Fix camping

I understand that camping is a strategy but why should I lose my pips because some sad act thought he wants to look at my meg dangle on a hook if you're gonna say camping and tunnelling is a strategy at least give me points for staying in the match when I could just DC or kill myself atm camping and tunnelling are occurring a lot now DS has been nerfed so yea give me points for hanging around and you might not get so many complaints
Was this freddy by chance? I had someone DC in my last game (I did eventually)
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Nah a wraith then a legion with insidious
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Ahh okay lol. I had a freddy facecqmp me and someone else in a game and both of us DCed lol
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Lol it's so much easier to rather than sit in a match knowing you're gonna depip anyways I normally stay awhile and see how gens go but sadly people don't realise doing gens is better
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I dced after I got unhooked and instant tunnel downed because BT doesn't trigger
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I agree with this, I don't think you should lose pips after dying on first hook or being camped. It gets annoying just trying to rank up and lose pips because a killer decides do camp
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Camping does not need to be fixed, because there's nothing wrong with it. If you don't want to be subjected to dangling on the hook you need to not be caught. I get that being camped sucks but the killer is just doing their one objective in the game, so can you really be mad at them? There are plenty of perks to help you get out of situations like that and if you dont have them one of your 3 teammates can.
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Right says the killer main who happily moans when survivors play emersed you can't have it both ways you either want survivors to show themselves or not fixing this will help killers in the long run
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Fix doing gens.
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Doing gens doesn't give the player on the hook any points tho so what is your point here?
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The point has been missed.
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Fix the ability of "power role" to be able to kill me if he's willing to throw overall match for it after I get caught.
It sucks to get camped but there just isn't fair way to fix it. Good teammates who understand saves timings and do gens is the best couterplay to camping there is. Unfortunately matchmaking puts you up with potatoes who waste time which makes camping work which encourages killers to do it.
Camping or tunneling wouldn't be half as problematic if matchmaking actually worked and put good survivors together in a team.
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Ah yes, start with the immediate insult to belittle my claim. Moving that aside, anybody that plays killer long enough knows that camping has to be done in many cases. The killer doesn't have time to 12-hook the survivor group and they aren't responsible for survivors having fun in the game or being in the game long. Its the survivors job to stay alive and the killers job to kill, if you get camped then you need to run the killer better and not get caught. With DS, Borrowed Time, and having 3 other teammates, you can absolutely beat any mindless camper, but no lets gut any playstyle that doesn't let 4 man escapes happen because "the killer is ruining the survivor experience".
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The emblem system is already a joke. Do we need more ways for crappy survivors to get to red ranks?
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If it ain't broke...
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You lose a pip because you got caught and died on first hook while not doing much else.
Does it suck to lose a pip because you got camped, sure.
It just means you have to get better at losing the killer.
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If you're a good looper you can chain so many tiles on most maps vs most killer. As Bubba if the first player I find is a decent looper I end up getting 2-3 pallet and try on an other survivor. If I get my first down after 1 or 2 gen pop next to a gen that has 50% and can be part of a 3gen you bet I'm gonna proxy camp and force to trade hooks.
If I get 2 early hooks then I take my sweet time and walk around the map to kill one survivor after the other.
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Yes, some of the elusive sweaty 4-man SWF groups abuse the bug, so let's just make everyone, including the majority of the playerbase that is filled with solo and duos, have a ######### time. Excellent addition to the community, aren't you.
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Easy fix, get better as survivor. Killer can only camp if you have failed to conceal yourself and then lose at the chase. If/when they do camp applying counters are up to your teammates.
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Just over 3600 games as killer and no camping does not have to be done in many cases. I easily get 2-4ks and good bloodpoints without having to resort to camping. I don't camp or tunnel because I know how crappy it feels to have done to you as a survivor.
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I agree, I'm choosing not to play anymore until both of those bugs are fixed, too. And not some half-assed claim that they are when they're just as bad as ever like they tried with the pallet bug.
I think the devs probably aren't aware as it's such a seldom used perk; I only found out about it a few days ago and the next day started seeing a rise in its use while playing killer while I swore not to abuse it myself.
I took a break for about 2 months when the Clown buff came out because of a mixture of issues such as gamebreaking bugs, and haven't played nearly as much as I used to since coming back since there are yet more game breaking bugs, and now will not be playing anymore until after both are fixed.
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In situations when gens are done a bit too fast its optimal to camp someone out of the game. A 3v1 will always be better odds for the killer than a 4v1, if you don't choose to camp or tunnel that's great for you but it is necessary at times.
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Hide, win the chase, not get caught? You want points for staying afk on the hook?
Survivors are so entitled they just wanna stay afk doing nothing and still be given a win, it's hilarious.
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Camping is fine as long as you bring a tent
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I notice if I try and give the killer a few good chases instead of hide all game on a gen they are less likely to camp me, regardless of if I win those chases or not. A lot of the times its easier to stay by hook than play hide and seek with 4 survivors in each corner of the map, and the longer a killer must do that the more frustrating it gets.
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They're making BT work against all killers, even stealth ones and not based up terror radius anymore. It'll just work automatically as long as the rescuer has BT. That is the best change to combat it.
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By that argument isn't it always optimal to camp?
I mean if survivors are doing gens fast and camping stops them quickly then camping would also stop survivors when they are slow on gens.
Unless you have some argument where slow survivors are somehow immune to the effects of camping in a way fast ones are not
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I mean by the same way you could argue killers should be the same speed as survivors so they don't get easy hits in chasrd and any killer who says they need to be faster instead of outsmarting or outmaneuvering survivors is just entitled cause they want easy points
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Except it's a kliler's job to kill. If they were the same speed as survivors the survivor could just run in a straight line forever and never get caught, specially in maps like the hospital and school. A survivor demanding the game gives him a win because he was the first one to die (because he sucks) is ridiculous and not comparable at all.
And btw, Nurse has the same speed.
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Legion with insidious... As a Legion main, this makes my soul hurt...
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Ha that's hilarious is face camping not killer going afk just watching if killer gets points like that it wouldn't hurt the game to reward me a small amount of BP for not leaving a boring match also survivors are entitled really? How about the constant whining of killers because of BT or Unbreakble so they get nerfed I'm not asking for a win I'm asking for a small reward so I don't end up depipping because of something that is deemed as a tactic!
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Don't forget the marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers.
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And hotdogs
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I kinda want a plate of shish kabobs and rice now.
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Except it's a survivors job to escape. And a killer demanding the game gives him a win because he can't catch people at the same speed (because he sucks) is ridiculous...
See how it's still the same argument the only difference is that you main killer instead of survivor. And if what you said is true either every nurse match would end with survivors running in strait lines all match on maps like hospital which spoiler alert it doesn't.
Don't forget with killer abilities they can catch survivors without the easy ability to outrun them. Which is why I laugh a little when killer mainsbsay just don't get caught. If you are up against a killer of similar skill you will 100 get caught because the killer is faster and gets faster as the chase goes on. There's nothing wrong with this it's part of thengame, but it does make arguments along the lines of Don't ever get caughtvincredibly stupid
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How about instead of points you ask for a mechanic that makes it so that although camping is allowed it is no longer a viable strategy. Something like the hook timer doesn't go down if the killer is within a certain radious of the hook while not in a chase?
I had a thread proposing ideas that would solve the issue and this seemed to be the idea that came up on the end. If you see any exploitsthat could be used by either side in this implementation, let me know
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camping & tunneling never going to end in future also, i am telling you don't forget this!
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The literal only time the "situation calls for it" is if you have no kills and all the gens are done/the gates are open. If you face camp on your first hook, you're just being a douche. I had at least 3 killers tonight face camp me when I was their first or second hook with 4 gens still on the map. I get it if it's a last resort tactic, but the vast majority of people I see do it are NOT doing it as a last resort.
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That idea was already tried and abused by survivors.
Camping is only as viable as survivors allow it to be. Bite the bullet and either stay on that hook or work on gens. Boring? Sure. That's why I used the expression "bite the bullet".
If two survivors are at the hook, camping is also a good idea. You have 1 survivor doing gens and 3 doing nothing, as long as you camp.
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While I don't think camping can be fixed and maybe it even shouldn't be, I agree that survivors should gain more points than they currently are
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Funny I keep hearing that people post it was abused but when I ask them how the answer I get tends to be well it stopped camping when the killer wanted to camp so that's abuse..... which always seemed weird that killers think stopping camping is a form if abuse.
Except for one guy who pointed out that survivors woukd lead a chase back to the hook hence the chase exception. I'm going to ask you of you could explain the abuse because I'm always trying to improve my proposal but again don't bother if the abuse is just that it stopped camping becuase rewmebr that's the goal.
Oh and as a handy test if you replace the survivor action your going to claim is abuse with something like "the survivors stood in a corner across the map" and it has the same effect on the killer as your example, then it's not an abuse
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Here we go again. 'It's not abused because it does exactly what I want, while also ignoring any and all times where camping is needed to apply pressure! But because that only affects Killers; I'm fine with it!'
You've been told how it was abused. You not seeing it does not change the past. Nor does it mean it will be added if you beg hard enough. The mods even pointed out earlier tonight, that camping, slugging, and tunneling are not against the rules.
Make up all the 'punishments' you want; none of them will ever appear in the game.
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Yah thats cool the proposal to stop camping was to stop hook timer except in chase when killer nearby
You can say its not something that should be implemented because you like camping. And that part about camping being Part of the game, well Obviously campiny is currently part of the game. the whole point of what I was talking about was how to change the game to remove camping as a viable option. Becuase it certainly is a good killer strat as is.
Now if the devs don't want to remove camping then they shouldn't implement what I'm talking about.
That being said don't say that the survivors could abuse it if you can't actually think of a way they could do so. Just say how much you love camping and don't want anuthjng implemented that would stop camping because it would take away your current strategy or whatever other justification you want. Becuase again this isn't about if camping should be removed or not it's about how it could be removed (if the devs wanted to)
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Thirsty for more are you? :) Your suggestions aren't revolutionary or new. All sorts of variations of playing with the timer were tested, and failed those tests (mostly due to Survivor abuse). There is the Perk: Camaraderie which came out of all of that indirectly when the Stranger Things DLC dropped. It gives SURVIVORS the option to give more time on the hook with a little effort. There is no such thing as a free lunch, you should stop asking for one.
Let me remind you, since you seem to have ALREADY forgotten what many people have already told you. The DEV have already weighed in on this subject many times. They have stated that Camping, Tunneling, and Slugging are valid, legal tactics and they have no plans to further constrain Player agency in this context. But let's talk about you and your "one note" posts for a bit shall we? Why to you continuously forget or purposely ignore what others have already pointed out to you? Is it like that movie Memento, do you leave one thread and suddenly have no memory of what you were schooled on (and how) from the previous?
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Hey I remember you, you were going to answer my question and then play me. Then you refused to do so.
You seem to be missing the point I was making, I was proposing a way to remove camping if they wanted. I took issue with the mention of abuse because it seems when killers mention the abuse the abuse they are referring to is just that it stops killers from camping and nothing else.
Again I'm not saying you can't camp as the game is now, we all know the devs haven't pulled it out. And I'm not saying you can't put forth arguments why camping should stay in, all I'm saying is that if you are going to claim the solution I propose is open for abuse then provide examples of abuse that isn't just that it stops killers from camping in some situation because the stated goal of the proposal is to remove camping as a viable option completely.
I am looking for actual abuses becuse if someone presents them I would try and tweak my proposal (already did hence the chase part) but just claiming it was abusive that killers couldn't camp doesnt really make sense becuase again the whole point was to remove camping.
Its those unintended consequences I'm genuinely looking for and so I keep trying to find them when someone mentions abuse but it's been a while since someone brought up a legit one.
Edit if you've got one I'm all ears by the way
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Camping doesn't happen enough and losing pips doesn't matter since rank means pretty much nothing.
And just how do you fix camping exactly?
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Actually, you didn't show up. I waited around for you the next night (as did my friends) and you didn't return. You didn't post. You hid like a coward after saying you were going to play and show us what you are working with. I assumed you had cried off and I decided to be nice and let it drop. But since you are ready now, shall we play a game?
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Well I've made a proposal about stopping hook timer when thr killer is around the hook unless he's chasing someone. I think this would stop camping becusse then it wouldn't be a viable strategy for Killers.
There may be abuses the survivors could use if you can think of one let me know. So.e killers have said there were abuses in the past besides it stopping camping but they don't usually say what it is
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Well the most obvious one would be survivors looping around a hooked survivor. They would extend the timer and loop the killer while others work on gens. Even then, this is just a bad idea because it still doesn't fix the problem of killers camping. It is a very unhealthy addition and the devs have mentioned that they have tried things like these and they didn't work out that well.
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I told you when I say I would do something I would. I told you I would play after you answered my question. You never answered me though so whenever your ready answer away
I'm still hoping to play woth you becuse any method you can show me to reduce camping is a win win for me