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The Recent Blight Changes absolutely ruined him

clarkexc Member Posts: 1
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Before the All-Kill update, I found Blight's collision to be mostly fair (not perfect but it wasnt too bad) and I found myself playing him a ton.

After the update, he got so frustrating and clunky - you bounce off nothing, you slide right past objects you could hit before, they didn't even fix the objects that were previously broken (like cars). Like what was the ######### point?

But hey, at least hes 6'0 now.

I haven't seen anyone else complain about this, what do you lot think?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • some_guy1
    some_guy1 Member Posts: 694

    what do you mean by runied? sliding of objects was always there since release

  • RenTheCat
    RenTheCat Member Posts: 212

    I still crash against the air sometimes, repeatedly. It completly ruins my plays and I don't understand why. I could be rushing on an open field and he will still crash against nothing, and several times. There is literally nothing around yet it still takes a charge and he does the crashing animation against the air.

  • Meehoows
    Meehoows Member Posts: 15

    They even ruined him on the survivor side. Looks like his hitboxes are alot bigger than before and it's almost impossible to spin his rush anymore.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    As someone who has played him extensively since he released, he's been my main since Billy's nerf, his collision feels nearly identical to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they just forgot to put that fix into the update and just said they did.

    For awhile after the update it seemed to feel worse but then I realized that I was still hitting invisible hitboxes if I tried to rush in a narrow area to quickly, I still slipped off the same objects, and he still has his stupid bug where if you activate a lunge at the last second you can move during his exhaustion animation.

    Really the only thing they seemed to change was his height which don't get me wrong has made it a million times easier to track survivors.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    They definitely made him weaker around shack since he does not collide with a huge portion of shack walls.

    They also made his slam hitbox very inconsistent. Sometimes they are as you expect, sometimes they extend waaay further than the object you're looking at, sometimes you just slide right past objects...

    It's almost like it doesn't matter what arcane method they use to determine what he does and doesn't collide with, if those hitboxes are sloppy, they are going to be inconsistent and frustrating to deal with, and it would seem that even the basic attack hitboxes on object are terribly sloppy.

    I remember I used to know exactly what I would and wouldn't bounce on... now it's a gamble again. I honestly feel it would have been easier to fix his previous collision detection checks instead of scrapping it for the basic attack collision check and then realizing it's just as bad but in a different way. Definitely would have been easier on players who already knew how his collision worked.

    They should firstly fix the atrocious collision detection for basic attacks on objects. I also find it awful whenever you try to graze past an object that is almost outside of your FOV and then you slam against it. Like, if something is bang in the middle of my screen, I want to hit it...if something is on the corner of my FOV i dont want to hit it, pls make it consistent.

  • Nullclines
    Nullclines Member Posts: 232

    I made a feedback post a little while ago saying the same thing. Since his release he's been one of my most played killers, and since All-Kill he feels worse imo; at the very least he doesn't feel better at all.