be done other than adjusting the tiles themselves to be less affected by it. I seem to recall we had a simular discussion in the older engine of this game back when light level offerings were active. You could use the Nvidia control panel to override the game's alpha and make Blendettes considerably easier to see on dark maps(and probably still could now if you want to).
So I wonder if this is a similar situation.... if this is being accessed outside the game, they may have very little recourse
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There's no option for this in the game.
The game locks your resolution to your native one.
This is most likely something 'baked' into most computer display settings. Quite a few games allow these kind of resolutions in their ingame settings. You can set a custom resolution for your monitor and play on that. There's no consequences or harm done to your monitor
When it comes to DBD you need to edit a file and set the custom res you want to play on.
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Isn't that a little too much to say to someone who doesn't agree with you?
Uninstall the game and move on with your life?
It kinda made me cringe a lil
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And I assume all that stuff means it is not possible to do this on console?
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Pretty much.
A Console can't do many things a PC player can do.
Including stretch res & editing files. Ontop of certain techs, j-flick blight and god knows what else.
PC players can even disable V-sync and uncap their frame rate. Not sure if console can uncap theirs as I don't own one.
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This content has been removed.
Nope. Besides console already has like 45 fps anyway because of horrible optimization so even if you could uncap it it wouldn't get far.
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I saw this one blight streamer who looks like they are playing on a nintendo DS
Imagine playing a video game and making it look ugly as sin just for the slightest advantage
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At least I agree with you on the horrible optimization this game has.
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I forgot about the config files we're allowed to edit. Been awhile since I've seen that subject even brought up.
If that's where it's coming from (and I'm not sure it is), they are able to address that. I seem to remember shortly after EAC was implemented, there was a period of time where they were going through and whitelisting certain commands in config files so we could edit them. Anything edited that wasn't specifically whitelisted would cause EAC to refuse to even allow the game to start.
So through EAC, if this command is done via the config files - it's fully in the devs power to fix it.
This is just educated speculation though, don't quote it as the gospel truth.
Just looked into it. This is actually being done through the Nvidia control Panel, just like the old brightness trick we used to use in the first year of the game.
Devs literally can't do a thing about this other than modify the loops because it's outside of the jurisdiction of the game.
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A while back they made Anti-aliasing permanent on all platforms, not even PC players can disable it
However, that brought up more backlash than it fixed things. Take a look how this game looks with AA off and how it looks with AA on.
However... Some people with Nvidia cards can disable AA and make it look more sharp. It looks great. Shame I don't have access to such settings. Game would look way better.
Personally, I used it for the FPS (god knows we all need it), then for how it looked like.
This is a discussion long forgotten
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On top of that, it's an argument that makes even less sense since BHVR makes a ton of shiny and bulky costumes that make survivors easier to spot. The awful default FOV just makes a lot of killers artificially more difficult to play than they actually are.
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I'm Not using it , i know it can be used , EVERYONE CAN USE IT on pc , so in fact its not cheating , thats why crossplay shouldnt exist , its BHVR who created an unfair advantage for console players .
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Players have the option to turn off crossplay if they desire it
In the main menu, go to Settings and scroll down. Under the Online section, uncheck the box beside crossplay. This should disable the feature.
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Gonna be honest here, I use stretched res, but only to a limited extent. Unlike some people, I have never stretched it nearly as far as 1080x1080 etc (like in the picture), since I agree it gives too much of an advantage at that level to be fair on other players.
My reasons for using it are quite simply to get consistently high FPS (75+) and because I think it looks nice. That's pretty much it. I'm not in it for any kind of advantage at all. I know a lot of people will simply try to dismiss this as an excuse, but these are genuinely my opinions.
If they remove stretched res in its current form, then that's understandable, but they should at least implement an FOV slider (and more graphics settings in general) and optimize the game better for more consistent FPS. You can't simply remove something like that without taking into account the consequences. Not everyone uses it to intentionally cheat.
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How is this an advantage for console players?
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Not to mention, adding an FoV slider would provide NEGATIVE effects that stretched res doesn't, including a wider blinding angle and wider Spine Chill activation range.
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They should put in a FoV slider
Every killer thinking: Turn that up to Quake.
BHVR's thinking: 100% is current FoV level. They can narrow the view as much as they want now.
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No we can't mess with fps at all. Dips into the teens on the indoir maps, freezes common. With resolution this, video card that, sound setting that over there, frames into tripple digits, how is any of this fair to console and Crossplay?
Turning off cossplay isn't a viable option queue times already are 10+ min for survs, and 5+ for lousy killers like me.
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What unfair advantage for console?
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Console cant stretch resolution
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Yes I know I'm on console.
I don't see how not being able to do so is an advantage though
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This could never be policed. Get over it.
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They need to fix this for sure
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If you want better fps then play at 720p.
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Some people have no shame.
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it's done by changing the desktop display resolution.
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I tried it out initially solely for the gameplay advantage but ended up sticking with it (1440x1080) because it genuinely looks nicer and at the time helped FPS. Don't even think it gives any unfair advantages either after using it for over a year, it just gives quality of life improvements as you have to move the camera less and can see more background - anything you can 'see over' with stretched can be achieved by rotating the camera with native, it's the most misleading thing about these comparison screenshots (and in every case, the people posting these screenshots have done no research and don't even know this, they just want another excuse for losing because they suck). This kind of thing is what happens when you prioritise balance above UX. I had a friend who got the game and just couldn't play killer without feeling like throwing up because of the FOV and then refunded, if they just discarded the 'we limit user experience because of balance concerns' mentality, the game would be much better to play. I'd like to see Wraith get an entire new perk set in general honestly, make Shadowborn a menu setting, make Bloodhound into haemmorhage, replace Predator beause the perk is abysmal anyway.
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It's pretty simple. FoV in this game is a variable that affects info.
Info is used to get around stealth plays, whether by killer or survivor.
Stealth is an important part of this game, whether you don't want to be caught or don't want to be spotted in your approach.
Therefore breaking down barriers that eliminate the stealth capabilities of your opponent, gives you an unfair advantage.
If your opponent can see you, where everything in the game design says they shouldn't be able to, it puts you at an unfair disadvantage.
If you're a stealth killer, and you know that "if I go here, they won't see me approach, and I'll be able to make a stealth play, as the game is designed to allow me to do" but then that survivor is using stretch res and eliminates that entire strategy when they shouldn't be able to do so, that's clearly a problem. You as the killer cannot know that the survivor has capabilities they're not supposed to have.
It doesn't matter how bulky or shiny your cosmetics are, if you're hiding behind an obstacle that is supposed to obstruct you from your opponents view, and your experience in the game teaches you that it is impossible to see over this obstacle, but your opponent breaks down those rules and does so anyway... no.
Stretched res is an exploit. Period. It's not much different to hacking the game to allow you to see auras all the time.
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What's worse is that people like SupaAlf and Xeno who are in the "competitive" scene all use this exploit too lol, so much for competitive integrity
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Considering they're going against all PC players who can do the same thing, it's not really an issue
It then becomes a matter of preference of if you want to use stretched res or not.
I personally don't like the native FOV on either side, killer or survivor. It's too zoomed in and gives me a migraine after a few games. I use 1610x1440 res when playing the game in general. I don't get meaningful benefits on either side, especially for killer, but you'd still have people bitching about stretched res even when you gain almost no benefit.
On top of that, it is a performance boost as well. Considering how much this game will make even my 1080 ti stutter I will take as much as I can get in terms of fps stability tricks.
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the only thing i hate about streched screen/filter users is their need to lie "i like the aesthetics, i like making everything look like fat turds" just admit you like the advantage its gives, its up to the dev to fix it or not.
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blame BHVR for not adding a FOV slider yet. We sure love playing games with a 30 FOV limit lol
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If you want your game to look like this then yeah 😅
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I once kindly asked about the possibility of fixing the streched resolution on a dev live (the dev was answering all types of dbd's questions) and I got banned lol
Not sure of what is bhvr's opinion about streched resolution...
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Just going out on a limb here "you can see just as much on native as on stretched by just moving your camera" okay so moving my camera to the best position gives me about this:
Still cant see completly over the loop. Meanwhile a stretched user (see above) can see completly over the loop,And say could see a michael myers say coming from the back left corner.You can even see inside of the building!"Not a unfair advantage" my ass. Stealth killers are meant to use cover to their advantage but if you can just see all that then there goes the element of surprise.
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Bold of you to assume consoles could even hit 30fps let alone go above it
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I mean my ps5 actually runs great. My ps4 on the other hand lol.
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Yeah ps4 and xbox1 are the ones I had in mind lol
I've heard PS5 runs amazigly and my buddy nova loves his Xbox Sx