Borrowed Time is in desperate need of a nerf/rework

As we know, Borrowed Time was created as an extra hit shield so players do not get tunneled after getting unhooked. Scenario Time: the Killer is hard focused on you the whole game, but you can only do your best, so you get downed. Moments later, you get hooked, after which the Killer proceeds to camp you. If there was no Borrowed Time user in the trial, you would be able to get downed IMMEDIATELY after unhooking, which the targeted Survivor would deem "unfun" and/or "toxic". Okay, BOOM, introduce Borrowed Time as a quick fix. Now, it gets used aggressively, and now instead of it being used popularly as an anti-tunneling tool, it gets synergized with Decisive Strike (another anti-tunneling perk) and Unbreakable (an anti-slugging perk), with Dead Hard (free chase extender perk and quick error fix for Survivors) or Soul Guard (used popularly with Unbreakable so they can get up and NOT be downed until after 8 seconds have passed after getting up). This leads to people, after getting unhooked, to be an invincible tank for their team by being able to bodyblock for them, buying them time by either forcing the Killer to hit them and get nothing out of it or stall the Killer by obstructing their path. In the chances they go do after doing this, they are in a position where they can neither be picked up (Decisive Strike) or slugged (Unbreakable), so you genuinely have no way to punish or kill the Survivor for doing something as reckless as that. All of this causes Killers ot get upset because there are loads of things that cater to the Survivors and completely make the Killer unable to play the game the way it's supposed to be played because these perks stop that. Too much time and effort is stuck on making the game "fun" for Survivors, instead of BALANCED for both sides. A simple rework (I don't want to call it a nerf because it shouldn't have been that powerful to begin with) is so that Borrowed Time does NOT activate for "Protection Hits", so that they can no longer bodyblock and that it becomes the perk that it was originally created to be, a solely anti-tunneling perk. It would be most appreciated if people left their own feedback and replies to this idea. Thank you for coming for my Monke Talk.
A simple rework (I don't want to call it a nerf because it shouldn't have been that powerful to begin with) is so that Borrowed Time does NOT activate for "Protection Hits", so that they can no longer bodyblock and that it becomes the perk that it was originally created to be, a solely anti-tunneling perk. It would be most appreciated if people left their own feedback and replies to this idea. Thank you for coming for my Monke Talk.
Really hard NO, because that means the perk is completely deactivated if there is an injured survivor nearby. If you hit the unhooker, and then they unhook, the perk is completely gone. This wouldn't be a rework or even a nerf, this would just be outright deleting it.
All BT needs is to have its endurance effect remove killer collision so they can't bodyblock with it.
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Yeah, I don't think that is good idea. What if you actually want to hit him? for STBFL stacks for example, not just tunneling...
That survivor could run inside you, like they can do to Myers while stalking. It would be really annoying. I will rather let them bodyblock...
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Then you just hit them, or moonwalk them out of you and into your M1 hitbox.
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Borrowed time should be made base kit.
Absolutely staggering me how killer mains just want every remotely ok perk to be nerfed.
Imagine running a perk purely so you don't get tunnelled and still have killer mains complain about it because it makes them being toxic slightly harder. Honestly i feel bad about how easy it is to crap on survivors.
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The base game should have an anti-tunneling measure that causes the unhooked Survivor to avoid all damage and have no collision shortly after being unhooked, meaning the Killer can walk straight through them and attacks will also phase right through them. This way, body blocking is impossible with BT unless it's after the hook immunity.
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I have to disagree with this because sometimes the killer will choose to tunnel the survivor off hook even with BT.
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BT really isn't a problem
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Literally just don't camp. It's not that hard. Hook diving is easily countered.
If you're going against a team who dives the hook you should be a little extra careful after getting the unhook so that you can down the person going for the hook dive as they are doing the unhook.
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Tunnelers are gonna tunnel. There's no way to fully mitigate it.
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So it seems I miscommunicated my point. I was suggesting that Borrowed Time does not count "Protection Hits", so you can not bodyblock for whoever unhooked you because then you're not being tunneled. It should function the same way as usual, except probably change it from terror radius base to distance from hook base since some Killers and perks counter Borrowed Time.
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Great point, I forgot about that.
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I'm talking about a situation where you're ACTIVELEY avoiding the unhooked Survivor and going for the Unhooker and the unhooked Survivor is bodyblocking. Wouldn't you agree that 15 seconds of bodyblocking is stupid?
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BT is not "remotely ok", it is made for anti-tunneling, there should be no reason an anti-tunneling perk should be used as a barrier between the Killer and the Unhooker, at that point the unhooked Survivor isn't being tunneled anymore if they're FORCING themselves in front of the Killer. It's like Decisive Strike all over again (to a lesser extent, though), where it gets used to push the objective aggress9 with a minute of protection, Borrowed Time gets used to guard the Unhooker for 15 seconds, therefore they're NOT being TUNNELED. How is it toxic for wanting to hit the Unhooker? I said that "Protection Hits" shouldn't be counted by Borrowed Time, so they can't bodyblock and I get to hit the Unhooker, and you call that toxic. It's not easy to crap on Survivors either when they have 10+ perks that take no effort or skill to use and completely take away everything a Killer has done. Entitled Survivor Main found!
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You're just wrong, you must not have read the post. You can check my replies because I'm not explaining something so simple.
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Yes, 3 people swarming a hook is so easily counterable. Also, I said that they "rush" the hook, I said nothing about camping whatsoever.
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The only change Borrowed Time needs is for it to be activated by range rather than Terror Radius. I'm a Spooky Myers player. I say this against my own best interests. I NEVER have to deal with Borrowed Time, and it kills me to see entire teams I 4K all running a Perk down against me because I'm immune to it. Base it on Range.
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What the f*uck did i just read.
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A post about how "Protection Hits" shouldn't be counted by Borrowed Time, so that bodyblocking with it is no longer possible.
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I mentioned and suggested it in a reply I made to this post.
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I replied to that guy, i found really weird he saying that he prefer getting bodyblocked lol.
I agree with you, i also made a post saying that collision should be removed (which would be fair for both sides, you can go safely to other place and i can chase the rescuer), but instead i got people with casual mentality saying that just wait the 15 sec or hit them, "is not that hard", etc...
Very funny getting bodyblocked with someone that has godmode, should be really fun bodyblocking your rescuer to a safe jungle gym, while you have ds.
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are you aware of the upcoming BT buff?
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I did read the post, but I didn't explain well enough.
Burrowed Time CAN be abused, and it CAN be very strong when paired with other perks, but not as much as something like old DS. It's not a perfect perk but I stand by my point of it not being a problem. HOWEVER, if the devs could implement a change that makes it less abusable while punishing camping as well, then I support it by all means. But in my opinion it's not something that needs immediate attention.
I'm just speaking from my own experience, so if you think differently it's probably just because I don't get survivors who try to use this perk in that way.
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I believe it should have a cooldown after unhooking a survivor. That way it can't be used aggressively. It doesn't have to be absurdly long but just long enough that you cant have 2 people running around with BT active. Plus many weaker perks already have a cooldown so I don't see why bhvr won't touch it other than all the people who would throw a fit about it.
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Nope? I've been sequestered a bit this week. What are they doing?
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What do you think is going to happen if a killer is camping and the person taken off hook cant even take a protection hit?
I play both killer and survivor, only difference is i have empathy for survivors because you killer mains want them nerfed to infinity to get even easier wins.
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they're removing the terror radius and reduced the endurance to 12 seconds.
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Cant you all see whats happening. If 1 perk is used alot and enough people complain about it, then it gets reworked or nerfed. The same thing happened to DS, i never run that perk anymore so instead i use the next best meta perk, Eventually you wont have any good perks.
The devs should just improve very bad perks to make them a viable pick instead of just making things weaker. Make some perks knock out my top 4 in most games.
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Sounds fine to me. I've always thought it being tied to Terror Radius was silly. It is even stronger than my suggestion because it means someone intercepting at the hook will still face a bit of it. So if they are already doing this, why is there a huge thread about it? Seems everyone should be happy.
Post edited by Moundshroud on1 -
So you're saying that the perk that was created to be used for anti-tunneling should not be used for that? You're saying that the person that got unhooked should be the one taking a hit? Again, I mentioned nothing about camping and talked solely about hook bombing and trying to punish the Unhooker for a dumb save just to be bodyblocked by the unhooked Survivor, then they cry about tunneling IF I down them and hook them again. Reading clearly isn't your best strength.
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I main both sides, I even play in SWFs and I tell them not to take the Borrowed Time hit because that's stupid, mainly because if they decided to leave me and go for the unhooked Survivor AND they get hooked again, it's their fault and (although I don't voice it to them because they'll think I'm weird for it) I don't want the match being unfun for the Killer because they're getting cucked by someone who's essentially invincible for 15 seconds while they're ACTIVELY AND AGGRESSIVELY trying to AVOID them.
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Im a killer main but i like borrowed time, it dont need a nerf/rework it just fine, ds should be buffed tho cause if u do anything but go down or go in a locker u basically are wasting a perk slot, thus i think bt should be able to allow u to heal or do totems along with hop in lockers but not gens
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Also if they do that and u have stbfl and the guy with endurance isnt the obsession then i see that as an absolute win or in the case where they are the obsession and u have remember me then u wanna hit them, also there are other ways to not get body blocked aka just walk around them, the killer moves faster than survivors by default and if u are gonna say nurse then just blink past them, its really not that hard to not be body blocked
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Your logic makes no sense.
If they are doing bad unhooks, they are bad players and doesn't matter if they try and do body blocks you should be able to destroy them if you are half a decent killer. Either wait out the BT, give them the BT hit or, or side step to get the hook saver. If you can't do either of these things just means you are a bad killer who needs more practice.
Why should the perk be changed based on actions of bad players anyways?
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It definitely does make sense, you're just refusing to acknowledge that it does. If the person that is bodyblocking is good at it, you WON'T get past them, and I'm not trying to hit them, wait through the attack cooldown and then meet the Unhooker at a strong loop, still requiring 2 hits to down them. You're just projecting hard as heck because I'm asking for a perk that was created for anti-tunneling to only function in a way that ACTUALLY prevents tunneling and gets abused as a meat shield for the Unhooker. Not only are you bad at reading and comprehension, you're basic thinking skills need a lot of work as well. You said to wait out 15 seconds (which is more than enough time to either escape or get to an incredibly strong loop), hit them (forcing myself to wait through the attack cooldown, which still gives them time to make it to a loop), or move around the bodyblocker (which is essentially impossible if they are even HALF decent at it). You really don't hear how dumb your points are. On the topic of perks made for bad players, there's a TON of them for Survivors, the most famous one being *ahem* DEAD HARD, the get out of jail free card, the mistake corrector perk, the free extra strong loop perk, but hey, let's ignore that since suggesting fixes to things used beyond their intended purpose is apparently illegal when it's about Survivors.
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I just checked your profile and your posts/discussions/comments and you're the key example of an Entitled Survivor Main, no wonder you've spat out nothing, but terrible ideas.
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Stop crying please. I don't need surivors to get nerfed to get my 4k.
Clearly you do which is ok. It's ok to be bad at video games.
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I'm not crying at all. Judging by your posts, discussions, comments, and others' replies to them, you're the one who's bad at the game. You literally complain about Hex: Ruin, a perk that can be completely removed from the game. I guarantee you that with no perks, also playing against someone (whether they're a Survivor or Killer) with no perks as well, you WON'T win. Literally almost everything you post has people replying to it, clowning you and making fun of you for how stupid you sound and how bad you are at the gaming for thinking the things you do.
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Unless you release gameplay of you playing both sides and the people you play with and against, your opinion means nothing because it's coming from someone with no valuable knowledge, let alone skill, of the game.