Survivors need to stop complaining about tunneling and camping

GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

I seriously don't understand this. If you are going to sit there and split up on 3 different gens at the start of the round, and rush gens to try and get out 5 minutes later. Why do survivors complain if the killer decides to tunnel and camp then? Tunneling allows more pressure to get someone out of the game, and camping typically gets people off generators a lot of the times at least 2 of the 3 people trying to sit on gens if not all. I don't understand the mentality behind getting mad at the killer for it when you are the one trying to rush the round. That's why I don't get upset when I play survivor and the killer tunnels and camps, but then again most survivors only play one side, and that's the easiest side where you can mess up nonstop and get away with it, because the game allows you to. Sorry if that was a bit of rant, but like a lot of survivor players literally do not understand this fundamental fact.



  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756


  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Yea, and it seems like today I'm just getting rounds where people want the game to end as fast as possible, so I'm utilizing something that I don't like doing, but I have to in order to salvage the round, and all I get is comments about how mad that they are that I did those strats, but when I try to explain something it's closed ears like a toddler.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    I'm not baiting lol. I'm actually trying to make a reasonable discussion.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    The thing, is that I've studied the people who complain about me doing what I have to do in order to secure a win. The people who typically leave mean comments which is quite frequently. I'll look at their achievements, and see they barely have any killer ones. Keep in mind I get these type of comments quite frequently. Mainly early morning games where the really sweaty teams are out in full force to rush the matches as fast as possible.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I'm not complaining about Survivors doing their jobs. :) I don't think anyone should complain about ANY valid, legal tactic in the game. I think Salt is bad sportsmanship.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    I do agree with that, but you are so vastly different than other survivor players that you understand that the killer sometimes has to utilize certain strategies in order to win. Now if we are talking about camping and tunneling at 5 gens. I consider that not really needed unless you just want an easy game. The majority of survivor players will complain at you for doing it if there is 1 gen left, and it can be a bit irritating to hear the same thing over and over again. I try to explain to them why, but they don't exactly listen to anything I actually say to them. That's what also has killers being extremely toxic too, is that survivors also taunt and belittle the killer players for doing what they have to do to win.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    How is it lazy if there is 1 gen left, and it's more than likely the only way to win the game at that point?

  • Vicc
    Vicc Member Posts: 51

    Killers need to stop complaining about SWF and genrush ;)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    There is nothing wrong with SWF that unlocking a 5th Perk for the Killers that face them won't cure. The SWF's 5th Perk (Comms) gives more information combined than all the other Info Perks in the game. I don't think Killers care so much about people playing with their friends as they do the competitive edge. :)

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    2 Gens left - 1 survivor gets removed (tunneled)

    1 gen - 1 survivor gets removed (tunneled)

    Last 2 need to get that last gen done. If I could not remove in both those scenarios I will camp and try to pull a miracle. Everything is subject to change as opportunitys arise throughout the match like slugs, two hooks near each other will prolly proxy that. For the most part survivors understand these strats and I don't get messages. Camping, tunneling, slugging right off the start of the match is what the problem is and deserves hate but used as a defense mechanism survivors (most understand) in my experience. I have had a few odd bulbs send hate for camping during EGC but as we all know they are just fruit loops and who cares.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Yeah survivors can be very immature and not understanding. Honestly those people give genuinely good survivors a bad reputation.

    Overtime I just learned to accept it and in some cases it's nessacary for them.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    I'm surprised you don't get messages as much as I do lol. I get a lot of hate in end game chat if I dare do any strategy. So much so yesterday I had a 4 man hide 2 people in pale water after 2 were dead for 30 minutes, because I somehow tunneled and camped even though I 2 hooked everyone before I even killed anybody. Yet these lines where people don't understand is that a lot of survivors still think you are tunneling and camping when you aren't. I get hate for like anything though as far as going as I play Trickster or I was too nice or something weird.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,636

    We all need to stop complaining about lots of things, to be honest. But then again, we probably won't.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Ya maybe once or twice a week at most which is honestly amazing compared to how it used to be. I remember getting messages for what seemed like just existing back in the day. I am still a BP player so I play for 12 hooks every game and let the survivors decide how I will play. I know that might sound a bit insane but let me explain first lol. So I'll start by going for 12 hooks and will even be more than happing to rotate each survivor but off course that depends on the gens. If I do a gen rotation and decide to do a quick chase and 3 gens pop my hand is forced. That is what I mean by they decide how I play. Once the gens hit 2 I throw the 12 hook game out and it's time to kill someone. The problem is survivors don't know I play this way. They deal with hook phasing spirits, slugging nurses, camping bubbas, so how they know they finally got a killer that plays normal?

  • PlunderingPanda
    PlunderingPanda Member Posts: 112

    I may be wrong, but I don't think tunneling and camping are actually the apex of killer gameplay. At best I see those killers get 2K unless the team is 100% solo-q.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    That's tunneling off the start. Tunneling when the game goes south (targeting weakest link) shifts momentum drastically. It is def a strat.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited May 2021

    That's how I usually play also, but sometimes I'm given no choice, but to play a bit scummy. Usually it ends up with me getting flamed for it regardless.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Even the trashest player can still sit there ass on a gen. Remove them, 3 survivors left. Hook one, chase one, one rescue, none on gens.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Also I play on xbox so there's no end-game chat. So there has to be whiny ass xbox players (theres a lot) in the trial. Still numbers are down of late.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    Camping and tunneling should be removed from the game though. They are toxic unfun strategies to face and they shouldn’t exist. Now if removing them would weaken a lot of killers then that’s as simple as buffing those weakened killers to make up for it. Toxic and unfun strategies should be replaced with strategies that offer more to play around for both sides and more gameplay to enjoy.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Yes, but the current state of the game is 3 optimal survivors on 3 different generators at once means there isn't much you can do, but either slug, camp, tunnel or hope they cause a huge mistake. Now if generators didn't go by quickly then that gameplay more than likely wouldn't exist. The problem is, is that you can literally down someone in 20 seconds, and it still doesn't matter, because gens are going to pop regardless.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    On pc it's more convenient since the chat is right there lol. So it's a lot different.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    Then slow down gens slightly I guess. The bottom line is that camping and tunneling shouldn’t exist and if killers need to be buffed to compensate so be it. Also one big reason survivors stick to gens so hard is that if they get into a chase they will go down no matter what. Survivors have no way on ending chases only killers can do that. So all in all camping and tunneling should be removed, gens should take a bit longer, killers get buffed to compensate, and survivors finally get some tools to actually end chases instead of prolonging them.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited May 2021

    Well yeah your right. Just immature people in general.

  • beached
    beached Member Posts: 303

    Maybe I'm failing to see the point of this post but is camping... fun? I don't know about everybody else but when I open up the game and play killer sitting by a hook for two minutes isn't very exciting. I would rather pressure people on gens, get into chase, and spread pressure across the map than sit at hook with my Claudette-faced Bubba for two minutes. If winning is more important than having fun when playing a PvP game then you might have a problem that goes beyond survivor complaints about your play style.

  • kassamell
    kassamell Member Posts: 101

    Its annoying when a killer is camping while a survivor is right next to them doing a gen like the killer loses bp and experience when they just camp at the hooks.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,390

    You can never get rid of camping or tunneling with creating unhealthy situations where survivors are literally invulnerable. You simply cannot control the actions of other player's.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I disagree. There have been plenty of suggestions made to fix these issue that the devs simply refuse to experiment with.

  • celesteismore
    celesteismore Member Posts: 173

    I've seen killers tunnel someone so hard that they won't even try to hit the survivor trying to get in their way. Like the survivor is literally giving you a free hit but you're too busy trying to get out of their way to continue on tunneling the other survivor

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    Genrushing should be removed from the game, though. It's a toxic and unfun strat that should not exist. It ends the match before the Killer gets to play.

    See how silly it sounds? You're whining that the Killer should not be able to kill you because it's not fun to lose.

  • SammiieK1991
    SammiieK1991 Member Posts: 686

    Killers need to also stop complaining about everything a survivor does. 😒

    I play both sides but this whole survivors need to do this and survivors need to stop doing that... I mean it's literally getting a little embarrassing how a fun game has become so salty both sides.

    Let us play how we all damn want!

    My god... stop with the gen rush strategies... stop with the camping and the tunnelling nonsense.

    Just have fun or play something else. I dunno... maybe a game of Mario kart, tetris, or jenga! Seriously just play for fun or simply uninstall.

    Jeeeeeez mun. 🤦‍♀️🙈

    Trash talk both sides is embarrassing and petty.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    there's literally nothing wrong with camping and tunneling as they are valid strategies that sometimes killers are forced to do when gens are popping left and right.

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    Never said the killer shouldn’t kill. Gen rushing doesn’t force the killer to sit afk for the whole match and makes the unable to play, camping forces the survivor getting camped to sit afk doing nothing the whole match and ######### his rank over for it. Stop trying to twist things to fit your agenda of wanting killers or be op and before you said I want survivors to be op go back and read what I said, I specifically pointed out that buffing killers to compensate should happen.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    That's part of the game. Whining that you got knocked out fast is 'unfair' is like whining that you died first in CS:GO; both events knock you out of the game.

    Why should the Killer be penalized for DOING HIS GOAL OF KILLING YOU just because you did not like dying first? Or fast? Where's the time limit preventing the Killer from hooking people so they get some sort of 'fun quota' per match?

    If you can't hand that sometimes you die first, and/or fast, and get knocked out of the game...then maybe that game ain't for you. Asking for an overhaul of the mechanics to cater to you & let you play longer because 'losing not fun' is insanely entitled.

    Moreso when you realize you're asking for ANOTHER PLAYER to have his hands tied just so you can play longer. Because losing is not fun.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    so youre expecting them to be all chill when they were pretty much forced to eat a depip+have them waste 10 minutes of their life? if you think you have the right to play like a scumbag then they have the right to trash talk you. also, i get tunneled and camped even though my solo queue teammates havent done a single gen

  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    I keep telling you and you keep conveniently ignoring the fact that I never said I don’t want killers to kill. Also your csgo analogy make 0 sense because as somone who has played cs for years if I get instantly killed early on in that game I know and understand that they other player in 90% of cases out aimed me and he was the better and more skillful player meanwhile in dbd there is nothing skillful at all about a bubba sitting at your hook staring and you until you die. As I said multiple times: I want there to be more skillful ways of getting players out early that are fair for BOTH sides. There is a reason my favorite matches of this game are when I’m against a deathslinger that is not tunneling or camping: he is a very skill based killer and it flat out comes down to who is the better player in the end

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Everyone complains about something in this game haha. And let me guess godliketerror you got "gen-rushed" while playing the trickster? And some survivors were complain that you camped someone?

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    It's not that he's trying to play like a scumbag it's that he was put in a situation where he had to camp and tunnel. If gens are flying what else is the killer supposed to do?