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General Discussions

Tunneling and camping killers



  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Sonzaishinai said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @Sonzaishinai said:
    Tunneling and gen rushing are one and the same thing
    Getting the objective done as fast and efficient as possible

    Gen rushing can be combated by putting pressure on the survivors
    Tunneling can be combatted by taking a hit for a fellow player

    Wrong. Tunneling is playing efficient. Gen rush is just bad game design.
    Gens are done way to fast. If the survivor play well, the killer can't do crap about it.
    If a survivor is a decent runner a single hit takes 30-40 seconds, so 2 hits plus carry to a hook is about the time it takes to do a gen ALONE without any toolbox or great checks.
    If the survivor spread out and do gens all on their own, that's 3 gens done on the first hook.
    The problem about gen rush is that the Devs choose to balance the game for low rank/low skill survivor, that mess around and can't "walk the killer" and can't do great skillchecks.
    Every other game is balanced top down instead of bottom up.

    I'm not saying it's balanced or not
    Just saying it's the same thing
    Rushing the gens is doing the objective fast and efficient

    wether this is balanced or not was not my point

    Your right, but I feel the need to point that out.
    To many survivor mains use that as a lame excuse to call gen rush "fine" (balanced).

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    Instead of punishing killers for camping and tunneling, how about give them an incentive to play otherwise?

    Nono that would be a killer buff, you only want easy 4ks, git gud baby killer :wink:

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.

    Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.

    But I do understand when a killer has no choice but to camp at the end when gates are open but some games you'll get those killers who are purposely coming in with intentions to camp ppl and when survivors realize they'll gen rush and leave and then killer will complain about gens going to fast.

    You know what.... I'm done.

    Camping is unskilled too, nobody claims different.
    Tunneling is just how you choose your target, it has nothing to do with skill or unskill.

    So you say its the killers fault that the game is designed the way that a survivor can loop for several gens? Yeah how could he dare chasing that survivor, he better uninstall

    If you dont understand that this is exactly the core of the problem, then im done too :wink:

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.

    Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.


    You know what.... I'm done.

    1. Looping needs some degree of skill. I have to admit that, because I am a killer main and when I play survivor I really suck at looping, but most likely that a simple training issue and I do not spend enough time playing survivor.
    2. Tunneling and camping are skillful too. Tunneling = chasing and if the chaser gets the chased one, he one. And by calling camping "unskillful" you just take a snapshot of the situation AFTER the killer did all the skillful work to get that victim there and he still has to defend that sacrifice against all the super altruistic wannabe rescuer.
    3. Switching targets only helps if there are easier targets. Of course I avoid those sucker, that WANT to get chased, but in general switching targets is only giving free self heals and getting looped by the next player.

    Actually I think , it is better that you are done...

  • Member Posts: 478
    Wheres a mod to close this dumb ass thread
  • Member Posts: 716
    Master said:

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.

    Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.

    But I do understand when a killer has no choice but to camp at the end when gates are open but some games you'll get those killers who are purposely coming in with intentions to camp ppl and when survivors realize they'll gen rush and leave and then killer will complain about gens going to fast.

    You know what.... I'm done.

    Camping is unskilled too, nobody claims different.
    Tunneling is just how you choose your target, it has nothing to do with skill or unskill.

    So you say its the killers fault that the game is designed the way that a survivor can loop for several gens? Yeah how could he dare chasing that survivor, he better uninstall

    If you dont understand that this is exactly the core of the problem, then im done too :wink:

    I'm really saying that killers should be smart enough to understand the mechanics of the game and either try to end the chases quicker or just search for another target. Some killers should just break the pallets and stop wasting time trying to do ridiculous mindgames.
  • Member Posts: 838

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    Wheres a mod to close this dumb ass thread

    Yeah, let them close this one and another will pop up later today.

  • Member Posts: 478

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    Wheres a mod to close this dumb ass thread

    Yeah, let them close this one and another will pop up later today.

    Your right 
  • Member Posts: 838

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Scgamecock86 said:

    Wheres a mod to close this dumb ass thread

    Yeah, let them close this one and another will pop up later today.

    You're* right 


  • Member Posts: 661

    @ShrimpTwiggs said:
    Instead of punishing killers for camping and tunneling, how about give them an incentive to play otherwise?

    There already is incentive. It doesn't work. So now we need some visible punishment that isn't super harsh. A -100 BP flashed on the screen every 3-5 seconds is plenty. Tunneling sucks, but that's on the person who unhooked you to at least give you a chance. If I unhook someone I'm always prepped to take a hit for them because if they can't escape with me body blocking and the cd animation from the hit, they deserve to be hooked again.

  • Member Posts: 661

    @apropos said:
    Ive been seeing weird complaints about tunneling lately. Like yesterday, I had a guy tell me that I tunneled him. When really, I left the area after hooking him, but came back when i saw he was unhooked and he ran right to me, hooked him in the basement, go to leave and his friend literally jumps down as im coming up. He unhooks him, and i turn around and hit him... nothing. Borrowed time. i chase him, hit him again and when I go to hook him he disconnects then sends me a bunch of nasty messages about tunneling.

    I CANNOT stand this. I usually point in the direction of the killer if I see them trying to run that way after I unhook. I mean they're walking into the terror radius and still keep going as I facepalm.

  • Member Posts: 661

    @Master said:

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.

    Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.

    But I do understand when a killer has no choice but to camp at the end when gates are open but some games you'll get those killers who are purposely coming in with intentions to camp ppl and when survivors realize they'll gen rush and leave and then killer will complain about gens going to fast.

    You know what.... I'm done.

    Camping is unskilled too, nobody claims different.
    Tunneling is just how you choose your target, it has nothing to do with skill or unskill.

    So you say its the killers fault that the game is designed the way that a survivor can loop for several gens? Yeah how could he dare chasing that survivor, he better uninstall

    If you dont understand that this is exactly the core of the problem, then im done too :wink:

    Tunneling is technically unskilled in a way as well. The injured unhooked person is going to need time to heal. The person who unhooked isn't on a generator. By the time the other one heals you should get the healthy one down and be moving on to someone else. Instead, you chase the injured one and sure IF you get them you're closer to getting them out of the game, but you have 3 people on gens in the meantime as opposed to 2.

  • Member Posts: 661

    @ReneAensland said:
    Camping killers is STILL an issue even though they already "addressed the issue in the last patch."
    Well guess what, it's obviously not enough since its still a problem and turning people off from a game like this where survivability is already minimal.
    I'm killer main, but when I want to try my luck at being a survivor, encountering these players makes this game so bad, especially since they're rewarded for such terrible play style.

    It's a trash play style.
    Stop defending it.

    Most players who camp either don't know about the change or don't care about the change. The emblem penalty is so small. I've gotten higher penalty laying traps as a hag than when I camped a Dying Light for a full hook just to see.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    If you get looped however, the survivors are not completely ruining your game unlike the killers that camp. You have 3 other targets + you can mindgame on a lot of loops.

    Yea, switch targets, let 'em heal and get looped by the next survivor.
    And tell me again, why is looping NOT ruining the killers gameexperience?
    Because it is so much fun to do the Benny Hill show, while gens pop?
    Or should the killer enjoy playing pig-in-the-middle?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @purebalance said:

    @Orion said:

    @ForsakenLemon said:
    What rank are you? Because if it is white and yellow ranks, then it is something you have to deal with, killers who can't play try to get kills, but it doesnt give them many blood points or pips

    So, in your mind, Killers who can't play get kills, meaning that those who can play don't get Kills. Do I have that right?

    Nope killers who can't play need to camp to get a kill. Way to misread what he said completely. 9 times out of 10 a killer who camped someone gets into a chase with me and I'm like OOOOOOO this, this is why you camped because they can't land a hit and lose track of you within 10 seconds. But hey, be snarky when you only looked stupid there.

    And how about Killers who don't need to camp, but do so anyway so as not to handicap themselves? Why are they less skilled than the ones who do handicap themselves?

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    If you get looped however, the survivors are not completely ruining your game unlike the killers that camp. You have 3 other targets + you can mindgame on a lot of loops.

    Yea, switch targets, let 'em heal and get looped by the next survivor.
    And tell me again, why is looping NOT ruining the killers gameexperience?
    Because it is so much fun to do the Benny Hill show, while gens pop?
    Or should the killer enjoy playing pig-in-the-middle?

    Applying map and gen pressure? Sorry, but if you get looped for more than 2 gens these days, you are pretty bad. Especially if you have hex ruin and everyone is using it.
    Looping doesnt ruin the game experience because you have 3 other targets, and it's very likely that if you switch to someone else you will get them.
    Camping? Wow, you're hanging on the hook able to do.... nothing.

    Feel free to link your game footage. I would like to see you "pressure the map by switching targets".
    Sorry, but most of what you are saying is just survivor memes.
    Hex Ruin gets either powered through or cleansed in no time.
    And looping will cause 3 gens to pop if the survivor play decent.
    But yea, lets keep balancing around noob survivor, because that worked so well for the last 2 years.

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    If only there was a way for the devs to enforce your made up rules and etiquette...that's what this game needs - mandatory playstyles and punishments for deviating from them. 

    I'd like to see survivors lose 50-100  BP for every 20s they're not on a gen. I just find it so frustrating when I can't find them, and they're denying me the gameplay and points that I so rightfully deserve with my purchase. 

    I think that there should also be a penalty for survivors that loop for too long without dropping a pallet, as until you're far enough into the loop to mindgame or break the pallet, the chase can't end. This should mirror the penalty for hooked survivors, with the pallet functioning as the epicentre.

    I think both of these changes are fair and balanced. 

    I'm a survivor main, btw. 
  • Member Posts: 3,162

    we should stop giving this post attention its very obvious why its here

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited November 2018
    Don't you dare try to shut down lobbying for fair gameplay!
  • Member Posts: 2,959

    If you want less camping, give the survivor a debuff for every time they got hooked.
    Reduced action speed or no fast vaults or reduced movement speed, etc.
    Something that would be meaningful.
    Right now getting hooked once or twice doesn't do anything. The only way for a killer to really impact the survivor as a team is outright eliminating someone.

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    Master said:

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:

    The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.

    Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.
    But I do understand when a killer has no choice but to camp at the end when gates are open but some games you'll get those killers who are purposely coming in with intentions to camp ppl and when survivors realize they'll gen rush and leave and then killer will complain about gens going to fast.

    You know what.... I'm done.

    Camping is unskilled too, nobody claims different.

    Tunneling is just how you choose your target, it has nothing to do with skill or unskill.

    So you say its the killers fault that the game is designed the way that a survivor can loop for several gens? Yeah how could he dare chasing that survivor, he better uninstall

    If you dont understand that this is exactly the core of the problem, then im done too :wink:

    I'm really saying that killers should be smart enough to understand the mechanics of the game and either try to end the chases quicker or just search for another target. Some killers should just break the pallets and stop wasting time trying to do ridiculous mindgames.

    How do you end the chase quicker? I mean there is nothign you can do besides running in circles after the survivor, what is the killer supposed to do? Teleport through the wall? This is exactly the reason why nurse is so strong, she can bypass loops if the player is skilled enough.

    Yeah yeah just break the pallet, I know. Just a pitty that there is enough stuff on the map to loop you until eternity and remember, 1 gen only takes 80 seconds and you need to hti the survivro twice (if no crutches)

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    If you are fortunate  enough to hook someone within 1-2 minutes of the match starting, you'd  be an idiot to let them be rescued. 
  • Member Posts: 838

    @purebalance said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    Camping killers is STILL an issue even though they already "addressed the issue in the last patch."
    Well guess what, it's obviously not enough since its still a problem and turning people off from a game like this where survivability is already minimal.
    I'm killer main, but when I want to try my luck at being a survivor, encountering these players makes this game so bad, especially since they're rewarded for such terrible play style.

    It's a trash play style.
    Stop defending it.

    Most players who camp either don't know about the change or don't care about the change. The emblem penalty is so small. I've gotten higher penalty laying traps as a hag than when I camped a Dying Light for a full hook just to see.

    I know. The Emblem Penalty is a joke.

  • Member Posts: 1
    Orion said:

    This is a PvP game. If you can't handle losing, go play something else 

    If killers have to camp and tunnel to win a match then maybe they need to go and play another game, it’s not fair to constantly chase the same person over and over again, I’ve been in games were the killer has ignored me and carried on looking for someone that was hit 

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited November 2018

    @kane151 said:
    If killers have to camp and tunnel to win a match then maybe they need to go and play another game, it’s not fair to constantly chase the same person over and over again, I’ve been in games were the killer has ignored me and carried on looking for someone that was hit 

    Why is it not fair for your opponent to play efficiently (going for the easier target), intelligently (not falling for bait), within the confines of the rules (no rules against chasing Survivors, last I checked), and capitalize on someone's mistakes (the Survivor failed at stealth and lost the chase, after all)?

  • Member Posts: 320

    Getting tunneled and/or camped sucks, it really does. The thing is, if the survivors are skilled enough/ have the right perk load outs camping Killers can get punished hard. Outside of the Nurse if you have awareness as to where you need to loop, most times you should be able to delay for 2-4 gens. If you're getting tunneled blow all the good loop pallets, waste as much time as possible, you're going to die, accept that and try and make it so as many of the other survivors can get out.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    If you get looped however, the survivors are not completely ruining your game unlike the killers that camp. You have 3 other targets + you can mindgame on a lot of loops.

    Yea, switch targets, let 'em heal and get looped by the next survivor.
    And tell me again, why is looping NOT ruining the killers gameexperience?
    Because it is so much fun to do the Benny Hill show, while gens pop?
    Or should the killer enjoy playing pig-in-the-middle?

    Applying map and gen pressure? Sorry, but if you get looped for more than 2 gens these days, you are pretty bad. Especially if you have hex ruin and everyone is using it.
    Looping doesnt ruin the game experience because you have 3 other targets, and it's very likely that if you switch to someone else you will get them.
    Camping? Wow, you're hanging on the hook able to do.... nothing.

    Feel free to link your game footage. I would like to see you "pressure the map by switching targets".
    Sorry, but most of what you are saying is just survivor memes.
    Hex Ruin gets either powered through or cleansed in no time.
    And looping will cause 3 gens to pop if the survivor play decent.
    But yea, lets keep balancing around noob survivor, because that worked so well for the last 2 years.

    When did I say that switching targets = map pressure? The killer meme you mentioned is "lol the other guy will loop me for 5 gens too, so whats the point"

    If you get looped for 3 gens you're literal trash, sorry. Truth hurts. It was very much possible back then with more pallets an pallet vaccum but now it's not so easy and doesn't happen if the killer has half a braincell. But yeah of course it's the devs' fault, sorry.

    If you can't do that, may YOU are not that good of a survivor.
    But hey, reversed logic is always wrong, huh?
    Do some basic calculations about chases and you will find out.
    Of course that only works if you use realistic numbers, but in your world survivor get down in 10 seconds, right?
    Still funny if people make things up, like non of us would play the game.

  • Member Posts: 56
  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @WhateverIGuess said:

    If you get looped however, the survivors are not completely ruining your game unlike the killers that camp. You have 3 other targets + you can mindgame on a lot of loops.

    Yea, switch targets, let 'em heal and get looped by the next survivor.
    And tell me again, why is looping NOT ruining the killers gameexperience?
    Because it is so much fun to do the Benny Hill show, while gens pop?
    Or should the killer enjoy playing pig-in-the-middle?

    Applying map and gen pressure? Sorry, but if you get looped for more than 2 gens these days, you are pretty bad. Especially if you have hex ruin and everyone is using it.
    Looping doesnt ruin the game experience because you have 3 other targets, and it's very likely that if you switch to someone else you will get them.
    Camping? Wow, you're hanging on the hook able to do.... nothing.

    Feel free to link your game footage. I would like to see you "pressure the map by switching targets".
    Sorry, but most of what you are saying is just survivor memes.
    Hex Ruin gets either powered through or cleansed in no time.
    And looping will cause 3 gens to pop if the survivor play decent.
    But yea, lets keep balancing around noob survivor, because that worked so well for the last 2 years.

    When did I say that switching targets = map pressure? The killer meme you mentioned is "lol the other guy will loop me for 5 gens too, so whats the point"

    If you get looped for 3 gens you're literal trash, sorry. Truth hurts. It was very much possible back then with more pallets an pallet vaccum but now it's not so easy and doesn't happen if the killer has half a braincell. But yeah of course it's the devs' fault, sorry.

    If you can't do that, may YOU are not that good of a survivor.
    But hey, reversed logic is always wrong, huh?
    Do some basic calculations about chases and you will find out.
    Of course that only works if you use realistic numbers, but in your world survivor get down in 10 seconds, right?
    Still funny if people make things up, like non of us would play the game.

    Playing at rank 1 has shown me a lot about killers, since it's fairly easy to rank-up, trash-tier killers go to rank 1 and then complain on the forums that survivors are too OP. If that's the case, why do I still get actually good killers that know how to apply map pressure and are equally as good in chases? They mindgame, they know their lunges, moonwalks, red light positioning, they don't respect pallets and so on. I'm in no way a killer main, but i'm practicing these mindgames and they work like a charm.

    You can't prove that tunneling and camping isn't toxic and unhealthy. They are strategies, but they are one of the big reasons why a lot of people left / took a break and that's saying something.
    I haven't seen many posts about people leaving because of looping, which is weird since this is a killer main centric forum.

    You talk about prove, but call this a "killer main centric forum"; do you have any prove for that?

    What kind of "prove" would you accept that "camping and tunneling" isn't "toxic"?
    To me it is just playing efficient; go for the weaker target that goes down faster, eliminate targets asap, do not give free unhooks.
    The problem is YOU see it as "toxic", because it affects YOU.

    And I personally know enough former killer mains that quit -either playing different games now or switched to survivor for easier games- because the game is so badly balanced and in favor of survivor. But you won't believe that anyway.

  • Member Posts: 661

    @Glebu said:

    @Glebu said:

    Sad thing is that I've seen killers with DH and MYC camping. And unless you're SWF most unorganized teams won't know to not come.

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    Camping sucks.
    Tunneling is just removing a player that is injured and can't stay out of sight. Considering killer is about time management,  its probably the most effective use of time (not talking about hook, wait for it, and rehook). Between a hooked and non hooked survivor, the smart choice is the guy you can get rid of.
  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @Master said:
    How do you end the chase quicker?

    Stop chasing them and do something else. Chase another survivor off a gen, kick some pallets you need to kick. A lot of killers get this thing in their head where the moment they find someone they chase them, relentlessly, until either they lose them completely or they catch them. It's during this time that the other get gens done because there is nothing to stop them. Really good killers keep pressure on all the survivors by knowing when to just give up on a chase. Yea it sucks that you have to let someone go that you could get, but sometimes it's better to do that because it disrupts the speed the GROUP does the gens.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    How do you end the chase quicker?

    Stop chasing them and do something else. Chase another survivor off a gen, kick some pallets you need to kick. A lot of killers get this thing in their head where the moment they find someone they chase them, relentlessly, until either they lose them completely or they catch them. It's during this time that the other get gens done because there is nothing to stop them. Really good killers keep pressure on all the survivors by knowing when to just give up on a chase. Yea it sucks that you have to let someone go that you could get, but sometimes it's better to do that because it disrupts the speed the GROUP does the gens.

    So lose the chase over and over again, because every single Survivor is going to do the same thing.

  • Member Posts: 4,506
    Orion said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    How do you end the chase quicker?

    Stop chasing them and do something else. Chase another survivor off a gen, kick some pallets you need to kick. A lot of killers get this thing in their head where the moment they find someone they chase them, relentlessly, until either they lose them completely or they catch them. It's during this time that the other get gens done because there is nothing to stop them. Really good killers keep pressure on all the survivors by knowing when to just give up on a chase. Yea it sucks that you have to let someone go that you could get, but sometimes it's better to do that because it disrupts the speed the GROUP does the gens.

    So lose the chase over and over again, because every single Survivor is going to do the same thing.

    That implies every survivor is the same exact skill level and playstyle. Which would negate most of the arguements on this forum.
  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited November 2018

    @Orion said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Master said:
    How do you end the chase quicker?

    Stop chasing them and do something else. Chase another survivor off a gen, kick some pallets you need to kick. A lot of killers get this thing in their head where the moment they find someone they chase them, relentlessly, until either they lose them completely or they catch them. It's during this time that the other get gens done because there is nothing to stop them. Really good killers keep pressure on all the survivors by knowing when to just give up on a chase. Yea it sucks that you have to let someone go that you could get, but sometimes it's better to do that because it disrupts the speed the GROUP does the gens.

    So lose the chase over and over again, because every single Survivor is going to do the same thing.

    Maybe if you can't catch ANYONE then you aren't as good a killer as you think. Just sayin'. I play a few killers at rank 1, most of the slow ones too and Freddy (and Nurse on console). Yea you get survivors that are really good at running away, but no survivor ever plays perfectly all the time. You have to capitalize on their mistakes. If you just keep chasing someone the others do gens. Sometimes if I start a chase and don't get a hit in the first 10 seconds but they drop a pallet, I'll just break the pallet and move on. I know that survivor won't be doing gens just yet, I have maybe 15-20 seconds before they feel "safe" and find a gen to work on. Maybe 10 if they are a good survivor. That's enough time to reset and get on another survivor.

    The key is to know when to chase and when to not chase. If you swing at everyone and never take a chase that's just as bad as taking a chase and NEVER giving it up. Newsflash, you earn less Chaser points the longer the chase is. If you don't end a chase quickly then break off and find someone else, that you can catch.

    You make it sound like it's impossible to catch a survivor. Maybe it is if you just follow them around every loop like a puppy, but if you act with your own will then you can put pressure on survivors into making mistakes, and THEN you catch them.

  • Member Posts: 2,959
    edited November 2018

    @thesuicidefox said:

    Maybe if you can't catch ANYONE then you aren't as good a killer as you think. Just sayin'.

    Oh how I love those survivor memes.^^
    Survivor got carries through the match by sanctioned exploits and call themself skilled. :P
    At high ranks basically EVERY survivor can loop. It's a simple matter of practice.
    Switching targets is only promoted by the same survivor that say "SC is fine, just loose the injured" or "if the killer lost the victim, he deserve the (free) heal".
    You just want to play pig-in-the-middle and blame the killer for flawed game design.

  • Member Posts: 261
    KOFF said:
    Tunneling and camping killers should be ge get more easily banned because its unfair if killer tunnels only one survivor and doesn't seem to care other survivors and when the killer gets one or two of them to hook he starts camping and yesterday one killer said he camped because he didn't have perks and add-ons so he decided to camp and me and my friend died on our first hook when game was going on like 5 minutes and killers nowadays starts camping right away when they get the first hook and thats not fair.
    Killers job is to kill ur not there to have fun just like looping is not fun so enjoy the tunnels and camps
  • Member Posts: 1,093

    i get the mechanic is annoying and needs fixing, but you want to ban them? what the hell is wrong with you?

  • Member Posts: 1,089


    If you are being tunneled, you are screwing up. That or your team mates are Blue Falcons (army term for Buddy F-er)

    I don't tend to camp, cause the gens will be rushed. However I will usualy double back for an unhook. because there's guaranteed to be 2 people there, as opposed to maybe 1 person at the gen.

    If your teammate unhooks while in my heartbeat, that's ya'lls fault, not mine.

    If you run down an open lane of sight and i see you running from my hook. That's your fault.

    If you literally run into me. That's your fault.

    If I double back because I saw your unhookers pathing, that's not camping.

    If you get unhooked and you both run different directions, and you take the path with less/no pallets or escapes. That's your fault. I damn sure remember the weak paths as a decent killer. You should too.

    If i hook you and then the exit gates pop, or hook you while the gates are open. Then I probably will camp you. It takes 20seconds to open a gate, with no skillchecks involved. By the time a killer reaches a gate, it tends to be open. So leaving a hook, is just giving up a sack. Sorry, it's just how the endgame works atm.

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @Wolf74 said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    Maybe if you can't catch ANYONE then you aren't as good a killer as you think. Just sayin'.

    Oh how I love those survivor memes.^^
    Survivor got carries through the match by sanctioned exploits and call themself skilled. :P
    At high ranks basically EVERY survivor can loop. It's a simple matter of practice.
    Switching targets is only promoted by the same survivor that say "SC is fine, just loose the injured" or "if the killer lost the victim, he deserve the (free) heal".
    You just want to play pig-in-the-middle and blame the killer for flawed game design.

    Or maybe you need to find more effective ways to catch people. If you just follow them around the loops then you will chase them forever. You need to put them in positions to make mistakes. Following the formula they are used to is not the way to make them make mistakes. You make it sound like all survivors are impossible to catch. Again maybe you aren't as good of a killer as you think. I play rank 1 killer and I can catch most survivors I come across in under 40 seconds. The ones that last longer I don't just keep chasing all game. I'll chase them until I decide I spent too much time on them then I will break off and find someone else. If you waste all game trying to catch someone you clearly can't then you are playing killer wrong and you will lose.

    I'm also rank 1 surv, and good killers can mind game me or predict what I'm doing and catch me, even if I try to loop, or they let me go and go for someone else that is more vulnerable. Bad killers don't do this, they just follow you as you run the patterns and ignore much easier targets because "they gotta catch 'em all!"

  • Member Posts: 1,269
    Master said:

    @OGlilSPOOK20 said:
    The irony that killers say that looping is a unskillful thing to do, but yet they say tunnelling and camping is a strat.

    Oh no the survivor is trying its best to not get hit and survivor (killer proceeds to keep chasing this survivor instead of breaking off to check gens and go for others) 3 gens pop on and now killer finally catches the survivor and then proceeds to camp them because of a stupid excuse of 3 gens going off when they could've avoided it by leaving that survivor.

    But I do understand when a killer has no choice but to camp at the end when gates are open but some games you'll get those killers who are purposely coming in with intentions to camp ppl and when survivors realize they'll gen rush and leave and then killer will complain about gens going to fast.

    You know what.... I'm done.

    Camping is unskilled too, nobody claims different.
    Tunneling is just how you choose your target, it has nothing to do with skill or unskill.

    So you say its the killers fault that the game is designed the way that a survivor can loop for several gens? Yeah how could he dare chasing that survivor, he better uninstall

    If you dont understand that this is exactly the core of the problem, then im done too :wink:

    I'm really saying that killers should be smart enough to understand the mechanics of the game and either try to end the chases quicker or just search for another target. Some killers should just break the pallets and stop wasting time trying to do ridiculous mindgames.
    Depends on the killer trapper and hag can use loops and pallets against loopers via traps oh you have a pallet loop set up one sec hag places traps on both sides after pallet is down boom dogs one fake hag down by other or get two sides trap
  • Member Posts: 770

    All these posts are the ######### same.

    looping and DSing survivors should be ge get more easily banned because its unfair if survivors win only one killer and doesn't seem to care if killer have fun and when the survivors get one or two gens done he starts Laughing and yesterday one survivor said he looped because he didn't have perks and add-ons so he decided to loop and me and my ego died on our first survivor with DS when game was going on like 5 minutes and survivors nowadays starts gen rushing right away when they get the first gen done and thats not fair.

  • Member Posts: 770

    @KOFF said:
    I've been facing these kinda killers mostly at rank 1 and now at rank 9 after the reset.

    You arent rank 1 because well rank 1 goes to rank 10 with 2 pips after reset.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    Unicorn said:
    I'm sorry but I never understood "camping and tunneling" being a legit strategy. I feel like thats an excuse to make Killers feel good about themselves. I don't camp, it's boring as hell! I could spend that time patrolling gens and slowing the game down.

    The only time I find it acceptable to tunnel is when someone unhooks while I'm still around the damn hook, and even then I go after the a-hole that is obviously farming that person.
    Camping is viable when you think that a Survivor might be near the hook.

    In a lot of cases, tunneling is common sense. If I find an injured Survivor and a healthy Survivor together, it makes more sense to down the injured Survivor and put them right back on the hook instead of go after the healthy Survivor who will take two hits to down and could buy time for the other Survivor to heal up and complete a gen. 
  • Member Posts: 838

    @SnakeSound222 said:
    Unicorn said:

    I'm sorry but I never understood "camping and tunneling" being a legit strategy. I feel like thats an excuse to make Killers feel good about themselves. I don't camp, it's boring as hell! I could spend that time patrolling gens and slowing the game down.

    The only time I find it acceptable to tunnel is when someone unhooks while I'm still around the damn hook, and even then I go after the a-hole that is obviously farming that person.

    Camping is viable when you think that a Survivor might be near the hook.

    In a lot of cases, tunneling is common sense. If I find an injured Survivor and a healthy Survivor together, it makes more sense to down the injured Survivor and put them right back on the hook instead of go after the healthy Survivor who will take two hits to down and could buy time for the other Survivor to heal up and complete a gen. 

    I agree with this statement. It's understandable if BBQ and Chilly doesn't show anyone, meaning they're around the area. If you see a survivor following you as you're carrying another, it's understandable if you're patrolling.

    Other than that, there is no excuse to hook and camp at the hook staring at the survivor.

  • i won't ask the dev to punish camp or tunnel but survivor should not depip or get less point if survivor get camped on the start of the match

  • Member Posts: 7,162
    Unicorn said:
    I'm sorry but I never understood "camping and tunneling" being a legit ustrategy. I feel like thats an excuse to make Killers feel good about themselves. I don't camp, it's boring as hell! I could spend that time patrolling gens and slowing the game down.

    The only time I find it acceptable to tunnel is when someone unhooks while I'm still around the damn hook, and even then I go after the a-hole that is obviously farming that person.
    Well said.
  • Member Posts: 7,779
    They should really add an "imaginary ruleset" subforum. 
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