Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Trickster isn’t even fun to fight

Member Posts: 11,534
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

From my experience playing against trickster he isn’t even fun to fight against.

  1. He has no way to pressure the map and create interaction
  2. He has a lot of blades so making him miss doesn’t feel satisfying like huntress or slinger
  3. His small and quiet terror radius make him feel like a pseudo stealth killer when he shouldn’t be
  4. He doesn’t seem to have much of a skill ceiling excluding his ricochet addon

He falls into a lot of the same categories as deathslinger does in terms of facing him. Why can’t we have more mobility based killers instead of 110% no pressure ones?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah auto haven is actually kinda strong for him. He still takes ages to down someone but he definitely will down you

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Ormond is really bad against him too since other than the main building he can shoot over nearly every object, and the main building is full of straight corridors so he has a very easy time shooting there too, but he still cant create enough pressure to actually win games even in maps like these. This killer needs so many changes to be okay in any way.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah what makes huntress and slinger fun is the fact that dodging the shot feels satisfying. Dodging trickster feels like “great another 59 to go”

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Dear lord, he is nowhere near deathslinger. I played against deathslinger like once, but I can guarantee you that trickster is infinitely better than deathslinger, to play against.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    Deathslinger is harder to counter but trickster is more boring since I’m half asleep whenever I go against him

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Well it has only been a day. People are still trying to get the hang of him.

  • Member Posts: 385
    edited March 2021

    The moment when even survivor mains complain that a killer isn't good enough, you know something went horribly wrong...

    But yeah, he is extremely unfun to play as, he can't patrol really well, and is forced to commit into his chase otherwise his knifes would be totally wasted, which mean that you can just sit on a gen all game long without ever seeing him.

    And when you do actually see him, you are either facing a 110% M1 killer which is laughably easy to loop or a poor soul that keep trying to hit you with his knifes one said loops, which is so ineffective that if actually makes you feel bad for the guy.

    He has so many downsides that you dont even have any real "counter play" to do oustide of zigzaging a lil bit if he tries to hit you midrange on an open field... but that's it, on loop he litterally can't do anything outside of just slowly walking 10% faster than you and that's it....

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited March 2021

    I've just been running to the shack or main building if it has enough corners, he switches to his power then he loses what little ground he's gained for 1 maybe 2 knives. I've been downed once by him and its been by him bloodlusting me with M1.

    That is, if I even see him considering it can take him 3 gens to get 1 down. And that's in solo queue. Potato central.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Honestly, the only good thing about Trickster is his trailer. Everything else is just awful and unhealthy. His aesthetic is weird and honestly doesn't fit DBD at all. His power is so weak that he is literally the worst killer in the game. And his map pressure, which is extremely important on higher ranks, is nonexistent.

    I've enjoyed every single DBD chapter, even A Binding of Kin (somehow). But All-Kill is nothing more than a huge disappointment.

    Well, yes... and no. Trickster and Old Legion have a somewhat similar mechanic, but there is a difference:

    Old Legion was a very broken killer with zero counterplay and exploits.

    Trickster is a very weak with so much counterplay that his power is not even threatening.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Spamming his power wouldn't even be bad to play if it wasn't for the random spread and recoil. The recoil is fine, because you can offset the recoil yourself, but the spread just leads to situations where you miss shots because the game says so.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Bloody hell I am glad this was my first ever non-purchase/unlock.

  • Member Posts: 686

    Ah shouldn't be too hard to get the hang of him 😂 he doesn't do anything but throw 60 knives and can't keep to the chases! He literally had no skill!!

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I'm literally saying that you don't know how much skill he takes and how well he does in chase until the fog clears and we can see how he turns out. People here have no goddamn patience.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Yup, he's the anti deathslinger. He's on the complete other end of the scale. Slingers lack of real counterplay to insta shots makes him boring and stomp players in chases. Trickster has so much easy counterplay that chases last forever and are extremely stale and dull, its rare for him to even get a hit. In the past people have said killer only wins through survivor mistakes, which is something that I half agree and half disagree with. Trickster is the embodiment of that statement.

  • Member Posts: 385

    Then sad part is... they made sure to give him very strong perk to make you want to get him no matter what, and the stupidest part is that most of his own perks dont synergise well at all with his kit. His strongest perk, A Starstruck works based on terror radius... but his terror radius is smaller than the average killer.

  • Member Posts: 686

    Put it this way my 3 year old god son could probably play with him or even against him.. he's that simple. He has 60 knives and takes half of that to drop someone 😂 think my nan is probably quicker in a chase on her zimmerframe than he is.

  • Member Posts: 3,398
    edited March 2021

    I kind of disagree and this is coming from someone's who despises playing against Deathslinger. Against Trickster I am in no kind of immediate danger of going down nor do I care at all what he is doing because his power is so trash. Against Deathslinger I can be hit at any moment and he's an actual threat in a chase. I can also acknowledge when the Slinger did a good play. Against Trickster it's literally just run around until he tickles you 8 times out of his 60 knives and deals 1 state of damage to you, there isn't much aiming involved because he's literally just spamming stuff at you until you eventually go down, and if I get behind an obstacle I am immediately safe because he has no kind of zoning potential either. That's even more boring than Slinger.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    "killer only wins through survivor mistakes"

    I've heard this many times before, and even after a long time I still agree with it. It is just my opinion but I think, and I quote TydeTyme: "killers are less interactive and more reactive".

    But Trickster... by the Entity, Trickster needs much more than one survivor mistake or two to win. He needs much more.

  • Member Posts: 209

    Also you aren't actually dodging- the spread means you can easily move into shots and also means that the killer can miss at point blank range. Unskillet and unrewarding for the killer, unskilled and unrewarding for the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 64

    I agree with this 100%. I like playing against deathslinger much more than trickster and the fact that people find him annoying to go against also makes him boring to play against since the counter is to just gen rush. He's just boring, annoying, and weak and even though I have fun playing as him, I will almost always lose.

  • Member Posts: 2,109

    are you seriously suggesting he's strong?

    he's not

  • Member Posts: 841

    He's pretty trash in terms of power but the general interaction you have with him is:

    A) You're in an open field or low walled loop, so you can't dodge the daggers or do anything and will go down very quickly.

    B) You're anywhere else and he takes 3 years to down you since his power is literally useless at jungle gyms, shack and even L&T walls.

  • Member Posts: 11,534
  • Member Posts: 39

    I got a Trickster ritual so took it as a chance to give him a shot. Did very well in the match (to be fair I'm at rank 13 and the survivor ranks actually made some sense at 7 ie the one who escaped, 12, 13, and 18), but his power just felt... well, it worked, got me downs.

    I'm not entirely sure how to explain it, but I felt more of an emotional "oomph" when I hit someone with my club than when I got a laceration injury/down. I never tried the Main Event because I heard it'd work more against me than for me.

    I played some Huntress for a while recently but gave up for the time being because my aim with her was just awful, but when a hatchet landed it felt so much better.

    It's unfortunate, I like his style, visuals and audio both do it for me, but those knives as they are? Meh.

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