Wasted opportunity for the Legendary Crypt TV cosmetics.

The devs should realize that the new Crypt TV legendary skins, that being the Mordeo and Look-See, shouldn't actually be legendary due to one thing. The skins aren't as unique as the Krampus or the Minotaur skins, because the skins in question could genuinely be mixed with other skins and still work.
However what I believe they should do to make the Mordeo and Look-See skins worthy of being Legendary Skins is change the Audio for them. Change the Doctor's laughs to the Look-See's low clicking sounds, and change the Huntress song into the Mordeos ghastly howls. It might be hard, depending on the coding and their skill, but it would make it so that those particular skins can actually work as Legendary skins.
If they don't change it, well then make the Birch Lady a Legendary skin, she has a full series going for her and they make her just a regular "Very Rare" skin as if she isn't special. In my eyes it just doesn't make enough sense for the Look-See and Mordeo Skins to be legendary if they don't offer anything new/different to earn the rarity of Legendary.
theyre different characters and therefore should be legendary. i dont know why hag isnt if im being honest
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Wish that Doctor and Huntress skin you can at least change weapons like the Hag skin
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I know they're different characters, however they're not as different as Krampus and the Minotaur. Those skins were VERY different from the killers default model, so I understand that. However the Mordeo and Look-See skins don't have that much of a major change to Doctor or Huntress to earn the Legendary rarity.
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Wait they didn't change the voices and the Birch Witch isn't legendary. Well thats stupid. I haven't been home yet so I haven't seen the mid chapter so this is news for me.
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Doctors Jaw already moves without the look-see skin, and if you saw the "Test Subject 1" skin for doctor
You can see clear as day that he has no Eyes, and they're practically changed his face in general. Even with the plague doctor or the steampunk skin where his head has very noticeable changes.
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Chaging the voice, animations or VFX from killer powers should be the case for every Legendary skin, not only these, also yeah, the Birch Witch could easily be considered a Legendary imo.
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I'm glad hag isn't legendary as she doesn't have to be and mixing and matching skins is pretty much the best part of cosmetics.
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I am a bit glad too, however it still confuses me why she wasn't given the same treatment as the other two. How are they special. I adore the skins, but what makes them special aside from being created by one of the best horror channels on youtube that uses practical effects.
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I wish they could have at least gave Look See and Mordeo a different idle animation. Survivor legendary skins like Lisa and Cybil get new animations, why can't killers?
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Exactly. Legendary skins are already underwhelming for both sides, but killers really get the short end of the stick.
Like, they couldn't even be bothered to give Look See his own sound effects. Hearing him laugh like Doctor is just so weird.
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I agree that new audio would make legendary skins way better. The Crypt TV skins look great but I find it hard to justify spending $15 on a linked set that has no audio or VFX changes. Especially for killer where you really only get to see it in the lobby and at the very beginning of a match and otherwise you're just staring at a $15 weapon.
And if BHVR is worried about pay to win or loss of clarity they could just make new audio/VFX killer side only or put in a toggle in the options to allow survivors to turn it off.
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Even though you are correct, its still not very unique imo. Some audio changes and different animations (this one is optional, because making an entirely new animation can be very tedious) would be nice so the characters can be truly unique, and actually feel legendary.
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Tbh both the characters birch queen and hag are kinda similar. ( its been awhile since I saw Crypt tv)
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And make the Crypt TV sets changeable since does not make any sense why Hag is only one with changeable parts because I would believe that making her pieces separate would be harder due to her weapon being her hand compared to rest of the skins.
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I was planning on buying the doctor one before I learned you couldn't mix and match. Definitive deal breaker for me.
Oh well.
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I have mixed feelings about this tbh, because the point of a legendary skin is that they are an entirely different thing, so it wouldn't make much sense being able to switch out certain pieces with different ones.
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Yeah true but at least make it so we able to swap weapons if we can swap with Hag's skin. I can see some problems with Head and torso mix and matches but weapon swaps should not be a big problem since Hag should have been legendary anyway but she is changeable,
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Yeah that would make sense since gotta make a skin worth buying and fun for the players.
Edit: well most likely Skins never gonna be upgraded or improved which is sad.
Post edited by Mr_Madness on1 -
The game devs should see our cries and give us what we want!
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Sadly they probably wont since they will most likely just move on to the next thing.
Really sad since they got permission to use Crypt TV license but all we got was skins which not only that it was just basic skin that only changed appearance. One thing they could have done to make it a bit better was not to make only The Hag changeable but make all Crypt TV skins swappable and changeable so at least we can experiment with outfits since if Hag can be a separate skin why not the rest or at least make the head and torso a single and make the weapon separate so people can just swap weapons because that would be a bit easier on the devs to make happen since the killer weapons are not connected to the body in any way besides Hag and few other killers.
Still if Hag is changeable why not the rest of the skins or at least weapons since most likely we will never get custom voices or animations so might as well make some parts of the skin changeable.
Edit: Cause if Survivor skins can have extra stuff like new Idles and voices but not killers just make killers skins not linked or at least the weapons.
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Exactly. The last part specifically.
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Hag skin should be legendary for sure. The Birch was a good series. I would die for Evie skin.
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Am i the only one who doesn´t buy legendary skins, because they are not mixable?
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So youre complaining about the rarity? You wont even buy them anyway. I dont see no issue with the new huntress skin it looks amazing. Its a skin, relax.
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I'd like different sound effects for Look See's weapon. It should make a loud -CLANG- when you hit someone.
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Think its more about that legendary survivor skins get a tad bit more than Killer legendary skins since Silent hill survivor skins got new idle animations and some minor stuff while killer just gets a new morph but that's it. Survivor skins that are legendary are slightly better since feels like playing a new character but Killer has the same animations and audio so kinda a bummer for killers that wanna feel like playing a new character while keeping same power. So if survivor skins get all of this might as well make killer skins not linked or at least weapons since Hag skin you can mix and match but rest of the skins of Crypt TV you can't.
I never bought a Legendary skin since I play killer but I was tempted to buy Krampus but was bummed when found out no custom audio or anything special besides morph when it was released. Thought Crypt TV would be different since Silent Hill which is licensed like Crypt TV had special survivor skins that felt like playing a new character so was Hyped but then found out again like Krampus no new audio, no animations, and Hag is only skin you can mix and match.
Edit: Dont get me wrong the Skins are amazing but was sad that was like Krampus and minotaur which nothing was special besides a morph.
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It's a missed chance.
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Yeah true but if we are just going to have Legendary Killer skins of Characters we want ingame why not just make it have some bonuses compared to Survivor skins so it feels like we are playing a new killer since once it comes ingame as a skin most likely it will never become an official character.
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I don't understand why the weapon is tied to the Look-See skin, or for the Mordeo for that matter.
As far as I'm aware, there's nothing about an electrified wrench that has anything to do with the Look-See, it's a unique model for the Doctor, so why not allow you to swap it out?
Other than that, all that's missing is the Sunny Family Cult for the Legion.
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I'm just saying, if it's going to be legendary, give it a reason to be legendary.
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Exactly, tbh a Crowbar or a ritualistic weapon would have been better but still if Hag can have swappable cosmetics why not the other crypt tv skins.
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Well hope at least devs sees this and thinks about either adding audio and animations to the skins or make it so you can swap weapon cosmetic only with legendary skins.
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what about new mori, sounds, maybe new theme, I want this more than swapping
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Lets get this one seen by many, I know it's not the most important discussion, but I've been watching Crypt TV's stuff for a long time and I believe their work was given the short end of the stick when it came to these skins. Visually they're wonderful, so thats a pass. But the only changes we want is mostly simple changes that the devs can do. So simple that it can be done (with their skill) maybe under a day or less.
So please devs, if anything give us a reason better reason to buy these new Crypt TV skins, other than the fact they're Crypt TV skins.