Higher rank Swf question

Do you feel bad when you stomp a lower rank killer or is it a we don't care we had our fun mentality? You make it so the killer quits and make matchmaking times longer for other survivors
You must be new. The only thing that matters is that the survivors have fun.
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Unfortunately no have been playing since 2019 and seen this game in highs and lows
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Sorry meant 2018 and current highs and lows🤣
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I play in a swf.
I can't speak for my friends but no I don't have fun stoping killers at lower ranks.
But I have to ask why are you blaming swf for bad matchmaking? We can't see the killers rank before the match so we assume it's a red rank killer. Like seriously do you want us to stand there when we get a bad killer. I sometimes kill myself on purpose to make killers feel better.
Blame matchmaking not survivors
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The vast majority of the community doesn't care about the fun of their opponents regardless of the side they play.
Why would a red rank SWF team care about the fun of a killer when the majority of killers try their best to 4k using the lamest strategies in human history?
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You can see that a killer is a lower rank if gens fly by and they don't even get one hook and get looped right?
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Just that I see people complaining about long matchmaking times but never switch to play killer even for a while to solve the problem
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That's a common myth.
Survivor queues are actually quick and often even instant in the morning.
Killer queues often take longer than survivor queues in the morning but then go faster at night.
That's something people know when they play both sides equally.
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I know I play my family survivor game in the morning and try to do the daily killer match around 5...any longer than that and nope sorry here are red and purple ranks vs your green rank killer🙄
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Not really. A lot of factors determine if a killer is looped for multiple gens. Map rng, the killer they are playing as, the perks the survivor have ect.
I have played in games in which red rank killer has been loop for multiple gens not getting hooked. Rank does not mean skill at the moment.
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matchmaking is terrible in this game. i play with my partner, so basically 2 man swf, and i don’t have fun playing against killers with low experience, it’s unfair. & unfortunately, it’s not only red ranks. there’s survivors who depip purposely to play against “baby killers.” they just have “fun” by bullying people in a video game. it really sucks. but if it makes you feel any better at all, we aren’t all that way. matchmaking is the real problem. we need a ranking system that takes time in game into account, so people can’t just depip for easier games + doesn’t pair high ranks with real low ranks.
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I used to play killer in the evening for 3 hours every other night and now it became a chore
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And it's to much to ask to ease up a bit versus an inferior opponent?
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SWFs don't choose the rank of the killer they go against. Ideally there shouldn't be a need for one to sacrifice their own fun for the sake of others, it's really the game's fault. Blaming survivors who have no control over who they're going against is definitely not the way to go.
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I apologize I am generalizing red ranks changed the title
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Yeah one of my friends says just make an alt account and play killer...I just want to play against my own rank learn and build up my skills
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I mean sometimes I do. I can't say the same to my friends but I do. I give myself to the killer willing to give them at least one kill.
Also what do you mean by ease up? Do you want me to stop doing my objective in order to give them a hook, do you want me to stand in place? What do you mean?
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I don't mean pity hits or kills I mean give them practice in chases or say practice their powers like a nurse player trying to get better
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the way i ease up on killers when they’re having a hard time protecting gens with no hooks is going around and making sure all the totems are cleansed. still a side objective getting done and at least 1 person is off gens, while I’m sure the others are rushing them just fine.
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And stops noed as well 🤣
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Same when I think gens were pushed a little too hard I will go around looking for totems and chests.
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That's what I do sometimes to prevent noed and devour hope.
Aren't I helping them practice chases by looping?
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I rarely SWF and I try to make sure that those I do SWF with are close to my rank (at least purple). I don't play sweaty and I don't play with sweaty people - if we know that the killer is struggling we take it easy on them because - believe it or not - I play to have fun and for others to have fun.
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So you just want survivors to give the killer free kills or what? I don't care if I'm steamrolling what's probably a solo-queue group and when I play survivor, killers don't care either. I wouldn't be blaming the killers or survivors for bad matchmaking though. It's BHVR'S fault if they put a 500 hour player like me against a team or killer with 3000 hours.
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It just depends on the type of players really. Some players may 360 and stomp a killer but they aren't doing it to be toxic, they're just playing well. Those players will probably feel bad for the killer when they see the rank difference.
You'll always get the toxic ones though that can even be matched against a rank 20 and they'll just laugh and be idiots about it, don't worry what these people think though they just didn't get enough hugs as a child.
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I commend you for that most would rather tbag and clicky clicky with flashlights
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That is my main gripe but it usually seems to be sided with a lower rank killer matched up versus higher rank survivors...I rarely get a yellow or brown it's always purple or red...I will take a group of greens with 1 purple or red as even right now
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Not always, I have had high rank killers that struggle against a swf.
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I normally run in a swf and if a killer has a bad game we offer hooks at end, but there are some killers that dont get it, we point and wait at hooks by doors to give the killer more points, but again we dont know the rank of killer until the end, it's not always low rank killers that struggle with a swf. As a killer all you can do is get the most out of the match and move on, as a survivor you make the choice to stay or leave, parts of my swf (if 1 has already left and found it to be low rank killer) will stay behind and give the kill. Not all swfs are sweaty and the same can be said about killers.
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Facing a baby killer isn't fun, no challenge. The average killer is the most fun to play. Sweaty killers aren't fun because we can't run any meme builds against them.
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Because they know what they do to killers will happen to them.
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What do you want them to do? They have no control over matchmaking. You want them to intentionally loop poorly and be inefficient on gens for no reason? It would be a lot more fun for you if they stopped and pointed at the hook instead of taking the 4 out?
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An endless cycle...they don't want to reap what they sow
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I personally only play with my boyfriend and we feel bad if the killer is a baby
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Yeah you are right i am just going 2 play survivor instead we need more of those😁 thanks for the input
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Do you do anything different when u play?
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I usually play solo but when I go full swf we usually see how the killer plays. If hes not too good or chill we start looking for chests etc I practice moonwalk hover around for flashlight saves. I believe theres no need to be toxic like tbagging, spamming flashlight etc but if you consider playing with flashlight to be toxic then I'm afraid im toxic.
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I would argue that a substantial part of the community is working during the morning till the evening, and mostly play at night, making the player count rise at that time. Thus, it is not a myth, its true for most people who have a regular job.
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Hiyah! Player who is both consistently red ranks and places commonly in SWFs with other Red Rank friends here!
I can't speak for my friends, but the answer is generally no, we don't enjoy stomping low-rank killers. Sure, they can lead to a few funny moments for us, but most of the time it ends up being quick game where most of us spend more time on gens then interacting with the Killer or each other. Granted, we also generally don't BM, and I know every team handles things differently.
Still though, like the other person said, we don't know your rank before the trial. We can guess you're low rank based on what perks we can verify you using, or how you play- but we don't have any gurantees that you aren't just boosted by the poor ranking system until we hit the end game screen. (Just like how a Killer who plays against a bunch of Survivors that are performing poorly might go easier on them thinking they're low rank, only to see they're red ranks in post game chat.)
Idk, my mentality for it as a Survivor is that if we think the Killer is low rank, we'll normally just try to push gens or do weird plays, that way we can all move onto what will (hopefully) be a more fair match for everyone.
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Yeah, as soon as I hit green ranks as killer I started getting full red rank lobbies, especially at night for some reason, and as survivor as soon as I was purple rank it started putting me up against red rank killers with thousands of hours.
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We play normally and both of us dont use meta perks we change the perks every match
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Not necessarily??? I've gone against a TON of red rank killers who have 3 or even 4 gens gone by the time they get their first hook. I think I get what you mean, though- there ARE usually tell-tale signs of when a killer is most likely low rank. But you'd be surprised how often that "low rank" killer turns out to be red or at least purple rank, so I just never assume unless it's really, really obvious.
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Yeah this supposed mmr change is going to fix matchmaking 🙄
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Nah the toxic ones are the tbagging clickers who just die if you ignore them and try to walk in front of you to get your attention and either dead hard or sprint burst away🤣