Create Your Own Perk



  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899
  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Killer perk:

    Murder of Crows; When a survivor disturbs a crow, it circles overhead of the survivor. Disturbing 3 crows blocks survivor aura reading and makes them oblivious for 2 minutes or until hit. Disturbing 5 crows, makes the survivor exposed until hit. Upon 5 crows, killer see's survivor aura for 8 seconds.

  • Paintingexpress
    Paintingexpress Member Posts: 13

    (Survivor) Disgraced Athlete: Your experience racing and vaulting has shaped you. Your fast vaulting speed is increased by 50%. After use, the perk deactivates and goes on cooldown for 40/35/30 seconds. Your pallet throwing speed and pallet vaulting speed is permanently decreased by 15% for the entire trial.

    (Killer) From the ashes: When pushed down, you'll get back up. Again and again. Anytime you gain bloodlust tier 3 or you get pallet stunned, All generators get blocked for 20/25/30 seconds. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    IOIOO Member Posts: 61

    Guardian: Unhooking survivor will not trigger any sound and the survivor status icon from hooked to injured will be delayed for 5/ 10/ 15 seconds.

    (Killers will not notice if you unhook a survivor, this is a good counter to face camping and fast killers like nurse and blight to prevent they come back directly after unhooking)

    Think out of the box: Each time unhooking a survivor safely, gain 1 token. Each token allows you to make scrambled and unclear scratch marks after getting hit for 3/5/7 seconds.

    (Which means after you get hit, there will be fake scratch marks around you to confuse the killer)

    Eagle eyes: Every time you escape a chase, the killer's aura will be revealed to you 7 seconds and your movement speed is increased by 3/4/5 % during that time.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited May 2021


    Spectral Stalker:

    Your connection to the Entity intensifies when you're in pursuit of your victims, providing you with an advantage against survivors who attempt to evade your gaze. Your Red Stain Is now revealed to you. During a chase, Keeping a survivor highlighted by your Red Stain for 3 seconds will Activate Spectral Stalker, Once activated, when a survivor leaves your Red Stain, their aura will be revealed to you for 4/6/8 seconds.

    Spectral Stalker will not activate on survivors you put into the dying state during a chase.

    Spectral Stalker has a cooldown of 45/35/25 seconds.

    This Concept came to me in response to the upcoming Lucky Break buff. Basically you can see your own red stain now, so it'll be a good teaching tool to help newer killers become aware of how far their red stain reaches ahead of them, that way they'll learn to adapt their playstyle towards hiding it better. As an added bonus, if you chase a healthy/endurance protected survivor up close for 3 seconds before striking them, you'll be able to see where they're going after the hit, even if they aren't making sounds or leaving trails for you to follow anymore. They can still use perks like Distortion, or OoO against this, and it has a cooldown for the sake of balance. I just figured Killers might need this sort of thing to combat the inevitable Lucky Break + Iron Will combo's that will no doubt become meta.

    Post edited by TWiXT on
  • KillerMain4Ever
    KillerMain4Ever Member Posts: 147

    Evil Punishment:

    When Survivors who activates a perk that exhausts within 26 meters you gain (up to 3 stacks per with a max of 6)

    1-2/ +3% extra speed 2-4/ +3% extra speed 4-6/ +6% extra speed

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    I wonder if they would ever make an exhaustion perk related to flash light blinding the killer. Of course, it would be useless without a flashlight, but it wouldn't be the first perk to basically require an item to make use out of.

  • Vysenya
    Vysenya Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2021

    Hanging Out

    While on the hook, if a survivor attempts to unhook you within the killers terror radius, successfully triggering a skill check will cause the entity to block you.


    For every survivor you unhook in a match gain an additional 10%/15%/20% wiggle speed.

    Post edited by Vysenya on
  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Reconstruction (Survivor)

    You can smash down a breakable wall, which will grant 1 token. You can consume a token to rebuild a breakable wall by interacting with the location where it once stood. You start the trial with 0/1/2 tokens, and can hold up to 3 at any given time.

    "That's a lotta damage!"

    Internal Bleeding (Killer)

    Survivors in the dying state can only self-recover to 70/60/50% without assistance of a perk. Survivors who surpass the limit with a perk suffer from Deep Wounds upon returning to the injured state. Being healed by other survivors has no negative effects.

  • Krunga
    Krunga Member Posts: 159

    Preemptive Strike

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 446

    Hex: Shining

    A Hex that affects all totems in the trial. All totems are shown as if they are lit (including to the killer).

    The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing

  • Florin
    Florin Member Posts: 65


    After fully healing 4/3/2 survivors the perk activates. While injured and outside of killer’s terror radius you can instantly heal yourself by pressing the activity button.

  • Noxerias
    Noxerias Member Posts: 93

    Desecrate - When you break 3 generators, the next generator you break will be blocked by the entity for 25/35/45 seconds. When the entity blockers end, the generator will regress by 200% until touched or until fully regressed.

    1.You don't gain charges while it's in effect 

    2. This perk gains charges from Surge and Oppression.

  • OldSilentHill
    OldSilentHill Member Posts: 87

    Useless will hardly stunt the killer more than 1-2 times average. A 6-12% won't make a difference...

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    Sure, but if you use this in combination with flashlights or the perk Decisive Strike, you can get enough tokens easily.

    Also, I don't think you read that correctly. Your wiggle meter would automatically start at 36 percent when you get picked up. Wiggling free takes 16 seconds, but with this perk it would take around 10.5. That's a big difference.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628
    edited May 2021

    Hex: Shifting Winds

    Every 70/60/50s Hex totem will shift to random dull totem. Every shift will result in 1 token, maximum of 5 tokens. Each token will result in +5% movement speed, which will persist until Hex totem is destroyed. Killer gets notified of every shift. If totem is being cleansed at time of shift, it will not shift. If there are no more dull totems, then hex totem will not shift.

    Idea is to patch up slower speed killers or make faster killers even scarier. 4.6 killers will move at 5.75m/s so the goal is to have a climax mid game. Pair it with Corrupt Intervention and Undying and you will end chases very quickly. Undying guarantees it won't be destroyed right away and long shift times gives survivors ability to to find totem and cleanse it before it racks up too many tokens.

    Edit: this is a high risk/high reward build. If your totems are broken early or if you run too many hex perks then its possible you have 3 wasted perk slots after 180s (Corrupt, Undying, Shifted Winds). Then you could get stuck with one last inconsistent perk like BBQ or PGTW.

  • OldSilentHill
    OldSilentHill Member Posts: 87

    I read, but I think you didnt read me: you will hardly get more than 1-2 tokens. 2-4 if you HAVE to bring a flashlight, wich seems pretty circunstantial to me. So you will almost never reach 30-36%, never. With less than 24% and the hooks being so close to each other (even with an offering), it just shows that the potential of this hypotetical perk servers no purpose other than trolling the killer.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Match it with Hex: Retribution and Hex: Haunted Ground lol

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I think he means you trade 25% of one gen to complete 15% of another.

  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    in that case, mind giving some constructive feedback?

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    I might of misread it but at tier 3 you only need to stun the killer twice (3 tokens per stun)

  • Big_Booty_Jane
    Big_Booty_Jane Member Posts: 13

    Ooh fun.

    Okay, Deer In Headlights

    Killers can now blind survivors.

    Each hook gives you one token.

    Once you have two tokens, you have the ability to make the survivors screens go white for 4 seconds.

    (You can use this perk multiple times a game.)

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Killer Perk:

    Blood and Plunder: You profit from the hard work of others.

    • The auras of open chests within 40 meters are revealed to you.
    • Whenever a chest is open (once per chest), it will contain an addon of uncommon or rarer quality.
    • You can pick up with those addons using the active ability button. Doing so will fill an empty addon slot or override an addon of an inferior rarity if all slots were filled.
    • Blood and Plunder allows you to keep any addons found this way.
  • Fraudette
    Fraudette Member Posts: 84




    "People may be unpredictable, but you find comfort in your feathered friends."

    • When within the killers terror radius, press the Active Ability button to trigger Fowl Play.
    • Upon activation, crows 20 meters away will fly into the sky and shriek, as if disturbed. Your scratch marks are hidden for 3/4/5 seconds, and scratch marks will appear around the crows.
    • The direction of the notification depends on the direction you were facing upon activation.
    • Fowl Play has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
  • Pinkish
    Pinkish Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021

    Perk or something to stop face camping killers.

    My idea would be that the hook entity doesn't start killing you until the killer has left the vicinity. OR there should be a cool down for killers rehooking the same survivor to stop tunneling.

    I been playing dbd for years now. I have played killer and survivor. There is no need for them to camp. Yes its not against the rules. But as a survivor, queuing in and waiting to get in a game just to be camped right away and tunneled feels like a waste of time. This game cost $$. It should be pleasant for both killer AND survivor. Its a ridiculous WASTE of time loading into the game to de-pip and get face camp until death. Yeah the other survivors could escape during this time. But hey, IM the survivor getting camped and NOT getting any points. This doesn't make sense. It is everyone for themselves on points. Why should the survivor on the hook suffer when the killer is just face camping.

    And I'm not exaggerating. 4 out of 5 games I get straight up campers. If they don't fix this, the summary of the game should be changed to "camped to death." We all know we get que up with random players who will not save you because the killer will just Tunnel you. They will escape. But you won't. You won't get anything. Nothing from your wasted 20 minutes loading in and getting camped.

  • OldSilentHill
    OldSilentHill Member Posts: 87

    Mmm, it could work if you can keep the whole % across all game (up to the maximum, of course).

    That would be interesting.

  • Triforcer
    Triforcer Member Posts: 180
    edited May 2021


    Start the trial with a .04 m/s reduction to base speed. Every time you hook a survivor you receive a token (up to a maximum of 6/8/10 tokens). For each token, your base speed is increased by .02 m/s. [i.e., going up 5% takes 10 hooks]


    Activates when at least one set of Exit Gates are opened. If you hit a survivor with a Basic Attack or Special Attack, that survivor may not pass through the Exit Gates for 8/10/12 seconds. Cooldown of 60 seconds.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited May 2021

    TRICKS OF THE VOID (Survivor Perk)

    Your experience with the entity seems to have granted you some favour with it, or perhaps it’s just playing with its food, either way, take advantage of this small window of opportunity.

    When hooked on a non-basement hook, your first attempt to unhook will no longer have a chance of escape, but will instead transport you to another random non-basement hook on the map at least 32 meters away, breaking the hook you were originally placed on for 15 seconds. Escape attempts consume an additional 60%/50%/40% of your life bar.

    MYSTERIOUS RUST (killer perk)

    A strange form of corrosion appears to affect the metal objects around you, and grows stronger with your own tenacity.

    When hooking a survivor, all Generators not being repaired automatically regress at 100%/150%/200% of normal regression rate for the next 60 seconds. All generator regression is paused when you are within 32/28/24 meters of a hooked survivor.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    I love active perks with big risks so here are my ideas for a killer and survivor perk.

    Killer Perk: Pallet Pummel: When a survivor is sliding on a pallet grasp it and use it to smash the survivor into the terrain breaking the pallet and dealing one health state to the survivor. This perk has a 300/240/180 second cool-down.

    Survivor Perk: Heroic Slam: Slam into the killer to stun then for 2 seconds. take one health state of damage upon successful hit and obstain the broken status for 160/140/120 seconds. Upon Missing become exhausted for 180/120/90 seconds

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,337

    A killer perk that reduces sprint-burst when hitting a healthy survivor.

    A survivor perk that allows you to fast vault windows from any direction. Exhaustion perk.

  • Marty_147
    Marty_147 Member Posts: 1

    Survivor perk:


    When you are unhooked or unhook another survivor, the un-hook notification is delayed to the killer for 3/5/7 seconds.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905
    edited May 2021

    Killer perk (no name I suck at names surgesstions welcome)

    Gain a token every 120 100 80 or per gen done seconds consume tokens for 1 2 3 seconds of turning your collision off and gain a small speed boost.

    awww cute you think you can stop me.

    survivor perk.

    for every crow above your head gain a speed 10% boost when repairing and healing at the cost of the birds taking twice as long to disappear.

    these birds won’t leave me alone I gotta act quick if I want to survive

  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    I always had this idea for a Tommy Jarvis perk that allowed survivors to directly attack the killer.

    Rebellion: Your hatred for then entity caused you to directly rebel against its rules. When sprinting in one direction for X seconds, using the active ability button will cause you to jump forward and attack the killer, stunning them for 3 seconds if successful. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds. Getting interrupted (either by taking damage or a killer landing a non-damaging power on you) while in the leaping animation will cause exhaustion anyways but cancel the attack.

    This animation would be clunky as you're effectively jumping in the air with your fist swinging down, making it obvious what will happen. The attack is slow with a very small hitbox (much smaller than Head on) but can be used anywhere, and yes it will force a killer to drop a survivor. There's many problems with this perk, it can be stopped by anything during the animation, is easily dodge able, and if you miss you'll stumble and have to correct yourself, effectively making it impossible to not get hit if you miss.

  • Demogorgeouse
    Demogorgeouse Member Posts: 361

    Killer: Accession. You hate survivors touching your gens in weird ways, and you will do all you cant to stop them. See the aura of all survivors within 3 meters of a generator. Accessions aura reading can be countered by crouching to the gen. Blowing up the gen deactivates all aura reading effents on that gen for the remainder of the trial.

    Killer (again) : runner. Press and hold the active ability button to go jnto a speed boost of 390% for 5 seconds. Successfully hitting a survivor during this time instantly downs them. Runner deactivates once used

  • Cilles
    Cilles Member Posts: 4

    Wont Give You The Satisfaction

    "Your fight for survival wont end. Not well he's watching. When you are hooked, as long as the hook you're on is in the killers terror radius. Your struggle bar will drain 10/15/20 Percent slower."

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Hex: Futility

    A Hex rooted in survivors futile attempts to subvert you. Every time a generator is completed, if Hex: Futility is still standing, it Activates and Regenerates any other cleansed Hex totems in the place they were cleansed. If Hex Futility is Cleansed, All survivors suffer a 5/10/15% reduction to all repair, sabotage, healing and Action speeds for 150 seconds.

  • stvnhthr
    stvnhthr Member Posts: 777

    Feel The Power

    Every time you complete a generator you recover one health state.


    Level 1-As you repair a generator if there is another generator(s) unfinished it will be repaired at 25%. If you heal or are healed and there is another injured survivor they will receive 25% of your healing progress as well. Level 2- the same at 50%. Level 3- the same at 75%.


    This Perk grants you 5 perk slots randomly filled with perks from your library. If used it supersedes and replaces all other perks in your perk slots.

  • MaxFiGuy
    MaxFiGuy Member Posts: 56

    Duck & Cover - Survivor Perk

    You aren't afraid of getting dirty to keep away from the killer. You can live with laying on the ground of the Entity's realm.

    While standing still, hold the Activate Ability button to go into a prone state for up to 3/6/9 seconds. Duck & Cover has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747
    edited May 2021

    Killer Perk Concept: "Imposter/ Ingonito"

    *This perk will create a Obsession, and will only spawn one Obsession per Match!

    *This perks rewards you with tokens, for Each Successful Basic hit that isn't the Obsession; function similar to Save the Best for Last! Up to a Maximum of 6 Tokens; while hitting the Obsession will make you lose up to 4/3/2 tokens!

    *For the cost of 3 tokens; and the requirement to hook a Survivor; the perk activated automatically; which while causes the following effects

    >The Killer becomes the Very Survivor they just hooked as a disguise, and acts like a dooplinganger for 60 Seconds; or until they attack (miss or Successful attack, will make them lose it; also special attacks are disabled)!

    * The Killer will be granted Undetectable status effect, and will have element of surprise on any Survivors they go after! As well as Survivor's movement speed; but they cannot crouch or do any other interaction!

    >The Hooked Survivor, when the perk activates; will get their aura block for every other Survivors on the map! They creates Panic Pressures, as the other Survivors needs to figure out the Hooked Survivor's location! Thr only visually indicator the Survivors got about the perk; is that they see no aura reading of the hooks location, yet the hud profile picture is the revealed that they been hooked! (Kindred or 3rd party communication will counter it, as well as other Survivors teammates finding perks)

    *This perk gives any average killer the ability to "Disguise themselves stealthy throughout the match, for limited-time " and get opportunities to strike Survivors before they realized what has happen! Plus it puts map pressure on all Survivors, for the fact that a teammate on hook, can easily feel isolated and forgotten!

    Survivor Perk Concept: "Pack Mule/ Strong Back"

    It grants the following effects:

    *The ability to bring and carry a second Item into the Match; by equipping the item in your belt on your left side! This creates two separate "Storages", the item in your hand and the pocket item hanging on your belt, which the everyone can see visually!

    *This perks disabled your ability to used Exhaustion perk, when carrying a pocket item; you will infinite be Exhausted until there is nothing equipped on the belt!

    *Press the action button while walking and standing still (not crouching) to swap items

    *Pocket items are immune to Killer perks such as Franklin's Demise; however you cannot used them, unless they are in your hand! Do not expect to keep a key in your pocket and be able to used the Hatch immediately; until you have it in your hand!

    *Perk will allow you the ability to carry the same item, and add-ons attach to it; so feel free to run double med-kits

    *You can choose to not run double items; still be able to use Exhaustion perks when not pocket anything; and if you are able to escape, keep a 2nd item you put in your pocket; perfect for item hunting builds during the match; along with Plunder's!

  • randonly
    randonly Member Posts: 456
    edited May 2021

    Survivor Perk

    Luckiest Locker (Tier I/II/III/teachable)

    "Your life was never easy, but miraculously in the end, fate always favored you"

    description: When hatch appears on the map (opened or not), a specific random locker becomes an alternative exit for the individual survivor with this perk (the exit locker has no different details/aura than the others, even don't have sound). Also, during all the match, see the auras of all lockers at 32/64/128 meters

    "My job here is done. Let's see if I have devil's luck " - Future unknown survivor

    Ps: animation: the tentacles of the entity grab the survivor who entered the right locker, opening a portal inside it, saving him for another day.

    Post edited by randonly on
  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    "intervention of the Divine".

    3 Tokens. 1 use.

    For the survivor that is hooked. For every 20 seconds a hooked survivor is within the killer's terror radius, gain 1 token to this perk ability.

    After 3 tokens. This triggers the ability of the survivor to hook themselves with a Skill check and apply the Deep Wound Status effect instead of triggering the dying state.

    The tokens will reset themselves after 30 seconds. IF the terror radius radius is no longer audible to the Survivor.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I'm no good with names, but here we go

    "You tried to screw me but I got got you first"

    If a survivor unhooks you when the killer is within x of the hook without Borrowed time you are given an easy skill check to drain one health state of the survivor who Unhooked you. If wounded this downs your team mate

  • justascrub
    justascrub Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2021


    You enjoy inflicting pain as you taste their fear and misery from their suffering. Whenever you hit a Survivor, you recover from the assault about 75% faster. This perk would then go into cooldown that would last from 25/20/15 seconds. It would be cut in half if you let them go after bringing them down into the dying state.

    "Don't die on me now, little piggy. I'm just getting warmed up."

    Bloody Memorial:

    You'd like to make a statement to your future victims that this is where their former friend was left dangling until their demise. Whenever you manage to sacrifice a Survivor to the Entity, the hook that they died on will reveal the auras of any Survivor staying within proximity of 14/16/18 meters. This will last for 45 seconds.

    "Oh, came to pay your respects. How bittersweet. It's time for you to join them."

    Property of Value:

    Everything that you touch is invaluable to you whether it be people or you belongings. Anytime a Survivor succeeds in a safe rescue or fully cleanses a totem, Property of Value activates and lets you see their aura for 2 seconds. As you go after the culprits responsible for their intrusion, you gain a haste boost that lasts for 10/11/12 seconds until they enter the dying state. The perk then deactivates until someone dares to attempt another rescue or touch any of your totems.

    "Get your filthy hands off my things, piggy! I'm going to make a quick slaughter out of you for vandalizing my rightful property."

    Post edited by justascrub on
  • justascrub
    justascrub Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2021

    Ear To The Ground:

    You have unorthodox methods to survive, but they get the job done. When you stayed crouched for 3 seconds, your hearing is augmented by your focus on survival. You can hear the footsteps of anyone approaching your position 16/18/20 meters away from where you are facing.

    "Ay, shut up fer a sec! I'm tryin' to keep a lookout 'ere."

    Elbow Grease:

    Whether it's fight or flight, you put more effort into your actions to fend off your enemies. When you hit a pallet stun on the Killer, they would be stunned for an additional second as well as violently swaying their head from side to side. You would then be hit by the Exhaustion effect for 60/50/40 seconds. You would not recover from Exhaustion while running.

    "You gotta put a lil more oomph if you wan' da job done right."

    Draggin It Out:

    You face danger bravely every day as you can take the heat off your friends to ensure their survival. If you're in a chase with the Killer for 7 seconds, you gain 1/2/3 tokens. If you get hit, the timer would then freeze for 1 seconds. Whenever you get picked up by the Killer, they would be slowed down by 70% as the token is consumed overtime. When you get hooked as Draggin It Out is active, the token gets consumed and awards additional bloodpoints by 25% on Boldness.

    "I can do dis all day, pal. So why don't ya leave dem alone and come after me instead."

    Post edited by justascrub on
  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Killer Perk:


    [Using your killer's powers does not slow your movement speed. This perk deactivates after 2/3/4 generators have been completed.]

    The point of the perk is to give killers a strong early game boost by eliminating the slowdown that nearly every killer has while using their powers. This includes things like Executioner's barbed wire trails, Doctor's shock, Myers' stalking, Trickster's knives, Huntress' throwing axes, (now) Freddy's pool placement, etc etc.

    Killers are at their weakest at the start of a match, and giving them just that little extra move speed buff to hopefully wrap up early chases a little bit faster and reduce the number of times players can just loop a killer until all the gens pop. Because killers are (usually) at their strongest on the final stage of the game, the power shuts off, making them slower and once more easier to loop around right when the survivors need it the most.

  • blackfoxx_x
    blackfoxx_x Member Posts: 68

    Malevolence (Killer Perk)

    Start the trial with 1 token. Every time the obsession changes, gain 1 token up to a maximum of 8 tokens. You see the auras of all survivors within 4-32 meters (4 meters per token) of the obsession. When the obsession is killed or sacrificed, tokens are reset back to 1.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352
    edited May 2021

    Some perks I would imagine Lady Dimitrescu to have if she was in DBD.

    Level 30 - Sadistic Pleasure

    Basking in the blood and suffering of your prey fills you with unsuspected motivation.

    For every injured, dying or hooked Survivor, Sadistic Pleasure grows in power:

    Gain a stack-able 4/4.5/5% Action Speed bonus to picking-up and dropping Survivors, breaking Pallets and Breakable Walls, damaging Generators and vaulting Windows up to a maximum of 16/18/20%

    "Rest while you can. Because I will hunt you and I will break you!" - Lady Dimitrescu

    Level 35 - Regenerator

    Your regenerative properties make you especially resilient to repeated attempts to harm you.

    Regenerator activates when you are stunned by ANY means:

    For 7/12/15 seconds, you cannot be stunned by ANY means.

    Regenerator has a cooldown of 30 seconds.

    "Regeneration rate is incredibly fast. The subject can heal any external wound within seconds.. "

    Level 40 - Despair

    You do not take kindly to losing your prey.

    You become obsessed with one Survivor.

    Each time a Survivor blinds you or stuns you using a Pallet or Locker, they become your new Obsession:

    You become Undetectable for 20/25/30 seconds.

    Once all Generators are completed:

    • Despair activates until the Obsession is killed or escapes.

    • You are granted the ability to kill the Obsession by your hand.

    • Once the Obsession is killed or escapes, Despair is disabled for the rest of the match.

    Despair has a cooldown of 60 seconds.

    You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

    "Like I'd let you get away.. You'll be sliced to ribbons!" - Lady Dimitrescu

    Some of these might be a little over loaded or OP but I was just having fun making them. Hope you enjoy!

    Post edited by ukenicky on
  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Free Spirit: If you have been hooked twice in a row, Free Spirit activates. While active, your hook aura will not be visible to the killer. During the struggle phase, press the Activate Ability button to teleport to another random hook location at least 40m away.

    Wanted to name this perk [Bad Word] Spirit because [Bad Word] the Spirit players who just use their power to warp back to unhooks to tunnel.