Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

A Tier List of Freddy's updated add-ons. Pretty Good Job So Far.

Member Posts: 657
edited October 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

S tier

Oh wait nothing

A Tier

Being really generous here.

  • Drawings: Teleport CD isn't bad.

B Tier

  • Class Photo: Can fake people out sometimes, but also stops you from faking people out.
  • Pill Bottle: Mild stealth buffs.

C Tier

  • Jump Rope: Stridor. Kinda nice, not super useful.
  • Swing Chains: Depends on how good your headphones are. Not terrible, but not the best.
  • Black Box: If they 99 an exit gate and try to run out after a save, this can cheese you a kill on the last survivor as all their friends escape. You still lose, though.

D Tier

What a great set of tools that amplify the core gameplay pattern of this killer.

Great job.

I'm not even gonna bother with this steaming pile.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,030

    The teleport CD addons have really low numbers though, 2% and 3% per person in dream isn't much, you already get a 15% CD reduction per survivor by default.

    Black Box isn't much but it punishes 99ing gates and can synergize well with Blood Warden, also would work well if you don't have snares and you are in a patrolling exit gates situation with the last survivor.

    Lastly, Paint Brush is a pretty good addon since it lets you get your teleport much faster at the start and it passively helps keep survivors sleeping for you to use your abilities more.

  • Member Posts: 657

    Paint Brush is garbo now that survivors get immunity to Hit-sleep from clocks.

    They spawn, rush to a clock, and then the first survivor you find won't get hit by your snares in the first chase.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    I think them running to a clock rather than getting on a generator is pretty beneficial to the killer. But you are right, if they were to get a clock nearby at the start it could turn out worse for you.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Ah yes, because an A tier killer needs S tier addons. Preferably, D tier killers need S tier addons where S tier killers need D tier addons. This is fine

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  • Member Posts: 11,763

    It disheartens me, but it is true.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I wonder, do Jump Rope and Stridor stack?

  • Member Posts: 657

    Stridor and Nurse spoon does, so it should.

    It's neat, and if you're against an Ash you feel omnipotent, but aside from that it's just not that great.

  • Member Posts: 6,025
  • Member Posts: 657
    edited May 2021

    By that argument you could justify making every Nurse add-on description read "-1 maximum blink charge" with no secondary effects.

    A good base power doesn't justify bad add-ons.

    Freddy even more so, because his base power isn't even THAT good, it's just boring and easy.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Ive bought freddy dlc when he first came out and gotta admit he changed alot. But the thing about him is dream transition and his power to put people to sleep was cool but after his rework made him good but he is not fun in general so i know majority wont read this but make where its not automatic sleep after 60 secs and freddy has put surviour one by one to sleep and awake survoiurs can not see freddy and he is invisible unless you are sleep and he ultra rare black is bad and very situational how i would change that addon is make it where if everybody asleep there are exposed. This addons would make sense because of paint brush. hope this help

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Oh, so by your argument, Lucky Break should last 180 seconds? No justification gutting it all the way back to 45 seconds, right?

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    And that makes Spirit so much worse as a killer in general. What's your point here? Do you want Old DS back? Survivors are all S tier characters, so why nerf DS? Same logic

  • Member Posts: 3,012

    Black Box is useless add-on. 15 seconds is nothing, it have to be 30 seconds. Then it can worth to use bp.

    Voice add-ons ridicilous because they are not supporting Freddy's gameplay. I am playing as Freddy for 4 years. I never needed Stridor. So why i have loud voice add-ons. Why i have to use BP for them? That is funny lol, Freddy lost all good add-ons. Devs have to change this add-ons again because they will not help Freddy with him power.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    you know why its 15 seconds? Bloodwarden and No Way Out in combination with the EGC. It's the same reason why Pig's traps no longer activate after the final gen has already been finished, making them literally useless.

    That's the thing, you cannot simply look at an addon and say "this is pretty useless" when there are situations where they can make or break a game. There are, ofcourse, some exceptions to that, like Myer's stalk movementspeed addons that have 0 actual perks that improve it in any situation, or Pig's Jigsaw Skillcheck addons as Lullaby and Unnerving Presence do not affect it at all.

    Besides, 7k BP is nothing. Pink addons are not meant to be used every single match. Nor are they meant to be the most powerful. They are meant to not be used every single match. If we're looking long term, yellow and brown should be the most usefull addons to use to be viable, with green and purple addons essentially being the more powerful versions with pink addons being either extremely powerful or a niche use that you do not want to see every match.

    Black Box fits the niche use. As it has a powerful niche that can make or break a game. It's not meant to be a meta addon.

  • Member Posts: 529

    In what world is Freddy's basekit strong?

    "Cross-map mobility", it's tied to generators, it gets worse as the game goes, and it's tied to a HUGE cooldown. Onryo has a much stronger cross map mobility and it's pretty much agreed that it's bad already.

    "stealth", his stealth is a joke, he still has a pseudo TR (although smaller) while you're in the dreamworld, his stealth effectively achieves nothing.

    "Anti-loop", he doesn't have any anti loop, all he does is reduce the distance survivors get after breaking a pallet.

    "tracking", no?

    "time wasting", why would you waste your time taking clocks when you can litteraly play the entire game in the dream world because of how weak it is?

  • Member Posts: 427

    No way paint brush isn't S tier worthy. It actually allows you to use your power for the first half of the game

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Teleport add-ons are useless. Stacked, they, at most, save 3.2 seconds. I'm serious.

  • Member Posts: 4,225


    Spirit: MD Ring, Amulet

    Nurse: Recharge and range

    Blight: C33, Ring, (Iri tag)

    Plague: Black Incense

    and btw: Freddy is not A Tier anymore. he was, but now he's more like low B/ high C Tier for different reasons (multiple nerves to his kit)

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    As an old Freddy main I agree on most placings. I always prefered fake pallets to snares, but that was personal preference, and I know that they are weaker than snares.

    I would place Pill Bottle and Photo to C Tier because they don't do ######### if not combined with other perks like M&A or they remove the one skillful part his teleport had. Once people know you have the photo, they will mostly stay on gens too, so the DMS combo doesn't work most times.

    For me all ropes are bad, because it's only for survivors in dream and most times you are chasing them anyway (and Iron Will is barely used nowadays).

    Red Paint Brush is C tier, because it makes survivors waste a bit time at the start, but nothing more (30s clock anti sleep) especially if survivors ignore the dream world.

    I made a rework for freddy's addons a while back. what would you say about this?

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2022

    Welcome to my Tierlist as a Freddy-Main (6.2.2)

    The only good Addon is the Paint Brush for more sleeping survivors and harder time to wake up (no failed skill-checks, so the Dresses could team up without sabotaging you). More guys asleep = more % on Masterpiece or Sketch, more often Blindness with Unicorn-Block etc.. You can use your snares directly OR they waste some time running to a clock.

    As always: you should chase people who are already in dream, otherwise you are blank till the first hit.

    Blindness 60sec (Unicorn-Block) and Mini-Bloodwarden are B (Black Box), but nothing more. Blindness 30sec (Sheep-Block) is better than Teleport-Speedup (Masterpiece/Sketch) because the Numbers are far too small (3%/2% per sleeping surv). Class Foto is a nice little surprise once, then its easily countered.

    The Rest is garbage.

    NO Survivor fails skillchecks if they dont read something on 2nd screen while sitting on gen etc., Hemmorhage is terrible on Freddy, he is no Legion or Plague and Fake Pallets are a nerf to his basekit, his snares are far better, but still mediocre at best, but at least sometimes fun against weaklings on The Game. Thats it.

    Forgot to mention Hearing: Swing Chains can help against OLD Iron Will, now its useless. If u say: Off the record... remember the survs are awake after leaving the hook. Jumping Rope (Grunts of Pain-Hearing) and the Outdoor Rope (Gen-Hearing) are purely bad. Pill Bottle is doing nothing that matters, Kids Drawing is a meme for some more BP and... well, thats it.

    Too negative? Oh no, believe me, all addons besides the Paint Brush arent really do anything.

    EXTRA-INFO: You cannot stack Blindness- or Hemmorhage-Boxes, they switch. First step on a snare = Higher Version, 2nd step = Lower Version

    Funny, right?


    1.) Red Paint Brush every game

    2. Unicorn-Block, Black-Box, Nancys Masterpiece or Class Photo (depends on Perk-Build)

    And here is my Addon-Pass to help him a bit:

    Post edited by Marik1987 on
  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Yeah, this post is also a year and a half old, Freddy had some additional nerfs other than the addons, some introduced after this patch went live. Gotta be careful before judging things.

    As for the addons listed:

    Yeah, Spirit has 2 addons that are a bit strong, but thats it, almost all her addons used to be A or S tier, now she only has 2 A tier addons.

    Nurse is likely going to recieve an addon pass or a mini rework(turning her blink hits into m2 attacks) or both before 2023 arrives, if not at the start of 2023.

    Blight's addons are on the rework list

    Freddy's addons used to all be S or A tier on an A tier killer. His basekit was already powerful and his addons were simply disgusting at slowing down games or downing people quick. Games against him were almost guaranteed to be boring and that deserved to be gutted. They did it too much, sure, but it did need to be done.

    Similar argument for window setups, pallet spawns, perk nerfs etc. If its a guaranteed snooze, its always a lose.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Oh I was a bit blind I guess XD.

    True, Spirit's addons were almost all insane, but 2 S tier addons on a S tier killer are 2 too much imo especially since the Iron Will nerf. I really don't mind a lot of Nurse's addons (even recharge and range), the just need to get adjusted a bit. I'm just sick of Nurses who stack insta-downs or slow downs like Starstruck and Jolt, so I hope they will make her blink hits M2.

    Freddy's slow down addons were terrible for the game, true. I never really used them, because of how boring they were. Now his addons are mostly trash, his basekit is nerfed and the perk changes also hit him hard. I would love if they would bring back more of his old kit from before the rework.

  • Member Posts: 1,979

    These are buffs that would make him better on a technical level but not so much of a "fun" level

    My favorite idea is to make the dream world feel like a dream world where a bunch of fake events are going on with the HUD disabled such as illusionary screaming, fake hook notifications, etc

  • Member Posts: 1,700
    edited October 2022

    Interesting ideas, but it wouldnt take long time till "better survivors" know where the fakes spawn etc. and could ignore this "power" like the Pallets now.

    Example: Create fake-things on Dead Dawg Saloon. I for myself know which doors are always blocked, where the gens always are etc.

    So the Dreamworld should rather work a bit like Dredges Nightfall. Reducing Cooldown for Teleport massively, that Deep Sleep-Thing (lets say you are dreaming inside a dream) sounds also great. If u fall Deep Sleep, you are exposed. So the survs want to wake up.

    Something like that. If u look at the movies, he liked to manipulate stairs like the Dream Snares do. He could come out Walls etc.

    If the Devs would rework him and create a kind of Teleporting-Power to Walls or M2ing out of Walls you prepared in the match for example it would be more like the movies.

    But for the addons alone (in this post) with the expectation of no Rework coming, I think the Addon-Changes posted here by me and one other guy looked quite ok.

    Illusions arent fun if they are useless 😅

    Post edited by Marik1987 on
  • Member Posts: 1,979
    edited October 2022

    The fake hooks would look as if a real survivor has been hooked there, and the player asleep has no HUD to tell if it is real or not, so im not sure how they could differentiate unless they have a swf that is awake

    When a survivor goes to try and unhook it is shown that it is fake, same with survivors screaming and if the player is in the dream world long enough it should start distort their screen slightly

    But yeah an exposed effect would help make the dream world more of a worry, but that would be useless if they are already injured or are broken

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Well, a big issue with Nurse and her recharge addons, is that it makes her gap closing beyond insane.

    Current basekit Nurse, if she misses you after 2 blinks, gives survivors 3 seconds to run away per blink charge, which equals 12 meters. Nurse herself can walk towards the survivors to make this distance smaller, and moves about 2-3 meters while charging and moving during fatique, if she decides to blink then. Getting a second charge gives survivors another 12 meters for up to 24 meters away from where they used to be, while Nurse can move about 7-8 meters away from where she was. Then she uses 2 more seconds to fully charge the first blink, which is 20 meters, which gives survivors an additional 8 meters, while Nurse is able to move up to another 2 meters. Giving survivors a gained distance of 22 meters on Nurse, while Nurse can move 20 meters upon blinking(albeit in a straight line). But Nurse has a second blink, and since she is within 5 meters of you, she can quite easily blink towards the survivor and almost guarantee a hit. This is ignoring line of sight and mindgames, or assuming both players play perfectly with line of sight and mindgames. But this is exactly why Nurse, even without addons, is the apex killer of the game. Extremely powerful chase power since it ignores obstacles, while forcing survivors through obstacles(reducing their gained distance even further), and its why most Nurses used to rely on Shadowborn and Aura reading perks, before Starstruck came out.

    Recharge addons tip the scale of balance immensely here, and can turn an already difficult game into a nearly impossible one, especially without comms. Her distance addons also had similar reasoning there. Both addons increased the gap that Nurse could close, while decreasing the time survivors had to think to get away, with the distance addons having the benefit on top of that, that she could blink 28 meters at the same speed as 20 meters. Meaning you cover more distance, in less time. Her blinkspeed is now capped, so she cant blink faster anymore, but her distance addons still close the gap faster(albeit much healthier than before).

    Having a killer who in basekit can already go toe to toe with SWF on comms, having 2 addons that make her power 10 times harder to deal with, is a bit overkill. Hence I am actually for a lot of Nurse addons being more like Spasmodic Breath, its a completely different way of having to face Nurse, sometimes even more difficult(since Spasmodic Breath Nurse uses VERY different perks in very different ways). Because then a game against Nurse isnt going to be like "did she use double recharge addons or did she use distance addons", and its more going to be like "oh #########, what type of Nurse are we going to face?".

    As for Freddy's "old" kit(oldest kit), it's mostly placed into Sadako, balanced towards modern day DBD. We've basically been begging for ancient Freddy for years already(the one where you show yourself to survivors, and then go the other way while you were invisible again), while letting him keep the ability to teleport to gens. She doesnt have the aura reading(that would be extremely OP in current day meta), but she is by far the closest you can be to ancient Freddy without being too weak.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Honestly? I was kinda pissed they gave these old mechanics to Sadako instead of Freddy. And they did not even bother to add them to him (Undetectable outside of dream)

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