Add endgame chat for console

I don't understand why it's not available on console
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the duality of men
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No don't! Console players are good because they cant be toxic. If they add chat for them, that will change. So, no thank you sir.
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Why would you want it for anyways? You can always DM people on consoles after the match if you need to be toxic, don't need to do it in front of everyone from the match.
Not having that chat is imo the only thing better that console players have in this game
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I play in crossplay
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As you should
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And for that chat is needed
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It's ok if they get toxic i can just report them
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Chat is not NEEDED either pre or post game. Do you think we are having lengthy conversations in pre-game chat?? I can guarantee you the odds of anything actual game related ever being said is like .5%. In the past 4 years of playing I think two people have said something like:
"I have a crystal bead on my map" and "I have borrowed time" - neither of which I NEEDED to know as I would have easily discovered in game.
99.5% of the time it's either something random, something moronic, or a simple GLHF.
And don't get me going on end-game chat. End game chat is why I turned off chat completely as it was mainly just a cesspool of toxicity, racism, homophobia, etc.
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End game chat not pre game what's wrong with you? You don't like chat i do it's fun
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Had you read my comment you would see I specifically addressed end game chat. So what's wrong with you?
Your comment said it was NEEDED - you WANT it - it is not NEEDED. Words matter. Huge difference between need and want.
Or as my grandmother always said: Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
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Uh oh chatty patty.
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Anyway it would be great to have it on console
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Bro do you play Xbox I do, and I can tolerated no endgame chat (expect for switch I think). Just think that their are other people play on the platform and then give them message and say hi, it's easy that simple 😏
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I don't play xbox i play ps4
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There is a thingy o bob called ps4 dms. I don't play ps4. I grew up since the Xbox 360 and PS3 were out.
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As someone who doesn't even have an option (Switch player here, believe it or not we do exist) I would personally love the option to chat afterwards. Go hey you did really good ggs, or even make some friends. Without it you're really excluded to your friend group. And like you said, you have the the option to turn it off. In fact, you WANT it off, you don't NEED it off. So I personally am I fan of this idea.
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Never said people didn't want it. My qualm was with the misrepresentation of chat as a need in this game.
Also never even remotely insinuated that I needed end game chat off.
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Ok we WANT it
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@Jasix don't argue girl, they are too much 🤣
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Wasn't trying to argue, just trying to show another side. I feel a lot of people forget us Switch players (I know I would if I didn't play on switch).
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No its ok doesn't matter what platform as long as its fun
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Maybe so or not, but fortnite has the voice chat which is no fair and the switch needs parties and dms or maybe a freaking browser so they can have better services 😃.
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Fortnite seriously
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Yeah, they totally have voice chat :D
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If it's possible there really isn't any reason to not add it as long as there's a way to hide it for people that want to do so, if you ask me.
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Post edited by McFALLENONE on0