Double Bloodpoint events need to be more often

Did the developers drop any hint, when there will be an upcoming double bloodpoint event again? The last double bloodpoint event was in september 2019 as far as I know. I feel like with more and more dlcs, double bloodpoint events need to be more often, as the grind is getting really insane. Even for someone like me, who puts hours in the game daily in order to get around 1 million bloodpoints per day, it still takes way to long, to get everyone to p3 with all perks. Doing this requires about 15 million bloodpoints per character (which increases, when a new dlc arrives), which takes me over 2 weeks, when I'm playing much and I think the majority of players doesn't farm 1 million bloodpints per day.
It seems kinda insane, that with the increasing amount of dlcs coming to dbd (like 3-4 a year), double bloodpoint events seem to decrease. That the last event was 1.5 years ago, is shocking. What would be the problem, to do a double BP Weekend 3-4 times a year or even every 2 months? Developers really shouldn't be concerned that the grind gets to little. I can promise that.
Most people buy all of the dlcs, buy skins etc. In my opinion, the devs could use these events, so that 1) the grind is a little bit reduced and 2) reward the players, who buy everything, so that they can level their stuff.
Double BP weekends all the time, Friday to Sunday. I'd love to see that.
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Ohh, I would love that
We need more bp for all our characters
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Unfortunately as much as I want that, that probably won't happen because apparently bloodpoints are soooo special to BHVR.
Like c'mon, we rarely ever see them. An every weekend special would be nice.
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seriously, i spent a decent amount of money on all the dlc's, please give me more bloodpoints. i don't feel like it's too big of an ask.
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Yeah that would be even better. I don't know why bloopoints are so special to the devs. There are so many players out there with 3000-10000 hours, most people haven't even maxed out with like 4000 hours. And as I said, the grind gets bigger with more dlcs. A double BP event every 1-3 Months won't hurt at all. Actually, i think that would be better for the devs, as players won't get frustrated that easily and quit, could buy more dlcs etc.
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They should do double BP weekends atleast once a month since the grind only gets worse every time a new DLC is released. DBD mobile gets them so often and you only need them for items/add ons not perks. If they won't do BP weekends they should fill the ridiculous amount of empty spaces on free track with BP.
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4k + hours here and can confirm.
This game is a grind fest even for veteran players, I can’t even imagine if I was starting right now.
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The grind sucks, i hope they do something to fix it.
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Their idea of "fixing" the grind is 50k bloodpoint codes and the tome challenges, the bloodpoint rewards of which are becoming increasingly more obsolete the more characters are shoved into this game. Hell they're so against making the grind better that the reason why a lot of perks are as bad as they are with cooldowns and limitations is so they have an excuse to give a perk 3 different tiers.
The grind isn't going away anytime soon because BHVR know how much bloodpoints mean to people, and it's one of the major reasons why people still play the game.
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Well yeah, bloodpoints are indeed a reason why people play the game, but I know many people, who actually quit, because the grind was to intense and they didn't want to continue playing just for the sake of playing, as they were so frustrated. A double BP Weekend once every month won't hurt at all. As of now, in order to have everything maxed out, you would need like 500-600 million BP. Even when you can get like 250k BP per hour, which you can basically only get with Killer and bbq, you still would need aroun 2500-3000 hours AS OF NOW.
I created this thread to raise awareness of the devs. Hope they will change something around this, as the change is really due.
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Yup we need these way more often.
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I think every weekend is a bit much. I could see like first weekend of every month or something like that.
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Well considering it takes about 6 million bp to p3 50 someone, I wouldn't be against that
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Yeah true. But we are being honest, other than looking cool, p3 50 mostly doesn't do anything. If you have every teachable perks, chaces are high that you mostly have bad perks and that you have to grind far more.
At some point, new(er) players will just get frustrated because you have to put in an insane amount of time to even play a handful of killers with decent perks. The developers should see and prevent this, before it is too late.
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Just play the game. Grind. I dont see a problem with the number of events. Go on a killer and farm some easy bloodpoints and spend them on your survivors.
Stay at lvl 50 for a while on a character.
I think that special events take a lot of work that take devs away from new maps and overhauls etc.
For each event the devs probably have to come out with new cosmetics, gen skins, addons and offerings and alter the blood web.
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I think I speak for the most people here, I don't care about special cosmetics or a certain theme when there is a new "event". We just want double bloodpoints, I think thats all what most people want.
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Would love a double blood point weekend every weekend but honestly I'd settle for one a month. Meanwhile we haven't had one since OCTOBER OF 2019!!! over 2 years since the last blood hunt. Absolutely ridiculous especially since I've had friends who quite the game due to the grind of getting the perks they wanted.
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Why is it too much, what would be the downsides of it happening every weekend?
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How much work would it take to flip the switch on a BP modifier, and its not as easy to just go farm the blood points forehead. I've had friends who quit the game with the grind being the main reason why they quit and its easily one of the things I find the most annoying about this game.
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Probably never will happen because Tome #########.
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I just think special events should...feel special. Having them every weekend could also backfire - why play during the week when I can get 2x bloodpoints every weekend??
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Cause you like the game???, also the 2x BP doesnt need to be a "special" thing. I dont see how making the game less annoying to grind as a bad thing, will it make a very small portion of people only play on the weekends where as they might have played some during the week, sure I wont deny the possibility but it will also make people who otherwise wouldn't have played it all play on the weekends, it would also lessen the chance of people leaving the game entirely because of the grind, and I know people who have done this since I have 3 friends who stopped for that exact reason.