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With way BHVR guts killers, the chances of a killer being nerfed are a criteria of choosing main

Profezia Member Posts: 673

Am I the only person who uses this as one of criterias of choosing a main killer? Like, ever since they gave Nurse double CD, I just can't main any killer that even potentially seems to be a target for a major/semi-major nerfs as practice showed post-nerf killers almost always feel like a pale shadow of its former self.

You get used to something, push it to its limits, actually get good with it and then in one of patchnotes you see your main killer being handicapped and gutted by another stupid cooldown mechanic or receiving horrible addon pass or getting straight nerf and that's it. Even if you play that killer again, even if you play well, you just keep comparing them to their pre-nerf version only to come to the conclusion it's pointless to try regardless of your results. It just feels worse.

Killer nerfs are really much different than perk nerfs.



  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    No, I know eventually Pyramid Head will get his add-on pass, and I will still stick with Pyramid Head, not because power, but because he is pyramid head

    I don't like Trickster because he is frustrating to play as due to his 110% movement speed on a power that literally doesn't work at shack, hence why my mains are usually 115% killers or a killer whos power has strength

    However if P-head gets an add-on pass please change his UR and VR's, nobody willingly uses goblet

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    My main got completely changed into a new killer. Freddy. Then I mained Plague and they completely changed very key elements to her power that made her unenjoyable to me. So I played everybody until Twins, where I decided to Main them...but I still feel they might do something drastic to them too.

    I almost paranoid enough to think BHVR is after any Killer I try to master.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I've only recently started playing pyramid head but are his addons that strong? His, to me, seem almost on the weak side of things but I may be wrong.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    nurse is literally the least fun to play killer in the game. She is picked so much because that's the only killer in the game struggling with bugs and her power more, than she struggles with survivors. Double CD made that far worse, which I was referring to.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021

    It happens to be the case that most of my favorite killers are among the weakest like clown and myers (which I hope they eventually get buffs).

    I don't like picking the strongest some because it feels too easy to win with a good killer and having an inevitable change does make me more reluctant to put in time with them if I know they could either be totally different or too weak. Plus, I dont love playing a killer that I would personally hate to face. Feels a bit hypocritical to do imo

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Oni I think is pretty likely. Him and Deathslinger haven't been touched since they launched. Oni does feel slightly oppressive but not gamebreakingly bad

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I'm guessing we'll get another pass on about 6 killers like this recent ptb

    oni slight nerf

    spirit Big nerf

    Deathslinger mix of buff and nerf

    Myers addon pass and buff

    Pig rework and addon pass

    Trickster buff

    M1MASTER Member Posts: 352

    They are aware most people hate the nerf but they're too arrogant to admit it was a mistake.

    Even Otz is repeating many times that Billy is in a pretty sad state. The only thing they admitted is that his animations are buggy and McLean said they will get fixed but of course there's no word on WHEN it will happen.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,018

    Sorry for the late response

    But his VR and UR add-ons are really weak, but his Greens and below are amazing and are worth using

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    That is exactly why I see a new killer not as an option for me.

    I was pretty good with the pre rework Legion, without addons and exploits (and yes that needed skill, it has a reason why so many have never play the Legion on this way). Wouldn't say it was easy, but after some time I was very good with it.

    Then the rework patch got released. Besides my problems with this patch to this day, I have also see this as a lesson towards other killers.

    The last chapter I had bought, was the Ghostface chapter and I was thinking to make him to my main, but there is just no point. Sooner or later, he will be nerfed, as every killer about what survivors complain and he will not be nerfed on a way you know it from other companies, -> no, he will be nerfed so much on his basekit that it just makes no sense for getting good with him.

    Sooner or later, he will be completely played differntly anyways, because bhvr goes into panic mode. So why the hassle?

    Better is to lean back and to look sometimes if the game has improvet, or not. Needless to say, it hasn't in the important parts and if you try to say this to a dev, it is a pain in the a** to get from them a comment in the first place and secondly, they mostly just confirm your worst fears.

    ... So yeah... Leaning back and waiting for better times, or a other game that goes forward where bhvr is too afraid, are the only options someone is left with, if he plans to main something for a long time and not always with those thoughts in mind.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    I mained demo because I thought they aren't going to nerf him, but 4,7,0 begged to differ. The only thing that kinda saved demogorgon was the backslash.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I chose Freddy as my main before his rework. Because i thought, that they could only improve him. Instead i got a different killer, who doesn´t fit my playstyle.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Same I was ok with the overheat because its dumb that you can dodge 5 saw hits and go down on the 6th one what I didn't like was the spark plug change I'm glad everything else is gone but spark plug allowed billy to rev up just in time to get some harder hits at loops

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    not only you got a different killer, you got a killer with an extremely low difference between skill floor and ceiling, that is and will be complained about which would lead into endless nerfs and downgrades, as BHVR would never admit they failed the rework and re-do Freddy again.

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    his addons are usually just QoL addons, such as his range and recharge, not making much of a difference. I kinda wish they changed a set of addons to enlarge the width of Punishment, but I doubt it'll ever happen

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    I just wish his very-rare&ultra-rare addons weren't useless niche #########.

    Tormented survivors suffer from hemorrhage? Really? Why in the world will this ever be useful

  • JimboMason
    JimboMason Member Posts: 759

    Exactly, one of my favorite addons in the game is spirits Yakuyoke amulet, its amplifies her power in a great way by extending the phasing duration at the cost of her speed during her phasing, I just don't understand why we can't have more addons like that for killers.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    True, instead of finding a rework for spirit, they thought to nerf one of the most fun killers to play as and against.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Ohh okay. I thought you was meaning his addons are op. I'll have toccheck him out more for sure

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,434

    Freddy has been my main ever since I first started playing, which was prior to his rework. One of the countless reasons why he was my favourite killer was the fact that he was unique when compared to the rest of the roaster. His failure of a rework turned him into the most generic killer possible, and I still main him.

    Sometimes you love the character so much that changes aren't enough for you to switch to someone else.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    There was a challenge this rift for hitting survivors while they where inflicted with hemorrhage. Probably the only situation where inflicting hemorrhage would be somewhat helpful.

  • Profezia
    Profezia Member Posts: 673

    Yeah, maybe that's not enough to switch, but such kind of changes surely kill most fun for me.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Nothing could pull me away from Wraith. Unless they completely reworked him, I guess.

    F for Freddy mains.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Actually YES. If i would main the clown and they nerf him to the point where i feel like i could nog compete against Survivors in my Rank bracket, i would drop the Clown and probably switch to Survivors, because Surv get 1 Perk nerfed (ds) and get 1 or more top tier perks instead, which one of them is beyond broken.

    They just get Lucky Strike, which is actually more op then DS was and nearly no one is playing DS anymore. I sometimes still use my ds but it feels like i HAVE to stick with the Meta and grind for Lucky Strike in order to perform well for my Rank in the Future.

    So its the same Problem with the Killers except for the fact, they sometimes nerf the base Kits of the Killers, which is like nerfing the base movement speed of the Survivors or nerf their fast vault speed, which would be ridiculous.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    But if I still enjoy using clowns power I’m going to keep playing him

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Originally, Plague could choose to not use her survivor meta was to not use fountains until absolutely necessary or because they popped all gens, and stole plague power and then used her fountains against her when it would hurt her the most. If they chose to use them immediately then Plague could keep every survivor broken for the rest of the match or just pop one fountain for snowball.

    I liked not using fountains. Even if I only had strong mid to late game, broken survivors were louder, had that green wispy sickness cloud and they could always be one shot. Spreading sickness was so much fun and the games felt diverse because I wasn’t sure which strategy survivors would use or if I would even or wouldn’t have a chance to use corrupted bile.

    THEN. Well then they made the changes. Now fountains will reset if they all get corrupted, forcing corruption on Plague (whether she wants it or not) and started her with a pre made fountain so even less fountains needed to be used before the reset.

    My point is, I didn’t wanna be a Huntress, I wanted to be a Plague player and lock the game down with sickness. I was very disappointed in the BHVR changes and hardly touch her anymore. :/

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,085

    She's the diamond in the rough for BHVR and most players. They can't bring themselves to nerf her because she's already been nerfed. Maybe, I don't know, it's her power that's the problem? Going through walls and all? But no, "She doesn't need a nerf because she takes skill." and I'm the sugar plum fairy. She's nowhere near as hard to learn or play as people say. Even the janky version of her I play on console gets me 4ks. In an argument of nerfing Freddy vs nerfing Nurse, here's the argument: "Freddy's OP because he's too easy to use, and Nurse deserves to be OP because she's takes skill." How about we fix things that are OP period? I'd like her power reworked because the idea itself right now is busted af and not balanced for this game. Nurse is not getting nerfed anytime soon though, so Profezia has nothing to worry about.

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297
    edited April 2021

    So you enjoy to lose the majority of matches after a mahor nerf and also getting flash light spammed and teabagged? Well as Survivor this cant happen to you because Killer doesnt have BM Mechanics besides M1 on hooked Survivors, if you even can call this BM. If you can enjoy this, then its great. So if more Killers Think like You, then i will probably have shorter queue times as Survivor :3

    Thats one of many reasons i switches to Survivors recently and it works well for me, even tho i got long queue times. I rather wait long for a match and have a great time, than having a stressful gameplay. Meanwhile most Killers are sweating for their lifes and i rly dont want to have this kind of "Gameplay" anymore but this is another story.

  • OopsAllHexes
    OopsAllHexes Member Posts: 624
    edited April 2021

    Unfortunately, that's what made Plague unfun to play as, because "don't cleanse" was a viable strategy and it took too long to get her power. Or it was straight up impossible since Survs would genrush without cleansing, which made you a M1 Killer who could only make people broken. And as we all know from old Legion, injuring doesn't matter nearly as much as downing.

    You can still keep infecting people, I don't know how this helpful change makes you stop playing a killer.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    How do you keep infecting people if they force corruption on you (full fountain reset) or what is even the point of infection if the option to use fountains is ALWAYS there, no exceptions.

    People acted like Plague was crippled or broken without corruption. She was a Killer with Dual Powers. Yes, survivors could play a certain way and not let her use Corruption, one half of her power, but she could still use the other and still win.

    Obviously the majority out cry was that Plague was busted because survivors had too much control over her Corruption Power and they “fixed” that problem. Completely nerfing her second power of using sickness.

    My Plague build and play style involved spreading sickness and snowballing on broken survivors until they were forced to use fountains or locking the fountains down late game and snowballing towards the end, after powering through all the free fountain heals.

    • I can’t lockdown the late game with completely corrupted fountains
    • I can’t avoid the corruption power because it forces its self on me
    • I can’t not, ever, keep a survivor sick, under no circumstances.

    The only way you could possibly like Plague now is if your a fan of Corruption and sickness is just a secondary power that you vaguely use.

    I use to do the opposite. I kept everyone sick and never used my corruption...they killed my Plague just like they did My Freddy. Hopefully they don’t ruin my Twins later :/

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    it's a bit hyperbolic to say that that'll happen to all killers. Everything, and I mean everything, will have to change to adapt to the times. If the environment changes, the players have to change. That's just how time works.

    Plus, they haven't ever handicapped a killer. Even after adding the overheat to Billy, nothing's changed. Good players weren't chainsawing that much anyways, it just made Billy more difficult for beginners. Even after nerfing Nurse, she's still the entity's right hand woman. What usually happens is that new content is added, power creep happens, and the old guard fails to adapt. Wraith has actually been changed quite a bit, Trapper is just pretty hard to re-balance considering the 50/50's that most of his games are, and Billy fits in just as well as he used to, although his add-ons were nerfed.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I don’t let someone pressing ctrl repeatedly get to my head like a lot of other people

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184
    edited April 2021

    If you like a killer and really good at playing them, you are actively killing that killer.

    Thats the message BHVR is sending.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Clown. I’ve mained him for like a year and a half and average a 3k

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    Im was Nurse main and my avrg was also around 2.6k on console and around 3.5k on pc but this has nothing to say in this kind of discussion. Literally nothing. Every Survior Team is different and even swf teams can play bad or worse than you and me.

    The point is: If they let you snowball the Game, its the Survivors fault. Good swf Teams will destroy you no matter what you are going to do and also rank doesnt matter as much because its so simple and easy to reverse boost your rank but overall im talking about red rank Survivors.

    So if BHVR still thinks Killers have to be nerfed, then they clearly dont know their own Game because Swf Players got plenty of tools and Perks to counter every Killer. Its a matter of how good they communicate and playing as a team. For example in Tournaments Survivors get handicapped like only doing gens if not wounded or only 1 specific perk of a kind and so on. Why is that? Its because the Killer wouldnz have any chance without those handicapped Survivors.

    So most of the Killers understand this and more and more Killers are quitting or join the Survivors. Of course there are new killers constantly coming to play dbd but those are not enough to shorten queue times and thats why queue times are so bad.

    Yes. You can win most of your Matches (3k or more) against random Survivors without voice communication and so on but against good swfs, sometimes you can go afk. For me personally it was the right decision to switch to the Survivors because after the hard grind to the meta perks, things got so easy for me and even without a Group im doing well.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I also main survivor but that’s just because I prefer the playstyle.

    SWF that are all good are very rare even in red ranks so it’s just something I accept. I’ll try my best and if I lose I lose so what?

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    If you lose because of a nerf to a swf team, which already has a strong advantage you still have fun?

    This excludes the fact that you lose matches and you win matches. Losing matches is normal and i dont mean this!

    If i know im losing because of a nerf, its frustrating and has nothing to do with fun.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Well it kinda depends then. If I still enjoy using the power I’m still going to enjoy the match

  • Lordofweed
    Lordofweed Member Posts: 297

    You mean you enjoy whats left of the Power (after the base kit nerf).

    For me another Problem (which is a bit OT) as Killer was the fact that the Kits of the Killers are kinda limited in playstyle if you can say so. So you have to play in a certain style which is so boring after a long period of time, so i started switching and tried other Killers if i like playing them. I enjoyed playing twins as they are so versatile and they offer a well rounded kit.

    I had Freddy all the time on like lvl 3, because even he is/was considered to be OP, i never had fun playing as Freddy because his playstyle is so dull. Its like Bubba... Man, who the hell can enjoy bubba for longer than 10 Matches in a row? 😂

    Survivors are not bound to a Base Kit or something like that in terms of having special abilitys, so i can play whoever i want and can still be Top Tier...except for bill i guess lmao. The fact that i can build my very own Survivor and Gameplay Style is game changing for me.

    As Killer im always bound to my kit. I have to playlike the way, that is set from the devs and cant break out of that pattern to play like i wanted to. That may sound weird because Killers are all about their Abilitys, but as i mentioned before: After playing a Killer for 100 or even 500h+ i cant imagine having fun anymore.

    I would like to know how you keep your Killers Kit & Playstyle fresh and enjoyable...?

  • Freddy96
    Freddy96 Member Posts: 767

    At least nurse is still the 2nd strongest killer in the game, her blink cd had no impact on good nurses that's why on tournments she is always the most played killer.

    Meanwhile trapper gets nerfed with every map rework because the grass on new maps is too thin and you can't hide traps at all.

    On top of that tar bottle actually makes trapper weaker because the ground on new maps is greenish so black traps make more contrast with the ground

  • OopsAllHexes
    OopsAllHexes Member Posts: 624

    Add-ons can help, Killers like Myers are capable of using add-ons that change how their power works. You might find Myers fun to main if you find his add-ons interesting.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Just main trixter and you will be safe.