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Devour Hope Level 1 Bug

Member Posts: 2

If you have Devour Hope on Level 1 and have over 3 Tokens, you cant always One hit someone.

I had this Bug multiple times now, atleast on Blight (i dont know if its killer related). And yes, im sure the totem was up. Sometimes i can one hit, but most of the time (90%) it doesnt work, also I could Mori them on the ground, but couldnt one hit them.

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  • Member Posts: 39

    IIRC the attack from a lethal rush doesn't count as a basic attack and won't insta-down exposed healthy survivors.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Pretty sure it didnt work also when i used only basic attack

  • Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2021

    That's a problem then... I can't play tonight but I have tier 1 DH on my Oni and a Mori ritual for him so I'll try to test it out tomorrow.

    e: can't promise I'll play well enough to be able to test it though XD

  • Member Posts: 39

    Okay, honestly I haven't played in a while (plus I'm pretty bad in general), so my first match I got clowned easily. Second match I managed to get the DH going (t1 DH on Oni) and as far as I could tell every basic attack after the 3rd stack insta-downed. It's just a single game so I can't be certain, but maybe try to keep note on whether an attack that didn't insta-down was a basic attack/lunge or a follow-up attack from a lethal rush?

    I suppose it could be that Blight's basic attacks are bugged to sometimes count as lethal rush followups no matter what, dunno, sorry.

  • Member Posts: 629

    If it was on Blight, then during acceleration, the hit with the Noed does not work, only for normal attacks. His attacks in rush are like attacks of a pig in a sprint.

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