Hillbilly needs a buff badly

Honestly I just cant seem to really get a 4k with billy as much because I have been getting at least 2 to 3 kills although I already have his adept. Its not that im not good with him its just something with his power and addons thats making him not feel strong. Another thing I believe billy is not good against good swfs but really I cant put my finger on it but what do you guys think. I have been facing quite a few billys but they have been losing and then afterwards people just forgot about him and play bubba more than billy. If you have any ideas of what to do for him let me know.
Note: im not basing this off of wins its off of performance.
His addons need QOL touch ups including bars for how long an addon is active or will be active, and if they don’t want to change them from where they sit now, need many of the conditions or drawbacks removed.
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Whilst I appreciate the feedback, I have to say...I'm sad we're at the stage where we judge the strength of something by whether or not there's a 4k involved. 4k is supposed to be rare and 2/3k's the normal.
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I must agree that balancing around 4k's isn't a good idea.
But I must also say, since the nerf, Hillbilly just isn't as fun anymore (at least for me), not talking about the add-ons (even tho the current ones are pretty bad), the overheat mechanic just kills him for me.
I wish there was a world where the Dev team only changed his add-ons tbh.
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How is it saddening or surprising that 4k is considered the standard for a win as killer when the implicit goal of killer is to kill all survivors? If the actual win-condition of killer is to kill some survivors then the game doesn't really reflect that idea very well, particularly in red ranks where you're basically guaranteed to lose a pip any time you get less than 3 kills and probably only gain a pip if you get all 4.
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I'm glad you think that but the diffidence between pipping and safety is one escape.
(Especially on one hit killers) either emblem system needs a rebalance or killers need to meet the standards to keep it up
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i know i am not to judge but most surviours in solo q is garbage and never do gens so saying 4k is rare is miscaculation to say the least also im not trying to mean but sound freddy sound addons why how is that addons i can just turn my soundup myself we gotta do something about these nerfs i had a math where i 4k in secs in with leigon because nobody mended.
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Everything is said here, and I agree.
4K is a total domination of a killer upon survivors, a demonstration of a skill gap.
Be happy if you have an average of 2-3K, Trickster is jealous.
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Billy has too many bad and gimmicky addons. The absolute worst of the lot are the ones that give Billy an effect for something the survivor does to him - this is so situational and a terrible precedent. Mother's Helpers only works if you get pallet stunned. Black Grease only works if a survivor is trying to blind you. Mother's Helpers at least has a strong effect tied to its bad activation clause and might let you pull a quick chainsaw on a survivor mid-chase; Black Grease would be a fairly good addon if the requirement didn't exist, but with it, has virtually no use. Survivors are going to be trying to blind you either across a pallet or while you're picking up another survivor. Decreasing overheat does not help you in either of these scenarios because you are not in a position to attack with your chainsaw. I get they wanted to make an addon to synergize with Lightborn, but just, no. That is not an effect that helps you in the case where it's activated - and even then, you're bringing an addon that does nothing unless the survivors have a specific item and they happen to use it when you had a lot of heat built up. Bad design.
Then you have Big Buckle, which decreases your TR when the chainsaw is overheating... but for that to happen, generally, you are revving the chainsaw and therefore extremely loud, probably in a chase, and survivors don't need your TR to tell you're close by. This is only useful if your chainsaw starts to overheat mid cross-map sprint, and at those speeds, your TR passes very fast. 8m doesn't make much of a difference. Bad design.
His iris aren't incredible, but they're good - they make it harder for survivors to tell where Billy is. But you can't exactly use iris in every match. Lopro Chains are great for surprise hits and one of his best addons. Pighouse Gloves makes it easier to hold onto a rev. His steering addons are also pretty good, though I don't like that the purple comes with a penalty - that's extremely unnecessary.
Tuned Carburetor makes it easier for him to use his chainsaw at the cost of making it harder for him to do everything else - it barely counts as a charge time addon when the penalty is so severe, and it's the only one he's got now. Leafy Mash is a decent idea, but it requires you to slug the person you down to be able to use it. It's not terrible, pairs well with Infectious Fright, but it's on the gimmicky side. The engravings are still strong, but not nearly as strong as they used to be back when he had other addons to balance out the charge time. And everything else for Billy is just sort of there - not bad, not good, not really noticeable. Very little of it tangibly improves on his gameplay.
So Billy doesn't have many good addons, compared to when he used to be loaded with options that gave him several different playstyles. And Billy isn't bad without addons. He's still stronger than quite a few killers in the roster. The problem is that there are other killers who can do the things he does with more ease and potential, more reward for the same plays. Bubba handles his chainsaw much smoother and is way harder for survivors to dodge. Oni has nearly the same effect with his power, better handling in a sprint, and far more addon options to actually help him. Blight has Billy's famed map mobility. So between the loss of his addons and the introduction/reworks of other killers that can do Billy's job for him, there is very little remaining reason to play him, and he's become a rare sight as a result.
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If I may offer a suggestion, it's BHVR's oversight for not making what you're saying more clear in-game and outside to killers and survivors alike.
I'd go as far to say that even fog whisperes contribute to encourage the mentality of the '4k or anything else is a tragedy'.
For the benefit of all the stakeholders, if you want players to have realistic expectations about the game, then let the company make known what their expectations are for the game.
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I don't disagree with you at all, I think you're very right. I do think this is something we can improve upon for sure.
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I feel like Billy, while he has a lot of strengths and an amazing Billy can smoke you, he has lost what made him so much of a threat. I play Billy, and half the time I feel I run into something I can't see. That's probably me being bad with him. But I used to play him a lot before his re-work, because he was one of the most flexible killers in the game, even without insta-saws. Now I feel he has 3 playstyles: Lopros, Engravings, or Turning. His other add-ons barely are used.
I also want to mention, why do so many of his add-ons have downsides the further up they get? I know his power is strong, but almost every other killer has straight buffs with add-ons, with only 1 or 2 add-ons having some drawbacks for balance. Billy is almost all gain something losing something, and I feel like he'd be just fine if it was just the positives without the negatives due to the amount of skill and practice that Billy needs to use his power for mobility and midchase.
I miss Billy. He's so rare to see now, he's one of the most fun killers to face in my opinion.
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I feel a good place to start in this improvement is the emblem system. I saw a feedback post not too long ago on the subject of emblems and it was enlightening.
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The problems lies with the fact that you guys base off your data like that in the first place. It wouldn't have taken a genius to consider maybe the add-ons where the problem and not the base-kit and not nerfed him so severely like they did. It's always going to be flawed data as it doesn't take into account the skill of the player using it, the add-ons or map involved, the skill of the survivors, etc. Once again, if you base your data on that 100% of the time, when should we be expecting the Nurse buff?
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Why touching something that isn't OP and was balanced? The only thing that needed to be changed is his addons yet you completely nerf his base kit. Statistic told you Billy was fine, his gameplay and counterplay were fine yet you still nerfing him to the ground giving stupid overheat mechanic that wasn't necessary.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li6YfkJUPM4&t=76s&ab_channel=ScottJund , https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/243892/buff-billy-rework-overheat#latest this is pretty much sums up my whole point.
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I mean survivors like where billy and freddy are happy where they at now. no reason to change them if other side is happy. they asked for billy and freddy nerf and they got it. The only way I can see those two ever getting changed in the future is if their pickrate goes to like <1% and nobody play them anymore. only than might they consider revert/revisiting them but its very unlikely.