I feel like this is a 'me' problem...but... (Corn & Auras)

Wafflecat Member Posts: 20
edited May 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

To start, I have no problem with the Coldwind map rework, I absolutely love it.

I just have a slight problem with being able to see where a survivor goes down (as another survivor). The yellow glow of the downed survivor blends in really well with the coldwind map, I have to really strain- like really... I have tried the options for colorblind, I have also tried to lower my gamma. It's still pretty hard to see.

Would it ever be an option to add in an outline or the option to change survivor aura colors? I know that is a long shot, and again, I love the new maps. I just can never find the downed survivor until they put them on a hook. :(

Post edited by Wafflecat on


  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    I always have trouble finding them as well I just do a weird shuffle and spam that pick up button

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    I haven't played the new rework as killer yet, I am nervous about being unable to find them as killer as well. As survivor I usually run WGLF, so if they are slugged I would like to try to help- pallet stun, flashlight blind (if I can ofc and am close enough), but as I said- seeing their outline is really hard at the moment.

  • KillerKirby
    KillerKirby Member Posts: 79

    yooo if you can flashlight blind you got my respect those things are just noise makers for me I make the clicky clicky.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    The brightness on the Coldwind map makes auras difficult to see on both sides. They need to darken the auras or something so they are more visible for both killers and survivors on the new Coldwind maps.

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    I just worry if they darken the yellow aura, if it will be difficult to see on the darker maps like 'the game' etc. I am honestly not too sure how this could be fixed without affecting how people see the auras on other maps as well. I just wish there was a work around for it.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    In that case maybe make lighting similar to that on Dead Dawg. So still light out but cuts the brightness down so auras can be seen.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951

    I'm reading a bit on the feedback to Coldwind Farm maps right now, can I please ask that if you're having difficulty seeing some things, grab some screenshots/videos for me so that I can take them back to the team - it's the sort of feedback that they need and visual evidence is always great to have!

    Thank you!!

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,163

    I posted this before but this hook had I not been looking in the direction as they were hooked I would not have been able to tell anyone was on it because of how washed out the lighting makes everything. If you zoom in on the picture can make out a silhouette of body but as console player with TV across the room I was not be able to see that. It'd be easy to think there's a HUD glitch and someone was saved if I had missed the hook bubble since I wouldn't have easily seen an aura anywhere rotating my camera while on the gen.

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    Here are some clips from my Twitch.

    The first one a Jake was downed, you can see his aura just fine behind walls- etc.

    The problem comes in when you get into the corn- the auras of survivors and hooks become either super hard to see, or fade out completely at times.

    Some parts of some of the maps you can't see the yellow aura. I will try to get screenshots of the yellow survivor auras (since most of these are just the orange) with Kindred/Better Together on the maps, I have none atm. But the yellow haze is so thick at times, they just blend right in.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,064

    I can get screenshots next time I play on the map, but ultimately, I think that things are more visible in a screenshot than they are in gameplay. You're in constant motion - especially with BBQ & Chili or tracking a survivor through the corn, you'll be swinging your camera around wildly, trying to catch a glimpse of anything before your window of time closes. Normally there is a very sharp contrast between red auras and the gloom of a map, and here it's much easier for them to fade into the background. I feel like I'm constantly having to strain my eyes on new Coldwind, to the point where I'm actively liking getting sent to some of the maps I used to hate for visibility issues (Swamp, Ormond.)

    The exit gates are especially bad - the yellow is near impossible to see and I usually have to spin in circles a few times before I can find one of them.

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    This is actually a perfect explanation of what happens. When you are moving, it is very hard to see auras at times. I've been watching a couple of streams (because I am in class atm and cannot play myself) and it is very hard to spot the auras. I checked both killer and survivor streams. When you stand still, it is easier to see them- but how often do you 'really' stand still in this game? I feel like that almost makes trying to get saves (before the are hooked) impossible. I, too, am getting excited when sent to Swamp lately because I can see the auras at least.

    I have not checked the exit gates, I usually just go in the direction I see a giant icon. I will pay more attention.

    But yes. Videos are more helpful than screenshots, except in the case above- where you can clearly not see the hook because the haze is so much.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951

    @Wafflecat thank you for the clips, they were very helpful to show the problem...much appreciated!

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    I apologize for my very late reply, I have some screenshots too (I've been busy with college work.) I took these yesterday and forgot about them.

    The orange clips in the above screenshot.

    And in the following one, the survivor (at the top of the corn healing) was difficult to see depending how you held your camera. I had to get it at this angle to see them at all.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,869

    Yea i agree as well. I always end up asking myself is the killer running knockout?? Lol

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    The problem is definitely the corn. There's something in the texture that messes with the aura. I can't quite put my finger on it. It might be the transparency of some portions that doesn't trigger the aura or that blend with it.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    It's not you, it's the auras and the map. It's genuinely difficult to see auras in the map. I love the new Coldwind, but the auras should probably be adjusted exclusively for that map.

  • Wafflecat
    Wafflecat Member Posts: 20

    Here is a screenshot of me running towards a Nea that was between those two corn husk triangle bales.

    You can barely see the hook, let alone an aura or anything of the survivor.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,951
    edited May 2021

    @Wafflecat what settings are you playing on? (Ultra/High/Med/Low). Am just trying to get as much information as possible to see if it's different per settings etc.