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Remove Doctor's Freaking Hologram

Just had a stupid annoying Doctor literally chase me for 80 seconds, constantly, because he had me in Madness 3 and his goddamned illusions trigger SO FREAKING MUCH that it's an eternal tracker.

It's absolute crap and needs to be freaking removed from his freaking power. It's bad enough he is the saltiest killer in the game with his aura hax and bad enough that Calm Spirit no longer COUNTERS his aura reading.

-300 / 10 rating, single most annoying killer in the game.


  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    Chase is fine. So tired of "WaH gEnErAtOr SiMuLaToR' being the argument for Survivors to justify the game being a 'troll the killer, let's play tag' pathetic excuse for any sort of horror game.

    Being able to tunnel-chase for 80 seconds straight; because Madness 3 has visible 'fakes' of him spawning literally every handful of seconds, that the Doctor can see and track you with - is not. Not when Madness is permanent and does not decay naturally over time anymore.

    Either remove his illusions in madness (which is just a tracking method for Doctor, and not a "oh no her's here" mindgame for Survivors.

    Or make his madness regress again so if a toxic troll of a killer decides to chase you for 80 seconds, staying just far enough away from you to not hit you, but close enough to keep track you and your clone pop-ups, that you'll regress out of it and eventually he'll lose the tracking.

    OR, make him unable to see his clones if they're meant to be 'mindgames' for the Survivor.

  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    Yes, he was a rank 20, whiffing constantly, terrible at actually closing chases --- but the fact taht he could KEEP chasing and tunneling because of his Madness clones and never be far enough away for you to Snap out without another trigger of clones bringing him back over because they trigger WAY too often..... It's ridiculous

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    I'm sorry you got chased in Dead by Daylight by a killer from Dead by Daylight? I don't know what you're looking for here.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,851

    He definitely is the most annoying killer in the game- ill give you that. Thank goodness he’s not popular any more. I can tolerate him more now.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Uhm any killer can chase and track you easily - especially if they are as close as you say he was.

    It's obvious the killer was new - otherwise why would they engage in a chase for so long. You are taking one newbie killer experience and blowing things WAY out of proportion. New killers tend to be hyper focused on a survivor they find and chase for way too long - but the good news is that gives your team time to do generators. They will hopefully learn to abandon a chase after 20-30 seconds - otherwise they won't do well as a killer in the long run as a killer.

    Nothing needs changed with the Doctor's powers. I am not sure what rank you are that you are facing a rank 20 Doctor, but I am assuming you are lower rank since you were able to loop for more than a minute. Instead of looking for the negative - look for the positive - you gave your teammates more than a minute to heal/do gens/totems etc... and in the process gained quite a few chase points.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This. A good Doctor isn't going to tunnel an injured/Madness 3 player off hook. He's going to realise thats close to 30 seconds of free pressure aswell as the other player going for an unhook.

    Doc destroys new players but is average against good teams.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,197
    edited May 2021

    If he was close enough that you didn't have a chance to snap out of it, he was likely going to find you anyway.

    I play a lot of Doctor, and it's still possible to lose survivors in Tier II because the illusionary Doctors are only a snapshot of where the survivor was a few seconds earlier. A good survivor can still sneak about and hide from the killer. Of course if he's got another Static Blast ready to go he could find you that way, but lockers exist too.

    Post edited by Seraphor on
  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209


  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 941


  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,014


  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562


  • ILikeBonez
    ILikeBonez Member Posts: 82

    The generator time is moot if my team is too damn concerned with using their stupid key on the hatch that has spawned because we did enough generators - instead of finishing the last generator we needed to power the gate in the first place.

    The annoyance came from me being on death hook - so it wasn't like I could just run to him to prematurely end the chase.

    And chase points are meaningless to me when they're already maxed out from the Killer's low rank/chase capability previously - maybe if BHVR didn't have leaden-hands and heavy handed everything about Bloodpoints and the grind, maybe.


    And again for the people that keep saying "if he was that close blah blah", no - he was inexperienced enough that I could lose him in chases, but close enough that I when I could start slipping away from him to Snap Out of It. the moment I did; here comes the damned illusion triggering every handful of seconds constantly that just immediately drew him back to the area and right back on me because Snap progress isn't cumulative and has to be done all at once.

    It's literally not a case of he was on my ass the entire time.

    It was a case of, without his gods damned hallucination tracking ability, he would have lost me in the chase and I could've snapped out of Tier 3 to resume normal gameplay.

    I understand 99% of the Survivor playerbase wants 'Tag Time with the Killer on the Playground' but some of us actually enjoy the aspect of trying to do the generators and, you know - not getting caught by the killer for stupid things like a badly implemented power. like Survivors SHOULD be emphasizing in their gameplay instead of this backwards ass game design.

    Ironically (though not to most people probably) I find Trapper extremely annoying. Strong, no. Not close. Annoying as hell though.

    I think his traps are too "Safe" from Survivors.

    I think when they are disarmed, they should break and respawn instead of him just waltzing back over to reset them. I also Trapper should start with a bag of 5 traps that he can manually place - and then a handful of extras littering the map. Broken traps would refund to the bag first and then respawn to the map if the bag is full.

    On that same token, I think Survivors without items should be able to pick up unarmed traps - even if they were Exposed while carrying it or had their auras repeatedly shown to the killer every couple of seconds while carrying it.

    But that's just me - Trapper is extremely 'not engaging' as everyone likes to toss out to other killer commentary; and more just an absolutely annoyance than being actually 'good'.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    Well I have no advice for you. Seems you have very specific designs for a game and this isn't confining to those restrictions. Guess you can always just DC if it's a Doctor. They won't be changing his illusions. Doctor has been overhauled already and if anything he could use a slight boost...slight. The Doctor is an information m1 killer - that is his niche. There are things I don't like about certain killers, but unlike you I understand that each killer has a niche they fill for those playing the killer. Doctor is not alone in his ability being non-resistible.

    I hate Pigs traps - not only do they consume time I can be doing gens - they also give the Pig locations they can monitor and easy down...for example.

    Each killer has something you have to do to overcome or a change you need to make in your playstyle to try and beat them - welcome to DBD.

  • bromshow415
    bromshow415 Member Posts: 10

    Sounds like a rage comment rather than a killer fix or patch issue. The illusions don't even bother me.