Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Revert Hook Struggle

Often times I have to suicide out of a match because of how unbearable console survivors make it. This last match, my entire team couldn't last against a WALKING NURSE and I wanted to suicide out after I finally got caught after being in the match for 8 minutes. The Nurse had pop goes the weasel so I could not finish any gens because the two console survivors in this match kept going down to a walking Nurse. The PC player didn't last much longer, but the Nurse had to actually blink to catch the PC player (Meg) and also lasted a bit longer than the console players. Here is a video for proof.

Please revert hook struggle or give us a suicide button instead. I don't understand why BHVR needs to make the game more and more unbearable to play without a SWF every day.

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  • Member Posts: 244

    I like the change. You only have to miss 2 skillchecks to die on 2nd hook.

  • Member Posts: 2,600

    Do NOT revert this change. People need to learn to stop punking out and learn to deal with the tough games they are dealt. Too many people punk out on this game too easily.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    No. You bailing ruins the game for 3 Survivors and the Killer. I like the change, because it slows down your attempts to ragequit.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Oh no, how terrible that your teammates actually get a chance to rescue you from the hook and get some points.

  • Member Posts: 135

    Everyone here is either a killer main or a potato survivor that refuses to do the objective I'm assuming.

  • Member Posts: 135

    Not a rage quit. I looked at the odds of us winning and decided we already lost so I wanted to move on. Can nobody here have a civil discussion without acting like its some sort of "rage" or "childish" thing? The only thing me staying in the match will do is afk or sandbag my team mates because doing gens is not an option at that point.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Right; survivors now get to reward camping, tunneling, underperforming killers who don’t give survivors the slightest chance, by being forced to stay in the game. But survivors are the “salty” ones who get punished by the devs for wanting to leave and finding a game they can actually participate in.

  • Member Posts: 79

    If your playing solo survivor consider the game just that your alone. You can help others complete tasks but your job is to survive. If your teammates are bad then that's what the hatch mechanic is really for. Do gens get it visible and let them run into the meat grinder. Teamwork is great but you need to know when to say enough is enough and fend for yourself. Abandoning the game is quite rude and ruins the entire spirit of the game. If your really that annoyed turn the game off and take a walk or something quiting and rage queing is bad for your health. Its supposed to be fun!

  • Member Posts: 593

    When you suicide, you are punishing the other 3 survivors who just want to play the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    I mean, you could just afk for a minute and you're dead anyway. And if someone unhooks you it's just an opportunity for some more BPs.

    You should take it more easy.

  • Member Posts: 446

    A suicide option would be nice. Sometimes the person does that to give hatch to other survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5

    I think Hook struggle skill check success zones should not get smaller they should all be big or the newbies will keep dying on second hook

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