What The Trickster needs

Trickster got a boost that made him "viable" this past patch. Thanks for doing that :) Trickster is still lacking. He doesn't have map pressure not can he pressure anymore than one 1 survivor at a time which makes him very challenging. I believe to bring him on par with the rest of the killers lethality he needs the following.
- Movement speed set to 113%
- Either give Main Event a boost in movement speed or be able to bank main event and use when it's useful. One of the biggest failures of Main event is it pops when its not useful.
- take away the recoil from throwing knives completely. Knives dont recoil naturally anyway and he definitely isnt overpowered to where they need recoil.
What would be the noticeable difference in being a 113% compared to 115%?
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His base speed would improve his movement when he's throwing. When you play him with tier 1 of NOED you can really tell its much smoother when throwing knives and being able to keep up in a chase.
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He doesn't need a movement speed increase, being ranged. Just lower the amount of knives needed to injure/down, have it so they need to heal to remove the laceration meter, make the ricochet base kit, to further differentiate him from Huntress/Deathslinger, and allow him to activate his power on command, not automatically.
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Lowering the amount of knives creates an Old Legion scenario.
He will excel in chase despite having his power be awful.
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Nice ideas man but even that won't change is core problems. 8th daggers is still too many and for now i don't see the devs making him 113 or 115 since he is ranged even though that ranged is #########. I am ok with him being 110% but if he is to remain like that he needs to down on the 5th or 6th dagger at the least but the best thing for a 1v4 would be that the bars don't regress or the survivors have to do something in order to regress them like with Freddy getting out of the dream world with the clocks. That way the survivors will have to at least make some hard decisions if they want to go for saves if they are 99% to injure. Funny thing is i liked playing him more on the PTB when both the ricochet and the green addon could actually down survivors fairly quickly. I would actually prefer playing that version of him on live right now.
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You know what would be interesting to see? Main Event having like 4 or 5 ricochets for its knives while it is running.
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What about making the laceration meter go down much slower outside of the terror radius? That could really help things. Keep the meter drain automatic but make it more of a lasting threat and more concerning if you get 5 Trickster knives thrown in you but they didn't injure.
One of Trickster's weaknesses is "sunken cost": if you have 6 knives in a Survivor, you are encouraged to tunnel (this indirectly makes him similar to Old Legion) Huntress and Slinger don't have this issue, hit the Survivor once and you can at least injure them if they're healthy, then go. Trickster? Not so much.
There needs to be more incentive to throw knives at other Survivors without needing to engage to help with pressure, currently Survivors don't fear his knives and will be more cocky specifically because they know that a few knives is nothing unless it actually injures.
Maybe Survivors could face penalties outside of the TR depending on how many knives they have thrown in too? Interaction speed penalities would make bodyblocking for Survivors who are about to lose one health state a bit more costly, plus throwing in the laceration meter slowdown when outside of the TR.
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Could work.
I think it's worth testing
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I believe so as well. I also forgot to mention that Main Event should be able to be held on for 60 seconds to help give Trickster a opening to use it and/or a lessened speed boost if a Survivor becomes injured to a Trickster Main Event knife.
I also want this to work with M&A and perks like Dark Devotion, since this could set up some interesting playstyles or builds for Trickster outside of running meta perks like Ruin and Pop. Killers with perks that compliment their power are always more interesting, like Myers and M&A.
The laceration meter decay also creates some interesting situations like this:
David is getting chased by Trickster. He's had a lot of knives put in him, his meter is red, and is exactly one knife away from becoming injured. Jane steps in and bodyblocks for David, taking a few knives to help David escape. Currently, as long as David and Jane both make it to a loop or a building, Trickster gets delayed big time by having to catch up and throw more knives in Jane if she keeps bodyblocking. If Trickster leaves, those knives are going to vanish very quickly, any time spent chasing David will also have been completely wasted. However, if my idea was implemented... Trickster could abandon them both if he feels it's not worth it, leaving them to go hide and do gens. Jane and David can run away and go do gens, knowing that they're going to suffer from interaction speed penalties for QUITE a while... or they can chase after Trickster to stay in his TR to make their meter drain faster, giving a chance for Trickster to potentially catch one of them out of position and either M1 or hit them with knives.
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Both before and after the buff Trickster seemed okay to me. I do not see why people complain about him? I have seen killer mains use him very effectively and others who are not that good use him less effectively. I think the problem is killer mains are used to Huntress and how easy she is to throw/down and expected that in Trickster. Now, some killer mains have to work at it a bit more and its throwing them off.
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This is where I believe he needs a speed increase. There are tiles on the map that you cannot get knives into someone if they play it perfectly. You cannot catch up and you cannot down them. Disturbed ward, Haddonfield are a couple that come to mind. The scenario you draw out happens a lot, put 7 knives into someone that you have no hope of getting the last.
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I went from rank 2 to rank 10 playing him to get adept before the buff and have played him after the buff. Prestige 3 and have almost every tier 3 perk on him at this point. I have tried a lot of different combos and he doesn't have the killing power or map pressure the other killers have. He is by far the weakest killer.
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I think most of that works and would be great for most areas he’s lacking now. The only thing I disagree with is the movement speed. There are loops every map trickster has no prayer of hitting someone with a knife or an M1 if the survivor is decent at looping. You get 4 survivors that can loop trickster will have a hard time getting any kills.
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tbh imo trickster's concept was botched in the ptb and still is, he needs to be fully reworked to prevent another legion
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Those do help a great deal and I use them religiously. Edge revival is one of my favorites. There are loops though where none of the above help if you are against a good looper. One can say go get someone else off a gen. The issue is most red ranks are running spine chill and are gone and to the next tile to loop you. If you are against a SWF team that are good loopers even the above addons for the average player don't help too much. Edge revival is 50% splash and thats 32 near hits to get someone down. 30 if you are using Melodius Murder.