Keys are a total joke!

I don't understand why this item even exists in chests. It rewards bad survivors for playing poorly & robs the killer of getting ruthless/merciless for playing a decent game. Imagine the outrage if a killer could find a item on the map that allows them to insta kill all survivors remaining at mid game. It's basically the same thing as getting a free escape & would never be accepted by the survivor main community. If you plan on keeping these ridiculous items available in chests at least reward the killer with bonus points based in how many gens are left and survivors sacrificed during the match. Rant over!
There are a lot of things that reward bad players on both sides, this is nothing new.
Keys will be getting nerfed in the future, don't worry.
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The "survivor community" put up with old pre-nerf moris for years, which handed killers many a free win (especially if it was an iri mori). Keys, at most, are basically a (slightly weaker) survivor version of old moris, and they're allegedly getting nerfed.
In case you didn't know, hatch will only spawn at these numbers:
4 survivors- 5 gens done(just circumvents the exit gate)
3 survivors- 4 gens done(the most hated key escape number lmao)
2 survivors- 3 gens done
1 survivor- any number of gens/0 gens
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Keys are deadly serious.
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I hope the nerfs will come soon. You will find a key in 1 out of 2 chests atm.
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Keys also reward survivors who took the time to search chests, taking time off of doing the primary objective. That's something that benefits the killer if they don't find one. Also, there is something that can kill survivors mid-game. It's called Devour Hope and I see it used a lot since the undying change.
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Can't really compare having to use 2 perk slots that require 5 hooks and will 9/10 be destroyed by the time you reach 5 hooks to opening a box that takes 10 seconds for a chance of a free win/escape.
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Don't tell me what I can or can't do.
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Lol settle down it's a figure of speech not direct attack on you as a person. You're just getting edgy because what I said makes sense.
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Tsk tsk, what you killer mains don't seem to understand is if hatch has spawned that means they got most of the gens done, and if they got most of the gens done they basically got all the gens and all the gens being done means the game is over so stop tryharding for a kill.
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Well having 4 gens done with 3 players remaining isn't a guaranteed win especially if you have 3 remaining gens that are close and easy to patrol. A lot of killers excel going into the end game with 3 survivors.
Having 4 gens remaining with 2 players is pretty much a win for the killer & generally means the killer outplayed the team in the early game so why should they be rewarded with a free escape, robbing the killer of getting ruthless/merciless?
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Sure what you said makes sense, but that doesn't mean it's a fair outlook on the situation. By saying I can't compare the two, that's pretty much giving a "nuh-uh" response to what is a valid comparison, both Devour Hope and keys cause the game to end earlier than expected.
It might take 10 seconds to open a chest, but you have to factor in time spent looking for chests while evading the killer, which again is wasting time for just a CHANCE to find 1 of 2 types of out of 18 possible items that will get them a key. Then you take into account the time the person usually wastes looking for the hatch instead of doing gens. I've been in plenty of matches where all 5 gens could have been done, but 1 survivor had found a key and was just looking for the hatch the rest of the match and it gave the killer an advantage.
5 stacks from Devour Hope isn't even half of the killer's total hook objective, and that allows them to totally remove players from the game, even if they have never been hooked. That seems to be about the same as survivors using keys to escape after doing 2 generators.
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I'll believe it when I see it.
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The sad thing is the devs don't even realize how crutch they are. Hatch is a crutch in itself, and then they add the key crutch on top of it so they get out even faster and even more undeservedly. 2nd chance into 2nd chance.
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LOL. Imagine if the survivor community tolerated the existence of "Devour Hope". Oh, wait. . . .
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Problem is everyone knows totem placements are a total joke without running undying & even then they get busted relatively fast. It's pretty common to lose both totems in the first 3-5 mins so let's not pretend people are running around getting 5 stacks and mori'ing people every other game.
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What survivor mains don't understand is when everyone is on death hook, the killer got most of the hooks, and if they got most of the hooks they basically got all the hooks, so everyone should stop tryharding for escapes