Why is there no option to turn off the chat filter

Astrian Member Posts: 320
edited April 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I understand why the filter is on by default, some people can't figure out how to turn on the mute button, I get it.

Why though is there no option to turn it off? I do not care what people say in end-game chats. I'm sure like 90% at least of people who play this game either don't pay attention or couldn't care less about what people say in chat.

Just let us turn it off. People barely know that games even have a settings menu to begin with so only the people who want it off will even bother to look for it. I fail to see how this wasn't implemented in the first place.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Gotta explain this one to me,

    You claim to not care at all and yet you want the devs to put in the effort of a toggle feature so you can turn it off....

    So do you care or not?

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited March 2021

    If I call something a "thingy" and point at a chair, I'm sure everyone can figure out im talking about the chair, that however does not make it correct.

    Pretty odd how strongly you react to getting pointed towards (slight) mistakes in your phrasing, makes me feel it might not be a good thing at all to have the chat be revealed to you tbh....

    second time you contradicted yourself:

    "Just let us turn it off. People barely know that games even have a settings menu to begin with so only the people who want it off will even bother to look for it. I fail to see how this wasn't implemented in the first place."

    >Let us turn it off

    >people barely know that games even have a settings menut to begin with

    makes a lot of sense to add a feature already just for those who want to turn it off and then reduce that size even further to the (by your own statement) very tiny portion that knows about settings and can be bothered to turn it off.

    And the reason it wasnt implemented is pretty obviously because BHVR does not want any childish swearing in their game, thats it, does not matter if you want to use or hear/read it, they dont want it in their game.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    "I do not care what people say in end-game chats. I'm sure like 90% at least of people who play this game either don't pay attention or couldn't care less about what people say in chat."

    I dont care what people say, im sure 90% of the players don't pay attention or could nto care less about what they say.....

    I mean if you want to read that as "I and others want to know exactly what players type/are saying" then you go right ahead but that is not what that sentence states.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    its way over sensitive, and thinking about it, not being able to differentiate when someone calls me a f*ckhead or something, versus them using a slur.

    not being able to tell the difference is actually liable to cause more harm than good.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446

    not being able to tell the difference is actually liable to cause more harm than good.

    Yep, this. Apparently "myers" gets censored.

    If you say "wow myers" (because the killer was Myers and did well) then this would be censored to "wow ****", which looks like it could be an insult. Then someone reports that, because they think that it is an insult and can't tell that it is not, and now support needs to work on a pointless report.

    This is just one example. If someone is being nasty then I also think it's best to leave it uncensored and just deal with it with reports.

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Not being able to understand what people want to say when they make it clear is as bad as not being able to say it clear.

    He obviously means that many people don't care about what others say, meaning that he doesn't care if you call him names. He doesn't care if you are being abusive in the chat.

    There's a difference between "I don't care about the chat" and "I don't care what people say". I don't care here means that it doesn't affect me, not that I don't look at it.

    Anyway, it's kind of clear you are just trolling. Instead of correcting an entirely correct statement, what about you actually say what you think about the topic?

    Anyway, I also really think it should be possible to turn it off. I don't care if someone insults me (see? I made it a little easier for you to understand :) ), spending time on the internet helped me become immune to the bs people throw at you.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    My previous reply can just be copy pasted here again, you said nothing new.

    "He obviously means"

    copy paste:

    "I dont care what people say, im sure 90% of the players don't pay attention or could not care less about what they say....."

    If you want to read that as "I and others want to know exactly what players type/are saying" then you go right ahead but that is not what that sentence states.

    and I also did already reply to the thread as well:

    copy paste:

    And the reason it wasnt implemented is pretty obviously because BHVR does not want any childish swearing in their game, thats it, does not matter if you want to use or hear/read it, they dont want it in their game.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Giving us the ability to turn it off doesn't stop this from happening though. Those who want to leave it on would leave it on. Those who want it off will turn it off. It's as simple as that. 🤷‍♀️

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Copy paste: Not being able to understand what people want to say when they make it clear is as bad as not being able to say it clear.

    He obviously means that many people don't care about what others say, meaning that he doesn't care if you call him names. He doesn't care if you are being abusive in the chat.

    There's a difference between "I don't care about the chat" and "I don't care what people say". I don't care here means that it doesn't affect me, not that I don't look at it.

    Anyway, it's kind of clear you are just trolling. Instead of correcting an entirely correct statement, what about you actually say what you think about the topic?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I love how absolutely alien of a concept it is to you to want to chat with nice people without the arseholes berating and insulting you.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    One less thing for the robot dealing with reports to do. Remove the ability to say anything = no offensive chat report to deal with.

  • pigsaag
    pigsaag Member Posts: 206

    because they are lazy to do something

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Yeah that’s also why they implemented an adaptive chat filter system. Wait..? Maybe they didn’t want the function to toggle it on and off after all..

  • pigsaag
    pigsaag Member Posts: 206

    i mean, they were not lazy to implement it but they can't implement a button to toggle it off. same with color blind mode, they were too lazy to implement it in four years, but someone known critize them and here we are

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    there not being a toggle is intended and not due to them being lazy.

    also colorblind mode was already a work in progress. They did not implement this within a few weeks. If you would have listened to their answers to this request in the last months you would have known that. (And yeah I still think it should have been here earlier)

    just because they don’t directly implement what you want doesn’t mean they are lazy.

  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    console does not have that option so that is good. i mainly play against pc players. I do not know what they say but sometimes it would be nice to see and have a good laugh at what they put.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Probably legal reasons. It's a video game, so death threats and the such are going to be common, both of which BHVR can be legally held liable for if they don't take steps to restrict it.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    Pretty odd how strongly you react to getting pointed towards (slight) mistakes in your phrasing, makes me feel it might not be a good thing at all to have the chat be revealed to you tbh

    I'm trying to express my frustration with a mechanic that was added to the game that I did not ask for and do not have the ability to disable. Instead of offering anything meaningful to the discussion, you decided to play semantics with me. You are not smart, you are not being helpful, you're just being an a$$. If you want to act like an annoying know-it-all, I'm going to treat you like one, simple as that.

    second time you contradicted yourself:

    "Just let us turn it off. People barely know that games even have a settings menu to begin with so only the people who want it off will even bother to look for it. I fail to see how this wasn't implemented in the first place."

    >Let us turn it off

    >people barely know that games even have a settings menut to begin with

    makes a lot of sense to add a feature already just for those who want to turn it off and then reduce that size even further to the (by your own statement) very tiny portion that knows about settings and can be bothered to turn it off.

    What are you even saying here? Legit I read through this at least 3 or 4 times and I still don't understand the point of this. Even worse, despite the fact that you call it one, this isn't remotely close to a contradiction. I swear it's like you just finished playing Phoenix Wright and now you want to use "contradiction" everywhere you go.

    Had I not looked at your previous comment history I'd say you were trolling simply because I can't believe someone can miss the mark this badly yet still keep going as if they're winning the argument.

    If I had to guess, you're probably someone of moderately above average intelligence who gets their kicks picking fights on forums to try and flex your "big brain". Only problem is you're a big fish in a small pond and punched above your weight class and now you've picked a fight you can't win. You're so far off your rocker yet your own ego won't let you admit that you messed up and just drop the discussion. You're a clown, simple as that. Nobody is on your side on this one yet you'll still act like you're correct.

    I think that's the worst part about all of this. There are even other people joining in trying to correct you because you clearly have no reading comprehension yet here you are still trying to gaslight them into thinking anything other than the most obvious answer, the answer I legit told you was correct and what I intended.

    Try going to DbD's steam discussions, there are plenty of dumb people there for you to pick fights with because honestly you've flat out lost any credibility you may have had coming into this forum. You're a joke.

  • Astrian
    Astrian Member Posts: 320

    It's not, I even said it in my original comment. I get why it's on by default and I get why people would want something like this on in this first place.

    What I do not understand is why there's no option to turn it off. If people want to flame they're going to find ways to do it regardless of if there is a filter or not. I don't care what people say to me one way or the other, if I want to indulge in people's salt or whatever other reason a word might be censored, I should have the option to turn the filter off. I fail to see how this is a complex thing to want.

    Even then though, I played a game against a Trickster and they wrote, "This killer #####" They then explained they meant to write "Sucks". They didn't swear, they weren't even being toxic yet they were censored. The devs said they would be adjusting the filter to work better, but I say if I don't care what people say, why can't I just turn it off outright.

    Make a message pop up or something saying something like "The EULA cannot rate unfiltered chat, blah blah, 'are you sure you would like to disable this'" Problem solved. BHVR's hands are clean and we get what we want.

  • SpitefulHateful
    SpitefulHateful Member Posts: 299

    Why not just turn the chat off? Who even needs it?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2021

    I don't get why this is even a complaint that's gaining traction. No offense to anyone if you don't like the filter but I think there are much bigger issues with the game right now than being able to see a few naughty words.

  • Breque
    Breque Member Posts: 427

    it isnt an efford, it takes like literally 2 lines of code to put an option to censor

    I am not an game developer but i have like 100% of sure that you need to put something like

    If censor =true enable censor if censor=false disable censor

  • AnxiousSlxt
    AnxiousSlxt Member Posts: 1

    Probably because it censors things that aren't offensive, and does a ######### job at censoring ones that are.

    Someone told me to "off myself" just fine the other day, as well as "I hope your entire bloodline gets cancer."

    It's not about caring about what the ######### are saying, it's about caring about what the nice people or funny people are saying.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    exactly I find them hilariously stupid, like seeing a drunk idiot walk into a wall several times after calling some chick a sexist something or other

  • Jmang1245
    Jmang1245 Member Posts: 31

    Bio X shut the hell up, you absolutely are arguing semantics with the man. Just coz you disagree with someone doesn't mean you have to try act like you're more intelligent than them.

  • Ino_Sann
    Ino_Sann Member Posts: 1

    # #### #### ##### ## and ######## ############################ and this is not over : ###### ############### #################### ############### i read a lot ########### here, WHY I CAN'T TURN OFF # ##### which ### w### p######, or #######n ## w## ### #### "HO" or "MEYERS" a## ####### ## ## ## ## you #### ## ####### i ## ## ###### .... ###### if ###### is #### no #### let ####################

    I decide to auto censor myself to show ... so how you feel .... if only the bad words was censor you ll say it's a good thing ...but if devs have just paid the same software as every other game for censor chat, i want an option to turn it on/off, i'm 21+ i really think i'm ready for what ever the problem could be....

    i ll now put the end of my first text : i read a lot of messages here, WHY I CAN'T TURN OFF a thing which not work properly, or explain me why the words "HO" or "MEYERS" are banned ?! ?! ?! if you have an explanation i ll be happy .... because if there is just no reason let me put it off please .... it's my own sentences ... if i want to say "ho i love meyers" what's happen ? : "## i #### ######"

    and the most important of what i would to say : PERSONNALY i really think it's making the communication worst, i ll say dirtier : when you talk to your mates or to the killer, if that kind of signs appear in your sentence, everyone will think there is a reason for it to be censor (where it's really not every times the case for exemple with my "## i #### ######"/"ho i love meyers") i guess jesus and ass are banned words .... but you know my childrens have learn how to use properlly that kind of words ... we clearly all learn to use words, they are bad or good in certain circonstances, but bann a word without thinking about the rest is juste super dumb, so i dunno if someone ll ready my huge amount of bad english sentences (sorry for that, i took 4 hours to found and write this, really my appologize, i'm clearly not the best in english, and i already know a lot of awnser will be sarcastic, yeah we all already read you man don't feel force to awnser to me with steril things ...)

    the question was and is WHY I CAN'T TURN IT OFF?

    so the law ? .... heum yeah it's make me remember something .... or not ?

    so .. the feeling of people ? really ? "This game has received a PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for anyone below this age. This rating has been given due to graphic violence." (https://videostandards.org.uk/RatingBoard/games/Dead%20by%20Daylight) this should be the things which prevent bad talking, and the censor could existing, i can agree some words are free to bann, but please not with usual words .... like bann the word "you" because some guys will say :" F##K you" ? ho i just understood i could say every things if i censor it a bit ... think about it my ####

    dear ! ;)

  • Mjr_Bush
    Mjr_Bush Member Posts: 1

    Yeah harassing words like “no way” which was censored for some reason in one of my games. I find it funny that rated m games with murder censor words it makes no sense. And you know you can cuss without harassing someone right? That is a thing. And if someone is attacking you with words just go to your next game it’s that easy.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I find it funny that your first and only post was to reply to one of my posts from over a month ago.

    Take your own advice and move on to the next game and stop getting upset over your innocuous words being "censored" in a video game.