Delete Backwater Swamp

This map is broken and unbalanced for both roles. It’s insanely huge for no ######### reason, and the layout is literally disgusting. Nobody has fun on it.
This is the one I really hope gets reworked when they update the graphics
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How is a map unbalanced for both sides?
It can either favor one side or be balanced.
No, really. I would like to know
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Hate that map so much
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It's like Midwich.
Uber long hallways make it difficult to play M1 Killers, but the pallets suck and there aren't many good loops.
Nobody has a good time.
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Yeah i hate swamp, i hope the rework coming up will be good
Also nothing on swamp has collision when im playing blight its so strange and annoying.
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The totem and hatch placements along the edges of the map are my only complaint. Without those factors, I really enjoy the map when not playing Blight.
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I think what they mean is that there are disadvantages for both sides.
Really big map is bad for killer,
Hard totem spawns for survivor, for example.
But yes, their wording was odd.
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I despise the map - it's so dreary and oversized. The docks/buildings are labyrinths, and if you down someone in there, have fun finding the exit before the person you're carrying wiggles out. The grass is very hard to see survivors crouching in, but the spawns are so bizarre and random that trying to find hexes, hatches, and any game object on that map is a chore. I'm a Plague main and so many of her fountains end up against the walls on that map. But then sometimes you find a generator wedged in the literal corner of the map, too. It's just strange.
But while it used to be my least favorite spawn for survivor and second least favorite for killer, I'm coming to appreciate it now that new Coldwind is a thing. u_u At least I can see what I'm doing.
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Grim Pantry is the worst offender, map RNG plays a big part in deciding if it's survivor sided/killer sided
Sometimes you can have the entire middle of the map be a giant dead zone with nothing to work with, right next to generators or sometimes you'll have like three small junk loops in a row in the middle
The totem spawns are also really ridiculous, as killer you'll see your totems spawn in the middle of the map next to some rocks and when you're playing survivor, the killer's ruin will be tucked away in a corner in another country somewhere and when your team ends up dead and you're looking for the hatch, you'll realise it was also in another country
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Some parts of it make it a pain for survivors like gen spread and the middle only having pallets and all low loops and as a killer some structures that can are a pain in the ass and the map is pretty big and blood is nigh impossible to track.
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Speak for yourself; I love all the swamp maps. And more to the point if it is "unbalanced" for BOTH roles it is, by default, balanced for both. ;) In short, if it sucks for both of them, then it is fair to both of them.
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I agree I love these maps, in both roles. Always have despite their size. I remember when the swamps were like two or three tiles bigger actually.
Although if I'm in a group I always seem to be the only one who loves the swamps...
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The swamp maps are big?
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I actually think that most of the rooms are actually quite safe, the pallets that spawn in them are usually pretty strong, especially when combined with those windows.
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Agreed. Swamp is the worst.
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Simple: Its buggy as an ant hill both with map generation bugs and normal bugs.
It can be horrible for killer if the "Fat Shame" map generation spawn makes an true infinite loop somewhere on the map that survivors can abuse.
Or the middle of a map is a freaking 3+ connected god pallets set up.
Other times the middle of the map has literally no pallets nor objects in it of any kind turning most of the map into a giant dead zone.
Also fun fact: Both totems and the hatch can spawn partially inside of other objects on the map making the normal visual/audio queues for them not play/display until your physically touching them(they can always be interacted with even if its a bit buggy).
This makes getting hatch or cleansing a powerful totem as the survivor effectively impossible a lot of the time.
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I hate that map. It’s killer sided because totems are hard to find and gens in the back tend to be within very close proximity of each other. Easy to 3 gen if you’re not careful.
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Random fact: The Pale Rose used to be the biggest map of DBD. But that was a very long time ago.
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Miss that huge ass map, even as killer
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Wish I had the chance of playing it myself... When I first started playing DBD (late 2018) the map had already been changed.
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Imagine two or three dock tiles, or the flat area around the shack & door twice the size. Things like that
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Yeah, I've seen it thanks to some old videos. It looks very interesting.
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Basically comes down to RNG on which side it swings so everyone ends up hating the map
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Technically, if a map heavily favours one side, that does make it imbalanced for both sides. Too hard for one, too easy for the other.
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I think the map is ######### for both sides to be honest and the fat shaming with the trees ######### over survivors so many times.