Do you consider crosshairs cheating?

title pretty much
No as they don't give you anything that you already don't have. It's kind of QoL "cheat" for people who can't visualize the middle of the screen that well.
Stretch res, brightness filters, exploits of controls etc is what I consider cheating that should be fixed / prevented.
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It's a quality of life/training wheels thing, a good player won't need it but a inexperienced player would definitely appreciate it
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Yes it’s cheating.
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Nah it's a training wheel for new huntress players, tbh it should have been made as an addon like Nurse plaid flannel
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Why do you think its cheating?
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It's something that can't be avoided so they should just put an option for it so consolers can have access to it (they need it more anyway)
PC players can already mitigate a ton of weirder balance choices such as dark cosmetics on dark maps and footsteps and breathing being drowned out by chase music with no consequence
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No. It's a QoL thing for people that haven't spent their life playing shooters.
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It's technically a third party program that provides an advantage. Now, in and of itself it doesn't mean it's cheating, because some third party programs are allowed.
In practice, it's a moot point because, unless you're using some dodgy app downloaded from even dodgier sites, then they're not scanning for overlays. And crosshairs built into monitors, or physically applied to it, are completely undetectable and available to anyone.
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It's not. A croshair is just a visual aid to where the center of your screen is. The center of your screen isn't hidden information.
You can't do more with a crosshair then without. It just makes it easier but it doesn't actually gives an advantage.
Unlike something like stretched res that allows you to see things that without it can't be seen. Which i would concidder cheating
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I would be all for adding it to the game as an in-game option or even an add-on similar to Plaid Flannel. It's something that can be replicated with something as simple as a tiny piece of tape on your screen, so there's zero way to enforce any policy forbidding it. Don't really consider it cheating, though.
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No, something basic like that should have been in the game already
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I think that might be OP's original point. If they wanted it to be in the game, they would have added it already.
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They don't want many things in the game then, even tho most of games in 2021 have them. Good old "It wOuLd bReAK tHE aTMoSPhErE" stuff all over again. Thank god they created colourblind mode at last
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No. As others say it's a qol thing imo. I use a cross hair because I'm from the 90s and play a lot of fps shooters so a cross hair just feels natural to me.
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Yes it is as its not part of the game. Then again, same could be said of using a headset.
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Yes, it gives an unfair advantage. Its literally textbook cheating.
Since its not in the game but should be makes it not cheating? It should be an add-on but its not and until it is it will be cheating.
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so is using headphones cheating?
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not my point I just wanted to see how many people think its cheating. I use one myself lol
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so using good headphones is cheating? It isnt part of the game without them and gives a massive advantage
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No and neither does BHVR.
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It does not give you an advantage, anything you can do with a crosshair you can do without.
It makes it easier but that's not giving an advantage
Stretched res allows you to see over things you normally can't so that's cheating.
Added red glow brightness allows you to see it through some walls you normally wouldn't so that's cheating.
Technically swf comms allows you to know things you normally can't so that's cheating.
There is nothing that can be done more with a crosshair then without. that it's easier does not mean it's an advantage
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I disagree with this, a crosshair on a Huntress can really unlock long distance shots that even a good or great Huntress player would struggle hitting.
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To quote the devs, it's not cheating but you will go to hell for using it ;)
people could just stick a piece of paper onto the center of their screen, no software required. now if we are talking about external software used while playing DBD... we all know the big elephant in the room... :D
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Nope, and I admit I use them when playing huntress. As an fps player it helps me a ton
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You can argue about the cheating part but it definitly gives you an advantage compared to not using it. If you think you can get the same consisten/fast shots with experience or lining up you are horribly mistaken. You just perform better with a crosshair
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100%. If it didn't give you an advantage no one would use it or discuss it. But yeah not cheating though,
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Yes very much so. Crosshairs is when accuracy is required. There is no accuracy needed for hatchets.
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never change Sluzzy never change.
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If the game doesnt have an inbuilt crosshairs and you put one yourself I consider it cheating since you are using something the devs didnt want you to use, they would have given a crosshair if they wanted those Killers to be played with one.
That being said, its not a very problematic cheat and its usually done by very bad players who are going to get looped and dodged anyway.
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If using a crosshair is cheating because it's 'not part of the game', then so is using voice chat with SWF buddies. 😁
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Once you try out crosshair overlay, you'll never go back.
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So then is discord a cheat? If the devs wanted survivors to have communications they would have adden and ingame voice channel.
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For me it is and it also falls into the same category of not very problematic cheats and before someone comes with the "SWFs with comms are unbeatable" they are beatable, ive done it numerous times.
Those are cheats that I dont really give a damn because they are not as gamebreaking as moving 5%/10% faster, teleporting, stretched resolution etc, you can beat Huntresses and SWFs with crosshairs and comms but try beating a Survivor or a Killer moving 10% faster.
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Does it aim for the user? No? Then why would it be cheating?
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Yeah its just by your logic of if its an advantage not in the game then most of the developers are cheating for using discord in a swf.
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ask yourself: what is cheating?
There you go.
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I use it and I can't get a hit to save my life. Friend doesn't and she's a rank 1 killer. It's a crutch, but if you're ######### you're going to stay #########.
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it's no more cheating than using discord.
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I wouldn't go as far as to call it cheating, but do acknowledge it provides an advantage you otherwise wouldn't have. But that's the same with other things such as users with larger resolutions and for people who turn up their brightness.
All of these provide an advantage, but all of them (except perhaps resolutions) are pretty much unenforceable by BHVR. You can't stop someone drawing a crosshair on their screen or from monitor manufacturers from allowing brightness settings, for example.
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It cracks me up how many people will justify cheating when it's an advantage they use.
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I kinda see it as cheating and I personally wouldn't do it.
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There was a long argument about this ambiguity in respect to no-zoom crosshair cfg for awp/scout in competitive CS in 00s, it was quickly banned from tournaments and years later blacklisted by VAC for pub servers, too. I stick to the same approach since then.
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I wish there were a crosshair in the game because I don't play FPS and I have no clue where the middle of my screen is. As others have said, I'd even take it as an add-on or something so I could practice and learn.
I don't have a monitor that can do its own crosshair but, if I did, I would 100% use it.
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Cross hairs should be in the game instead tbh.
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Technically it is cheating but it seems like Behaviour doesn't care.
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Yes it's cheating. You can call it an aid, a QOL improvement, training wheels, whatever, it's still an advantage. If it weren't, then don't use it. Have it be an addon, or an option in game and this isn't even an issue because then EVERYONE will have access to it. And please, with the tape rationale.
Anything that isn't in the game that gives you an advantage over other players that don't or can't do it, like using nVidia filters, changing resolution, unlocking your refresh rate, etc, is cheating. It's just that BHVR hasn't come out and said they'll actively go out and ban for it, so what does it matter except to trigger people.
Maybe it's the word "cheat" that people don't like that they feel they need to defend it. I don't think anyone would disagree that it's an "advantage" tho. Soft word alert.
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If by avoiding cheating we need to avoid having an advantage over all other players those on pc should only use controllers and cap our FPS at 20 in case we go against a switch player on lerys if we're keeping crossplay on
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I don't consider it cheating. I consider it dumb unless you have some kind of visual impairment that makes it difficult to consistently discern the center of your screen. Otherwise, you're just adding an unnecessary visual obstruction where there's a lot of visual cues in its place.
Comparatively, I consider messing with the color saturation to make it MUCH easier to track scratch marks and blood to be cheating. They literally designed perks to help with that, and I've regularly seen random streamers and video clips of people abusing that, yet the programs to do that are whitelisted...
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You don't have to avoid anything because what I listed isn't anything anyone has been banned for. As far as console handicaps vs PC, that's another issue, and no I don't think it's entirely fair either, but it's what BHVR is ok with since they purposely added it to the DBD experience.