wraith is OP

wraiths lunge speed coming out of invisibility is so easily abusable i just went against a wraith with no addons and bitter murmur sloppy butcher both level 1 and he destroyed us cause he would go invisible come out and his speed coming out is just unbeatable his movement speed is too fast outside of invisibility as well but it just makes wraith an incredibly difficult killer to beat cause no matter how good they are its so easy to abuse also is his lunge speed bugged coming out of invis cause its uncanny to any lunge speed ive ever seen in the game
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idk if id say that hes definitely gotten to b probably now. 150% in cloak put on good perks and addons have a good wraith who can mindgame with the lunge and hes definitely a sight to be feared.
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Sluzzy is that you?
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git gud
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No. No he is not.
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Don't run out in the open.
There you go. :)
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If this is serious (and I know it isn't) then you're probably just...
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Opinion discarded
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So the big counter to wraith is gaining distance as soon as you see him. Thats why they buffed him so you cant see him further than 24 meters. Be warned if you use sprint burst to do this and you wait too long, wraith CAN hit you with your speed boost. Just dont hug the gen as he's walking up on you and youll be fine.
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Holy ######### it’s like these people get so mad when a killer gets buffed and call them OP because of it.
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he’s not good. if you get beat by a wraith, understand that the player is just good at the game since he’s winning while playing a D tier killer (wraith) and probably deserves your kills.
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you are probably just bad
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Wraith is a good killer now but not op
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Wraith can be very miserable going against in the 1v1 at loops. But that's only if the three variables exist (bad loops, strong killer perks/addons and bad teammates). Other killers have better and efficient special abilities, and so are not so depended on addons and perks. For instance, in long loops it can be devastating for wraith to injure or down someone. And in the amount of time it takes wraith to down you, gens "should" be popping left and right. Mind you, having any killer needing to down you in span of 30+ seconds is huge if your teammates are doing gens while you were in chase.
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The lunge he gets when coming out of cloak is not abusing, it is a tactic that he can utilize to his advantage just like any other killer. For example, Hillbilliy's ability to curve.
Sounds like a case of git gud.
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I'm more impressed by the fact nothing you said was correct. Takes skill to be this wrong.
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No no no. I switch from spirit main to Wraith and you going start this #########.