Half the map didn't spawn.

RedSoul1994 Member Posts: 20

Like I'm unsure how this happened and I'm almost unsure if it's a bug, but I'm fairly certain this is a mistake because...

Well. Look at this. The entire middle of the map is just reeds and 2 gens. There's nothing else. No wooden trash, no broken boats, just reeds. It's the complete middle of the map (Swamp with the houses), and there's usually stuff there. But now it's... gone? I guess? There's like 5 pallets on the entire map. Pretty sure the stuff that goes in the middle forgot to spawn? Like what even is that...

2 votes

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  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    I don't think it's a bug. I've seen multiple variations of this swamp with the same reeds in the center.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,545

    It's Grim Pantry, and that is absolutely a bug. There should be at least 2 debris tiles or a hill tile there. That is just a massive deadzone, by the looks of it.

  • RedSoul1994
    RedSoul1994 Member Posts: 20

    I'm on the hill in that shot, lol. I checked that entire area there and there wasn't even a stick to wave at the killer so he'll kill me faster because I didn't wanna play that map against a Leatherface.