Will Pig ever be buffed?

Don't get me wrong Amanda is one of my mains and not weak at all when played properly but something that just doesn't sit right with me is her reverse bear traps.
They should either buff her add-ons such as tampered timer and actually reduce it from 2 minutes and 30 seconds to something around 1 min 45 sec or increase the amount of time it takes to search a Jigsaw Box.
Its honestly almost impossible to pressure both gens and bear traps at the same time especially when they're not active yet.
Besides, the only good add-ons she has are brown/yellow ones, Combat Straps and Video-tape. Honourable mention to Amanda's secret.
Sure it may still be my fault and I might not be that good of a Pig player but I honestly would put her as the weakest killer alongside Trickster/Demo since I just can't see her power having the snowball potential it's supposed to have. It does slow down gen progression a bit but right after all the traps are gone (since they're easily removable) Pig is just another M1 killer than can crouch and ambush.
Or they should just make it like it was before when her traps activated no matter if the last gen was already completed. Anything at this point.
with the current people who lead the balance team that called her A tier?
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yeah this game needs new balance team
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pig can be a really good killer. traps can make survivors waste time which means they cant do anything productive and her ambush attack can kill certain loops
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I would like to see an add on pass on her if anything, the brown and yellow add ons imo are her best add ons, don't really use green, purple or Iridescent.
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Whoa whoa ok for one leave trapped survivors alone unless another survivor runs you passed one (I slug them) because they are occupied with something other than a GENERATOR. I personally you ambush at mid-small loops to hit or make them run that's it. Being crouched for too long is time consuming I personally bring extra traps and boxes but that's me. Now the next WHOA........ DEMO..... Same level as Trickster whatever you are on Please I beg of you send me some so I can experience it. Demo (before this buff) is very underrated and dangerous in the right hands especially with STBL. He has the ability to teleport around the map and has shred auto puts him light years past trickster who shouldn't even be on a F**king tier list even after his buff.