Freddy Fixes

  1. Remove awake survivor from hit detection.
  2. Killer pick up of dying survivor should override survivor healing.
  3. His dream demon power should be an interrupt ability.
  4. 25% action speed penalty in dream transition.
  5. Slighty reduce the chance to get a skill check in the dream world (stacks with other add ons).


  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    Not the first to mention stuff like this, although that auto attack bug is really annoying.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    But it needs to be repeated until something is happening.

    And actually, as far as I know, that isn't a "bug". Hitdetection is working as intended, they just did not remove awake survivor from said detection.
    Same level of lazyness is the pick up; all other killer can just smack the healer away and get their pick up, just Freddy can't!

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250
    edited November 2018

    @Wolf74 said:
    But it needs to be repeated until something is happening.

    And actually, as far as I know, that isn't a "bug". Hitdetection is working as intended, they just did not remove awake survivor from said detection.
    Same level of lazyness is the pick up; all other killer can just smack the healer away and get their pick up, just Freddy can't!

    indeed, as it is down right annoying. Although, I do like the idea of maybe when the dream transition starts, the debuff is at 25% but it slowly builds up to 50% as the dream transition continues, it would really help get rid of that strategy where you can just rush heal someone while your awake, or at least lessen it to an extent.

    Post edited by TheMadDoctor on
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    With the above suggestions done, the most annoying situations, where I really feel cheated by the game when playing Freddy, would be gone.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Wolf74 said:
    1. Remove awake survivor from hit detection.
    2. Killer pick up of dying survivor should override survivor healing.
    3. His dream demon power should be an interrupt ability.
    4. 25% action speed penalty in dream transition.
    5. Slighty reduce the chance to get a skill check in the dream world (stacks with other add ons).

    1 and 2 definitely yes which would also prevent you from swinging at the awake survivor.
    3 You mean as far as say cleansing a totem or interrupting a heal?
    4. That might be a bit harsh overall and would that include vaulting a pallet/window?
    5. That's definitely pretty harsh considering some of the addons are really good at that, especially if you use the 2nd dream transition one.

    I would like to get rid of the fire and forget nature though since that's broken compared to say other killers following people. Here let me tag multiple people at once, but in return lower the dream transition time by 1 second or perhaps 2 but have a hard floor for how quick it can go.

    So if he is actually chasing someone like normal the dream transition would cap at 4 sec time and couldn't be lowered. You'd tweak his add ons to remove the lowering timer.

    For instance now it's what 7 seconds, it changes to 4 seconds from the time he tags them but he can't tag multiple people anymore other than to interrupt them. But to get his victim into dream transition he has to actually be chasing them.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    I'll put in my two cents, as though I thought about making a thread to balance him I heard the devs were already on it and thus didn't care. Either way, I feel like the best way to fix Freddy would be to cause his dream state to be more powerful overall but weaker at the same time, being not only his bread and butter but a punishment for those who aren't utilizing stealth properly. Ultimately I believe Freddy should be king of his domain and the Survivors caught within it should be scared for their lives. Here's the modified version I'd propose;

    Power: Dream Demon
    Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

    • Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
    • Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition after some time.
    • During the Dream Transition (default: 10 seconds), they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
    • When the Dream Transition lapses, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.

    Once in the Dream World:

    • Survivors are vulnerable to The Nightmare's attacks.
    • Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare every 7 seconds for 2 seconds.
    • Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 10%.
    • Survivors suffer from Exhaustion.
    • Survivors constantly hear a low heartbeat as though on the edge of The Nightmare's Terror Radius.
    • Survivors will wake up from the Dream World after 90 seconds have lapsed or if hooked.
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    The main thing freddy actually need is to get feedback during the dream transition to know when he is and isn't visible to the survivor.
    The fading in and out freddy as during the dream transition is nice in theory but unusable unless you have an atomic clock lodged inside your brain to be able to tell how much time millisecond as passed since you used your power.
    How the ######### are the dev thinking that it's usable at all?

    Are you able to tell when exactly 33 millisecond have passed?

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Aerys said:
    I'll put in my two cents, as though I thought about making a thread to balance him I heard the devs were already on it and thus didn't care. Either way, I feel like the best way to fix Freddy would be to cause his dream state to be more powerful overall but weaker at the same time, being not only his bread and butter but a punishment for those who aren't utilizing stealth properly. Ultimately I believe Freddy should be king of his domain and the Survivors caught within it should be scared for their lives. Here's the modified version I'd propose;

    Power: Dream Demon
    Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

    • Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
    • Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition after some time.
    • During the Dream Transition (default: 10 seconds), they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
    • When the Dream Transition lapses, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.

    Once in the Dream World:

    • Survivors are vulnerable to The Nightmare's attacks.
    • Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare every 7 seconds for 2 seconds.
    • Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 10%.
    • Survivors suffer from Exhaustion.
    • Survivors constantly hear a low heartbeat as though on the edge of The Nightmare's Terror Radius.
    • Survivors will wake up from the Dream World after 90 seconds have lapsed or if hooked.

    Erm… so you want to actually NERF him??

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    It's not a nerf, he could still use addons to shave time off the transition and those addons could be buffed, he'd be able to track people from any range not just outside his terror radius, Exhaustion skills would be nullified while Survivors are sleeping (and they will be if they're in a chase with him after all), Survivors wouldn't know if he's close or far due to the heartbeat, and Survivors wouldn't be able to wake themselves up anymore. I don't see how that's a nerf at all? But if so I'd adjust the numbers slightly sure, that's what balancing is all about.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I'd like to see the dream world act like more of a trap for the survivors. The availability of wake up methods should include an awake teammate, hook, and a small chance on a failed gen(with luck increasing this). One of the biggest pressures of the movies was actually getting back to the real world. Every character feared not being able to wake themselves before Freddy stopped playing around. Not a 100% but I don't recall to many of them being able to wake on their own without an alarm or something prior to falling asleep.
  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Alright, I went over things against and tried to balance things out further in the event that they weren't before.

    Power: Dream Demon
    Death won't accept him and thus he remains, a calamity, indisputable master of his victims' nightmares. Dream Demon allows The Nightmare to pull Survivors into the Dream World.

    • Survivors who are awake do not see or hear The Nightmare.
    • Once targeted by The Nightmare power, Survivors enter the Dream Transition
    • During the Dream Transition (default: 8 seconds), they can see The Nightmare intermittently.
    • When the Dream Transition lapses, the Survivor is pulled into the Dream World.

    Once in the Dream World:

    • Survivors are vulnerable to The Nightmare's attacks.
    • Survivors' Auras are revealed to The Nightmare every 10 seconds for 5 seconds.
    • Survivors suffer an action speed penalty of 10%.
    • Survivors suffer from Exhaustion.
    • Survivors constantly hear a low heartbeat as though on the edge of The Nightmare's Terror Radius.
    • Survivors will wake up from the Dream World after 180 seconds have lapsed, if another Survivor wakes them, or if hooked.

    This makes finding another Survivor rather important and teamwork would become invaluable as waiting out the three minute duration would be rather taxing due to the penalties, especially since they can be tracked from any range that much easier.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Aerys Where did you mention that survivor can't wake themself up? And actually they don't need to, since they wake up after a timer runs out.
    That timer thing is a huge nerf and I do not see anything good that balances that out.
    Right now having the whole team asleep for a prolonged part of the match is the most benefical situation you can get, when playing Freddy and your suggestion would ruin is greatest strength.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    It's more that I didn't mention they could wake themselves up rather than couldn't, as in the original description it tells you how to wake yourself up by failing a skill check. And that's just the thing, if you're playing against Freddy and haven't woken yourself up after 20 seconds of him leaving you alone I've no idea what you're doing, all it takes is a failed skill check and getting those isn't difficult, if you're injured you can even use self care to wake yourself up. In my revision of the idea though, the post just before your most recent one, I increased the timer while adding one method they can wake up from (with the help of others) so ultimately no, I don't think it's a nerf due to the time limit as they'll be forced to sleep longer and with it bear the better tracking Freddy will have, an action speed penalty, Exhaustion, and the constant heartbeat.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Aerys Sorry, but your rework suggestions are weird.
    I would like to see the simple fixes for his most pressing issues first, before everything is reworked from the ground up.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    I believe a killer should be easy to understand conceptually so here's my attempt at it:

    REMOVED: Freddy can see survivor's aura in the dreamworld (at x distance)
    REMOVED: Survivors can wake up by failing Skill Checks.

    REMAINING: Survivors can ONLY wake up, by having an "Awake" survivor wake them up, or by being hooked.

    NEW: Freddy has a Terror Radius of 0 in the dreamworld.
    NEW: While a survivor is asleep, their action speed is reduced by 15%

    Get the main theme here? It's all about survivors trying to avoid being put to sleep, as they need other survivors to be awake in order to wake up again.
    No terror radius?; Just like in the movies, he's just "there" all of the sudden.
    If he manages to put asleep multiple survivors then he doesn't have to worry about them waking up without a cost. They need to find their teammates or you managed to slow the game down while you change other survivors.

  • Aerys
    Aerys Member Posts: 179

    Which is fair enough, but sometimes the design of things is just innately crap and so to make it any good you have to start from the ground up. Besides, it isn't really a rework from the ground up that I made, the core mechanic is exactly the same, it just has values changed around slightly. If I wanted to build from the ground up I'd say something like, "All Survivors start in the dream state and only by being near alarm clocks in the map when they go off can they wake themselves up for 30 seconds. Freddy can increase the time until they go off by interacting with them. Alarm clocks go off every 60 seconds unless tampered with by Freddy", or something. That would be from the ground up.

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    Nah he’s fine where he is
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @BeanieEnthusiast said:
    Nah he’s fine where he is
