Quick Fix: Additional Objective

We've all had ideas as to what can be done to extend the game time a bit so that Killers aren't being blasted away by SWF's and high level players in general, I had my totem idea, a lot of people have the gas can idea, but here's another for the books that the devs might like too. I've already explained it in another thread entirely, but this is just to solidify the idea and present it properly in one post.

When the game begins there are seven Generators that randomly spawn across the map. What if each Generator was locked by a specific coloured lock (If you like rainbows then we can go with Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet) and to unlock it so that repairs can begin you need to find the matching coloured key and bring it to the proper Generator. Each Survivor can obtain all seven keys at once meaning that no one can grief by taking a couple keys and hiding in a locker, and keys are not items in the general sense but are instead picked up and put in an "inventory" represented by a UI element (could be as simple as having coloured dots around each Survivor's head and letting each Survivor see which dots are lit up on the others). I would say that while each key spawns away from their respective Generator somewhat randomly, perhaps it should do so in a 90° cone across the map so that travel is guaranteed after finding it. Once a key is used to unlock a Generator the spawn point of that key will evaporate and a check mark or X will appear over that colours UI element to denote to all Survivors that it is complete. Finally, if a Survivor dies all their keys will drop to the ground just like their items do, creating a secondary spawn point for any keys they were carrying. This will allow the Survivors who are left to more easily obtain the keys they still need without searching the entire map in reduced numbers.

One additional idea that this system can potentially bring into play is that for SWF groups you could restrict any given colour of key to one member of the group. For instance if Bob grabs the Red and Yellow keys that means John can't grab them too and thus coordination would need to be done to ensure that members aren't searching out the same coloured keys and that information as to where each coloured Generator actually is must be relayed to one another as well. Note though that if it's only a Duo these rules only apply to them, the other solo players can still pick up every coloured key. This is a way in which you can make things a tad tougher for SWF groups but not directly punish a solo player in any way for being with them. Or you could simply restrict that mechanic to a full 4-man SWF, however even a 3-man can be rather powerful if their skill is high enough, as the perk "Voice Communication" is very strong.


  • agony_deluxe
    agony_deluxe Member Posts: 10


    First, i like your idea of secondary objectives.
    I personaly think this is the way to go to extend the game lenght and i made a post about this very similar to yours.

    Now about the method i'll have to disagree and i will explain and demonstrate why.

    First and most importantly you propose mendatory objectives.
    If doable it's quite difficult to modify the game lenght by touching to the core mechanics without messing with the entire game equilibrium.

    Being mendatory this change will drag survivors into frustration and frustration is the exact feeling you want to avoid at any cost in any game.
    to be honest this isn't exactly true. If the frustration make you eager to launch another game or to master the game it's "positive frustration".
    But here we speak of a feeling that will mostly make you throw the game away because you can blame the mechanic and it's unfairness.

    look at the pig's boxes. they share the same logic and are not by any means people friendly.

    Concerning the "gas tank" thing it's fairly simple comparing to your proposal.

    gas tank are needed to start a generator. you have to pick one and bring it to the generator.
    Any gas tank will do.

    If it take your item slot it improves strategy overhaul. Should i take a toolbox if i am going for gas first? maybe i ll bring one, drop it, and come back later.

    You can tweak the number of gas tank on the map. Generators number +2, offering for one or 2 more on survivor's side and 1 or 2 less on killer's side.
    You can have a perk to carry more than one gas tank, to see gas tank's aura and so on.

    Now franklin's demise become to look very good, a bit too good maybe.

    It's simple, not very elaborated, but it will achieve it's purpose.

    Now if you wan't an elegant solution .

    Just make secondary objectives with bloodpoints attached to it.
    You can still rush the game but it's now harder to pip since many bloodpoints are left on the ground.
    So will you exit with few or test your skill/luck against the killer by staying a bit more ?

    People are greedy indeed, they will stay.

    if they mess up: no one can blame a game mechanic they will blame themselves and this is "positive frustration". they ll be eager to prove themselves and will start a new game right away.

    On the contrary if they perform greatly there is many bloodpoints for them and they'll feel rewarded.
    By the way you are also solving the issue with "too few bloodpoints for survivors".

    By having secondary objectives now there is more attractive locations on the map increasing survivors movment flow with new paterns.
    If they are mobile they are either slow and stealthy improving game lenght or moving out in the open with more occasions for the killer to catch them.

    From the killer's perspective nothing changed, except the survivors staying in game longer, changing position more frequently, core mechanics untouched.

    for the exact implementation i let you to your own imagination.