PLs read this post

Ive bought freddy dlc when he first came out and gotta admit he changed alot. But the thing about him is dream transition and his power to put people to sleep was cool but after his rework made him good but he is not fun in general so i know majority wont read this but make where its not automatic sleep after 60 secs and freddy has put surviour one by one to sleep and awake survoiurs can not see freddy and he is invisible unless you are sleep and he ultra rare black is bad and very situational how i would change that addon is make it where if everybody asleep there are exposed. This addons would make sense because of paint brush.
Why would it make sense bc of paint brush?
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I don't have the slightest idea, but anything that brings back Old Freddy has my full support.
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because of paint brush put everyone to sleep at the start of the match meaning black box would activate since everybody in the dreamworld which they are exposed
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So it would make sense bc it would enable a broken combo?
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if everyone is asleep they are exposed this is not broken because it requires everyone to be asleep meaning if one person awake the perk wont work also if it is very acurate to the moive because when everybody was in the dreamworld they were powerless but it was person wakes up the exposed status goes away
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everyone asleep with blackbox exposed status and paintbrush puts everyone to sleep at the start of the match
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Ah i misread. Everyone at the same time needs to be asleep.
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Periods and structure in a sentence is good. aside form that....
Freedy I feel is in a bad place. Aside from teleportation, he is a basic M1 killer. His snares are O.K. at best. His invisibility is mediocre.
Survivors overall do not feel threatened by dream state, and is just an added step at this point for the killer to be decent
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but where is the fun its not there i think adding these changes would make freddy alot better plus his addons now are terrible why would need sound addons he is not spirit plus zblock should either make it where they are exhauusted in the dreamworld or exhauseted if step in snare for 60 secs
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what question mark i was agreeing with you period the only thing i did not care for semicolon was the run on sentences that you continued to do comma because you do not know how to grammar properly period
geez cant a guy catch a break exclamation point
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sorry also im in english 3 right now also jane post going to be number one for a while also do you agree with this addon choice
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So combine the two addons to have everyone exposed at the start of the match. No thanks.
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pretty sure any spell check would tell you use punctuation in any language you are writing in
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it only works when everbody in the dreamworld which means you have plenty of time time to escape the dreamworld before he get to you
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Yes its the fact that everyone starts in the dream world that makes that combination seem ridiculous.
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paintbrush have not changed and blackbox is to situational to get any use so this would make that ultra rare better since you know ultra rare are post to to be ran together cough mother daughter ring and fathers glasess.
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paintbrush has always been like this what u mean
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This effect would be blatantly overpowered regardless of how you brush past it. No other iri addon allows that kind of effect and no other killer has the same level of pressure through an alternate state survivors will fall into like Freddy. Your idea while nice isn't what is needed, but I do think the black box needs something substantial since the 10 second effect it has right now is terrible.
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if a surviour gets hooked blackbox deactivates so its sorta gimicky plus they have a clock which make u immune to sleep for 90secs. which makes black box sorta useless in some sitaution but still bettter than it is now plus myers have a addon with infinite tier 3 so its not too busted.
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Once they get unhooked its a 60s timer until they fall asleep. When they use the clock factoring in the time it takes to get to a clock and back to an objective the timer has already started ticking down. The comparison to Myer's addon can't work since his ultra rare/rares have steep penalties attached to their use, none of which has been proposed here.
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fragant tufthair has no downsides with green memorial and neither does iridescent king and quenn or clown ultra rares