How am I supposed to stun Killers?

In the rift it asks you to stun killers 12 times how am i supposed to achieve this when the killers have a bug that stops me stunning them I was in a match with a hag and she should have been stunned 5 times but 4 of those the pallet stun never occurred. Any advice for getting it done?
Flip flop
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Don't have that perk and don't want Ash any other ideas
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Ok here’s the guranteed guide to getting stuns:
- Clicky clicky at the killer to get them angri :)
- run to pallet
- drop pallet
- get hit through pallet anyway because of the bug
- cri
- cri
- cri more
- reflect upon life
- boot up another match :)
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Just use a Head On build and hope that it works.
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Head on or ds? Maybe power struggle
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Ways to stun 12 times
- any means necessary (yui perk)
- Flip flop (ace perk)
- Power struggle (elodie perk)
- Head on (jane)
- Flashlight stunning
- Ds (laurie perk)
Even though you might not wanna get these teachables, u gotta work for them, these perks will help.
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flip flop is an ash perk
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Flashlights didn't count towards the stun I was using a flashlight to blind while stunning
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Head On is the easiest one right now with pallets being bugged as they are. DS is a close second but you only get one of those per game. Bonus points if you get chased into a locker, get pulled out, use DS, get back into the same locker and then use Head On.
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Same way killers are supposed to get gen and window grabs. Sheer luck or farming.
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Doesn’t work reliably in the current patch, unfortunately. You can throw a pallet down straight on a killer’s head and it ineffectually slides off them like it’s made of butter more often than not.
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You’re really unlucky. I’m surprised if I get stunned more than once or twice per match at the moment, and I do not respect pallets. I stopped running Enduring because it feels like a wasted slot.
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Did I play you last night? XD Hag especially can't get stunned right now.
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The you do just normal "flashlight blinds" however flashlight CAN stun the killer if you do a save on your time using flashlight (Killer drops survivor in the proces stunning the Killer)
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Hmm ok yea I don't go for flashlight saves as I'm the one that tries it and gets us both killed in process I'm much more handy as a looping gen jocky haha
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Flip flop needs a buff. Not a significant one, but moving from 50% conversion to like 60% conversion would go a long way in making it trigger just a bit more to make it valuable.
As it is, they still have to carry you to a hook fairly far away even when you recover near full for it to trigger.
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It's not reliable, but pallet stunning does work.
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What head on builds do you suggest?
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If you're willing to dedicate an entire build to it: Head On + Quick & Quiet + Iron Will + Inner Strength (or you could use Red Herring/Deception if you're feeling spicy)
Those perks are in order of importance too. Head On and Q&Q are probably the only "mandatory" perks for a Locker-stun build; the others definitely help make it a little more interesting, but could be safely swapped out for any other non-exhaustion perks that you might prefer to have in your loadout.
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oops better edit that.
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Easy, you're not xd
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Here's the 2 step guide how to stun killers with pallets after the bug.
1. You don't