Create Your Own Perk
Be creative and put thought into your perk, and just have fun making it!
Heres mine: Damaging Goals: Every time you hit 3/2/1 survivor(s) with a basic attack the perk activates, the next survivor that Repairs a Gen, Heals Themselves or Others, Cleansing Totems, Opening Chests, and Opening a Exit Gate will have there aura shown for 4/5/6 seconds.
The perk deactivates after the aura duration is complete.
I made an entire killer Concept with perks and this one was my favorite.
High Grade Stitching Here!
You were created by the best, with the best materials, to do the best work.
Being blinded will blind all survivors in a 12/14/16 meter radius of the killer, as well as the killer.
Being stunned by a pallet will give the killer 3% haste for 8/10/12 seconds.
This perk has a 40/35/30 second cooldown.
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Also, you can create as many as you want! :)
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Gladiator: You never stop fighting. Every time you stun the killer, gain 1/2/3 tokens to a maximum of 6 tokens. When you are picked up by the killer, all tokens are consumed. For each token, the wiggle meter starts at an extra 6% progress.
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Catch me if you can
Survivor Perk.
(this took all of my knowledge of inspect element to make)
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Hex: I Hate You
You are enraged by your dependance on suboptimal totem placements. If a Hex perk is destroyed (including this one) before the first generator is complete, your anger at the entity overcomes you and you gain the following effects:
1) Pressing either emote button allows you to hold up your middle finger pointing it at the sky.
2) You can repair generators and heal survivors.
3) Performing a basic attack on a survivor instead awards that survivor an escape cake. You can give away 2/3/4 cakes total.
"Nerf me again you b***h!" - Random killer throughout history
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When you are put into the dying health state while taking a protection hit, Martyrdom activates. After a collective 30/25/20 seconds left in the dying health state without being picked up, you are healed by one health state to the injured health state.
Grabbed By the Reins
When healing a survivor from the dying health state to injured, the survivor being healed gains the endurance status effect for 8 seconds.
Gain a 10/15/20% mending speed bonus.
Fixer Upper
Each time the killer near misses an attack, gain a stackable 5% vaulting speed bonus, up to 40/60/80%. When you are put into the dying health state, reset vaulting speed back to normal.
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These are from a banshee killer concept I’m currently making
Teachable Perks
Hex afterlife:While your body crumbles your soul lives on. Gain a token up to 4 for every time you get pallet stunned or blinded. Each token grants a 10% increased lunge range and 5% pallet stun time reduction.
Hex decay: Any survivor who interacts with a dull or hex totem will receive the exhaustion status effect for 5 seconds. When a dull or hex totem is cleansed all survivors gain the exhaustion status effect for 15 seconds for a dull and 30 for a hex
Imprisonment: Kicking a generator will cause that generator to be blocked for the next 20/25/30 seconds. The generator does not regress during this time
Once activated this effect will go on cooldown for 60 seconds
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I like this a lot
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Post edited by meowzilla69 on1 -
Perk - Trigger
A perk which has a cooldown of about 80/70/60 seconds. When the killer breaks a gen, it becomes more volatile. The next time a skill check is failed, the explosion knocks the survivor into the injured state if healthy, and on a bleed-out timer if already injured. This affects all survivors working on the gen.
Perk - Double Glazing
A perk which either x amount of uses depending on the tier. A survivor can activate a ledge (takes a few seconds), which when a killer vaults it they stumble, which adds maybe 3-5 seconds of "stun" time. The vault then returns to normal.
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Mold Breaker
An unstable connection with the Entity unlocks unconventional abilities.
When the first Generator is completed, Mold Breaker activates:
-Press the Active Ability button when next to a completed Generator to revert it to is previous state
-Additionally, all Generators not being repaired by Survivors when Mold Breaker is used are blocked by The Entity for the next 11 / 13 / 15 seconds.
"Unexpected tactic, but not unwelcome"
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Killer perk- Fool’s errand
the hatch is revealed to you within the 32 meter range. Once per trial once the hatch opens with a key or the last player left, the hatch is blocked by the entity for 15/20/25 seconds.
the hatch timer starts when the entity stops blocking the hatch
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I actually made 3 killer perk ideas, but they didn't get any attention. Maybe people will have stuff to say about it here.
You feel your anger boiling while around others. When chasing a survivor, each survivor that is in your terror radius gives you 1 token, up to a maximum of 3. Each token increases the generator regression speed by 25/50/75%, up to a maximum of 75/150/225%. When a survivor exits your radius, lose a token.
The survivor that you are currently chasing is not counted as a token.
The regression bonus does not stack with other perks.(Not sure about this one.)This one would work really well with M&A.
HEX:PIECES OF DEPRIVATIONYou're determined to find them all.
If there is an available dull totem, the totem lights up once at least 1 survivor is killed or sacrificed.(Not sure about this one either.) Each time a survivor is killed or sacrificed, the remaining survivors in the trial will be given the Exposed status effect for 10 seconds, and you gain a stackable Haste status effect of 2.5/5/7.5% increased speed.SLOW START
You become obsessed with one survivor. For the first 60/90/120 seconds of the trial, the action speed of all survivors is decreased by 100%. The obsession is unaffected by this. Once the perk's effects are over, the obsession is given a 5% action speed penalty for the rest of the trial.
The last one's name is totally not based off of Regigigas's ability.
Post edited by glitchboi on4 -
Edit: Also, fantastic work with the styling.
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######### you
A survivor perk to use at their last breath
When you are on death hook, you drop a sementex grenade on the killer, which will cause them to explode into a shower of gore
"######### you" -Kate Denson
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I have 2 perk ideas for killer and survivor
Back on track
After being side tracked your able to effectively get back to the task at hand
A generator that is regressing will be shown to you in a red aura.
Stoping the regression and repairing the generator you gain a 10% increase in repair speed for 1/2/3 seconds.
Hex: Unleashed
A hex that grants you powerful abilities to aid you in your hunt.
When any hex including this one is cleansed you gain an 10% increase in movement, attack, and breaking speeds for 10/12/14 seconds.
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You have always been terrible at getting things done early, but you always make up for it at the last minute!
You suffer a permanent 30/25/20% speed penalty when repairing generators.
For every 60 seconds spent repairing generators you gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 5 tokens.
While repairing a generator, you can press the active ability button in order to consume all tokens and increase generator progress by 10% per token.
I designed this perk to reduce the annoyance of heavily patrolled generators in the late game, and to incentivize survivors to keep working on generators during tough end-games (as opposed to seeking out the hatch). In order to keep this from turning into a gen-rush perk it slows down the early game, giving the killer more time to build momentum.
Alternatively, this can be used to counter killer's who heavily pressure generators and push survivors off them frequently/regress generators a lot. The killer will still extend the game, but giving survivors extra repair time (because they're repairing the same gens over and over) will give more tokens to survivors, allowing them to eventually finish those generators.
For the sake of playing the numbers game:
Total generator time with this perk (5 gens at max level) = 480 seconds (up from 400)
Total time gained from this perk (assuming 5 generators are ONLY worked by people with this perk, and never regressed) = 64 seconds
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unceasing march
Your persistence wears down even the strongest will.
Whenever you would gain a stack of Bloodlust, instead slow down all survivors currently in a chase by 3%. Stacks.
You gain bloodlust stacks 20%/25%/30% faster.
"Please... it won't stop... hide me!"
dark designs
You have a dark mind, and the Entity will oblige your plans.
While performing actions that can be interrupted by grabs, survivors are Exposed.
They remain exposed for 0.5/1/1.5 second(s) after the action is stopped or finished.
Post edited by Beelzeboop on2 -
Thanks ^^
But legit I just did inspect element and changed each bit to the perk description, the only bit I couldn't change was splitting up Blood Pools and Scratch Marks, and change the picture of a locker to a pallet, cause I can't add new lines of code unfortunately.
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Hex damdation
"You love the grins they make as they are about to escape "
When there is 1 gen left hex damdation is lit
If hex damdation is still lit when the final gen is done the perk takes effect until cleansed
The gates open automatically but the exit is blocked until the hex is cleansed
This perk every 20s will show all survivors aura for 5s afflict them with random negatitive status effects (except exposed), for 20s
it also decrease the 2m timer to 1m30s but will slow the timer by 3x when a player is downed or hooked
When their aura is shown the killer gains a 10% speed boost for the duration
(Bloodwarden will still take effect but not if the hex is active)
( if the hex is cleansed the 3x slower progress will still take effect even after cleanse and give the 30s loss back)
Post edited by onemind on2 -
This is an idea I had a long time ago:
Contamination - Your weapon is fertile ground for germs, which bloom on bloody metal. Hitting a healthy survivor with your primary weapon infects them. After an infected survivor is rescued from a hook, that hook will become contaminated. Survivors who are hooked on a contaminated hook will receive a stacking penalty to vaulting speed and great skillcheck success zone size.
The idea is to promote a territorial, non tunnely gameplay. I also like the idea of a perk that affects vaulting speed.
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A few perks I came up with:
Tools of the Trade:
When supplies are low you have a keen instinct for finding the right tools for the job. While carrying a Flashlight or Toolbox item of common/uncommon/rare or lower quality during a trial, the first chest you open will be a guaranteed Match or Upgraded rarity item of the same type.
Safety First:
Your knowledge of working around electrical devices outmatches others who tend to ignore the basic rules of repairing. When you start repairing a generator it powers down over the span of 8/6/4 seconds and remains powered down while you work on it. Leaving an affected generator for more than 6 seconds, failed skill checks, and damage from the killer will immediately power it back up at its current level of progress.
Delay Resistors:
Experience has rewarded you with an advantage against the Killer’s situational awareness. After you completely repair a generator, the generators full power up and notifying alert to the killer is delayed for 3/4/5 seconds or until another survivor begins working on it. The generator can be damaged by the killer within this window of time.
Your willingness to sacrifice your aides pleases the Entity. Once per trial you may purposely drop and destroy an item you are carrying during a chase to gain the Endurance Status Effect 4/6/8 seconds. The destroyed item must contain at least 100/75/50% of its remaining charges for Bribe to activate.
- Any damage taken that would put you into the Dying State will instead trigger the Deep Wound Status Effect, after which you have 20 seconds to Mend yourself.
- Taking any damage while under the effect of Deep Wound or if its timer runs out will put you into the Dying State.
Getaway Plan:
Your knowledge of the killers’ tactics gives you an edge when repairing generators. When there are 2 incomplete generators remaining to repair in the trial grounds, Pressing the activate ability button while repairing generator that has under 25/50/75% progress will power it down completely. The affected Generator reactivates at its currently held state of repair progress when a survivor interacts with it, the killer damages it, or when Getaway Plan is activated on another generator. Getaway Plan has a Cool down of 90 seconds.
Committed to the Job:
You have a Slightly/Moderately/Considerably lower chance of triggering skill-checks while performing repairing, sabotage and healing actions, and gain a progression speed bonus of 1/2/3% for those actions. If you or any survivor cooperating with you on an action fails a skill check, the aura of the survivor who failed is revealed to the killer for 6 seconds.
Devilish Deal:
Your desperation to to survive against insurmountable odds has lead you to striking up a precarious deal with the Entity.
Whenever you are struck by the killers Basic Attacks while afflicted by the Exposed Status Effect, Devilish Deal will trigger and grant you the Endurance Status Effect instead of being put into the dying state. When Devilish Deal is triggered, one of your other perks, picked at random, will be Marked by Devilish Deal and deactivated for the remainder of the trial.
Devilish Deal can only be triggered up to a maximum of 1/2/3 time(s) per Trial.
If Devilish Deal has been Triggered its maximum amount of times when you are struck while in the Exposed state, you will be put into the dying state.
If Devilish Deal has been Triggered its maximum amount of times when you are hooked, You will be sacrificed regardless of which hook phase you would normally enter.
Blood Rush:
When the scent of Fresh blood permeates the air, you can't help but feel an invigorated rush. Your movement speed increases by 2% for every 30/25/20 seconds you directly follow a survivors blood trail (within 2 meters). Blood trails from Survivors suffering from the Hemorrhage status decrease the time it takes to gain this movement speed bonus by 50% (Hemorrhage = 15/12.5/10 seconds instead). Any accrued movement speed bonus you've earned ends 5 seconds after you cease following a blood trail, or when you pick up a downed survivor.
Head of the House:
You've prepared your environment ahead of time to better entertain your guests. Up to 3/4/5 Pallets that spawn in the trial grounds are chosen at random in the start of the trial. Any time a survivor interacts with these pallets, they will immediately break. The auras of all affected pallets are Revealed to you for the duration of the trial.
Special Treatment:
You can't help but take great pleasure in tormenting your favorite toy. You become Obsessed with a survivor. Your Obsession becomes afflicted with 1 negative status effect, picked at random, every time you strike them with your basic attack. Any applied status effects remain with your Obsession for the remainder of the trial unless otherwise removed by the actions of survivors or the hooked state.
Whenever your Obsession Unhooks a survivor, the Obsession status passes onto the rescued survivor, as does up to 1/2/3 of the currently acquired negative status effects picked at random.
All negative Status effects Unique to any killer, are exempt from the available status effects picked at random.
You can only be Obsessed with one survivor at a Time.
Draining Touch:
Your attacks against survivors inflict additional consequences to them. Successfully Injuring a survivor from the Healthy state with a basic attack inflicts the Hindered and Exhaustion status' for 5/10/15 seconds. Draining touch has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.
Basking in the Blood of your victims rejuvenates your youthful and vigorous attacks. For every 100/75/50 blood spots left by injured survivors in the trial grounds, Bloodbath gains a token (max of 5). For every token bloodbath accrues, Missed and Successful Basic attack cooldown is reduced by 4%.
Hex: Domination
A Hex rooted in your dominance over both your victims and the trial grounds. Whenever you put a survivor into the dying state, The closest 1/2/3 active Pallets within 24 meters of you are destroyed, regardless of their current state.
Pulsating Fear:
Your senses are finely tuned to the hearts of your fearful prey. When chasing a survivor, their heartbeat becomes directionally audible to you within 8/12/16 meters. This effect lasts for 6 seconds after the chase is broken.
Camp Light:
Knowledge of your territory grants you an innate ability to detect trespassers. Holding still for 10/8/6 seconds sets a beacon at your current position that only you can see. Any walking or running survivors that come within 16 meters of your beacon are revealed to you via your killer instinct.
Only 1 Camp Light beacon may be active at a time.
Tunnel Network:
The Hooks of the trial grounds are now linked by the Entities dimensional pathways. While any survivors are hooked, attacking another non-basement hook in the trial grounds with your basic attack will instantly transfer a hooked survivor to it. If there is more than one survivor hooked when this is activated, the transferred survivor selection is random.
Survivors currently being rescued at the time of activation are immune from this effect. Tunnel network has a cooldown of 120/100/80 seconds.
Hard Slugger:
Your blood boils with strength at the sounds of survivors agony, empowering your attacks. After Striking survivors 4/3/2 times, your next basic attack will throw a survivor 8 meters in the direction you are looking. This doesn't activate if your basic attack is a lunge, and missing this attack will increase your recovery time by 100%.
Any survivors put into the dying state with this attack cannot crawl or recover without assistance for 30 seconds.
Painful Neglect:
Survivors who lose focus on their goals incur hefty penalties. Survivors who take their inner 30 degree cone of vision off of a generator they are repairing experience a 5/10/15% reduced progress speed, increased odds of triggering skill checks, and reduced skill check success zones.
Hide n’ Seek:
Innate Control over your terrifying presence conceals your whereabouts from survivors. When within 8/16/24 meters of a survivor, the Terror Radius’s heartbeat sound no longer increases its Rate the closer you are to them.
Mind Numbing Mist:
Your intense desire to kill transgressors has saturated the fog of the trial grounds, dulling and suppressing the Survivors sense of situational awareness. Up to 2/3/4 Survivors no longer receive Status Effect, Perk and Teammate condition notifications during the trial. Injured, Dying, Hooked and Exhaustion notifications are exempt from this effect.
Intimidating Presence:
Intimidation is the best asset to cause chaos in the minds of your victims. Survivors within your Terror Radius are unable to initiate actions to heal, or open gates. Any survivor currently doing so when entering your Terror Radius trigger a Tremendously difficult skill-check every 3/2/1 seconds they remain performing these actions within your Terror Radius. Great Skill-check Success Zones are Removed for survivors under the Effect of Intimidating Presence.
Painful Presence:
Your presence induces panic in the injured causing them to make more costly mistakes. Any Injured survivors within your Terror Radius Have a Tremendously higher chance at triggering difficult skill checks while performing healing actions. Injured survivors failing any healing skill checks while in your Terror Radius suffer an additional 15/40/65% loss to healing progress.
Sadistic Rush:
The thought of completing a kill fills you with intense vigor. After putting a survivor into the dying state Sadistic Rush grants you a 10/15/20% speed boost in pickup, drop, hooking and attack recovery speeds for 6/8/10 seconds.
... ok, so, more than a "few" 😋
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Killer perk:
Mutiny - When the first survivor leaves the trial, the remaining survivors have there aura's revealed for 20 seconds.
Survivor perk:
Revelation - When you cleanse a hex totem, the killers aura is revealed to all survivors for 10 seconds.
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Killer Perks:
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
Each time the killer performs a successful attack, performs a break action, or hooks a survivor gain a token. For each token gain 1.5% increased action speed for all actions. Successful attacks hitting or hooking the obsession provides 2 tokens.
Burning Hunger
You no longer gain Bloodlust during a chase. When outside of a chase you gain stacks of Burning Hunger. Each stack of Burning Hunger increases your movement speed by 5% every 5 seconds stacking up to 5 times. Once in a chase stacks are lost at 1 every 5 seconds or all if you perform an offensive action.
All According to Plan
Any time a survivor remains in your line of sight for 3 seconds or more you will be shown their aura for same amount of time up to 10 seconds when they are no longer in your line of sight. 60 second cooldown
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I'd like to rework one of my favorite perks.
Sole Survivor
Death has taken the people you loved, but it won't take you.
The killer can't see you when outside of a 72 meter radius to you.
Each time a survivor other than you loses a hook state, decreases the radius by 2/4/6 meters up to a total of 16/32/48 meters.
Increases your chances to become the killer's obsession.
If everyone has been doubled hooked, the killer would need to he within 24 meters to see you. Otherwise, the killer won't be able to see you; think about Spirit, you literally cannot see her when she's phasing.
Left Behind
The Entity admires your hope in the most dire of situations.
When you're the last survivor alive during the collapse with both exit gates closed, collapse progression is coverted into exit gate progression at a 30%/40%/50% conversion rate.
Basically, exit gates beging progressing on their own based on how much of the collapse has expired. If 50% of the collapse has expired, both exit gates would have 25% progression. This would be helpful in those situations where the killer has a very easy patrol route, but of course wouldn't be a cake walk. You will still need to reach the exit gates without being seen and time the killer's cycle.
Monstrous Shrine
Hooks around the map have gotten the Entity's interest.
Whenever you pick up a survivor, a random hooks within the carrying range will be revealed to you in a white aura.
Hooking a survivor at this hook:
- Inflicts deep wounds on the hooked survivor whenever they are unhooked any means. The hooked survivor cannot mend by themselves, but see the aura of all survivors.
- Reveals the savior's aura for 6/8/10 seconds.
Basically make hooks stronger if you can manage to hook them at a specific spot. Wouldn't be powerful since it's time consuming and risky to go for special hooks if they are on the outside perimeter of your carrying range.
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Survivor Perk: Beacon
"Light reveals danger before it reaches their next victim."
(Forest Warden Survivor)
When your within 16 meters of a completed generator your Aura is revealed to all survivors.
If a survivor other than you gets hit within 16 meters of a completed generator the killer is revealed to you for 6/8/10 seconds.
If you got hit within that radius the killer's aura is revealed to all other survivors for 4/6/8 seconds.
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I've made my own personal ideal chapter but I'm not writing all that down on my phone.
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Bloody Gambit
You become obsessed with one survivor.
If you hook the obsession before the second generator is done Bloody Gambit activates. Every generator you kick will loose 10% progression.
If you fail to hook the obsession before the second gen is done Bloody Gambit deactivates for the rest of the trail.
Break Free
For every survivor you safely unhook gain a token. For each token reduce the time it takes to escape the killer's grasp by 2 seconds. Loose a token for each unsafe hook rescue.
Once you successfully wiggle out of the killer's grasp once Break Free deactivates for the rest of the trial.
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I'm not good a names. So something like spiteful.
If the killer is in x feet of you while your hooked for y seconds charge up spiteful. When fully charged you throw blood in the killers eyes blinding and stunning them for 8 seconds and unhook yourself. Works on second hook too
Not sure on the x and y numbers though.
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Survivor Perk: Finishing Touch
Once you are chased by a killer for 40/35/30 seconds, Finishing Touch activates. A pallet stun will last up to 5 seconds. Has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
"Here it is... my finishing touch!"
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The slow hammer of Karma:
Any time a survivor makes an emote or repeatedly crouches within 18/24/32 meters of you gain a token, up to 2/3/4 tokens. For each token the entity consumes one random item, perk tier, add on, or offering from the inventory of each survivor at the end of the trial. If a perk is reduced beyond tier 1 that perk is removed from their inventory entirely. Lost perks or perk tiers must be earned from the blood web from scratch.
Pet a burning dog:
Any time your obsession is healed or rescued from the hook gain a token up to 2/3/4 tokens for each rescue or health state healed. You can force a pallet to drop. Each pallet you force to drop consumes a token.
Malicious compliance:
Each time a generator is completed gain 2/3/4 tokens. You can select any vault or window, including dropped pallets, within 32 meters to be closed off by the entity. Closing off a vault or window consumes a token.
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Perk Name: Straining the Tea Bag
For each successful tea bag whilst the killer is looking in your direction - gain a token. Each token gives the killer 1% haste status. No token limits apply.
Perk deactivates if tea bagging happens near open exit gate and you are downed by NOED. Survivor earns the "Tea bag of Regret" achievement
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Killer Perk: Heavy Lifting
Pick up downed survivors 20/40/60% faster.
Survivor Perk: Risky Play
While in the terror radius for a total of 30 seconds, you gain a token.
Each token grants a stack-able 10% bonus to all bloodpoint gains, up to a maximum of 30/40/50%.
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Hex: Never (Tier 3)
A hex that empowers the Killer as the trial progresses towards its end.
For every generator completed, gain a token - each token grants a 10% increase to all action speeds up to a maximum of 50%. Stacks additively with all other boosts.
The effect persists as long as the related hex totem remains standing.
Trailblazer (Tier 3)
You’re the first to travel unknown territories.
Upon fast vaulting a window for the first time, the window becomes blocked to all Survivors and Killers by the Entity. The Entity will block this window permanently until another window is blocked, or until the Survivor is hooked or killed.
(Previous tiers give the blocked window a time limit of 30/60 second, Tier 3 makes it endless until hooked or killed, or another window is vaulted)
Trailblazer can only block one window at any given time. If a window has been previously blocked, it will never be blocked again, even by other Survivors who use Trailblazer. The aura of any previously blocked window will be shown to any Survivor standing within 8 metres of the window.
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Hex: Bad Joke = Two trapped Hex Totems will spawn in the Trial. When one of them destroyed totem will be active. All generators will block by Eternity. Survivors cant repair for 1 minute, even they are on gen. After minute, survivors can repair again. This effect can use 2 times in game (2 totems).
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Few I came up with for a survivor concept i did on a lunch break out of boredom
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Killer Perk - Antiperspirant
Stops you matching against sweaty SWF.
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I love this.
this could have great synergy with ruin which will reward being aggressive
that being said, the perk will need to be test to see how strong it is and they will need to up the totem count or would give the had perk a token count to restrict the usage of more then 5 totem.
I Do not like the first two but I do like stick to the script.
That perk would have a lot of synergy and would help other survivors a lot of they don't have any aura reading or the aura reading you have give valuable info which I'm fine with.
I would lessen the range of a Mac of 16 metres just to be more fair
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Yes me too, i know my own perk but i still wanna see this perk on game. Also like you said, they can add 2 tokens. With this killers cant combo this perk with Undying. Only 2 times and when they both destroyed together, just time will restart (1 minute) not will add more time. So that will make perk balanced. And also survivors can look for other trapped totem and ruin. So they can do other survivor goals. And i think that can help for make gens little slower.
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You are able to hide between or underneath small gaps you wouldn't normally fit.
Your breathing, grunts of pain and blood pools are hidden for the duration.
Activating it by charging.
Maximum duration time.
Still hitable
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The hands of wrath
You are full with unyielding rage, being stunned gain a token for a maximum up to 5
For every token gain 5% movement speed while lunging.
Hitting a survivors consume two token.
“even an a normal person can be dangerous if pushed”
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This is my idea Perk: Gone Wrong
If there is a last survivor remaining, you find the easy way out for them. You see the hatch aura for 3/4/5 seconds and then if you close it you also see the survivor's aura opening exits for 3/4/5 seconds, you can only see them once if they are opening the exit gates.
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Here are some perks I created for a fan made chapter I made called "Eternity Calls".
Chronophobia: Time is their greatest enemy, and you use it to your advantage. For each 150/120/90 seconds the trial has lasted, gain a token up to four. Each token decreases the visibility of the red stain. At four tokens, the red stain is no longer visible.
“You have no time left to borrow.” - ???
Risk-taker: You’re used to taking risks, and you use your confidence to your advantage. Every 60 seconds, this perk will be randomly switched for another Tier 1/2/3 perk. Starts powered.
“Yeah, this is totally gonna work out! Right…?” - Robert Howell
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I think Chronophobia should have another affect that goes well with the current affect since this isn't good enough to have a reason to use.
Risk-taker is an interesting one. I like it but it is dependent on what perk it gets but I kinda like it that way (also the name is great as it fit the perk)
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The second perk will be really strong.
The duration should be 14 seconds but not higher then 20 and should have a cool down of 60 seconds.
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Survivor Perk
When a medium vault should be performed, you do a fast vault instead.
Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds.
Killer Perk
When this perk is active you vault windows 30% faster.
After vaulting a window this perk deactivates and goes on a 40/35/30 second cooldown.
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Will to live
You are committed to survival no matter the cost
Tier 1
Survivor can attempt to pick themselves up from the ground with a tremendiously difficult skill check. If successful will have mangled effect for the rest of the match when injured and will suffer deep wounds immediately after recovering from dying state. If failed, you lose half of your blleed out meter. Survivors can make multiple attempts and recover multiple times.
Tier 2 and 3 are slightly less difficult skill checks each
Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on0 -
I always had an idea in mind to bring something similar to the old ruin back to the game but with more conditions to make it less "passive" and without being a totem to really last the whole game
Every time you hook a survivor the perk is activated. Generators will be cursed for 25/35/45 seconds. The cursed generators:
Good Skill Checks result in 5/6/7% regression on the Generator.
Great Skill Checks grant 0% bonus progression on the Generator
maybe a minute of cooldown since the survivor was hooked?
Probably some changes in the numbers are necessary but that's the idea
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I guess some ideas here.
Stockholm Syndrome:
After waiting in the exit zone for 20 seconds. The Survivor is inflicted with a slow-down status effect that reduces movement Speed by 20%. The baseline status effect does not clear out, for up to 60 seconds.