What determines the perks that appear on the Shrine of Secrets?

For the past few months, I've been looking for Second Wind on the Shrine of Secrets. After looking into it more, I discovered there are many perks that have never seen the shrine. These include older perks such as Trail of Torment and Second Wind, all the way to new perks like Smash Hit and Starstruck. In comparrison, there are some perks that have been on the Shrine many times over like Enduring which has been shown 20 times. Right behind that is Agitation shown 18 times. I'm interested in knowing what decides the perks that appear on the Shrine, be it an algorithm or a person choosing them. I'm also knowing if some of these perks that haven't been shown before will ever be shown, and when.


  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    The Entity throws 4 darts at a board and whichever perks the darts hit are chosen. Some perks are bigger targets than others.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    The ones you can get from killers you can get with shards are random, however the pay to win perks are only put in very very rarely.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 799

    enduring and agitation have had 5 years to appear in the shrine, and competed with like... 6 other perks. starstruck and smash hit have had 2 weeks and compete with a bazillion other perks.

  • Ketrab2703
    Ketrab2703 Member Posts: 162

    Perks that are new cannot spawn in Shrine for next 3 months.

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,327

    I’m kind of under the impression that the perks are chosen by an employee or employees over at Behaviour (It would explain why perks on the shrine are usually garbage and even when good perks show up, they’re usually from characters who are already free). BBQ has been in the game since 2017 and it’s only shown up 5 times according to the shrine of secrets archive*. I really don’t think that’s just bad luck. Ignoring my tin foil hat conspiracy for a moment, it may well just be an algorithm that randomly chooses perks.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    They're selected by BHVR.

    Some may be random, but others definitely aren't.

    For example, they often put a perk in the Shrine of Secrets when the next Tome features challenges using that perk. The last couple Tomes have featured a lot of Oni and Yui challenges, and in the past three months the Shrine has featured Blood Echo, Lucky Break, Nemesis, Breakout, Zanshin Tactics, and Any Means Necessary. All of their perks.

    Other times you'll see a clear theme like a few weeks ago when we had Stridor and Iron Will together in the same Shrine, which couldn't have been a coincidence.