We'll make it buff

On top of what it already does:
When the perk is active, your aura is revealed to all other survivors- Any injured survivor will see your aura for as long as the perk is active
I think it would help you get more use out of it since any other injured teammate would see you and know that you could patch them up quickly. It isn't anything crazy either and only helps solo queue players more.
It is already good perk, i dont think it needs buff. Just one hook save and then you have insane fast healing and you have really good time for keep it.
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Excellent idea, you have my vote.
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How about all other injured survivors, because while im all for a no downside buff I think it would make more sense if you become injured while someone has well make it active you see the blue symbol in the bottom left and can see their aura to know where to go for heals, regular aura reading 24/7 when a survivor has it active just sounds weird
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We'll make it and Bond are a permanent part of my build so I kind of already have the aura reading. But yeah map wide aura reading for the 90 seconds would be great.
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I agree. Do you mean survivors that are downed or just survivors in general? Nevertheless I would agree anyways.
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Ehhh, it's be a nice buff but I don't think it needs it. The perk is already good on its own, I don't think it needs another ability like that.
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It's fine as it is. If you really want aura reading, bring a perk like empathy/bond/aftercare.
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That should honestly be how blood pact works: 'injured survivors see your aura if you're the obsession. Increases chance to become obsession' or something like that.
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Does We'll Make It need a buff? I can think of numerous perks that need it far more than that one. This Is Not Happening comes to mind.
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Love me some Bond. Pretty much a must-have perk for me.
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Although a great idea, perhaps adding it to We’ll Make It isn’t the way to go. Arguably because that perk doesn’t need a buff.
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Out of all the like 90% of survivor perks that are terrible and need buffs badly why are we focusing on We'll Make It? It's already a highly underrated and very good perk. I really don't think it needs more buffs at all.
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I wouldn't be opposed to blood pact rework of sorts
How's this
Blood pact :
Greatly Increases your chances of being the obsession (basically priority unless someone else has this perk then its an equal chance between who becomes the obsession)
If you are the obsession when any survivor becomes injured you both see each others auras, when you become injured your aura is revealed to all survivors
If you are not the obsession when you or the Obsession are injured, you both see each other's auras
Whenever you heal or get healed by a survivor you both gain a 5/6/7% haste bonus until you exit within 16 meters of each other
Basically all the effects are on top of current blood pact so a massive boost if you are the obsession by making blood pact teamwide and a large increase to obsession chance so this perk can get a lot of value
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The perk is already good as is but this is one of those changes that would solely buff solo queue and bring it more up to par with SWF.
So yes please, sounds like a great changd.
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It's a good idea, But I don't think We'll Make It really needs a buff. It's a strong perk already.
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It's already a strong and good perk No need for a buff
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cool idea but we'll make it is strong as is
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It's all ready a good perk that people will typically use BT instead. We'll Make It is a staple in my normal build both in solo and swf'ing, I tend to pair it with We're Gonna Live Forever for the bloodpoints, stacks, and just the amount of time it saves healing and reviving slugs is so good. Cool idea though.
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this change would just turn it into aftercare 2.0.
a better buff would be to make it so the same effects apply to you when you get unhooked
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So like all other injured survivors can see someone with wmi? That seems better than what I came up with.
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I know, but I still think it could use a slight tweak. It still wouldn't be meta with this change.
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If it showed your aura to injured survivors within a range I'm ok with that
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we'll make it is fine as is
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I use We'll Make It all the time. It doesn't need a buff.
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Already a great perk no need for buffs.
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As a medic-build main, I would absolutely LOVE to have the buff to allow injured survivors to see YOU. However, the perk is already quite good as it is so I can see why this suggestion would be dismissed.
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To be fair I theorize a lot of perk changes, I have been doing it for almost as long as I've been playing the game and have gotten decent at reworking perks and theorizing new ones, here's one of my old ones that aged like fine wine for a new perk idea from August 2020
Supply run, once/twice/three times per game you can reset a chest to find another item in it, the new item isn't affected by any modifying perks