Stop swf because it's too strong

eloise Member Posts: 528
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Please make one or two day in a week without swf possible. Just for see

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Swf is main reason why 70% of players are still in game tbh if I have no option to play with friends I wouldn't waste time on this game either

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    nerf swf buff solo que

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109
  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    It’s not cheating though. It just feels like politicking for the game to become easier for more people. High level players still lose and I like that about the game.

    Dark Souls, not Candy Crush.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Comms are intended. Consoles have comms built into them with a simple friend system that makes it easy to party chat. On PS4, players would call me in the lobbies before a match.

    On PC, Dead by Daylight has an official discord channel where players can make an unlimited number of rooms dedicated to SWFing with strangers.

    I would let go of this line of thinking.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2021

    It's nothing wrong with SWF, it's just BHVR is not balancing out.

    They should decide whether this game is meant to be played with friends with voice comms or not.

    If it is, they should add an in-game voice comm system so random survivors can also use voice comms, and make texting available during the match, like other games such as Apex Legends.

    If it's not, they should simply add some disadvantages onto SWF such as slow gen speed or less effective perks etc.

    People who use SWF aren't the ones to be blamed, it's the devs who are not clear about the concept of this game.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I wouldn’t say get rid of it but I would just love for the game to have a way to tell us if it’s SWF. Or give us a little extra reward for facing off against SWF. That could help stop lobby dodging killers. Well they are SWF but either way I get more BP for sucking it up and playing.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154

    Then they have to make an in-game voice comm system, or at least make the text base chatting available during the match.

    If voice comms are intended for DBD, then all these tools should be more accessible and endorced to be used.

    Apex Legends, Destiny, all these games designed to be played as a team have an in-game voice comm system and text base chatting system.

    You can't say voice comms are intended when solo ques can't use them.

  • SnowMiser
    SnowMiser Member Posts: 39

    If removing SWF would kill the game, then kill the game. I'd rather the game die and be in a healthier state than continue to exist as the pile of dog ######### it is now.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited April 2021

    I too want 1 hour que time as killer

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Imagine, if players could talk in game and would be heard in 8/16m distance by others (killer too). It would make game so much fun, if it wasnt for all the toxic people unfortunately, who would just try to annoy the killer.

    Then as i was typing that, i got other idea, what if survivors were able to hear one another normally, in short distance (8 or 16m), while killer would hear prerecorded blabbering, that would activate when survivor were talking in range. That could bring soloQ levels somewhat closer to SWF level and then all that would be left, would be to buff killers a bit to balance it out. Then, in theory, it would not matter if you go against SWF or soloQ survivors

  • Opex
    Opex Member Posts: 263

    Removing swf is stupid, it is extremely strong and as some point you cant really win without playing as Nurse. But they should not remove swf, and there is not any way to nerf it. Instead they just got to balance survivors more, making the gen speeds longer would be the perfect fix, it would make solo q even worse but playing with 3 random teammates you cant talk to is supposed to be hard so it would be fine.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    Not going to lie, i struggle with SWF if they are red ranks or purple and red. usually i can get one or two of them but most of the time they usually escape. as long as i get blood points thats what counts for me. but it is nice to at least get one or two kills.

  • Adidi
    Adidi Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2021

    Just give killer indication who is in the swf (and info if it's 2/2 or 4man group), so killers can take strong perks and addons and actually prepare mentally and so they can chill or no stuff against bunch of randos.

    Maybe small bonus to points so they have bait to not dodge. Also make trial warm up a thing (Scott Jund on yt, easy to find)

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Not all SWF are sweaty try hards. As for the OP suggestion, I think SWF should be encouraged more often instead.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2021

    Then they have to add in-game voice comms and make texting available during the game, so even solo ques can use them.

    Basically SWFs are utilizing something doesn't exist in the game, which is cheating.

    If devs added in-game voice comms, no one would complain because it'll indicate that's intentionally designed.

  • DoctorDarling
    DoctorDarling Member Posts: 44

    I'm assuming everyone in here saying to add in-game voice chat does not play console. You can't find people and send personal messages on steam, right? Well you sure can on console. I'll let you use your imagination on how people treat each other on this game. 9/10 killer mains have their messages turned off. In-game chat would be beyond horrible.

    Voice chat is not missing from the game because it's cheating. This game is very upsetting and frustrating, hard to balance (hell, it's inherently asymmetrical and people want perfect balance, its amusing), and really cultivates a verbally aggressive whiny toxic player base because of it. I've never played a game where everyone complains so much about anything and everything, blames everything and everyone else for any issues.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Those one or two days will then be dead as nobody likes solo

  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    Then make one or two day in a week with Kindred built in base kit. I play swf because I've built friendships with other players and it actually increases my rate of survival. Solo queue is weak because of the lack of coordination, teammates don't do gens, don't have near enough experience as I do at 4k hours, and more detrimental such as leaving me on the hook or wasting a lot of time.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Or instead of having this day nonsense you just fix the problem. You improve solo survivors by adding a communication wheel with options such as 'working on gen', 'killer after me' etc and add kindred or bond as base kit. Solo survivors will then be as good as swfs and killers can then be buffed to match this and it will be easier. No offense but this one or two day a week thing is just too complicated.

  • BangBang
    BangBang Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2021

    There is no such thing as "killer main".

    Pretty much every killer plays survivor as well.

    In-game voice comms or texting during the match need to be implemented to close the gap between solo ques and SWF.

    If not, SWF just needs some nerf to balance out.

    Post edited by BangBang on
  • CremelloJoJo
    CremelloJoJo Member Posts: 76

    Yeah, stop people having fun with their friends and socialising while playing the game they love! 👌

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    Honestly, my experiences with and against obvious bming SWFs is that they don't do gens and lose the game.

    They'll blame you for this but at the end of the day they weren't doing their objective just so they could ruin your day, so you'll win.

    You won't feel good about it but just remember that it's a small portion of the playerbase, don't let them discourage you