Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Create Your Own Perk



  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    Hex: Martyrdom

    A hex that harnasses the wrath of the Entity.

    You become obsessed with one Survivor.

    After hooking the obsession 3 times, a 80/70/60-second countdown begins and up to two dull totems in the trial inherit Martyrdom. If either of the two totems are not cleansed before the timer ends, the Entity will lash out and injure all healthy Survivors.

    The remaining hex totems return to their dull state after one of them are cleansed or the countdown has elapsed. Martyrdom permanently deactivates if there are less than two dull totems remaining in the trial.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    I don't think adding a cool down would be a good idea.

    I think having it like it is while having no cool down is better and reward the killer for getting quick downs but I get it so I would decrease the duration or decrease the percentages of regression when hitting a good skillcheck.

    But this will need to be tested even tho it just old ruin, skillchecks have gotten better and smoother so we need to know if hitting great skillchecks are still hard or gotten easier.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    NEW MECHANIC: Smoldering Totems. Less bright than a Hex, more bright than a Dull, 1250 Boldness points for cleansing... these totems are added to indicate to the Survivors when the Totem is (or will be) giving the killer some kind of buff.

    TOTEMIC MIGHT: Promote all Dull Totems to Smoldering Totems. For each totem remaining in the trial, break pallets, walls, and damage generators 6/7/8% faster (Max 40%).

    TOTEMIC SPEED: Promote all Dull Totems to Smoldering Totems. For each totem remaining in the trial, gain a 2/3/4% Haste effect (max 20%). This perk has a cooldown of 10 seconds that starts whenever a Survivor is chased, injured, carried, or hooked.

    THRILL OF THE HUNT: In addition to what it currently does... cleansing a Smoldering Totem causes a loud noise notification.

    HEX: NO ONE ESCAPES DEATH: In addition to what it currently does... Promote all Dull Totems to Smoldering Totems.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,932

    I love some of these ideas! Keep 'em coming!


  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Will the dev see them?

    Some of the perk ideas are great and some of them might be good for the game.

    Hope you like any of the perk and if you want, what is your favourite perk idea?

  • Itslat3ncy
    Itslat3ncy Member Posts: 353


    Your lust to kill your enemy strengthens you.

    After breaking 5/4/3 pallets the next pallet you kick instantly breaks on impact.

    The perk deactivates after destroying that pallet.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,932

    I take back things of interest as feedback/suggestions don't worry about that.

    And I won't comment on any of the perks, just in case!

  • Itslat3ncy
    Itslat3ncy Member Posts: 353


    Your lust to kill you enemy strengthens you.

    After breaking 5/4/3 pallets the next pallet you kick breaks instantly.

    The perk deactivates after breaking the pallet.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405


    Hidden danger

    One inactive totem is given your terror radius at the start of the game. The killers terror radius is removed until totem is cleansed. Once a survivor cleanses the inactive totem you regain your terror radius.

    (Maybe instead do the totem and you both have a terror radius still or give killer the ability ability place terror radius on inactive totem(s?))

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Killer perks

    Slow down

    When a survivor is injured they are 5% slower. Until the survivor is healed they will run at 95%, instead of 100% when injured.

    No teaming.

    When ever 2 or more survivors are within 10 meters of each other, the killer receives an auditory alert. within a 32 meter range of the killer. It has a cooldown of 40 seconds.

    This perk would be similar to premonition.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405


    Last means of escape

    Exhaustion perk but gives 10 seconds of sprint but will put you in dying state no matter what

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405


    Pin to earth

    The killer can press a button on a survivor in the dying state to keep them in place for 10 seconds. Killer has a 60 second cooldown on this.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited April 2021


    Be gone Evil

    Survivor is able to either destroy or rebuild one breakable wall every 120 seconds.


    Secret obsession

    The killer is shown who the obsession is the entire game while survivors are not told who the obsession is.

    Decided to make 3 killer perks and 3 survivor perks on a hypothetical killer or survivor

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
    edited April 2021


    Gone in a flash

    after blinding a killer, leave no scratchmarks for 10 seconds. Gone in a flash has a cooldown of 120/90/60 seconds

    Uno, dos, gone without a ... tres

    Occult Rejuvenation

    the first time you cleanse a dull totem. It will respawn as a hex totem after 30/25/20 seconds and alert the killer. Whenever a survivor cleanses this hex totem they are healed for 1 health state

    As long as it gets nourishment, the entity doesn't take sides


    Hex: Malicious Malady

    While the hex persist all negative status effects timer is increased by 80/90/100%. Survivor scream and reveal their location whenever a status effect ends

    Survivor hit with a basic attack suffer from the oblivious status effect for 10 seconds

    I will make you ... crumble

    Deceptive Demeaner

    After hitting 2 basic attacks, the next hit will cause your terror radius to reverse for 20/25/30 seconds

    It seems to be everywhere and nowhere at once

    (Bassicly map wide terror radius exept in your normal terror radius)

  • bad_clown_main
    bad_clown_main Member Posts: 31

    Run like hell

    You know that your life is in peril so you just run faster.

    When you first start a chase with the killer you move 10% faster for 5 seconds

    Run like hell has a cooldown of 60/45/30

    It only works when you start a chase.

    "I always ran from my problems now im doing it for real."

    Unknown tapes Francis.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,474
    edited April 2021


    Delayed Press

    Delay information being updated on the killers hud on actions you preform by 6/8/10 seconds

    actions delayed press affects include, completing gens, unhooking survivors, being unhooked, healing, and being healed

    this perk does not trump killer perks (for example bitter murmur activates normally, the totem counter from thrill of the hunt updates normally, ect.)


    Mass Propaganda

    Whenever a survivor is on hook Mass Propaganda becomes active

    while Mass Propaganda is active all survivors who are not on hook are blind to all auras except for hooked survivors auras (when they aren't hidden by the secondary effect), their Hud is also disabled and they don't receive notifications of completed gens

    hooked survivors don't see the auras of their teammates, don't have the large hook aura from being hooked, and have their aura hidden on hook for 5/10/15 seconds

    mass propaganda becomes disabled when there are no survivors on hook (effects instantly resolve when no survivors are hooked but doesn't have any sort of cooldown or limited use)

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Brutal swing

    your abnormal strength crushes the flash and bone of your enemy

    Healing will regress at 0.10/0.20/0.30 seconds

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    Killer: Eagle Eyed

    When an aura reading effect ends, retain lingering aura reading for an additional 1/1.5/2 seconds.

    "Falcons have eyesight that is eight times better than humans, allowing them to spot their prey from a mile away! Wouldn't want to be a rabbit!"

    -1992 Falconry Handbook, author unknown

    Survivor: Thrown to the Wolves

    While performing a cooperative repair, the perk is primed until 6 seconds after cooperative repairs cease.

    While primed, if the killer initiates chase onto a survivor you were repairing with, the perk activates for 10/15/20 seconds. During this time, repair the generator as if the chased survivor were still repairing with you.

    "Oh no! Anyway..."

  • Dpooly
    Dpooly Member Posts: 474

    Crushed Alive (or Knock, Knock): After performing a basic attack on a locker, the Entity will block it for 10 seconds. Any Survivor inside the locker will be injured (Deep Wound if already injured) and gain the Broken effect for 40/50/60 seconds. Cooldown of 120 seconds and only one locker can be affected at a time.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Congrats on the pin!

  • Northener1907
    Northener1907 Member Posts: 3,012

    2 Survivor & 1 Killer Perk

  • Killer_On_Duty
    Killer_On_Duty Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021

    Here are some of my ideas (Killer perks)

    Brutal Forethought

    Your great concentration allows you to plan everything before the main action moment.

    • Brutal Forethought is active while you are not carrying a survivor 

    You see the auras of the hooks that are 10 meters away from you and not further away

    • Carrying a survivor deactivates Brutal Forethought but still doesn’t enable you in seeing auras of nearby hooks

    No place to hide

    “No place to hide” activates when you hook a survivor and grants following:

    • you see the auras of crouching survivors that are 5 meters from you and not further away
    • noises created by crouching survivors are increased by 25%
    • crouching survivors leave scratch marks

    “No place to hide” lasts for 35 seconds.

    “No place to hide” is deactivated once the hooked survivor is rescued or sacrificed and can be used again after 60/40/35 seconds.

    “No place to hide” does not affect survivors that are not crouching.

    Don’t touch my toys

    All survivors have a 20% penalty on any totems cleansing speed.

    Predator from the sky

    After falling from height gain a 4% increased movement speed for next 5/10/15 seconds.

    The Hellish will

    There is no obstacle that can stop evil on it’s way.

    “The Hellish will” becomes active when you are carrying a survivor.

    “The Hellish will” grants you:

    • you can vault through windows while carrying a survivor
    • you can destroy pallets while carrying a survivor
    • while “The Hellish will” is active your vault speed is increased by 5%
    • you destroy pallets 3% faster

    While “The Hellish will” is active you can be stuned by a pallet.

    “The Hellish will” is deactivated when you are not carrying survivor anymore and it has a cooldown of 45/35/25 seconds.

    Treasure protector

    Injuring any survivor that has opened or started opening a chest will activate “Treasure protector”.

    While “Treasure protector” is active all unopened chests on the map are blocked by The Entity and cannot be opened for a duration of 20/40/60 seconds.

    “Treasure protector” has a cooldown of 35 seconds.

    Slightly increases the number of chests in trial.

    Lack of luck

    “Lack of luck” is activated when you hook a survivor.

    Once you put a survivor in dying state,and that survivor is at least 6.5 meters near a hooked survivor, survivor that is on the hook will suffer next:

    • hooked survivor can’t unhook himself
    • hooked survivor cannot be unhooked by other survivor

    All listed effects last for 5/10/15 seconds,and when that timer ends “Lack of luck” is deactivated. 

    “Lack of luck” has a cooldown of 35 seconds.

    Post edited by Killer_On_Duty on
  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Selflessness: Your dedication to others is empowering, but oftentimes leads you to forget yourself.

    • When Injured, you're afflicted by the Broken status effect.
    • Whenever you heal another teammate, Selflessness stores a charge for each second up to a max of 16 charges. Upon reaching 16 charges, Selflessness activate.
    • When Injured and Selflessness is active, the perk will consume one charge per second. After consuming 16 charges, you'll become Healthy, and Selflessness will deactivate.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    I posted mines in an old topic by @NMCKE when they asked the same thing, so I’ll just copy/paste it here:


    Don't Touch Me! I'm Majestic - While on a hook, you have the ability to kick a Survivor away who is attempting to unhook you. Once used, you get the Exhausted status effect for 60 seconds.

    Glitter - While in a locker, if found by the Killer you have the ability to blow a handful of glitter in their face, blinding them for 3 seconds. Used once per trial.

    Magical Stallion - You gain a heap of strength and adrenaline. You refuse to let your friends die. Once the exit gates are powered you have the ability to pick up one of your teammates who are in dying state off of the ground and put them on your back while running. Once in the animation, you gain the exposed effect and if hit by the Killer, you and your teammate are placed into dying state. Used once per trial.


  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    Blind Spot:

    Hours of staring at a screen have somehow given you the ability to easily spot poor eyesight, allowing you to capitalize on it.

    After stunning the Killer, their aura reading abilities will be disabled for the next 30/35/40 seconds.

    Blind Spot has a cooldown of 40 seconds.

  • JudyIscariot
    JudyIscariot Member Posts: 71

    Acute Senses

    Your keen eye and sharp ears allow you to perceive the smallest of sounds.

    Loud Noise notifications are audible and visible to you in a 24 meter radius.

    Acute Senses has a 25/20/15 second cooldown.

  • lob
    lob Member Posts: 177

    Hex fate this is a perk for surviour and its surviour first hex perk this perk allow to have a fourth hook state if the totem is not cleasend be careful what totem u cleansed

  • JudyIscariot
    JudyIscariot Member Posts: 71


    You cover for your friends in times of need.

    Loud Noise notifications while you are performing the Unhook action are suppressed.

    For 10/15/20 seconds after unhooking another survivor, that survivor's blood trail and scratch marks are hidden, and the 1st Loud Noise they would make is suppressed.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Dazed concentration

    While not in chase, the aura of Scratch Mark will be revealed within 14 metres for 3 seconds.

    “the man may look confused but he can hear,see and feel everything” bloodied book named the wanderer

  • xEzekanarioX
    xEzekanarioX Member Posts: 378
    edited April 2021

    I have already posted my perk ideas on other post i dont remember, but here i go again:

    --> Killer perk: Your worst Nightmare.

    You gain a token for every survivor killed.

    You can now use a token in a completed generator to reverse it 10/20/30 %.

    -You think you have outplayed me? I dare you to do it again.

    --> Survivor perk: Juggernog ( i thought of reworking this one, my first idea was maybe too strong )

    If you are the obsession, gain a token for every survivor killed. You can now resist an extra basic attack (M1) per token, up to 1/2/3 times.

    *Increases the chance of being the obsession.

    -Kill me. Kill me right here, right now. I'M NOT AFRAID TO DIE!

  • ClumsyTrapper
    ClumsyTrapper Member Posts: 544

    I would like a perk that makes hex totems appear dull and a perk that makes dull totems appear lit

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Hex: slight of hand

    Your ability to turn the table on your side without being caught empowers the hexs.

    For every 80/60/40 second, a hex totem changes totem to totem and for 90/60/30 second a full totem changes positions to a non preoccupied spot.

    When a hex been cleanse, all other hexs will become dull for 25 seconds.

    “your eyes may be quick but my hand are quicker”

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Trust yourself

    You have a knack of manipulation

    The survivor when being hit will suffer from various affect such as:

    A generator will appear incomplete for 15 seconds.

    The killer would walk straight to the affect survivor and would disappear when touching.

    Seeing aura of a down teammate and would disappear when touching.

    The suffered survivor would be down or injure for 5 seconds.

    The suffered survivor would have an be on the second state for 5 seconds.

    This will last for 30 seconds and have a 60 seconds cooldown

    “you shouldn't trust the anything but yourself”

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,405

    Ready, set, go

    After crouching for 7 seconds, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 10 seconds. Ready, set, go causes the Exhausted status effect for 40 seconds.

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    killer perk: dreadful presence

    survivors Heard rumors about you & how capable you be, thus making them weary & more prone to make mistakes.

    the killer has a 20/25/30% chance of not getting stunned by pallets, decisive strike , & head on.

    pallets have a 5% chance of breaking when dropped on the killer.

    another killer perk, malfunction:

    survivors think they got the upper hand, you use their own arrogance against them.

    once per trial, when all the gens are done, pressing the activate button has the the following effect:

    three random generators (they will be far apart) regresses to 20/35/50% the exit gates will power down & any progress on the exit gates are lost.

    you can do that with malfunction, but remember the three gens that respawn will be very far apart, & very hard to defend so be careful using it. you are just going to buy yourself a little bit more time.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Unknown admiration is a ok perk and has a good amount of synergy.

    Healing funds can be a good perk but I would reduce the time to 70/55/40 seconds.

    The third one might be too strong. It need a maximum.

    But other then that the perks seems good.

    P.s how did you qoute something outside of this discussion?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited April 2021

    A Few More Killer perks:

    Hunger of the Entity:

    The Entity must be appeased! Survivors attempting to rescue a hooked survivor in the struggle phase have a 30/40/50% chance to be attacked by the Entity, interrupting their rescue progress and injuring them. Survivors put into the dying state by this attack have their aura revealed to you until picked up or they recover from the dying state.

    Chilling Presence:

    Your victims cold sweat just got colder. Survivors within your Terror Radius emit Slightly/Moderately/Considerably visible white tufts of breath, and make a chilled "chattering teeth" sound when breathing that can be heard within 8/12/16 meters.

    Friendly Fire:

    The unnatural darkness has made survivors more sensitive to light. Survivors are able to blind each other with flashlights at 200% of the speed they are able to blind you and for 200% of the duration. Flashlights also gain a Moderately/Considerably/Tremendously larger width and range when affecting other survivors.

    Hex: Torment:

    A Hex rooted in the power of confusing your victims. The Hex: Torment totem is granted your Terror Radius and you are granted the Undetectable Status effect. As long as Hex: Torment remains active, it cycles to another random dull totem in the trial grounds (if any are available) Every 80/60/40 Seconds.

    Hex: Griefs Due:

    A Hex Rooting its power in your desire to to taste survivors Tears as you break their spirits. Every time a survivor is hooked, one of their perks is randomly deactivated, and Hex: Griefs Due gains a Token. For every 4/3/2 Tokens Hex: Griefs Due gains, a Dull Totem Lights up and becomes another Hex: Griefs Due. Survivors must cleanse All Hex: Griefs Due totems to remove its effect on them.

    Used and Abused:

    The trial grounds chests now stock previously owned and discarded things. Items retrieved from chests by survivors have 25/35/45% less stored charges and have a Considerably lower chance of being Rare or higher quality.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    I made a survivor concept and i'll just throw in her 3 perks:

    Savior: Each time a generator is completed you gain a token A token is consumed when you unhook a survivor and you gain the endurance status effect for 4/6/8 seconds

    Under Pressure: When you're in the killer's terror radius your healing speed is increased by 30%/35%/40%

    Last Leg: When on death hook your scratch marks are less visible and your grunts of pain are reduced by 40%/50%/60% But your pools of blood are brighter to the killer

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Survivor Perks:

    A friend in need.

    Your friends mean everything to you. Everytime you unhook, finish healing, or take a protection hit for another survivor you gain a token.Spend 4/3/2 tokens and heal additional 25% on your next healing skill check.

    Undercover Movements.

    You've learned how to pass without a trace. Whenever you start running you leave no scratch marks for 3 seconds. It has a 60/45/30 second cooldown.


    You truly understand the value of measuring your breath and watching your step. Sounds from your breathing and footsteps are reduced by 50/75/100%

    Killer perks:

    Silent as the grave.

    You are a predator with no equal. After hooking a survivor you gain the undetectable status and make no sounds for 15/20/25 seconds.

    Returning the Favor.

    Your deep connection with the entity has it's benefits. Everytime you hook a survivor the nearest 3 generators explode and begin to regress. Immediately applies an extra 10% regression. Has a 60/45/30 second cooldown.

    Death Race.

    The entity fuels your drive to kill. Everytime you hook a survivor you get a 10% speed increase for 10/15/20 seconds.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    Survivor Perks:

    Imperative Survival: Escaping danger fuels your determination to escape. Each time you escape a chase, Gain a token, up to maximum of 5. Each token you earn increases your healing, recovering, and wiggle speed by 1/2/3%.

    Stay Focused: You know how to stay calm in dangerous situations. When you are in the killer's terror radius, your scratch marks are hidden for 6/7/8 seconds. If you are injured during this time, Your grunts of pain and pools of blood will also be hidden.

    Out Of Sight: You always seem to find a way out of tough situations. When you stun the killer, your scratch marks are hidden for 5/6/7 seconds.

    Awareness: You are always on high alert. Gain an auditory warning when the killer is within 20/25/30 meters away from you. When Awareness is activated, Both you and the killer's auras are revealed to each other for 4 seconds.

    Killer Perks:

    Hex: No Escape: Your prey getting closer to escape fuels you with rage. Each time a generator is completed, all survivors within 35 meters of the completed generator(s) will suffer from the exposed status effect for 20/30/40 seconds.

    Deceit: You are known to deceive others. When you pick up a survivor, all survivors within your terror radius suffer from the Oblivious and Blindness status effects for 20/25/30 seconds.

    Fury: When your prey escapes, It blinds you with rage. Each time a survivor escapes a chase, gain 1 token, up to a maximum of 5. Each token increases your action speed and generator regression by 1/2/3%.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025


  • OddProvidence
    OddProvidence Member Posts: 45


    Unfortunate Exposition

    Rage consumes you as your obsession eludes you in chase. The entity grows impatient and grants you a gift. The auras of all survivors who are not running are revealed to you for 60/75/90 seconds when you are stunned by the obsession (pallet, blind, firecracker, DS). Unfortunate exposition deactivates for the remainder of the trial once the duration is complete.



    You have an uncanny ability to misrepresent situations to your advantage. Use the activate ability button on a generator to apply the following effects:

    The generator will appear and sound to survivors as if it is almost completed unless they are within 4 m of the generator. (Would motivate team mates to come towards the gen to finish, often creating fun instances of bamboozling your own team. )

    The generator will appear to have no progress to the killer and all audible notifications of generator progress will be muted unless they are within 6 m of the generator.

    Mirage lasts for 40/50/60 seconds and has a cool down of 120/110/100 seconds.

  • Daddy_Doctor
    Daddy_Doctor Member Posts: 158

    “How We Doin’?”

    Whilst on the hook, the progress of each generator is shown to you, the higher the intensity of the aura the further along it is.

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    Protective figure:

    you are determined to protect your allies

    When a survivors is injured, a notification will appear.

    you see the killer aura within 8 metres of the injured survivor.

    use the action within 4metre of the injured survivor to take a hit.

    You will suffer the broken status affect for 80/60/40 seconds.

    “I will protect my loved ones at all cost”