why hasn't the spirit been nerfed yet?

TumbleElf Member Posts: 48
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

this isn't a rant about why i hate the spirit, just curios why it hasnt already been nerfed

i just feel like it should be nerfed because of how much the community dislikes her and how unfair and uncounterable her power is.

have the devs said anything about? 😀

edit: just to clarify, im not trying to be entitled or rude, im just simply asking for ways to counter/play around her. in my eyes she is a little too powerful and i was just trying to ask what the devs opinions on nerfing her (when she would get nerfed). i play a lot of killer too and i can see the point of view of many people arguing that she is fine where she is. i just struggle against her as survivor and there isnt a consistent way to countering her.

please dont take this post personally 😅

Post edited by TumbleElf on


  • TumbleElf
    TumbleElf Member Posts: 48

    again i dont want to turn this into a rant, but i do feel she is quite powerful. she can just stand still at chase and you have no idea whether shes just standing still or phasing?

    please lmk if im missing something!

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Probably because there is a whole lot the community dislikes such as Iri Head, keys, mories, ...

    She'll have to wait in line if they have any plans for her, but as you said yourself with all the complaints I can't imagine they'll leave her as is

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Because she is hot.

    But seriously, her add ons need a nerf of some sort.

    But I just don't want them touching her power in any way, because she will be nerfed to the ground and this game needs strong killers.

    I don't find her problematic as much as many other people do, simply because I don't see her that often. In red ranks I encounter spirit once in 30 games.

    However Huntress and even more so Nurse, make over 50% of all my games and I find them very strong in good hands.

    Still don't want any of them nerfed tbh

  • TumbleElf
    TumbleElf Member Posts: 48
    edited May 2021

    My proposal is just to fix the ability to just stand still during chase. removes the whole skill element of looping.

    damn they dropped a pallet... imma just stand still and wait

    maybe an indication for when she is actually phase walking. it still leaves the main idea behind of her power, but stops the skilless parts.

    for example when she is actually fazing her husk doesnt move and just stands there without twitching.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    As someone who only plays solo when I play survivor I hate spirit with a passion lol, however as someone that equally plays killer I understand that she can be a necessary evil when you have to deal with SWF.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Not according to the official kill rate stats. I guess Pig will be hit before Spirit.

  • TumbleElf
    TumbleElf Member Posts: 48

    "just gitgud already."


    how do i counter the spirit? what does "gitgud" mean in the context of versing a spririt in solo queue?

  • TumbleElf
    TumbleElf Member Posts: 48

    and thats kind of my point. winning is fun, but having a well balanced match is more fun, even if i die. but the spirit isnt fun to play against. there isnt many ways to counter her if she just stands still at chase. 90% of my chases with her end in getting hit from her phase, or just "mindgamed"

    the nurse can be outplayed because you get input from her sound queues and you can see when she is teleporting. the nurse is more balanced in my opinion even if she can shred teams super quickly. atleast there is some form of counter play with the nurse.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    uncounterable? not really since there is still a large number of perks that can counter her, spine chill, iron will, lucky break, off the record, quick and quiet, fixated, urban evasion to a lesser extent then fixated, dance with me, deception

    decent mobility? yea but at the cost of her chase power she can't phase for mobility then phase for chase power back to back, 1-5 second of movement in power is 5-15 seconds of cooldown (counting the 2 seconds of extra penalty applied for anytime m2 is let go of) unless they dedicate addons to it

    Insane addons? yea, but they have already been nerfed a few times already prayer beads, comb addons, post phase movement speed addons, post phase movement speed itself which effectively double nerfed those addons.

    Spirit in her current state in fine, she just happens to counter a decent portion of the stagnated survivor meta because there is only 1 counter within the current rotation of meta perks, and is pretty weak against healthy survivors

    if you are facing a spirit and having a hard time it might just be that you are playing suboptimal against her by doing things like taking chases, and staying injured, or not having perks to benefit from in a chase.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    Because devs don't have feeling of their own game and have to rely on stats instead

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I think it's because the Devs know that op killers are needed, like her, Blight, Nurse, and to an extent Hag. I'm also willing to bet they have a skewed perception on what her issues are - most people hate that her power makes them make stupid plays because they are genuinely just guessing, but I honestly don't trust the Devs to increase the amount of info she gives.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    why would she be nerfed? pallets and windows work fine against her if you know how to run them.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,067

    She will be nerfed in the future. I am 100% sure about that. If they nerf Billy, they will also nerf Spirit, who is far more problematic (and stronger as well).

    The thing is, BHVR is taking A LOT of time with stuff like that. They nerfed Spirit in November 2019 and this did not really make her that much weaker, because her Basekit stayed roughly the same. So MAYBE we can see a Nerf this year, but I would not bet on that one.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Kill stats are very unreliable tbh. According to them nurse needs buffs pig needs nerfs and Myers is in an okay spot.

    They should go off fog whisperers and general feedback more

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Then how come I love huntress, old and new billy, bubba, slinger, oni and blight? Guess they are all trash

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    But they said themselves, that they only look at the kill rates. With the exception of the nurse.

    Nurse could get 1k on average and they still wouldn´t buff her.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Firstly considering all her counters are perks that’s not a good thing. Survivors don’t see what killer they are going against so I could go in with a healing build against a spirit and have no way to defend myself. Also stridor does counter iron will.

    Her mobility is only really good when you take add ons into account but considering she is a 110% chase killer having a bit of mobility is still great.

    Just because they have been nerfed already doesn’t mean they are suddenly fine.

    Im not going to say all spirits are uncounterable but the majority of red rank spirits have a good idea of how to play her effectively so chances are you #########

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Yeah it always confused me why nurse was the only exception. Whether you like her or not she’s clearly the strongest killer but the devs purposefully made her buggy and hard to play so less people show how good she is

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    I haven't heard anyone complain about spirit since last year, might be cause I'm rarely on these forums anymore but to my knowledge survivors have figured her out already.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The times of Nurse being a god killer have passed. I can´t remember the last time i saw a god nurse and honestly enjoy playing against nurses. Because those matches usually aren´t that hard.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    My best guess is there's no decent way to nerf her that doesn't ruin the way her power was designed, the fact there's no tell when she's phasing was intended design, there's even in game hints that reference it

    Personally, I think Stridor Spirit is one of the most unfun things to go against in this game - if you don't have iron will they are essentially playing even easier mode spirit. They should do something about Stridor, if a perk is only good on one/two killers there's usually a problem there

    I'm curious when it'll be Deathslinger's turn to get changes, not because I think he's OP or anything - I'm just shocked he hasn't been touched since release whereas every other killer has

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Fair enough. I just don’t enjoy how she ignores normal looping since it’s my favourite part of the game.

    Id still argue she is the best killer though. Sure god nurses are rare but like SWF deathsquads they are not fun to fight

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Most people straight up suicide against nurse. Instead of trying to play against her. If people would take some time to play her, they would also know where her weak spots are.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Look at the grass around her feet....survivors keep making this bullshit excuse to her power all the damn time.....so its about time yall got a hint.

    When she's invisible....she still moves grass....

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    She's been nerfed 2 or 3 times already 🤣

    I really don't know why all that crying.

    It's a matter of adapt to her, something I noticed many people always refuse to do and not only against spirit but with every change there's made in the game.

    I actually love versing her as it requires a different playstyle and you have to work for your escape for once.

    And to be fair, how many spirits do you really see these days?

    A handful a week or something?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    While I don’t suicide nurse has very few weak points. Some perks like dead hard and iron will but that’s really it

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    They dont nerf her because sirvivors would just shrug their shoulders in confusion and then demand the next best "op" killer nerfed.

    Nurse billeh spireeh....

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    She always has, you just haven't been paying attention. Its one of the first things I complained about in her kit and the devs have yet to remove it. Luckily enough though, most survivors are too tunnel vision to notice that type of thing. The 2 or 3 survivors that I've faced who do pick up on that queue gave me the most trouble I've ever had on a spirit.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    any clips showing this? I’ve never noticed it personally. Anyway if this is the case that’s great! It means both killers and survivors have to avoid grass in order to hide their location from each other

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Spirit is bs killer she can hit you with m1 and then phase to delete your speed boost after getting hit and plus you need to "counter" her like blind chicken she definitely needs fix not necessarily big nerf but fix of power

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I do think that nerfing one of the Killers who can deal with the top % of Survivors without nerfing those top % Survivors would be foolish.

    In order for Spirit to be changed, we need to balance around SWF. Buff Solo's and buff the rest of the Killer cast.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I honestly have no clue let's nerf a balanced Hillbilly instead of the uncounterable Spirit.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    The real issue is that a Killer needs to be absurdly strong to deal with good Survivors/SWF, which means Solo's will have a terrible time.

    But if a Killer is built to deal with Solo's, then the Killer will have a miserable time against good Survivors/SWF.

    There is no way to make everyone happy if we do not balance around SWF and buff Solo Q.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    My guess is that she is likely hard to know how to properly nerf. I think a lot of the options people have presented either nerf her in to the ground or are pointless nerfs that don't actually change her much. She may require a rework because her power has a lot of power behind it and kinda hard to adjust very effectively

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    The key is not running in circles but gitting view blockers in between. After every missed hit she´ll count the floor tiles. Use this to break line of sight.