Killer Buffs Ideas

These are some ideas to improve the powers of mid-tier and low-tier killers and how efficient they are in the game.
Clown - When a bottle is thrown at survivor within a speed boost caused by an exhaustion perk, they suffer form a 25% hindered penalty(doesn't apply to Adrenaline or Dead Hard). While intoxicated, survivors can't fast vault pallets.
Doctor - Decrease the shock delay. Slightly increase the time to Snap out of it. Moderately increase the shock therapy attack range.
Pig - Rules Set No.2 becomes part of her normal kit. Decrease the time Reverse Bear Traps takes to trigger by 30 seconds. Slightly reduce the skill check area while searching on Jigsaw Boxes. Increase speed while crouched from 90% to 100%. Survivors only hear the roar when the charge of the ambush attack was completed. Survivors can't see the Reverse Bear Trap's timer, but the Pig can. While Standing close to another survivor while trapped with the Reverse Bear Trap, the timer depletes 0.5 seconds faster.
Wraith - Survivors can't see the Wraith's distortion while standing 16 meters away from him.
Trapper - Start the match with all Bear Traps. Give the ability to re-set Bear Traps on the ground. Survivors can't sabotage Bear Traps without the Saboteur perk. Stitched Bag allows the tansportation of 3 extra Bear Traps, start with 3 extra Bear Traps. Increase the time to disarm a Bear Trap to 7.5 seconds. Increase the time to sabotage a Bear Trap to 7.5 seconds.
LeatherFace - Remove the speed penalty while charging Bubba's Chainsaw. Slightly increase the chainsaw frenzy duration. Slightly increase the reach of the chainsaw attack. If a pallet is dropped at the Cannibal while charging his chainsaw, the chainsaw will break the pallet, the Cannibal still recieves the stun though.
That's it, give your opinions about the changes and how you fell about these idea, give construtive criticism. Regarding The Shape and The Nightmare, I don't know what change would possibly make Myers better. Freddy is recieving a rework so we just gotta sit n' wait then give our opinions. Sorry for any grammar error, I am not from a country where english is the main language.
I would enjoy fun changes with wraith that would be fun. This change would be fun but probally cause complaints. But it is fun thing to add to his kit.The other ones would like a fun rework that just enhances there personality. Using traps on other things as trapper be fun. Cause he would feel like he is very skilled at his craft. Leatherface be more immersive if you could pump chainsaw in air while you could run faster. Like he does in movies before he brings down his dbd chainsaw attack.0
I think wraith would be fine if they just reduced his reappearance time. As for doctor, his base range for shock therapy should be increased and I think he would be pretty decent. At base you might as well not even bother, it's so pitifully short. I think clown would be decent if they upped the time of the hindered status from two seconds to four seconds. Most killers just need slight tweaks instead of whole reworks, in my opinion.
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@Wahara said:
I think wraith would be fine if they just reduced his reappearance time. As for doctor, his base range for shock therapy should be increased and I think he would be pretty decent. At base you might as well not even bother, it's so pitifully short. I think clown would be decent if they upped the time of the hindered status from two seconds to four seconds. Most killers just need slight tweaks instead of whole reworks, in my opinion.I agree with you, Freddy's rework was not necessary, they just needed to remove the ability to Self-Care wake survivors by just missing skill-checks, decrease the time transition to dream to 5/4 seconds and remove any action of the survivors while in the dream transition.
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@FayeZahara said:
I would enjoy fun changes with wraith that would be fun. This change would be fun but probally cause complaints. But it is fun thing to add to his kit.I thought that removing survivors is ability to detect the Wraith a fun one, after all they detect him from far away so makes his stealth really weak compared to the other stealth killers.
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Unnamed_Freak said:
@FayeZahara said:
I would enjoy fun changes with wraith that would be fun. This change would be fun but probally cause complaints. But it is fun thing to add to his kit.I thought that removing survivors is ability to detect the Wraith a fun one, after all they detect him from far away so makes his stealth really weak compared to the other stealth killers.
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Nice ideas can i add some?
Generally i think ability cooldowns should only affect the ability, its especially jarring on HB.
After removing a survivor from a trap, either by freeing ir grab, the trap should still be where the trapper set it. "Survivors should snap to trap, not vice versa.
I think 100% ms while revving would be better than no penalty, but they could also slighty reduce his charge time.
Also improve final chainsaw speed and the acceleration (fix addons too).
Chainsaw dudes:
Chainsawing a pallet thats currently being vaulted should either injure (instantdown might be too op lolz), or atleast stop/stun the surv and lock him in the landing animation for a moment.
Make her addons have 2 effects:
One for the RBT and another for whatever her addons could do. The 2 brown ambush addons could be removed or integrated into basekit that way.
Eyelevel higher pls.
Regenerating RBT after theyve been removed.
Slightly longer shock range?
Less shock delay?
Multistalking (even with dimishing returns), collision, ew1-BL, endless evil to siphon has all been discussed to hell and back.
I'd add that his addons need to each have effects on all levels of EW.Post edited by Raptorrotas on0 -
@Raptorrotas said:
Chainsaw dudes:
Chainsawing a pallet thats currently being vaulted should either injure (instantdown might be too op lolz), or atleast stop/stun the surv and lock him in the landing animation for a moment.Both of them instantly down survivors when they destroy the pallet while the survivor is vaulting the pallet. The survivor will be downed first then they will instantly break the pallet. It's pretty rare to happen, but it can since it happened to me while playing both Billy and Leatherface.
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@Raptorrotas said:
Nice ideas can i add some?That's the purpose of this forum, discuss what would make mid and low tier killers better.
After removing a survivor from a trap, either by freeing ir grab, the trap should still be where the trapper set it. "Survivors should snap to trap, not vice versa.Do you mean that the trap should still be open?
I think 100% ms while revving would be better than no penalty, but they could also slighty reduce his charge time.
Also improve final chainsaw speed and the acceleration (fix addons too).When Leatherface is charging his chainsaw his speed is decreased to the survivor running speed which is 100%. I agree on fixing his addons they are really buggy some times.
Make her addons have 2 effects:
One for the RBT and another for whatever her addons could do. The 2 brown ambush addons could be removed or integrated into basekit that way.
Eyelevel higher pls.
Regenerating RBT after theyve been removed.The regeneration of the RBT is really nice.
Slightly longer shock range?
Less shock delay?These sound nice, sometimes when I shock someone they ignore the stun so it would be better for him.
Multistalking (even with dimishing returns), collision, ew1-BL, endless evil to siphon has all been discussed to hell and back.I agree.
I'd add that his addons need to each have effects on all levels of EW.
Some addons would be broken, for example boyfriend's memo slightly increasing the lunge in tier 3, which is already increased.
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Leatjerface actually gets slowed down to 87.5% movement speed when revving his chainsaw. Its one of the reasons his ability is considered unreliable.
About my trapper fix:
When survivors get freed from traps, it mobes a certain distance to adjust with animations or whatever reason. This can lead to traps getting stuck in unteachable spots.
Also trap will be out of position, and neeeds to be put back into the cortect place, this would be annoying even with the UR addon that automatically arms beartraps.
The shape addons don't need to have the same effect for all levels.0 -
Good changes, but I wouldnt touch doctor so hardly.
I would increase min shock range and decrease max shock range but other than that, hes fine.0 -
@Unnamed_Freak said:
These are some ideas to improve the powers of mid-tier and low-tier killers and how efficient they are in the game.Clown - When a bottle is thrown at survivor using a exhaustion perk, they suffer form a 25% hindered penalty(doesn't apply to Adrenaline or Dead Hard). While intoxicated, survivors can't fast vault pallets.
Doctor - When reaching Madness Tier 2, survivors can't get back to Madness Tier 1. Slightly increase the time to Snap out of it.
Pig - Rules Set No.2 becomes part of her normal kit. Decrease the time Reverse Bear Traps takes to trigger by 30 seconds. Slightly reduce the skill check area while searching on Jigsaw Boxes.
Wraith - Survivors can't see the Wraith's distortion while standing 16 meters away from him.
Trapper - Start the match with all Bear Traps. Give the ability to re-set Bear Traps on the ground. Survivors can't sabotage Bear Traps without the Saboteur perk. Stitched Bag allows the tansportation of 3 extra Bear Traps, start with 3 extra Bear Traps. Increase the time to disarm a Bear Trap to 7.5 seconds. Increase the time to sabotage a Bear Trap to 7.5 seconds.
LeatherFace - Remove the speed penalty while charging Bubba's Chainsaw. Slightly increase the chainsaw frenzy duration. Slightly increase the reach of the chainsaw attack. If a pallet is dropped at the Cannibal while charging his chainsaw, the chainsaw will break the pallet, the Cannibal still recieves the stun though.
That's it, give your opinions about the changes and how you fell about these idea, give construtive criticism. Regarding The Shape and The Nightmare, I don't know what change would possibly make Myers better. Freddy is recieving a rework so we just gotta sit n' wait then give our opinions. Sorry for any grammar error, I am not from a country where english is the main language.
For Trapper, let him get traps again at lockers and increase the hitbox of them.
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@Raptorrotas said:
Leatjerface actually gets slowed down to 87.5% movement speed when revving his chainsaw. Its one of the reasons his ability is considered unreliable.I thought it was the same as Billy, my bad. Then 100% would be fine.
About my trapper fix:
When survivors get freed from traps, it mobes a certain distance to adjust with animations or whatever reason. This can lead to traps getting stuck in unteachable spots.
Also trap will be out of position, and neeeds to be put back into the cortect place, this would be annoying even with the UR addon that automatically arms beartraps.Ah now I understand. Yeah I think it's better if they adjust that, because broken bear traps respawn so it's not a huge problem, but when they get in those spots it sucks so much because you turn into a m1 killerl
The shape addons don't need to have the same effect for all levels.
If that'sthe case, then they can change his addons.
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most of these are either already in the game, would be too heavy of a counter to specific things (im sorry but the clown one for giving a 25% hindrance just cuz you have sprint burst is an awful idea and clown is already strong), or just wouldn't work
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@No_Cluie_Louis said:
most of these are either already in the game, would be too heavy of a counter to specific things (im sorry but the clown one for giving a 25% hindrance just cuz you have sprint burst is an awful idea and clown is already strong), or just wouldn't workThe 25 % hindered is when using the perks, it just activates when used on the speed boost of any exhaustion perk (excluding Dead Hard, since it doens't give you a speed boost, and Adrenaline ,because the perk ignores everything).I gave the wrong meaning for the buff, my bad.
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@No_Cluie_Louis said:
most of these are either already in the game, would be too heavy of a counter to specific things (im sorry but the clown one for giving a 25% hindrance just cuz you have sprint burst is an awful idea and clown is already strong), or just wouldn't workI know, some of the ideas are from addons from the killers, but some are so bad as addons that you wish that they were part of that killer's kit. For example, Obedience - Carter's notes (only the time increase of the time to snap out of it, the exhaustion at tier 3 should stay in some addon), Rules Set No.2(I don't know why this is a addon, it should cleary be part of her normal kit).
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Your Doctor buff is already in the game. Survivors cannot go back to Madness 1 after entering Madness 2. I would give Doctor a movement speed increase while charging his shock therapy (to at least 100%), make his Moldy or Polished Electrode shock range part of his base kit (shock range is increased by 25/50%), and shorten the shock delay (or at least make it part of an add-on).
I’m not sure how I feel about the RBT timer being decreased by 30 seconds. I’m pretty sure that the current timer is 120 seconds. Your buff would make it 90 seconds and with Tampered Timer, it would go off in 60 seconds. I don’t think that’s enough time to search more than two, maybe three Jigsaw Boxes.
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Doctor - When reaching Madness Tier 2, survivors can't get back to Madness Tier 1. Slightly increase the time to Snap out of it.
??????? That's already how it is, why are you making posts about things you dont even know anything about???
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@SnakeSound222 said:
Your Doctor buff is already in the game. Survivors cannot go back to Madness 1 after entering Madness 2. I would give Doctor a movement speed increase while charging his shock therapy (to at least 100%), make his Moldy or Polished Electrode shock range part of his base kit (shock range is increased by 25/50%), and shorten the shock delay (or at least make it part of an add-on).I didn't really know that, when I played him last time it felt like it was back all the way tof Tier 1, I guess is becaus I'm blind as ######### and can't see the HUD properly. I'm gonna edit and remove it, probably gonna put the change to the shock delay.
I’m not sure how I feel about the RBT timer being decreased by 30 seconds. I’m pretty sure that the current timer is 120 seconds. Your buff would make it 90 seconds and with Tampered Timer, it would go off in 60 seconds. I don’t think that’s enough time to search more than two, maybe three Jigsaw Boxes.
The base time is 150 seconds(2 minutes and 30 seconds), with the Tampered Timer is 120. The buff would make default 120, 90 with the Tampered Timer.
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@FujinRaijin said:
Doctor - When reaching Madness Tier 2, survivors can't get back to Madness Tier 1. Slightly increase the time to Snap out of it.
??????? That's already how it is, why are you making posts about things you dont even know anything about???
I didn't know that, I'm an idiot.
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@SnakeSound222 said:
I’m not sure how I feel about the RBT timer being decreased by 30 seconds. I’m pretty sure that the current timer is 120 seconds. Your buff would make it 90 seconds and with Tampered Timer, it would go off in 60 seconds. I don’t think that’s enough time to search more than two, maybe three Jigsaw Boxes.The base time of the RBT is 150 seconds(2 minutes and 30 seconds),with the Tampered Timer 120 seconds. With the buff the base time would 120, 90 with the Tampered Timer.
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Unnamed_Freak said:
@SnakeSound222 said:
I’m not sure how I feel about the RBT timer being decreased by 30 seconds. I’m pretty sure that the current timer is 120 seconds. Your buff would make it 90 seconds and with Tampered Timer, it would go off in 60 seconds. I don’t think that’s enough time to search more than two, maybe three Jigsaw Boxes.The base time of the RBT is 150 seconds(2 minutes and 30 seconds),with the Tampered Timer 120 seconds. With the buff the base time would 120, 90 with the Tampered Timer.
Imagine Tampered Timer plus Crate of Gears with your buff. That would be pretty scary because of the increased time to search boxes.0 -
@SnakeSound222 said:
Unnamed_Freak said:@SnakeSound222 said:
I’m not sure how I feel about the RBT timer being decreased by 30 seconds. I’m pretty sure that the current timer is 120 seconds. Your buff would make it 90 seconds and with Tampered Timer, it would go off in 60 seconds. I don’t think that’s enough time to search more than two, maybe three Jigsaw Boxes.
The base time of the RBT is 150 seconds(2 minutes and 30 seconds),with the Tampered Timer 120 seconds. With the buff the base time would 120, 90 with the Tampered Timer.
Alright, then it wouldn’t be that OP.
Imagine Tampered Timer plus Crate of Gears with your buff. That would be pretty scary because of the increased time to search boxes.
That's the idea of the buff, put more pressure on survivors to waste their time so they won't die instantly. The atual RBT are so easily countered that it feels like a joke.
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@Unnamed_Freak said:
@FujinRaijin said:
Doctor - When reaching Madness Tier 2, survivors can't get back to Madness Tier 1. Slightly increase the time to Snap out of it.
??????? That's already how it is, why are you making posts about things you dont even know anything about???
I didn't know that, I'm an idiot.
Though if that wasn't baseline then it'd make sense. I do however think Doc could have his power shifted from the passive into his chasegame:
-make swapping stances faster
-reduces movespeed slow when charging a shock
-buff base range, reduce the range from electrodes.
-make it impossible to ender madness 2/3 from the static field.
-make the shock cancel action-vacuums again so you dont cuck'd but the surv TeChNiCaLlY starting an action before the shock lands.0 -
@FujinRaijin said:
@Unnamed_Freak said:
@FujinRaijin said:
Doctor - When reaching Madness Tier 2, survivors can't get back to Madness Tier 1. Slightly increase the time to Snap out of it.
??????? That's already how it is, why are you making posts about things you dont even know anything about???
I didn't know that, I'm an idiot.
Though if that wasn't baseline then it'd make sense. I do however think Doc could have his power shifted from the passive into his chasegame:
-make swapping stances faster
-reduces movespeed slow when charging a shock
-buff base range, reduce the range from electrodes.
-make it impossible to ender madness 2/3 from the static field.
-make the shock cancel action-vacuums again so you dont cuck'd but the surv TeChNiCaLlY starting an action before the shock lands.I agree with you, it's really annoying sometimes survivors ignore the shock and just do the animation, even if timed perfectly.